Dr. Sykes Bigfoot DNA Update: "My aim was to collect 20 samples with good provenance, and I now have exceeded this target"

In an email reply to Bobbie Kean, a member of the Team Tazer Bigfoot Facegook group, the Oxford-Lausanne Relic Hominid DNA Study, being led by Dr. Brian Sykes is on track. According to Sykes, he's got more than enough purported Bigfoot samples, and he is now ready to start testing. Here's the reply from Dr. Sykes in Oxford:

Thanks for your email. My aim was to collect 20 samples with good provenance, and I now have exceeded this target. I will prioritise these and begin testing shortly. So the timetable is still on track, though I cannot say at this point when the results will be published, as i do not know what they will show.

Best regards, Bryan.

Bryan Sykes MA PhD DSc
Professor of Human Genetics
Wolfson College, Oxford,OX2 6UD
[Update] A comment from our friend Steven Streufert regarding the update:

Perhaps, if he has any "authentic" samples, he will run into the same problems that Ketchum did? Also, there is other testing going on out there, and that has met similar roadblocks. We seem to have come to a point where there is something we just don't understand, and a new step forward in the study of hominid/hominin DNA may be needed to grasp the distinctions. Well, maybe....  - Steven Streufert 


  1. Replies
    1. only reason why no study or lab can ever find Bigfoot DNA? Because it doesnt exist. Dr Sykes will shut you filthy fat americans up about your mythical forest ape man.

    2. Bigfoot has human DNA and does exist. Melba and a few others know.

    3. Yes many of us know and we don't care what the trolling bullshitters say, we know it'll be proven real one day by Ketchum or Sykes or somebody else.

  2. dear god! This is a fantastic blog!!

  3. I hope he can verify bigfoots existence. I haven't been a believer for 25 years just to be disappointed!

    Have I?

    1. Don't be disappointed, everyone else just believes what ever they want to believe no matter what the evidence is. Sleep soundly.

  4. Lot of bias going on with this guy. He better fully publish all of his findings.

    1. Let's see - he's got samples from a US based being, that means there's a good chance what he has is not the real deal since the powers that be currently are against it.

  5. "So the timetable is still on track, though I cannot say at this point when the results will be published"

    I smell Ketchum.

    1. it's the peer review holding it up, it's not her

  6. Yeah right!!! look flying pigs. If you fookers believe this shit you're crazier than I know you all are.

  7. Dna results will not prove anything,pictures will not prove anything,Crystal clear hr video will not prove anything.,footprints do not prove anything...bigfoot does exist its out there...but you will need a live or dead specimen to prove its existence........


    1. No what we really need is a core sample. Bend over.

    2. This is one of the worlds foremost geneticists working for Oxford University.
      If he published that humans closest living relative was a coconut most of the scientific community would agree with his findings.
      The thing is you can't argue with DNA, if you get an unknown primate or hominid then that's what you've got.

      What makes me optimistic is why would Oxford University waste the time of Dr Sykes and a whole load of money on a Bigfoot study if they didn't think there was enough evidence for bigfoots existence.
      Anyone from the UK would know the bad press Oxford would receive for such a waste of money in the current financial crisis, students have to pay more to study and admission sizes are cut but we can waste 100k to show a creature science doesn't believe in isn't real.
      Long post but why when Dr Sykes must be able to pick and choose from many projects would he choose Bigfoot unless he believes he can prove something that no one else has been able to.

    3. dna will prove it, it cant be faked or altered

    4. Sure, DNA can prove that there is an unknown hominid, but where the DNA was sourced will always be questioned. Particularly if the DNA is extremely close to man. It could be argued that without the specimen itself, the DNA sample may be from a modern human. This would of course only be the case if the DNA was just slightly different than what is on file as human being. This seems even more likely with the recent discoveries of Neandertal and other hominid DNA within our own. Yes, more than likely a specimen will be required for final verification of the species.

    5. yes but if DNA from an unknown hominid is discovered, proper funding will likely be provided to "put one in a box" I would assume.

    6. This guy is a con-artist too. Everybody who has any true education knows that DNA is simply a bunch of hogwash. Bigfoot isn't real, that is why the DNA will not mean squat. If this hoaxer says that he has DNA, it doesn't mean jack-splat because DNA is a hoax too.

      Sounds like another fringe lunatic who will be placed in the same dung heap with Patterson/Gimlin, Grover Krantz, Jeff Meldrum, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, etc. etc. These people need to leave well enough alone. HOAXERS. LIARS. FABRICATORS!

    7. stfu troll wasting your time crapping around on a bigfoot blog you total ziphead. Once we have the DNA there's definitely no need for the box that'd be first degree murder, more study yes blood no unless you fancy jail time.

  8. I don't know anything about Sykes, but usually guys who wear white sports coats are liars. JMO.

  9. Well Sykes project is on the purported timetable outlined last spring and he is ready to test in November and was going to release results in December. Since I believe there is a documentary with this project, the results may not be released until the documentary is also, but of course I am only guessing.

    This is for Mr. Streufert. Could you elaborate more on the roadblocks that have beset Ketchum and the independent labs?


    1. I'm hoping for the best with Sykes and so far so good but I did notice the bit about not knowing when the results will be published which could be completely innocent but does leave the door open for another "soon" to happen.
      What documentary is there supposed to be connected with this?

    2. Yes, and remember Sykes is in the UK, so any of this "government shut em down" stuff will be claptrap.

      Sykes isn't doing this as just a Bigfoot study, he's doing this along with his study of the history of hominids. He decided it would be a good opportunity to put the Yeti/Bigfoot thing to bed by testing all of these supposedly "authentic" samples. and get to the bottom of it once and for all.

      I am more interested in seeing how the world of footery handles it when his tests come back "known animal" . I suspect conspiracy theories will abound but not a one will go "maybe Bigfoot isn't real after all"

    3. Stank what would you do if he does find something?

    4. Hilly Billy, I hate to break it to you, but the UK also has a government. Yes, they have an actual government which governs the UK, my God. The UK government could easily shut Sykes down.

      You might be more likely to get accurate info from Oriental governments which have no stake in the Creation-Christianity-Evolution-University fiascos. Though those governments could have other religio-politico issues which could affect accuracy in reporting results of such a project.

      The UK government will face most of the same issues as the US government, so I think it's 50/50 Sykes will be shut down and shut up either before or after he has results. He may be forced to report "unknown" or "bear" or a combination of these among his results. Or "untestable/degraded", etc. etc. He can be made to say anything under threat.

      There's also the assumption amongst seemingly everyone that scientists know all there is to know about DNA. Why is that? How do we know that something about Sasquatch DNA won't pose a problem to current testing abilities, and that in the next decade new discoveries about DNA won't be made? Maybe they will break down DNA even further; they say it is the basic building block of life now; what happens if they break it down even further? Then what?

    5. He'd probably hang himself Herb.

    6. I did not know the UK had a goverment.Can someone else confirm this?

    7. The UK Govt is pretty damn secular, the people there aren't very religious at all as a rule (the COE is more like a social club than an actual theological discussion). And since the results have nothing to do with life there. I see no reason that the UK Govt would do anything to stymie a scientist of high standing like Sykes. (I doubt it would happen here either, but the CT folks think everything is a conspiracy....)

      If he finds something? Well what specifically? He's not going to find "Bigfoot" because there is no verified sample of which to compare. I seriousl doubt you are going to get any result other than Modern human ,bear ,donkey...etc.

      If he get's something else I will read his study and await peer review.

    8. As a resident of said UK I can indeed confirm we have a government.

      However this is the same country whose scientists created the 2 greatest challenges to the Christian church in geology and evolution but no one tried to stop those.

      If the study finds unknown primate DNA it will be published as such.

    9. anon @4:19

      DNA is what it is, there is no "something in the DNA that makes it impossible to sequence"

      that's called "laying a breadcrumb trail of excuses just in case. the result isn't what I want it to be"

      Unless you would try to say that Bigfoot has no DNA which would make it not of this planet most likely and then you are going down a road of silliness of which I would most enjoy taunting you as you try to forumlize a logical manner in which this occurred.

    10. ketchum and some close to the study know the results,
      witch is bigfoot is real.

    11. I'm no genetic biologist, AlphaDog, but the problem seems to lie in the samples being so close to human, but not fully modern human. In the past they would simply have said that it was human or contaminated with human DNA. Now they are having to find ways to distinguish this purported Bigfoot DNA from something that is very close to it. Melba is said to have had to develop her own primers, and new ways of looking into the sequenced results. I can't really say any more about the current studies being done on the Sierra samples, but some of that has been spoken of publicly. They are being tested, first the flesh and then later the boots will be done. It has been going on for months, and has come to a certain point of WTF just like what happened to Ketchum before Stubstad stepped in and pointed out a few statistical differences from modern human DNA.

    12. Steven, has anything been shared with Sykes' people about the tests and or results from the Sierra samples?

    13. Thanks for the info. Steven. Kind of what I figured from things I have read, but this is not my field. Hopefully Sykes can figure this out.


    14. i am of the opinion that Stubstad gave her native american DNA from one of the smaller, older tribes to peak her interest. Then proceeded to fill her head with dreams of $$$$ and before you know it, you have all these silly claims, nothing to back them up, the most unscientific publishing procedures on the planet, followed by a mysterious business closing with taxes and bills owed.

      She got hoaxed by a master hoaxer and then seduced by cash. There is no Ketchum paper. Nothing any journal of any merit would publish except on April 1st.

    15. It was not said that the publication of the results will be in december but that the "publication phase" will start. Publication phase as I understand it, is the writing, followed by peer review.

    16. Hill Billy first sounds like the "voice of reason" in earlier posts when theorizing about certain things; now he sounds like a bigger conspiracy theorist than anyone who has posted here. Basically, if the study does come back for anything other than a known animal, your conspiracy theories are ready to be thrown about too.

    17. I'm more interested in seeing how Hill Billy troll will act when this species one day is proven real doesn't matter if by Sykes or whoever it is. If he doesn't prove it now that means nothing, it'll in fact only increase the mystery when witnesses keep having encounters and proof still waiting. Well, it can't be an ape then so something of the Homo line it is then or ET and there's a limit for a human type's ability to elude discovery so that leaves the ET and all the reasons for the cover-up.

  10. snore! all these people with their big promises but never any actual evidence. when will you footers stop chasing rainbows and just accept that they don't exist. it would have been proven by now.

  11. I hope his results will be amazing and beautiful!

  12. 20 sample, now 20 comments, whata wonder!

    now please go FUCK yourselves

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. I had lots of naughty fun ffwhorrrr

    2. WOW, he could match numbers and count to 20,
      a lot smarter than I thought.
      I wonder if he can roll over and play dead ?

  13. Probably Gigantapithicus or a relative. And related to us. Not good for society as we are controlled by religion, race, etc. The new perspective on life, on us, would not be welcomed by the government who has other goals centered in greed and control...

    1. A solid source has said the Pope stole all the real samples and hid them in the Holy Grail.He hid both on the movie set where they faked the moon landing.

      Good news is the guys from gold rush are going to dig there and run everything thru a big slosh box that aliens built at area 51.

    2. you mean a solid stool sample that you talk to often.

  14. Hopefully this scientist can under stand that a "bigfoot" sample that comes back human does not mean bigfoot is human. It means the sample is human.

    1. Same thing. If it shows eight feet in host dna not much else it could be but the being people see called bigfoot.

  15. It is not the religionists but the liberals and socialists who hate bigfoot, since the existence of bigfoot would undermine their beliefs in racial equality.

  16. These results should be very telling. Sykes seems like a legitimate scientist, and not a typical crypto dollar seeker. Because of that, the results will likely show only known animals, and perhaps some "unidentified" results due to the samples being degraded. The bigfoot community may end up using those results in a slightly different interpretation to = bigfoot. You just never know!

    I'm sure that the results will be brushed aside by the habituators that have these sort of claims and "evidence". Should be interesting to see how it all plays out.

  17. Negative DNA results have nothing to do with whether bigfoot exists, or not, it just means the sample you domated wasn't what you thought it was.

    That said, I would take the excuse that something is wrong with the mtDNA as just a bad conclusion coming from folks who have a poor understanding of how methodologies are developed. There are genes that are species specific, in other words if it comes back raccoon, coyote or what have you then that is where the hair came from, period....if you were told otherwise then you need to see proof of how that conclusion was obtained.


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