Cowboys Encounter A Wild Man And Give Chase (1882)

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Chicks, Melissa Adair. As serious researchers, the Bigfoot Chicks are committed to seeking the truth regarding the Bigfoot mystery. You can visit their blog at

This is the story of two young cowboys who, while retrieving lost cattle, run into what they believe is the legendary "Wild Man". They were terrified at the sight of him, but gathered the courage to go after the creature on foot. The description of the creature's appearance is slightly different from other accounts as they describe the wild man as having tusks, otherwise the appearance and behavior seem to be consistent with other sighting reports.

The Daily Gazette
Colorado Springs, Friday, November 17, 1882

A Real Wild Man
Haily ( ) Times

Two cowboys who just came in from Camas prairie relate an experience which will probably go a great way towards reestablishing the popular faith in the wild man's tradition. On the first day of this month two cowboys, searching for cattle lost in the (area) over some lava crags and were startled by suddenly seeing before them the form so often described to them.

They were so terrified that they sat upon their horses looking at it in dread. Mustering courage and drawing their revolvers they dismounted and gave chase, but the strange being skipped from crag to crag as nimbly as a mountain goat. After an hour's pursuit both young men were so completely worn out that they both laid down, seeing which, the wold man approached them and stopped on the opposite side of a gorge in the lava, from which point he regarded the cowboys intently.

The wild man was considerably over six feet in height, with great muscular arms which reached to his knees. The muscles stood out in great knots and his chest was as broad as that of a bear. Skins were twisted about his waist. All parts of his body to be seen were covered by long black hair, while from his head the hair flowed over his shoulders in coarse, tangled rolls and mixed with a heavy beard. His face was dark and swarthy and his eyes shone brightly, while two tusks protruded from his mouth. His fingers were the shape of claws, with long sharp nails and he acted very much as a wild animal which is unaccustomed to seeing a man. The boys made all kinds of noises, at the sound of which he twisted his head from side to side and moaned - apparently he could not give them any "back talk" so, wearying of eyeing him the two boys fired their revolvers, (and) the wild man turned a double somersault and jumped fifteen feet to a low bench and disappeared, growling terribly as he went.

It is supposed that this is the same apparition that has so often been seen before. The man, no doubt, does as the Indians did for subsistence and lives on Camas roots, which grow wild by, and he no doubt kills young stock, as many yearlings and calves disappear mysteriously and noting but skeletons of them are ever found.

The boys at the ( ) camp are arranging to go out on a scout again to overtake him, when being provided with lariats, they will lasso him and bring him to Hailey to deliver him up to the county authorities.


  1. First! Na na na boo boo stick ur head in tapioca.

  2. not sure why a story from last century about some 'wild men with TUSKS' is newsworthy. A bit to much filling stories. better leavig the opening page the same than posting this nonsense

    1. It's a great story. Probably based on a real sighting and embellished by the newspaper. Go suck a lemon instead of clicking on these stories if all you want to do is bitch.

  3. I think these stories are great, because they show that people have been having encounters with BF for a long, long time. These stories are, therefore, evidence -- and that's what this site is about: evidence. Anecdotal evidence only, maybe -- but that's the best we've got for now; and for some of us, that's a lot.

    Actually, for me, it's way better than physical evidence. I'd much rather be hearing about the behaviors of living beings than staring at pictures of flesh, poop, and hair. Where's the fun in looking at dead things? Death is not interesting; life is.

    1. I agree. However physical proof, would allow us to get to the knowledge about their behavior. Capturing a family, having researchers possibly interact on a daily basis with them (preferably in a natural environment), would be incredible.

    2. I agree too.Just don't show them a picture of Smeja. All hell would break loose.;)

    3. Yeah, old stories are awesome. Hope 100 more get posted. Interesting to see the great similarities as well as the unusual differences.

  4. If you're really into the subject you would have read at least a few of the the articles they post so it's really recycled news. Are they really investigating? NO! Do they write their own articles from research they discovered? NO! Why do you credit them for contributing to this site???

    1. News for ya Larry, what they are doing IS research. Wandering the woods whooping and knocking on wood really isn't.

    2. There are no researchers here, enthusiasts maybe, people who have an interest in the subject but it seems anyone with internet access likes to run with the label "researcher".

    3. Its called arm chair researching!

  5. This is more believable than the last few wild man stories. Most old ones do have exaggerations like "tusks" in them, but behavior, sounds, and description has all the hallmarks of a familiar sighting. Cool article.

    1. Except for the whole wearing skins around his waist and having huge claws thing.

      I still want to shit directly into this chicks twat.

    2. low class comment. you should be banned from this site.

    3. I agree about the low class comment.


    4. I would bet that it's Stank Ape doing this.
      That boy is pissed off at the world.

    5. Low class articles get low class comments. You should be demanding actual content.

    6. Okay,why would you take a crap where you're going to eat?

    7. The article didn't have any vulgar content in it. Only the low class comentary about it. @7:08 should be banned from this site, AND flagged as a sexual predator.

    8. You got it right. Those anomalous details most likely are embellishments and exaggerations done to make a more colorful newspaper story. The sighting themselves always sound credible enough in the overall descriptions that it sounds like someone saw a bigfoot.

    9. 7:08 needs to be banned. No room for that filth here.

    10. Hey Shawn, you deleted my post when I posted a guys name and address as a lesson after he was screaming about anonymous pussies. Yet you leave this vulgar crap up, what gives? Delete it and ban him already.

    11. Yes, please, by all available means, MODERATE THE COMMENTS.

    12. Since Shawn won't do anything about this here's the link to the Blogger Content Policy. And links to report violations. This Content us definitely in violation.

  6. These 'chicks' just rip off old articles and other peoples work. I just read this account in Christopher Noels book, "Impossible Visits", however, his research points to this being from The Helena Independent in Helena Montana, October 28, 1882. The article above, however, leaves out a paragraph, and adds the description of the fingers and claws not found in the original article. C'mon BF chicks, enough with the regurgitation.

    1. Also, the original article out of Montana never mentions the wild man wearing skins around his waste.

    2. Tusks were never mentioned either.

    3. That's the trouble with old stories they get more mashed up and embellished as time goes on and the older they are the less chance there is of checking the facts, if there was any truth in them to start with, the trail goes cold so they remain tabloid fillers.

  7. New movie,instead of Cowboys & Aliens they should make Cowboys & Bigfoot. With same cast and crew.With Musky Allen as the Bigfoot

    1. You are aware the person who came up that idea of Cowboy & Aliens sold it for 1 million nearly 15-20 years ago?

      Cowboys & Bigfoot...mmh!

    2. No I didn't know that.
      Things that make you go hmmmm.....

  8. Sounds like they had a run in with Manbearpig....Im super cereal about this guys!

  9. I enjoy reading all these old stories. Again just goes to show how long and how much evedience is out there. Wasnt for this site and BF Chicks finding and sharing to the rest of us.

  10. fuck me!!! get a clue!!! tusks are what old school dudes yous to refer to canines as....fucking idiots

  11. as for the above douche bag who would (still like to shit in that girls twat)the old do you get a fag to fuck a pussy ? pack it full of shit i believe is applicable her...what a looser!!!!!

  12. That is totally outrageous comment. You should be ashamed

    1. agreed. @12:38 should also be banned. This is not a porn site. Melissa should not be subjected to this kind of threatening harassment, just for putting together a good entertaining story. What is up with the moderators, or lack of.

    2. Agreed wtf!!!!! Ban that loser.

  13. i agree it was a totally outrageous comment i made it was directed at the above mentioned douche bag whose comment about shitting in some girls vagina dident seem to offend you ??? fucking hypocrite...lastly the joke although admittedly crass is fucking HILLARIOUS!!! told to me by a gay friend years ago : ) so bite me....

    1. about we throw you in jail instead, after the lawyers take all your money you have, and all your future earnings.

  14. I apologize if Ive offended anyone : ( that wasn't my intention admittedly 7:08's comments agitated me i should have chosen my words more carefully and with more consideration twrds the rest of the readers this certainly is not the appropriate forum for that type of venting....sincerest apologies 12:38

  15. Replies
    1. You and @7:08 both better hope Melissa doesn't pursue sexual harassment charges you. It's right here, you can't take it away, and you can be found easily.

    2. Mellisa should persue stuffing a huge piece of drift wood in her taterhole : )

  16. fuck me over hard and sideways 1:46 you really are one of the stupidest people alive aren't was never my intention to offend Mellisa i appreciate the wrk she retort was a poorly thought out and vexatious response to 7:08 completely inappropriate comment.get a fucking clue about what it is your talking about before you display your ignorance out there for all the world to see...oh! and Bite me

    1. yeah that's just what I thought your response might be.....silence. fucking looser!

    2. Your continued demonstration of a sociopathic behavior disorder simply makes prosecution much easier. Your obvious lack of use of civilized vernacular, makes your intentions dubious at best. Silence would be your best option. Then just hope you don't get a knock on the door and get served a few legal documents. Let me guess, you're going to try to convince this audience that you're the intelligent one? One could make a very strong argument that you don't deserve to have a brain. We'll let the audience and moderator decide. Also, don't forget that these grievous transgressions of yours and @7:08,more than likely crossed state lines, allowing federal prosecution as well.

    3. please, 3:29, he (?) was trying to apologize! this endless bashing of each other has to stop.... it's dragging an otherwise really great site into the abyss.... a little patience, a little understanding, and less itchy trigger fingers would be really good things for all of us to have.....

    4. This is what you get with an open forum moron.

  17. 12:38/1:01/1:17/2:04 -- that took a lot of courage, to apologize. we can see what your original intention was, and i'm sure i'm not the only one who appreciates that you were trying to support Melissa, while at the same time appreciating your apology. thanks for being a standup person on a board/blog that doesn't exactly provide the most welcoming atmosphere for standup people. we need more courageous people like you!!!!!

    1. thank u 3:30 : ) I certainly could and should have exercised more restraint I will certainly heed your wise for 3:29 Bite me lol your use of a lexicon veiled threats and bullying tactics don't impress me Ive apologized for my poor choice of words explained my position and furthermore apologized to anyone who may have taken offense.tmrw Ile wake up contemplate what transpired here tdy heed 3:30's advice and proceed enlightened and with a bit more restraint.but you 3:29 will still be just an asshole!!!!!

  18. Good men will only tolerate evil so long.

  19. everyone will just have to forgive me this last parting shot : ) but its egregious that you were fumbling around for 3:29 not grievous...looooosseerr : )

    1. Grievous is a real word and fits nicely. You're about 10 hairs away from being a baboon. You called Melissa a looser too. You are a sexually aggressive, obsessed, neurotic sociopath. You may have shown remorse for a short moment, but most deviants do. Then they go back to their usual behavior. We'll see how you do. I don't expect any improvement. I doubt if Melissa feels any safer or less threatened. I agree with @5:10. We've all put up with this aggressive juvenile deviant porn behavior humor for far too long. They think they're funny, but they are sick. We still haven't had an apology from @7:08, who seems to have the same speech/writing patterns as the deviant above. Probably one and the same. It's up to Melissa to decide how she feels and what she wants to do, but if the owners and moderators of this site are not going to defend her, then I will.

    2. ^ way too much time on his hands.

    3. Eat my taterhole you fucking douchebag!!!

  20. Whoever you are that is posting filth like that needs banning immediately. ( a good crack in the mouth wouldn't go a miss either)
    There is no place on here or anywhere else for that matter for language like that!! Grow up and take your filth somewhere else,there are women and children that use this site. I'm not bothered about the usual swearing,but that sort of stuff is overstepping the mark!! I'd just like to shake the hands of their parents for bringing up such lovely,intelligent pillars of society!! There is no place on here for idiots like you or language like that!!

    1. Fuc you scottyboy! If you dont like the comments then leave!

    2. yeah fuck you scottyboy!!!

  21. This is a great site,love reading the articles on it,but over the last few months it seems that the site has been over run by foul mouthed idiots or people just looking for an arguement!!I'm all for a laugh,but things have gotten out of hand,as the above posts have just shown!! Something has to be done,the site is getting dragged through the gutter by a few scumbags that don't have any real interest and are just here to ridicule,wind up or insult people!! Shame really,i wonder how long it will be before people start going somewhere else. Somewhere where they don't have to read about or put up with this type of behaviour and language!!

    1. Yes, please moderate the comments.

    2. Dont like it then leave you little crybaby!

    3. give it to him hard and dry Bro : )

  22. Whoever you are that is posting filth like that needs banning immediately. ( a good crack in the mouth wouldn't go a miss either)
    There is no place on here or anywhere else for that matter for language like that!! Grow up and take your filth somewhere else,there are women and children that use this site. I'm not bothered about the usual swearing,but that sort of stuff is overstepping the mark!! I'd just like to shake the hands of their parents for bringing up such lovely,intelligent pillars of society!! There is no place on here for idiots like you or language like that!!

    1. OK mommas boy, I heard you the first time.

    2. 7:23 Are you the person who wrote the comment in question?

    3. Are you kidding me? No way would I ever think like that or post that kind of filth. Don't insult me like that.

  23. Contact Shawn Evidence via PM on Facebook. He will delete offensive and criminally slanderous comments made here. Otherwise, he doesn't really have time to read them. He claims to have banned users before after finding their internet addresses, so offenders beware.

  24. They lost me with the skin wearing, back-flipping, and tusks. And then there's the whole part where they chased after it for an hour on foot in cowboy boots. Ever run in cowboy boots?

    Maybe they saw it, were too scared to give chase, and made up the rest to make themselves sound brave.

  25. as for wearing skins it could have been mimicking the natives,as for the cartwheels sasquatches have been known to utilize both there hands and feet,and the tusks well thats what old school dog men particularly pitbuul men refered to canines as....fucking armchair experts!!!

    1. If you find yourself having to make up excuses for the story, it's probably BS, not BF.

    2. just stating the the fact that your an idiot!!!

  26. BF chicks will do anything for attention! Mellisa needs to put some effort into her relationship!


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