Colorado Bigfoot at Slumgullion Pass?

Louis B. posted this video on the BFRO's Facebook page the other day. At 0:14s, a dark figure can briefly be seen standing next to a tree. Louis claims they were not aware of the figure until later, when they returned home and viewed the tape. Watch it below and see if you can spot it.

My kids and I took a trip to Colorado back in June. We were on a trail near Slumgullion Pass on the continental divide at about 11,500 ft. We were horsing around and taking video. When we returned home and watched the video there was a black figure next to a tree. I did not see this when I was taking the video. However, in a second video just a couple of minutes later we heard what sounded like a stick brake. After observing the video of the black figure, the stick brake came from the direction the figure was at. My only regret is we did not think much of it because there were a lot of wildlife in the area and did not investigate further  I will post that video next and you can vaguely hear the brake, but you can see my son react to it. - Louis B.


  1. Fake. The whole "we are looking for Bigfoot" gave away the hoax. Next!!

  2. Bigfoot stole my newspaper again this morning.

  3. This video is DEFINITELY AUTHENTIC! Those dirty skeptics can't deny proof like this. It is just as good as if they had a real body. There is plenty of evidence to support bigfoot in this video. ITS DEFINITELY AUTHENTIC!

    *pees a little*

    1. You have to change your panties frequently don't you.

    2. your right pal, 100% proof, no if's, an's, or but's about it, Proof I tell Ya ! Real Proof !
      I would to see anyone debunk this one...
      Oh, it's a stump ? never mind.

    3. Why would some creepy kid with red hair and freckles try and pull off a hoax? Because he looks like the back of a dogs ass and has no life. Nice tits on sis or mom

    4. really, you think that woman has nice tits?? She's a pig. Uggh. Looks like the only reason she has tits at all is probably because of her excessive level of body fat. That face isn't winning any prizes either. Well, maybe at the county fair. Moooooooo.

    5. Is that you Moneymaker or is it Bobo??

    6. She's a pretty young lady. Stop being an asshole.

    7. Mulder is an idiot. He also is currently leading a witchunt against fellow BFF member tontar. Funny thing is, Mulder's in for a big surprise soon, time to at the crow and keep the handys available to wipe the egg off his ugly mug!

  4. Boy, the hoaxers aren't even trying anymore.

  5. Someone is desperate for content for their blog if they post crap like this.

  6. That hill billy sure likes to talk about hard ons and breeding around his kids. Dirty fucker. But he sounds like Larry the Cable guy so I'll forgive him.

    1. I agree with this guy it's as if he's trying to impress his daughter into some animal or father lovin sick prick

  7. Polygrapher: "Did you never ever think that a Bigfoot could ever never exist, ever?"

    Witness: "All I know is me and my kinfolk were in Colorado on an expensive vacation, see I sold some car parts and an old pick up to get the money to go to Colorado, because the Obama economy is so bad, and .. "

    Polygrapher: " Well, I'm asking did you ever never, think that a Bigfoot could or would or should never ever exist, ever?"

    Witness: "yes mama"

    Polygrapher: "Ok, folks, when I layed an eye ball on this guy I had a feeling that he would tell the truth; my conclusion is final, he passed my polygraph test; he is factually correct."

    The end.

  8. this is a great video.....easily top 5

  9. As the penis of Roger Patterson I can say with out a doubt this is not Patty. This is more likely a negroid hiding from the pp-poe. The penis of Roger Patterson has spoken

  10. I like how he just films the foot in tne frame, then jerks the camera suddenly to the left. Typical hoaxer camera style. At least if your gunna hoax, provide a good story like Melissa Hovey did with her "anonymous emails i can not show" and a pic from a B movie.

    1. That doesn't really sound like a good story as well.

  11. Fantastic stuff - like the accent. Is this in the South

  12. You'd be above the tree line at 11,500. I can't believe people try this stuff.

  13. Am I above the tree line at 100 feet? I live in Connecticut.

  14. waste of time, posting crap like this will kill this site.

  15. Nailing your daughter will also kill the human race we will all be bigfeets

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