Breaking: Father And Daughter Successfully Used Fake Glow-Stick Campfire To Attract Bigfoot During WA-BFRO Expedition

Last night, Matt Moneymaker sent out a series of tweets on Twitter confirming that a father and daughter had successfully attracted a Bigfoot using a fake campfire made of glow-sticks. The father, who's a Microsoft employee, and his daughter saw a Bigfoot belly-crawled up to examine a glow-stick just 20 ft away. According to Moneymaker, they saw the Bigfoot picked up the glow-stick and brought it to its face, illuminating its face enough for the father and daughter to see it.

Here are the tweets via @MattMoneymaker1:
Numerous WABFRO sources confirm "glow-stick campfire incident". Happened during a BFRO exped near Morton. Father & daughter team both saw it

They made camp in the darkest part of the woods then made a fake campfire with a pile of glow sticks, and tossed a few on the ground nearby.

The father (a Microsoft employee) and his daughter say a BF belly-crawled up to a glow stick less then 20 ft away from them and examined it.

They say it picked up the glow stick and brought it up to its face. The glow illuminated it's face enough for father and daughter to see it.

Both the father and the daughter are credible, according to all WA-BFRO, and other bold approaches like that have happened outside Morton WA

It should be tried elsewhere!: A father (or mom) & daughter camp in darkest part of the woods. Simulate campfire with a pile of glow sticks.

Howd it end? The BF left. The father & daughter didn't leave but no more visuals. I can't recall if they heard sounds later.

Another interesting factor during that expedition: The other WABFRO people had been blasting the calls of humpback whales, which are amazing

It's amazing to hear the calls of humpback whales in the woods (blasted from big speakers). It sounds like a huge dying animal in the woods.

Why would a parent & daughter combo make a difference? Sasquatches have observed humans enough to know a parent+daughter is never aggressive

It is true enough of the time to be reliable. You would need to see how humans typically behave in the woods to know what I mean.


  1. Matt Moneymaker is the most successful snipe hunt salesman on the planet. He rules at e-rage tactics. I took this picture of him just the other day.

    1. "he rules at e-rage tactics", well put!

    2. 54 customers on a BFRO expedition in Morton. At $300-$500 a head, that's some serious income. Amazing. They get a sighting, just like discovering a pearl in those oysters at the fair, what great luck! Who ran the expedition? I'd like to see what their bigfoot suit looks like. Which BFRO members were attending. Morton is just down the road from Elbe. Coincidence? They drove past Elbe on the way to Morton. Coincidence?

  2. MM sez:
    "Why would a parent & daughter combo make a difference? Sasquatches have observed humans enough to know a parent+daughter is never aggressive"

    Besides that "never" bit being complete BS, exactly how does the Sasquatch KNOW that is a father & daughter camping together? O.o
    Are we supposed to wear name-tags? Does it matter if your daughter is adopted or appears much older because she is from my wife's 1st marriage? If I shout aloud "My sweet little girl" to my sister or wife will that do in a pinch? Or is there a special father-daughter wood knock?

    And the picture to prove this method works?? Sigh.

    It has become obvious that the only way to prove that Bigfoot exists is to take everyone on Earth to the woods - in father-daughter pairs - so they can see for themselves.
    Don't have a daughter sir? Don't have a father ma'am? Well no Bigfoot for you!!

    1. Adult and child is what he meant, dumb ass.

    2. I kinda figured that part out. How does Sasquatch know the relationship? An adult & child are not necessarily father-daughter and even if they are there is no guarantee that the relationship is non aggressive. MM is making a sweeping generalization that's absurd because the animal can't know the relationship. And it's dangerous if a guy thinks bringing his kid along is 'safe'.

      And BTW, I love you too. :)

    3. I had two incidents with my daughter this year and firmly believe there's something to this.

      I was also on this trip. I believe the leader said it one of the most productive *ever* for BFRO.

      This incident was the tip of the iceberg. Full trip report is here

    4. you were hoaxed by BFRO stooges. That's what they do. It's a con. They have people out there at various places to hoax the group, how else to make sure they get some return business?

      Why do you think they are so adamant about no firearms? They don't want their buddies to be shot.

    5. right ... explain the nearly identical repeat incidents that happened 2 and 4 weeks out in the same location.

    6. Hill Billy - the proper response would have been to do what I did - open the link and read the 3rd line... "54 people in attendance" - and then proceed to swallow 24 gnats as your lower jaw hits your chest.

      Yes, because nothing attracts Bigfoot like conventions. This clearly opens Central Park as a viable research area.

      But it gets better because someone DID raise the obvious question: "what would had been the result if someone with a ready camera w/flash, had taken a picture (with camera just setting on lap of individual)?"

      And of course the ONLY acceptable answer in a study completely devoid of science:
      Posted June 26th, 2012 12:31 PM:
      Any and all activity would of ended period...!!!!!!

      Of course. We can't have that even though you might have, say, CAPTURED THE MOST AWESOME CLOSE-UP PIC OF A BIGFOOT FACE!!!!!

      So it's pretty damn clear the purpose of these events is not discovery but rather ensuring customer satisfaction, scientific inquiry be damned.

    7. right ... I suppose you would use a flash on a 800# animal 20ft from your teenage daughter.

    8. No, I wouldn't be there at all. The need to see an animal wild in it's environment with no means to protect me or my family is not so great I would feel comfortable serving up my family as potential meals.

      Here, I'll make it easy for you to understand my position:
      Why would a parent & daughter combo make a difference? *Cougars* have observed humans enough to know a parent+daughter is never aggressive

      ALL animals are unpredictable; does someone have to die before you all see this is a bad idea? It is an unnecessary risk.

    9. Last time I looked, you could have a gun on the trips, but it had to be kept hidden and not carried during group outings. I haven't read the report yet, but will see if this was a group outing

    10. I read the report finally. It is kinda funny but the location is not far from the Elbe incident. I also noticed no WA expeditions are set in 2013 yet. But the gun restrictions are basically the same. They discourage guns, but one kept in car or camp is ok. Frowned on, but ok. They don't want a trigger happy idiot shooting at shadows. I agree with that part, because I wander the woods there hunting. Or camping.

    11. It does not mention cameras at all. Food, camping gear, clothing, no pets, guns preferred left home. I would bring a camera but many really want the "experience" so don't try to take pics. Who knows, it might just run off a bigfoot.

  3. Moneymaker is pulling "facts" out of his rear again. How would he know that Bigfoots have observed fathers and daughters and know they are never aggressive and even more interesting how would the Bigfoot know that these two are related?

  4. Where is the link to this footage?

  5. How does someone who has never seen a Bigfoot (MM said that on his show right?) know so much about this creature?
    while im at it his method of going into the woods and making a lot of noise has failed repeatedly, were this father and daughter yelling?
    How many actual BF reported sightings have been of people yelling like that? From my reading none, the only noisy encounters have really been in a moving car.
    Where are the serious field investigators?

    1. MM has never said that he has never seen a Sasquatch. He's had plenty of encounters. Get your facts straight before you go ranting and raving about something.

      Fucking idiot.

    2. I do also remember MM saying he had never seen one, but perhaps he has since than. Look at the poster he put a ? Therefore asking if anyone had further information, so who is the dumbass?
      I actually agree with this, none of the reports i have read have been from people making a racket to attract Bigfoots.
      I would go so far as to say, it makes good TV and stops copiers from having encounters with Bigfoots.

    3. Someone on that show did say that, not the woman, one of the men. I don't think it was moneymaker.
      Of course he has encounters with bigfoot every time there is a branch falling from a tree, or a shadow in the bushes. Based on that TV show.

    4. Agreed, according to Matt they are everywhere!

    5. I also remember MM saying he had never seen one. I think series 2 or late in series 1.

  6. I skipped the article and went right to the comments for it, should I bother reading it?

    1. You know the answer to that.

    2. I thought the comments were the story.

    3. They are more entertaining.

    4. I'll summarize this story and the next 500 for you: People said they saw a bigfoot but do not have a photograph of it. Your welcome.

    5. Wow! you just saved me allot of time! Now back to my hobby: auto erotic asphyxiation.

  7. why question Matt? He is the Jane Goodall of BF reaearch!

    1. I really hope this is sarcasm, if not i suggest you look into what Jane Goodall did, and the challenges she faced, then compare.

    2. No he's best snake oil salesman of our time!

  8. and of course no one thought of filming or taking a photo. Didn't know bigfoot was a raver ?

    1. Could leave some ecstacy for him too. Would impair his senses, possibly make it difficult for him to disappear or change dimensions.

    2. Good Lord don't do that! My Bigfoot Buddy found out I had some E a couple of years ago, and I haven't been able to hear my farts since! :(

  9. MM has seen a bigfoot - he alleges to have been within feet of a young one as he flanked some bigfoots approaching a camp late at night - MMA had night vision goggles on at the time. The young one growled at him. I'm not sure if there's a link about this anywhere, but he's told the story many times around campfires over the years. I heard it first hand in BC one time. I cannot verify it's a true story, but if so, that would have be a bit scary. Apparently this is the main reason he doesn't go out at night alone anymore.

    1. Just a little serious investigation can follow the growth and exaggeration of this story beginning from nothing of the sort.

  10. Let me see if I understand this correctly. A father and daughter go on a BFRO expedition specifically to search for Bigfoot.
    Father and daughter make a fake fire to attract a Bigfoot.
    Bigfoot takes the bait.
    They forgot to bring ANY recording device to capture this moment.
    Seriously and for real????????

    1. You are terribly demanding for a Canadian. And how do you know that Bigfoot didn't get bummed, exact a little revenge Jack Links Jerky style and steal their camera? Of course if I was Bigfoot I would have sat on their tent.

    2. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    3. While this is true, the dad was an American and a Microsoft employee at that. So there should be some intelligence allowance here. So really the only difference between dad and Big Guy is the fur.

    4. What does being American and a Microsoft employee have to do with this? Nothing.

    5. They mention that in the report so people like anon 8:46 will be more inclined to believe that it really happened without any evidence to back it up.

    6. First, SN you are too grumpy - this is Bigfoot, not Wall Street investments. 2nd Anon 10:06 your approach is not scientific. Anon posts present a challenge - without a name and a history of responses - a body of evidence - you don't know the motivation or intent of the post. The best method is to clarify - simply ask. Instead you speculated based on your own bias - which is exactly the behavior you condemn in the those you declare as deficit in scientific method.

      In fact, I'm just razzing SN because "I dig" him so and he promised me Alberta forest video and never delivered. I has sad. SN is a cool dude - quite level-headed - but at times too serious. It leads to an early death. That and taking bamboo away from pandas - bad scene.

      In fact my point in bringing up Microsoft is that MM emphasizes this as though simply being a Microsoft employee makes one above reproach. There are about 120,000 employees at Microsoft most of whom are minions and code-monkeys. In an area rich in high tech, there is nothing extraordinary about being a MS monkey. So again, MM speaking nonsense. I'm also the one who posted at 1:41, my stunned disbelief at MM's father-daughter secret ingredient to Bigfoot success as well as the fact that NO one bother to take a picture or even consider it apparently. And how was my outrage received? I was called a dumb ass. Look, I can most certainly be an ass, but not dumb.

      As far as my *belief*, I claim plausible deniability - my company most certainly did not possibly create Bigfoot. Hey, accidents happen. :)

      Cheers SN... drop me a line occasionally so I don't have to swim here and risk cooties. For them.

    7. GBP,lol. You sneaky bugger, I had no idea that was you. I thought it was some Anon being completely serious.
      I wondered how and where you've been. I haven't had a chance to get out lately. I put the truck on with another company and I've been very busy with that.
      The truck dropped the drive shaft last week and it's in the shop getting fixed.
      I may get too serious at times but I'm not grumpy. I only get that way when I see posts about freezer boy.
      Well, you got me with your earlier post ;)
      I'll send you a message soon and do some catching up.

    8. Minions and code monkeys! Lol! That funny!

  11. pictures or it didn't happen!!!

  12. Who would be crazy enough to bring a camera while looking for Bigfoot? that would just be silly.

  13. They go to the trouble of setting up this trap, but no photos and no video.

    Same old BS!

    1. They spent all their money on the glow sticks. Oh and on the BFRO expedition.

  14. I always get a kick out of all the couch sitting researchers that comment on this blog.

    1. And just who might you be mr. smarty pants?

    2. We wouldn't exist if you real researchers managed to catch just ONE - just ONE - or even a clear full-frame picture of one - in the last 50 years or so. So don't blame us for your failures.

      The father and daughter should have tackled the beast instead of giggling with delight. A picture is no longer good enough, I demand a 3D hologram... it's 2012. And where the hell is my flying car???

    3. Why do you assume nobody on here goes out in the bush?Some of us actually do get out from behind our screen and enjoy it.

    4. How exactly dose one research couch sitting?

  15. someone needs to try this again with a 338 win mag...

    1. I would use my 375 H&H mag with my 500 S&W mag as a side arm.

  16. I agree with the 338 idea. Bigfoot holds up glow stick to face....BOOM...Bigfoot has hole in head. Mystery solved

    1. Amen, finally someone understands, need a body!

    2. If you see it and know it exists why do you need to prove it to anyone else? Murdering to prove existence. Why dont the people who claim to have seen a burial dig up the body?

  17. "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine".."Let it shine, let it shine"..

  18. sounds like bs to me,if they were so close and got such a great view and were there specifically to search for a bigfoot and set up the glow stick fire for that purpose then why the sand heck did they not get a photo/video? jesus christ monkey balls.

    1. ha ha ha that's pretty funy I must say'!

      Mr. Pooper

  19. Gee whizz,a bigfoot comes within 20 feet of you AND your on a BFRO expedition but you dont have a camera with you?If you really just want 2 comune with bigfoot why bother teasing those of us who want 2 see an acual picture of the creature(s)just keep it to your freakin' self.I've been a believer since childhood(I'm 52)but this BS needs 2 stop.All the people who claim 2 be habituators(?)need 2 just stop going public with this stuff.This is getting old so fast but the BS makes it seem like slo mo.every day log in hoping 2 have some real photos like Wally Hersom has.Where r the rest of Mellissa Hoveys pix?Oh sorry I dont want the attention that they would bring enough already

    1. I agree! Look at Melba Ketchum chit, look at Todd Standing, Look at all then researchers for years!! Its just the same old crap over and over!! bUT, GUESS WHAT!!

      Lots of 'em make money!! Lots of sucker believe this chit!! So there will always
      be folks that fool the suckers that pay!!

      Mr. Pooper (ha ha ha )

    2. yeah, melba made tons alright !!! that's why she closed her business and owes back taxes,
      You are as dumb as the shit you are full of.

    3. Thats why me am

      Mr. Pooper

  20. I would not be surprised if they did have a camera or video recorder and got some photos or footage. But with the way every single pic or clip gets hammered on, would you release it? Not me. I would keep it to myself and those few who would not trash it. We all know that no pic or clip will ever suffice for evidence. I also suspect that if they did get some good stuff, Matt has a copy but it will not get released now.

    Then imagine you let the pic get out. Your daughter is around, lets say ten years old. One day at a friend's house she googles her pic and this blog pops up. What do you think her reaction to all the trolls will be? Probably pretty upset. A possible once in a life time experience trashed by trolls. I can't think of any kid who would not be totally hurt by the trash every pic gets now a days.

    1. My thoughts exactly, thank you :)

    2. I understand what your saying, but then why release the story at all, when there should have been much recording equipment available and red flags are raised by it not being used.
      I just dont think MM is helping anymore.

    3. It was reported on the BFRO forum in June I guess. Someone must have just asked Matt about it. It apparently happened at their camp and they were trying to keep them around by appearing like they were unaware of what was happening. There is a link on here to full report. It is really long. I don't think Matt is helping much any more myself. Animal planet has so screwed up his show that it makes everyone look nuts. Matt is a nice guy, but doesn't like bs or people who question him much. He has his ideas and that is that for him. But he will listen, which he does and then sees if it might be something of use for him. I imagine he reads these blogs and uses ideas from them in his research.

  21. So organizing a "rave" in the forest will attract bigfoot?

  22. This should be a lesson for all of you trying to see a bigfoot. We've seen this type of thing work several times, but it never seems to stick in people's minds: do something unusual! Something a bigfoot would never have seen or heard before, because they WILL come to investigate.

    1. Good advice.

      I also agree with Big Jim Jr. above. Unless I had a terrific photo it would never see the internet, but that is just me. If the only light available was that created by the glow sticks, photo would not show anything convincing. A thermal on this could be quite interesting however.


    2. They have a thermal of it crawling but not of it picking up the glow stick.

  23. A small tape player with a human baby making noises and crying works better.

  24. I suggest we all use our daughter as bait for the 9ft tall apeman...

  25. I'm gonna keep the placenta after my son is born to gargle with and rub all over my body... and instead of dragging my daughter into a dangerous situation, I'll just bath in her blood and leave her home.
    That's a bigfoot in a bag right there boy.

    1. I'm just going to wait for highschool prom season, then check the dumpsters in back of the gymnasium. I bet an aborted fetus will make excellent bait.

  26. Anyone ever try dressing up like a bigfoot and sit in the middle of the campsite?
    Has anyone called Wile E. Coyote for some assistance?

  27. no no youve all got it wrong what you need to do here is stuff glow sticks up inside these bigfoot chicks arsholes and maybe peanut butter cups in there couches and set them free in the forest then i think you may have smthng : )

    1. I would rather shove something else in their arse and "cootch"

  28. couches ? cooches ? oh fuck you get the picture lol

  29. The darkest part of the woods? LOL... because we all know BF is never seen anywhere but the darkest part of the woods.

  30. "Sasquatches have observed humans enough to know a parent+daughter is never aggressive", that is right up there with "cows are people food".

    1. And you're too f'ing stupid to comprehend either of those statements. Both of those things are true, but it's over your head. It may take you a few years to understand what he says. He's that far ahead of your stupid ass.

    2. Hey Anon 3:35, keep drinking the Kool-Aid dispensed by the all-knowing and almighty Matt Moneymaker!

    3. He knows a lot more about bigfoots than any of you stupid asses.

  31. I like listening to whales sounds in the bath.

    - Jeff Lebowski

  32. Things to do in Morton, WA

    Drop high quality MDMA and search for BF w/ your daughter as Microsoft Windows 8 is coming out.

    Why not? Throw some party favors (glow sticks) in and see what happens. Nothing to lose

  33. First. To Big Jim Jr @9:17,,Outstanding. Hopefully more people will take this to heart and remember this post for a few years. Thanks. Second. Some Anon somewhere above made a good point. These "beings" or whatever whoever chooses to call them,,,whenever or wherever or even if they maybe or probably there. Whatever. It's obvious something's out there. Many people discover this,,,many times a freak accident,,and it changes their nice little world forever. On the other hand,,,many people go into the woods and wilderness to find this out,,,to see this,,,to many times to count,,and never see a trace. Never. While obviously and tragically humanity's pros of the con artist and trickster division show up in this area way to often for any number of lame reasons (or maybe no damn reason at all,,,who knows) with their petty hoaxes,,,there is still way too many events,,sightings,,encounters,,etc,that cannot be explained as hoax or whatever. That being said. What do we actually know. There is so much info out in the great wide web,,,much of it great reading and learning material. But nothing will ever replace goin out,,,on your own,,by yourself,,,into an area with many of these "encounters,sightings,,story's" and seeing what goes down. Maybe the point I'm trying to make here is,,although some people claim these are peaceful,,very shy,,,intelligent and sentient beings,,what happens when someone,,ESP an amateur researcher or whatnot comes across one or a group that is not. If they are so much like humans,,could one acquire a poor disposition? Maybe even a mental illness. I've read about a few bad encounters,,,,if they happened,,and being years ago,,why couldn't they happen today? I hope everyone does remember that even goin into the wilds itself is and can be a bad time if not prepared,,,but when you do,,,and your trying to get the attention of a "supposed" being that may be three times your size,,and if it does show up,,,hope for a great experience that will change you forever. But keep in mind what may occur if,,,,,,,

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