Watch "Skunk Ape Hunt Live Start Today" On YouTube

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Florida Skunk Ape Hunter Tim Fasano. You can visit his blog, Seminole Project.

Go to to follow live Twitter feed and live video and photos of this historical event. Be there!

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Link to Website.


  1. Sorry Lardass I'm busy doing anything but watching your fat hoaxer ass hoaxing people.

  2. Tim is a weird guy. He puts out that "paradigm shift" video which ends up showing escaped monkees. Now he expects everyone to forget that and tune into his skunk ape hunt. No one would believe him even if he found one.

  3. And what are you guys doing besides sitting on your rear ends all day in front of the computer?????

    At least he is outside and on a camping trip. When's the last time you were out of your chair?

    1. Thanks for that comment Tim defending yourself. And yes, us people sitting on our asses doing nothing are accomplishing far more than you every will in your entire life. You are the biggest fat looser on the planet. And its pretty damn obvious you dont go into the outdoors more than a few yards. You arent built for walking, more less walking through difficult terrain. You are fooling non one fat man.

    2. Well if he was actually serious about finding a skunk ape instead of hoaxing, you might have an argument. But since he isn't, I think he deserves the critisism.

    3. Actually I just returned home from a 3 day sasquatch trip. On this trip we really searched for the creature. Just so you know

    4. Actually I just got back from Galveston ,Tx from a 3 day Squatch trip and got fat and drunk but no Squatches were to be found.

    5. Well If I drove a taxi for a living, I'd be outside all day too. ;¬)

    6. To anon at 12:29 pm Tim did not make that comment. I did! Gotcha!

    7. Have fun banging fatsano blondie. Oh wait, your credibility was destroyed long ago

  4. To hell with the camping trip.This slob needs to get his fat ass to a gym.

    1. If he actually went on a lot of hikes and camping trips it would probably do him a lot of good. I'm pretty sure he sticks to stuff just off the roads, and infrequent at that, though.

  5. Tim doing his last minute check list while loading camping supplies into trunk of cab.

    2 cases of mountain dew for overnight stay.check

    2 bags of potato chips.check

    footprint casting stuff.check

    illegal porn mags.check

    5 bags of chesse doodles.check

    1. Don't forget his blow up doll.

    2. and the dirty cheeseburgers

    3. ROTF...who ever came up with the Randy thing from TTB is a fucking genius.

  6. historical is an over used term in 'footery. the only historical event of significance regarding bigfoot is wallace who even on his deathbed said he hoax the footprint. that my friend is when the legend was born. there are no more discoveries to made in this world. everything has been discovered. the only thing now are schools training grads on scientific work on things already discovered. cures and technological discoveries are things already known. just need the guys in lab coats to figure them out. the human race is one big accident. if the salamanders didn't walk out if the water first , then yes we would all be lizard people looking for the elusive human.

  7. if you go to his web site you will see a video called "Watch "Everbody is at camp" , where he delibretly waves a blue tyent arround for no reason. is he trying to associate himself with the recent camper video??

    1. If you go to the cryptoflorida website, you will see a picture of Tim deliberately laying butt-up naked on a bed in a sleazy motel. Is he trying to get some guy to hit him in the can?

    2. this guy will do anthing for a bit of atention

    3. And these are the things we now about. I have a feeling there a lot of skeletons in his closet.

  8. At least he doesn't look like your stereotypical overweight redneck bigfoot hunter wearing a baseball cap.

  9. Fasano = Randy from Trailer Park Boys in 20 years?

    There is a striking similarity.

  10. Please bring your hunting rifle or just fly justin smeja in for weekend and lets put the bigfoot, skunk ape mystery on ice and drop the thing off at cnn headquarters in atlanta to avoid a goverment cover up.

  11. Let me tell you guys something. Fasano was the guy with the mask on in Dyer's tent video.

  12. Apparently EVP and Bigfoot go together.


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