Is FB/FB (FACEBOOK FINDBLOBSQUATCH) Eager To Help Hoaxers Get Confirmation On Their Videos As Factual Bigfoot Evidence?

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at

This is a long time coming… When the self-appointed know-it-alls of Bigfoot research, FB/FB, confirms the video of a hoaxer, could it be that they are part of the hoax and we just do not know about it? Rumor has it that they have a lot of cash to fling around and may have paid people off to keep them quiet. Jack Barnes, the supposed genius and head leader of FB/FB, must be trying to do some damage control right now, or not-- they seem to never retract anything they do.

I think they owe every one of their followers an apology and should retract their video, which confirmed the supposed Bigfoot using several of their typical ludicrous points on what makes the blurry Bigfoots in the videos they declare authentic. Is it only now that many in this community are seeing the FB/FB group for the arrogant people they really are? Jack Barnes has claimed to be the smartest man on this planet by his own admittance to Ro Sahebi in a phone conversation and they believe what they confirm is the definitive law. According to them, no one can question the gods of FB/FB.

So I wait to see if they really will apologize and retract the video confirming a hoax from known hoaxer, Rick Dyer. Yes my friends, if you did not already know, Ricky boy was at it again-- and this time he had the FB/FB super dudes fooled. I wonder if they knew it was Rick and just wanted to use his blurry video as a way to sell their BF propaganda and books. I also wonder how much more of this nonsense the BF community will allow. Will any of the more influential people in this community shame FB/FB and force them to apologize and retract their statement by saying: “We will never work with you again.”

Will FB/FB do the right thing? Who knows; but if you remember, they were also punked by some teenagers not too long ago and we are still waiting for them to apologize or retract their confirmation of that video. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

In July 2011, FB/FB got egg on their face when they were hoaxed by a couple of youngsters:


  1. If they be gods, then crucify them and see if they arise after three days.

    1. If they are Gods, and I killed them and they did rise on the third day, I would not want to be there when they did.
      I'll keep the killing to a minimum, but thanks.

  2. "I think they owe every one of their followers an apology and should retract their video".

    They haven't apologized for past mistakes. Heck, this "analysis" was even used to divert attention from yet another blunder about failing to deliver a promised hyped-up video.

  3. It's really simple. Don't overextend what you think you know when there is lack of information. Is that too difficult? It only serves to discredit you and, by unfortunate association, any attempt at serious research on the subject.

  4. These FB/FB guys are dumb as shit plain and simple. I can send them a picture of a squirrel and claim sasquatch and they will verify.

    1. As seen in the "Athletic Auburn Bigfoot clears gap" video. Even the person that took the video says it was a squirrel.

  5. Ok, they are quick to respond and tell everyone a video is genuine. Let's see if they are as quick to back peddle and admit that they were fooled. If this does any good maybe they will not worry about verification until it is clear that it IS really genuine.

  6. No one proved this as a hoax! Closed minded people

    1. I am not close minded, but I do believe that I have seen that mask before. No one wants it to be real more than me.

  7. Damien, first things first, i actually like you. But you talk about how long will the bigfoot world allow this. Well you cant really talk their, as you are associated with team tazer bigfoot. Which is made up of some of the biggest clowns and dbags out their. michael merchant is enough proof of that. He has no credibility and him and a few others in the team tazer crew have nothing better to do with their time than make mock up videos. they alone hurt your teams chance of getting respect.

    The other main thing is how does fb/fb have any money? they damn sure didnt get it from book sales, as the only people who would buy that, with all the other great books out their to choose from, is a nut job moron. So the money would have to come from something else. Youtube sponsorship and subscriber money for them wouldnt be much, and no one really respects them or thinks what they report is correct, so who knows where it came from. I always thought those vids were made by some teenager in his moms basement. I dont think anyone has to worry about the bigfoot world being fooled by them Damien, no ones ever has thought they had any credibility. But the same also goes for team tazer. You should get out of that group, as its members are killing an chance of respect.

    1. Fucking moron don't think they could get money from other sources???? Like a JOB? Or maybe INVESTMENTS?? Jesus, get a clue already.

    2. I'll borrow the moniker given by anon 9:16 to the Fucking Moron don't really know what you're talking about and are a sad lost (probably lonely) soul.

    3. One of FB/FB admins is an incredibly successful swim instructor in the Minneapolis area. He has a chain of schools. These guys are loons. I've argues with them over and over on their site, and proven to them that they are wrong countless times, yet they still spew forth this crap. They don't even use their real names.

  8. Exactly who annointed FB/FB as the guardians of bigfoot video verification anyhow? What these ass-clowns lack in experience is only made worse by their lack of knowledge and qualifications. I call "Shenanigans"!!!!!

  9. If FB/FB could hoax a video of this story [] they would in a heart beat and be selling tickets to ride in China to the fools that buy all their shit already. Chumps!

  10. Bigfoot attack picture

  11. This confirms the whole Bigfoot world is mass imploding. First the BFF starts blackmailing its members, then ketchup fires Sally, now the biggest flakes FB/FB exposed for the cranks they are.

    You people need to wake up and smell the coffee. These people just want one thing. Your money!

  12. Damien,

    While the video is pretty weak, has it been proven to be from a hoaxer? If you are refering to Steve Kulls posting, he says that it's from Dyer yet he has just posted no conclusive evidence.

    1. This is exactly what I thought. But hey, why let 'evidence' get in the way of all the shit-slinging on this joke of a blog?

    2. if it's such a joke of a blog, then (scratching my head) why are you here? Why are ANY trolls here? They sit on their thrones of judgement and point fingers and type out ad-hominim laden attacks on EVERYTHING with poor, improper grammar and spelling with feces from their miniscule minds that drip down and out onto the screen like a turd falling into my drink. Shawn, you have a description on your homepage that describes exactly what this blog is for and about, i wish one of these fools would read and understand it....keep up the good work!

  13. Here is what I notice... The writing style suggests that, a majority of folks writing on here are women. The majority women do load comments with drama that simply adds little to what they say. The minority is made up of a few tweakers or delusional types, mainly men and the rest being a few truly have a stake. That stakeholder profile being an interest of money or fame. In all as one looks to the agregate, is my time spent better somewhere else? Guess I will ponder that for a day or two. At least the warped sexual pervert is gone it would seem, for now.

    1. Why thank you Dr.Frazier Crane!

    2. Why do bigfoots wear makeup and purfume...????

    3. because their ugly and they stink!!

    4. oh and where is it that your mum has gone?? did she not leave you a note??

    5. Don't leave! It's all too much fun and a great blog anyway. Plus, the apparent intelligence you may bring to this table of some miscreants some scholars and some fools could be a much needed breath of fresh air (sexual perversions aside)!

  14. For what it's worth if you believe the kids did it, like me, then you've been convinced of their argument even though the argument that they did it, is not definitive proof. ( Even if I do believe they did fake it, and 'facebook confirm everything bigfoot' is just at their blind, deaf, but not dumb, antics yet again ).
    Whenever someone says ' It's fake, i did it ' then that also needs to be investigated or proven. Definitively proven. Same actions are called for.
    I won't believe it's fake until that happens either.

  15. By dumb I mean mute. You can't mute those guys. Everything's about the talking, without the thinking. This confirms on all points.

  16. "I also wonder how much more of this nonsense the BF community will allow."

    Yeah maybe someone needs a little visit from my Uncle Vinnie!

  17. They're just a bunch of dumb kids playing around on the internet. Nothing they do will have any impact on science or the study of cryptids.

  18. Still waiting for that thermal footage.....

    1. im glad to see people are having enough of these self important 'experts'[no more than the rest of us' on all things bigfoot
      They hate when you ask them to explain why the say everything in definates and wont discuss possibilities it is a hoax etc..they just ban you[big deal eh?]

      Now they are saying they have ground breaking 'smoking gun' film of bigfoot that has been 'delayed[lol, which means the hoaxed footgae they did have was nonsense and they realised it or it was the biogfoot with the sungl;asses from the rent film! utter nonsense and certainlyu not smoking gun footage]

      They explain walking gait, brow riodges, grey on palm of hand/feet,long arms, muscular torso etc...then class the marble mountain as a top 3 BF film. The video is a skinny tall guy walking down a ridge. not a muscular 8ft Bf,imo, one which would have to be bald given its profile of NO HAIR![thats a new one]

      hopefully this and others opinion on FB.FB will shut them up for a while. I doubt it

      why they cant say they l;ive in hope and be open minded is beyond me. evryting has to be a BF

      as is pointed out a few 12year olds hoaxed them. They edited the film with 'expert' voicocers saying how it met the BF point on so many levels. it was their dad in a suit with football pas,lol. retraction from Fb/Fb,not a chance

  19. I wouldn't expect a meglamaniac would retract anything ever. I will admit i searched out their analysis and after the know-it-all matter-of-fact analysis of the above vid. they almost convinced me to say what the hey ... maybe. but i came back to reality and matter-of-fact i know there are no furry bipedal coned headed hominid roaming in the wild. a public lashing with a cane would be nice.

  20. @ Anon 12:25
    You know you are setting up someone to mention their deviant side, poor grasp of the English language, and lack of critical thinking?
    This site is like Walmart the day after Thanksgiving. Sit back and laugh or be depressed at fellow humanity.

  21. Silly question. Kinda hard to follow with 5 different blog entries. Is the fact that it's a blue tent the only thing tying this to Dyer? Again not saying it's real but I need a little more info tying him to this than he has a blue tent.

    1. I'm glad you asked that. I think this is clearly a hoax too, but everyone is speaking in shorthand (especially Shawn with the posts to other sites: none of those sites explain to newbies why I should fear Rick Dyer or how this video is connected with him or why the closing of his Youtube site should be a smoking gun). Again, I'm a skeptic, but I'd just like to be let in on the joke a bit more!

    2. Rick Dyer and one of his friends (Matt something) along with Biscardi and (supposedly) Kulls were the masterminds behind the 2008 Georgia Bigfoot Freezer hoax in which a press conference was held nationally.

      What I've heard about Kulls from various websites is that: he will never admit his part in it (basically he was in it all the way until Biscardi shorted him some cash), then Kulls decided: "well I'll blow the lid off this thing and pretend I was the person who outted them". Dyer claims Kulls was in on it and wants Kulls to finally admit it but according to Dyer, Kulls won't do that.

      At least that's how the story goes anyway....maybe it's just a story, I'm not sure 110% because there's two sides.

      Now as far as this new tent footage we are discussing goes. There's just too many coincidences, first Dyer a known hoaxer has the exact same tent as in the footage, second, the person who owns the footage we are discussing in this topic(which is most likely Dyer) also had an argument with Kulls about this new tent video. It was like those two (Kulls and possibly Dyer)were rekindling the old fight about 2008 Georgia Bigfoot Freezer hoax.

      Kulls had a hunch it was Dyer behind this due to the tent footage owner bringing up the Georgia Bigfoot hoax stuff again and decided to start seeing if he could connect Dyer to it. So far, he apparently insists that the tent in the footage is owned by Dyer himself.

      More than likely he is correct.

    3. I guess the only way to prove it is Dyer's tent is to show Dyer in the tent. Just saying it doesn't make it true. I'm no Dyer fan and definitely not a Kull's fan. Kull's is desperate.

    4. I have been astounded at the claims of a hoax from the beginning. There are blog news articles using opinion and claiming it is proven fact. If everything above is true, couldn't some camper have went to dyer with his footage? Couldn't dyer have gotten footage to make it up to the Bigfoot community?
      I think we as a community to stop the character assassination and simply discuss the footage, if its real it is rather good.

  22. I have been following fb/fb for a couple of years now, and i'm dissapointed by these guyes.. why the hell would they fake all this? what do they gain?

    1. Well if they know it's a B.S video from the beginning but decide to promote it as the real deal anyway they gain money from (youtube and possibly other sources), exposure, and notoriety for starters.

    2. That would be very short sighted of them.

  23. I agree with what you're saying Damian but if people would quit posting articles about these clowns, they may fade in to obscurity.
    FB/FB's opinion of anything means nothing to me. They're out to make a buck by misleading people and that's my opinion.

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