FB/FB Where Possible Hoaxers Send their Videos to be Authenticated? [Humor]

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Team Tazer Bigfoot member Cot a.k.a the Chicken of Truth.

I COT am just a simple chicken with extra super heroic powers, one of my favorite powers to use is my bullcrap detection power. When FB/FB decided to post the now infamous camper video, they authenticated the video as being the real deal. Jack Barnes the fearless leader of FB/FB and by what I am told, one of the smart humans on this planet earth recently made a statement that was forwarded to Shawn on his Blog Bigfoot Evidence. The arrogant Barns and the FB/FB team believe that "this video had to be done by expert, for it to be so realistic he even mentions they have on film an anatomically correct Sasquatch."

Jack Barnes even states "they are serious but this is just serious fun", what the hell does that mean. Is it we are serious about selling are books and telling you Bigfoots is exactly the way we say it is or is it we love to make the zombie humans that follow us think everything is Bigfoot so we can get our kicks and laugh at them. Humans are very strange and the arrogant hairless ape Jack Barnes really puzzles me.

I COT love to have fun, but not the serious fun Jack states like it’s really not that big of a deal. One thing COT is 100 percent against is Hoaxes and Hoaxers. When I COT get videos I have them reviewed by professionals that can tell me if anything is out of the ordinary in the video. Naturally and also do a revision of the facts, time, location, event, and people involved.

So my hairless primates, I leave you with a little video with food for thought and hope that this Hoax is blow open, unfortunately even if it is, I COT do not believe FB/FB will ever change, not with such an arrogant leader like Jack Barnes that seems to think Hoaxes are no big deal as Jack stated "Maybe we were fooled but someone would need to be an expert in the subject. If it is a hoax, which they adamantly maintain it is not. So we will see..." Whoa! We will see are they even really investigating the people involved with the video. BUAWWWWWWK! Seems it’s not that important to the arrogant Jack Barnes and his FB/FB team yin.

Remember Bigfoot is watching. CLUCK! BUAWWWWK!


  1. So does bigfoot like fried chicken, or does in fall under the category of people food?

    1. Gonna need Moneymaker to chime in on that one

    2. Dammit Snowball, can you please proof read anything that that stupid chicken writes.. It reads like a third grader wrote it.

      What a PECKER!

    3. If Jack Barnes is the most arrogant man in bigfooting, then Snowball is second

      And the thing is, Barnes, Matt M, and a few others have a least brought stuff to the table--- believe it or not.

      Now Snowball------- He is just as arrogant telling us all what we SHOULD or SHOULDN'T EXCEPT AS TRUTH.

      Except for the track find, the only thing Snowball has brought -- HIS OPINION ON EVERYONE ELSE'S WORK.
      (and some good humor I'll admit)

      ------- WHO'S ARROGANT?

      COT, look at your master!!!!!

    4. Do you really consider his "track" a Sasquatch track?

  2. i don't know what to say! for once i'm wordless!

  3. "Professional"? No one is professional in this community. It's either an interest, hobby or a media wannabes tryjng to perpetuate things in the hope of some cash. It's the same for "researchers". As far as I can tell there are about 2 professional proffesors who have an interest.

  4. music straight out of 80's porn...not that I would know

  5. I just walked past my neighbors house and saw a blue tent in the garage. I'm sure Dyer is also hoaxing this entire neighborhood and pretending to be a Korean nail salon operator.

    Come on, this may be a dyer hoax but is the blue tent still the only link to him?

    1. Right? Like I'm sure the company that made that tent only made one tent and that tent was especially made for Ricky Dyer to use to hoax a Bigfoot film. So the tent company has to be in on it to. Right?

      Where was this video shot anyways? Isn't Dyer living in California now?

    2. It wasn't just that, it was the trolling of Kulls and the coincidental timing of the vid's release and Rick Dyer's website shenanigans. Click on the links Shawn provides in the posts and read for yourselves. And if it was not Rick Dyer, then there is NO back story and the video remains worthless.

    3. The real truth is that Dyer has cloned himself and his tent in an attempt to take over the world, this is confirmed proof.

  6. there are two types of bigfoot. you got hoax bigfoots and then you got hoax of a hoax bigfoots. show me the money shot.

    1. OK, hold your mouth open ---- here it comes!

  7. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=440377239345859&set=a.440377229345860.127021.187349014648684&type=3&theater

  8. I thought this post was supposed to be humorous.

    The only thing that got a mild chuckle were all the grammatical errors the biologist made.

  9. Truly pathetic. This man is just looser scum, thats all. He cant think of anything at all on his own, except hoaxes, so he makes these mock up videos. Truly a pathetic little man

    1. He goes out and looks for evidence and talks to people who think they saw something unusual. That is really all anyone can do.

    2. I suspect SWP lies awake in bed at night hoping that if he acts wacky enough he'll someday get picked up for a Bigfoot reality show.

  10. A sick person for sure, mentally ill likely. Is this the same team or person that probably redirected minors interested in the BF subject to Gay porn? If so, it should be criminal.

    It's like that guy I got to know in HS, I thought if someone should ask if I thought he was a rapist or murderer, oh for sure.

    1. Did he have rapist glasses and drive a van?

    2. There is nothing sick about being gay and it is not a mental illness.
      Pedophilia and homosexuality are two very different things.
      Study's have shown less than 1% of pedophiles are homosexual.
      Showing ANY porn to underage individuals is deplorable.

  11. I think there is some jealousy here.
    The Camper film looks so good (with the promise of more) that the "professional" bigfoot video makers are worried and angry that they didn't get the big payoff footage.
    So many have been so eager to jump of the "its a hoax" wagon with no evidence at all.
    I hope this footage is amazing and it is real just so we never have to hear or see these petty people again.


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