FB/FB Believes The "Camper" Video Is Not A Hoax Because The Hoaxer Swears It's Real

Almost everyone is familiar with the genesis of the phrase, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" The Wizard of Oz, who uttered this famous phrase. Some people need to see the actual person pulling the levers to be convinced of what's going on. FB/FB is standing firm on their "Camper" authentication video. To pull off something so real-- they believe it would have taken an expert to know the correct anatomical details of a Sasquatch. In an email response to Tim Mitchel, FB/FB's Jack Barnes aka "The smartest man in the world" wrote that it would have been "a tall order" to orchestrate such a thing:

Maybe we were fooled but someone would need to be an expert in the subject. Then who posts a video of an anatomically correct Sasquatch filmed sideways, through a tent for 1.2 seconds. Then to have nobody see it till we posted the authentication. Tall order indeed. We work for a living so we don't do this 24/7. We are serious but this is just serious fun. If it is a hoax, which they adamantly maintain it is not. So we will see...

Since news broke out about the video being a potential hoax-- their fan base has actually increased, probably due to the exposure received from different websites and blogs. Although their fan page seems unaffected by the alleged hoax, their credibility appears to be taking a toll. Here are some comments left on their page:

Jason V.
We waited for what you said was going to revolutionize BF research and we get what looks like is going to come out as a hoax. I have to leave your page. You guys are just like Matty Moneymaker.......every time you hear a mouse fart, it's a BF......No credibility man....Disappointed.

Geoff R.
Just because someone puts up a fan page and issues opinions on what might be called "evidence" - does not make them an authority. Nor does announcing a breakthrough make them a bellwether. While everyone demands objectivity, they are not practicing. Be selective in what you believe in everything. A FB fan page is certainly not something on which to base a hypothesis. Hell, most colleges won't allow using Wikipedia as a source, let alone some fan page that a couple guys put together as a centralized information source. It's a "don't shoot the messenger" thing here.

Jason M.
The essence of scientific research is to be objective. I think FB/FB should be just this "objective". Otherwise you are nothing but a bunch of moronic idiots. People tell lies for their own gain, don't become an accessory to this. Credibility is like reputation, takes years to build and a moment to shatter. Which are you, who are your affiliates and what do you expect to gain from false hope? What a load of crap. I tell you what just stick another artists rendering of a bigfoot up and everything will be ok, brilliant. Fools

If you're lost about what's going on. Head over to SasquatchScoop and read Steve's post: Did Rick Dyer Hoax FB/FB?


  1. The shadow of the bushes looks more midday than late morning or afternoon. Why are these campers in their little tent in the middle of the day and a Bigfoot rummaging around outside? Seems unlikely, and that is where I would start, disbelieving then let the underlying facts get you to your conclusions if they can. Then it's worth watching or reading.

  2. To be hoaxed by some elementary school little kids..ENOUGH SAID!! just plain sad..

    1. EXACTLY!!!! They can never live that down unless they get hoaxed better than the kids did it.......oh, didn't that just happen?
      FB/FB= Feeding Bullsh$t/Faking Bigfoot.
      Smartest guy in the world my a$$.

    2. hey sn..did you see the mask?

    3. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/314238_440377239345859_334564758_n.jpg here it is...proof positive of hoax and for all those naysayers proof of a mask...rum for all,no hard feelings

    4. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.440377229345860.127021.187349014648684&type=1#!/photo.php?fbid=440377239345859&set=a.440377229345860.127021.187349014648684&type=3&theater

    5. you guys should post this

    6. Yep, this is definitely the mask. Nice find. FB Find Bullshit got owned by the king of hoaxing. FB Find Bullshit is a JOKE.

  3. While this video is likely a hoax by Dyer, why is everyone upset and pointing the finger at FB/FB. Yes, they may have been fooled, but isn't the hoaxer the one we should be upset about. What if Dyer had sent this video anonymously to Bigfootevidence ? And because alot is put up on this blog, it would have gone up. Are we going to be pointing the finger at this site ? No, because this blog puts up anything and leaves it for us to decide. I do get a little irked by many of the obvious fakes lately that go up on this site. It's really a waste of time. Like when you go on YT and click on an obvious fake. I do like watching FB/FB's analyses, as they do put much more scientific method into their analyses than most. While you may or may not agree with it or their theories, they do make a better attempt than just about everyone else out there daring to analyze videos. Sure, you may have been deked out here FB/FB, but I don't put the blame on you. Keep on doing what you do FB/FB, as someone who's been in the field of science and have gotten an article published, I give you kudos.

    1. Because they constantly act as if their opinion is fact. This is an obvious hoax case closed. Since it is the weekend it would be really cool if everyone who reads this blog went out this and recreated their own versions of this video to show FB/FB just how easy it is to pull this off. Then you could send them into Shawn and maybe he could release them as they came out. It would be pretty cool to see this recreated about 20 times, maybe Jack Barnes needs a little dose of reality.

    2. "While this video is likely a hoax by Dyer, why is everyone upset and pointing the finger at FB/FB. What if Dyer had sent this video anonymously to Bigfootevidence ?"

      You answered your own question. This blog just puts up whatever's circulating out there and we can decide for ourselces. FB/FB has never *NOT* confirmed an alleged BF video to be real. 100%. They look at a 2-pixel blob and definitively point out anatomical features. They're a joke.

  4. Liars!

    Have they produced Sound?

    Have they produced eating BF? Or the Running BF?


    Have they had their "full press conference?"

    They love pulling your leg and keep doing it.

    Believe the lies if you want, then you'll be disillusioned like lied too Cult members.

  5. Running Bigfoot video where is it!?

    EATING BF video where is it?

  6. Point the finger at FB/FB because they help push this like the media - always want to be the first to BREAK a story.

    Dan Rather lied about the FAKE George W. Bush guard duty documents. The smart people in PJ at home looked at the Documents and saw Superscript which didn't exist in Type writers in the 70s.

    Then Dan Rather sat their on the NEws and said "IF this is true, I want to be the one to break it."

    Sick, research takes time, truth will rise to the top.

    That's why their are perjury laws. Truth means something.

    1. If only the bozos at FOX news could be fired for the shit they put out.

    2. Sadly Fox News can lie as much as they want because it's on cable, they call it "Entertainment". If only it was actually entertaining, and the fear mongers didn't believe it.

    3. Dan Rather didn't work for Foxnews.

      Secondly, how do you fire an entire New Station?

      Thirdly, it's small teenie tiny Foxnews versus ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN NPR NYtimes LAtime WashPost and Comedy Central.

      Should you blush in embarrassment?

      No because by firing you probably mean setting up a Berlin Wall and shooting Fox News as they climb it to escape to Freedom.

      Sad, so Sad.

      Another reality is you two (or if it's the same guy) can't even stick to the subject and address the issue at hand which is lies and deception.

      That is how blinded you are to your world view.

    4. Fear mongers, oh you mean people who actually pay attention to what's "really going on " in this country and look for the things the liberal media chooses to deliberately avoid or refuse to report on.

      Fear-monger? Have you actually looked at our country lately? Its screwed, everything that "matters" is worse off than it was before he took office I.e.unemployment, housing market, budget deficit, foreign relations, straining the tax payer by granting illegal immigrants amnesty and now they get to take advantage of all of the government programs even though they havent paid a dime into any of them. Don't even talk about GM, you do realize out of their total sales the government themselves have purchased like 70% of those vehicles. So if youre keeping score, he bailed them out and then 70% of money coming in to them has been from the place who bailed them out in the first place. Now the liberal news won't tell you things like that though, you know the important facts. I could go on and on. The bottom line is he couldn't manage a McDonalds let alone the greatest country in the world and he's PROVED that to date.

    5. Shut up you right fringe fool

    6. The problems we have today are a direct result of 8 years of the Bush administration and the Republican parties' continued refusal to work with a black democratic president. It still blows my mind to this day how when it is your president in office being criticized instantly your reaction is, he is our president regardless of how you feel about nim you have to support them. The second someone YOU don't agree with becomes president he is a commy foreigner who somehow is responsible for the economic and civil unrest created by your own president Bush. YOU absolutely are indicative of what is wrong with our country and how we got here. Time you owned it.

  7. Look on their site..one guy posted the actual mask used...these guys are pure retarded and of course they shut their mouth and do not respond when confronted with the truth...they no longer have any right to confront those who question them on their site.

    1. Why don't you go back to their site and get the picture or link for the picture of the mask so all of us can see it. Those of us who don't deal with FB.

    2. I'm on a tablet here..I can hardly type but ill go to computer later..its worth seeing

    3. I don't think a mask was used at all. You can see the brows move and the subject kind of smile in the video. if anything it's a guy with long hair and a beard wearing makeup. "Squatch-face" If you will. If it is a guy in squatch-face, I am deeply offended! ;)

    4. Its a mask you slackers...just google their site and look in the comments...its a mask like halloween you dopes

    5. The actual mask! Complete with fingerprints on it and dna of the man who wore it.
      Wow. impressive evidence!

  8. Well FB/fB lets see the rest of the film and stop the NDA agreement bull shit.they have more film as they say lets see it so you can save face .if they dont show the rest of the film with in 48 hours they are hoaxers in my opinion and just as bad as dyer

  9. Fb/fb you're as big as hoax as this film. F*ck you!

  10. FB/FB needs to show the rest of the film if they dont soon they are done in the bigfoot world. this has done serious damage to thier credibility .I for one will never believe anything they doo.what a shame

    1. They had credibility? When was this? I must have missed that.

  11. 48 hours. lol

    These guys are depraved, as reading from the other site they Redirected their new website to Porn!

    Do you understand they are sick? NDA agreement?
    Was the redirect included in the Legal NDA agreement.

    I'll make my case, and hear me well.

    The FB/FB guys are cool, but young and stupid.

    I have no doubt they are intelligent bookwise, likely could get PhDs, but they are of this corrupt culture that is cheating our young people the opportunity to be wise.

    They have not been subjected to con artists, scammers and depraved people.

    We'll now they have been.

    So does FB/FB actually think that pusher of Porn will have an amazing breakthrough in Bigfoot Research here in the next weeks?

    How will they explain redirecting to Porn, when on stage taking questions from CNN, Foxnews, ABC ...?

    1. fuck off again Libtard. Man, I've never gotten to someone so bad they keep bringing my name up. OCD for sure, and and a looserrrrrrrr. Don't worry, your buddy Obamha will have plenty of time to hang out with you AND PAT YOU ON YOUR STUPID FLAT SMALL LITTLE HEAD YOU INBREAD LOOSER. He won't be busy.

    2. Romney hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell! OBAMA 2012 BABY!!!!!!!!

    3. We are still coming for you and your stockpile of weapons Leon. Time to go into hiding.

  12. Why rely on facts when you have ego.I am an expert on an undocumented animal because I swim.Stay in the shallow end because the deep end is for adults.

  13. BTW, im 3:03

    Don't give up on FB/FB, they have good stuff on their site. We need them.

    But do speak to them and let them take a crash course on being scammed.

    If they refuse to listen; tell them to send me all their money (they'll be robbed blind), I'll save their money for them until they wise up.

    Some of the 60 Top BF videos, I don't believe but most I do believe. Also, some of those video have yet been taken down.

    I read somewhere that they take some down even after becasue the follow up research lean towards hoax.

    That's ok by me.

  14. "...video of an anatomically correct Sasquatch..."

    And this is known, how, precisely? Have you studied a specimen? Is there a bigfoot taxonomy where the biological stats of these creatures are verified and entered?

    "...We work for a living so we don't do this 24/7."

    Which is why you should never refer to, or even imply, that someone is an 'expert'. Since there is no legitimate 'Bigfoot Field', you are what is referred to as a hobbysist - which is even more reason not to state opinions as fact.

    Even a person with a degree in Zoology, Biology or Veterinary Medicine cannot be an 'expert' on an animal that has not been studied, classified and documented.

  15. This blog always have something negative to say about
    Mr dier but the fact is this video looks real I'm going to wait to see all the evidence. I'm looking on his website it looks to me he's been a lot of places and is well funded. And from the looks of it there is many people in the expedition including the network film crew.

    1. Rick Dyer is the poster boy for everything that's wrong in Bigfootery.
      He's the Satan in the church of Bigfoot. I have a strong dislike for him and my opinion will never change.

    2. Rick,

      Seriously, you need to stop posting and pretending it's not you. Do you honestly think anyone is buying any of these posts or that matter this halloween costume?

    3. To anon at 5:45
      Yes he probably does but then again that's how he gets his thrills.

    4. I dont care about this rick, it is unproven that he has anything to do with this, to claim otherwise is to hoax. All we can say is the footage looks good, and the camper seems suspicious.

    5. How long have you been seeing suspicious campers?
      Rick Dyer is responsible for WW2 and the korean war too.
      I think he might also be responsible for sinking the Maine.

  16. How does this chucklehead figure somebody would have to be an expert in the anatomy of bigfoot. It's a grainy, sideways, half second shot of a 98$ halloween mask. It's not that difficult. -- d3w177

    1. because he's a genius and you'd have to be einstien to fool him

    2. My mistake. I should have figured he had already extrapolated the musculature of the entire figure based on three quarters of the face. -- d3w177

    3. You just earned title of their site

  17. this has got to be all time low to hoax a hoax.

  18. I know who's in the suit and after this post so will you.

    Its none other than Tim Fasano ........guaranteed.

  19. call it what it is squatchgate.


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