Don't Give Up On Facebook Find Bigfoot Yet, The FLIR Video Exists But You Can't See It

Look. We know many of you are disappointed with FB/FB's latest video. Steve Kulls took great offense to the hype they created and went as far as questioning whether the whole thing was a hoax. Let's be clear about this. The video released last night obviously wasn't the thermal footage we wrote about two weeks ago. According to Steve's conversation with FB/FB representative Adam Bird today, a thermal footage does exist, but they're not planning to release it anytime soon.

The video that was hyped the week previous was not the one displayed last night, so if my use of the word “hoax,” was over the top, I apologize.

But it’s how A LOT of us felt last night. “Over hyped” may be a better term at this point now that a clarification has been made.

I call it like I see it.

But in a Facebook conversation with Adam Bird, he tells me this,

“Steve I’ve seen the video that was promised on the 10th and FBFB did not release it last night nor will it be released for a while and that is because one of the two owners do not want it released. That video is a F.L.I.R film.” - Adam Bird 9/25/12

Well, we’ll wait and see if the FLIR video lives up to the wait, personally I hope so.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

[via Steve Kulls]


  1. Adam Bird is as screwy as a dodo bird.

    1. If, according to the article, we are not going to see it for sometime, why then is FB/FB keep releasing statements that we are going to see it soon? At this point, I don't care if this is better then the PG film. With the amount of run-around and crap they keep putting out, to me, it is not even worth it. FB/Fb is a joke. If they wanted to chase away there supports and make people lose interest, they are doing a great job at it!!

    2. If I had absolute proof of something that would be 1 of the biggest scientific finds in the history of man,the only thing that would stop me from screaming it from rooftops would be DEATH. It not being released,because 1,of the 2 Ppl.who have the proof is Bull Shit. My 7year old can see through that,yet grown Ppl are satisfied with that answer. In that case I have some Ocean Front Property I would like to sell you.

    3. Adam Bird is a complete bullshit merchant from Nottingham who doesn't know his arse from his elbow.

    4. We should absolutely give up on FBFB, It is run by Jon Foss of Foss Swim Schools. That might qualify him and his people to tell you how to wear a Speedo and do the breaststroke not write a book on aquatic apes or create their own theories on what qualifies as a bigfoot and honestly I'm a little suspect of their ability to even teach swimming. Seriously, if you are this big of an idiot then there is zero chance I'm trusting my kid to you for swim lessons.

  2. If the video was as good as is claimed, it would speak for itself. Since they are waiting, it just means they need to build up a case around it and tell you what it is you're looking at before you get to see it. As I have said before, a picture is worth a thousand words.... if it is a good picture, that is.

    1. Ye of little faith. They have an ebook, do their best to sound pseudo-scientific and they have lots of followers on Facebook. This alone should be enough to convince you they the must be experts. But no, they also put up solid evidence that would not only hold up in a court of law, it tends to adhere to the strictest of scientific standards. Sure, they may not be true "scientists" like Matt Moneymaker, but we can't all be the all-knowing God of Sasquatchery now can we?

  3. every time I hear the word soon in my everyday life now I giggle a little bit.
    People other than my wife and one of my friends that comment here wonder why.
    I say fuck'em if they don't want to release it there will be something else hyped next week that wont show anything clear either.

  4. screw fb/fb, those guys are full of $h!t im not wasting my time on their b.s. they always have an excuse, so F off!

  5. Speaking of soon...where is that DNA study?! September 2012 and ticking......


  7. A thermal video shouldn't be that hyped up anyway. It's going to be a HUGE disappointment.

  8. Well then, the FBFB people must be the dumbest in the business - putting the cart before the horse and not seeking owner permission before making their 'groundbreaking' announcements.

  9. I call 8 kinds of bullshit. Come on. This jackwad uses an IPhone that somehow films in only black and white, without sound and manages to film it sideways despite the fact that all of those things are impossible with an IPhone, turns away and turns of the camera the second he thinks this thing "sees" him. Now he has a color version. He's got thermal footage. He's going to prom with Yeti. The problem with the FB/FB characters is they are STUPID and they are so short-sighted that they think absolutely even one else is just as stupid as they are. Go away boys. -- d3w177

    1. I'm sorry,are you someone important?

    2. No, I don't believe you are sorry. Your use of common idioms to relay sarcasm is duly noted. I take it from your question that you are the one who decides a person's importance, so this question is all yours. -- d3w177

    3. What's a Musky Allen?

    4. I see that Musky Allen is on Facebook and is friend with none other than Leroy Blevins, maker of the finest bigfoot suit ever. Sorry, I don't have an idiom for sarcasm. -- d3w177

  10. what the .. i already said it was a hoax now steve agrees with me apparently. i predicted that before it was release.

  11. since switching to the paranormal bigfoots I already seen my first two bigfoots. they were both in a dream of a dream and I caught one of them. It was only 1 foot tall. not a babyfoot but just different species that are smaller in stature. it was so real that i woke up out the first dream and realized it was not a dream. then i woke up and had to go to work.,

    1. Did you wake up with Bigfoot jism on your face?
      If you did send it to Melba Ketchum,she loves that stuff.

  12. Who HONESTLY cares about these guys anymore? They are frauds just like most of the 'researchers' out there.

  13. FB/FB needs to go away. They should start a club with Tim Fasano, Rick Dyer and all the other douches out have been voted off this island. Goodbye!!!

  14. I suspect that they are laughing at everyone. I think that the entire thing was a big joke on footers (why else would they "confirm on all points" obvious fakes like they do?)

    Maybe I'm wrong, but FB/FB smells like a Poe to me. I think it's all a con to try and sell books.

  15. Must be another fake Mike Greene flir.

  16. As long as I have been visiting this blog which is long before I started commenting a month or so ago FB/FB has never been looked at as serious or well liked and rightfully so.Imo.

  17. Didnt these bf'ing facebook people get hoaxed by a bunch of 12 year old kids? And now they are hype'n up a therm vid? The most ambiguous of ambiguous styles of media capture? These guys are selling product people.... That fact in and of itself should be enough for anyone who actually cares about bf research to forget about them for good.

    Watch the facebook find a bf'er guys include the prized therm footage on dvd if you buy the soon to be printed hardcover box set first edition signed in crayon book they wanna push....

    1. Nope, Its Monkey up in the Seattle area. I am curious who this Musky Allen guy is whose name keeps popping up. This is the only bf sight I go to so I am kind of out of the loop on who is who in the bf blog world. And also whats jref or jref'ers?

    2. Is a musky allen like a hot karl? Like some kind of sexytime move where you dont wash your junk for a week and get some one to go down on you or something?

    3. It maybe the american version of a dirty sanchez.

    4. Lol, I gave my wife a Musky Allen last week and she hasn't talked to me since.

    5. The dirty sanchez is the mexican version of the charlie chaplain, which of course was a early 1900's adaptation of the Houdini....

    6. I'll cleavland steam to that.

  18. Now we can't see the thermal footage!?! Fb/fb is a joke that should just title themselves in the same category as Fasano and the others. F*ck you fb/fb!

    1. absolutely agreed, fb/fb deserve to be in that category. And this proves it. Obvious hoaxing going on here

  19. Very difficult to catch an etheric body on cam, even on thermal. Forest fairies (aka bigfoot, et al) are notorious pranksters.

  20. LMFAO, and like clock-work there were many who stayed up all night writhing with anticipation FOR NOTHING, ONCE AGAIN. Ah ha ha ha ha.

  21. ..."that is because one of the two owners do not want it released."

    For god's sake. REALLY??

  22. Utter bullshit. Why don't the "owners" want it shown? Why in the hell would they bring it to FB/FB in the first place? To confirm something never to be released. All of us is sick of the hype and empty promises that go hand and hand with BF reporting. Confirms on all points that FB/FB is just as full of it and that even after getting punked by some kids they can stoop lower. Put up or shut up

  23. if someone had sent me footage to breakdown and analyze and it was the real deal I would honestly post it online, with or without permission. besides getting sued, what else could they do? nothing really, I would give them the credit for filming it, so what's the big deal? you guys act like a bunch of pussies, show the footage and if there's a problem then we fight, and I'll kick the s*** out of you. seriously what's there to lose?

  24. its better to keep your word & stay true, fb/fb should sit down when they piss because you girls are not men.

    1. Why should the bfro be the only ones getting$$$$ we should all start pushing product. Lets rape the image of bigfoot for personal gain everybody! You make bf bbq covers, i will make fuzzy bf foot slippers, she can make t-shirts, bobo has the trucker hats, lets all get some!

    2. several people make a bit of money from bigfooting. Selling T-shirts, books, trinkets, etc. The funds from the sales they make are said to help with "research" LOL

  25. Every single day bigfooting plays out in the exact way we would expect if bigfoot didn't exist.

  26. I'm soooooooo sick of these so called experts with their 'uckin blurry videos, stupid ass tree structures,
    witch are just trees that are damaged from ice storms
    or early snow falls, and the 'UNCKIN HIGH SCHOOL BICKERING between the so called experts.
    why don't u all STFU and show something that's worth a dam. It's no wonder why their are so many skeptics out there, I think 2 more 'unckin blurry videos by experts and i'm flopping myself !!!

    1. Whatthe hell is an Unckin?
      Is it anything like a Musky Allen?

  27. Can we please be serious and honest here for a moment: it doesn't matter if they claim it's blockbuster footage: thermal footage, by definition, will be unimpressive. It will not show facial features or other indicators that it is not simply some guy in a suit. Thermal footage is also blurry on the target object for obvious reasons. Even worse, geographic markers that might establish height, depth, etc are often missing in thermal images. Let them sit on the footage.

    1. i agree i just got done unliking there page.why dont these people wait to speak of a video until permission is granted.o well,my beer is cold waiting.

  28. because i go in to the middle of the 100 acre wood with a FLIR camera with the intent to never release the footage i may or may not get. well played.

  29. The owner is not giving permission to release it because he's holding out for the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS that will be coming his way because of the DEFINITVE PROOF this infrared video undoubtedly provides. Criticize all you want, he'll be crying all the way TO THE BANK~!!!

    1. one meellion dollars...

      sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads

  30. Flir video ? He'd would't even get a million doll hairs
    and he'll cry all the way to the Mattel factory...

  31. Where is the second half of the Smeja documentary that was promised for late August?

  32. None of this makes any sense. Recall when this first was announced that their was no mention of thermal video. Instead shawn published the statement from someone in the group who saw it and reported that it was on par with the memorial day footage as far as detail?
    So how in the world is a thermal video of a bigfoot at night peeking around trees similar to the memorial day footage where a bigfoot is running across a hillside at some distance. It makes no sense whatsoever. Their is no comparison. So either the person who said this was lying, which seems unlikely, or fb/fb is trying to pull one over on us.

    It seems likely at this point that their was an original video that was a daytime video, thus we get this report that it is on par with the memorial day footage as far as detail. It seems probable that this was fake (done on purpose, or they got fooled), and they knew people would realize it as such, and so they X'ed that one.

    Then out of nowhere they change their story to the video is now thermal. Which makes no sense regarding their previous statement about the memorial day footage. IT seems likely that b/c they put the news out that they had a great video, they had to come up with something. Because the fake video they reported on earlier just wasnt gonna cut it. And so the news that its thermal was released. Thermal is extremely easy to fake, very ambiguous, and is cheap to produce with borrowed equipment. It masks major detail and is enough to get people talking. Thus the thermal video was faked.

    Its possible that fb/fb simply found out that their original video was fake when they said they were authenticating it, and thus got rid of it. But even if thats true, they should have announced that. Instead this thermal video pops up, which is going to prove nothing, and be just as ambiguous as every other video. I have no doubts it was faked and thus we are getting all this run around. They have proven over at fb/fb that they are not above dyer in my book

  33. Guy release the video or else you risk being called hoaxers.

    Look, 10s of people have taken great videos and just released them. What are you looking to make $$$?

    Fasano's Ninja and Patty will for a long time be the best videos out there. Get over yourselves.

  34. I think I can one up them. I was bowhunting today as Mama BF passed me. Baby BF followed shortly after. Since I'm an excellent shot up to 50 yards I shot it. Uh, in the leg.

    I hopped out of my tree stand, tied it's healthy leg up in rope and dragged it to my truck - Uh, b 4 Mama BF noticed it missing. But you can't see it. :)

    I'm having a full press conference and ... Uh

    "unstable relationships" What the?

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