Women Bigfoot Hunters Don't Have To Be Afraid Of Bears Anymore Than Men

There has been a myth around for some time that bears were more likely to attack menstruating women due to the odors from menstrual blood. In an attempt to discredit this myth, Yellowstone National Park released a report that says at least in the case of black bears and grizzly bears, this myth is not true, but they still recommend the use of tampons just in case. Obviously this is great news for any lady Sasquatch hunters out there, but the intriguing part about this study is the methodology used to come to their conclusion:

The bears were also much less interested in menstrual blood than any sort of food scent, eating used tampons half of the time they smelled them compared with 100 percent of the time for seafood and 92 percent of the time for seal oil. Even alcohol was more palatable to the polar bears than used tampons. They guzzled down beer 66 percent of the time. (They also ate unused tampons 13 percent of the time.)

Yes, you read right, they fed bears used tampons and beer.

Read more about this rather odd study here: news.yahoo.com


  1. What's the point? Good grief!

  2. Who the fuck would want to eat that black ooze?

    No wonder woman go mental a few days of each month. Wouldn't you, having an oil slick coming out of your ass?

    1. Ummm Menstrual blood is NOT black, it is red like any other blood. All old, dry blood turns black, look at a bandaid in the garbage can after a few days.

      And women don't menstruate "out of their ass", duh. We have something called a vagina that connects to something called uterus from where the uterine lining is shed once a month.......Maybe you just don't like to think about the fact that the place you stick it in is also the place that comes out of.......

    2. My wife said it comes out blackish at times, No for some reason, call me old fashioned but I never checked. And for coming out of the ass that was a joke towards men.

      So, lighten up BITCH.

  3. I think the primative African tribes have the one up on us westerners on this subject. They make the menstrating women stay in a hut seperate from every one else.

    1. Hopefully tight the fuck up also with all sharp instruments well removed.

  4. If the front door is painted red, go around to the back door.

  5. I'm more scared of women on their period than any bear at least bears are somewhat predictable.

    1. Change of life is worse! Any guy who has lived through that with a woman knows what I'm talking about. Crazier than a bag filled with pissed of coons and for months or years.

  6. I think we need a good vampire movie where the starving vampires resort to sinking thier fangs into big stinky bloody kotex.

  7. I would much rather be around a group of women, menstruating or not, than a bunch of brainless, adolescent boys. Grow up, please.

  8. "a woman? we can't have a woman working here! women have periods, and periods attract bears!"

  9. And how many thousands of tax payer dollars were wasted on this so called study? No wonder our country is in economic trouble.

  10. Is that Dyer's trailer? It has an observatory;)


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