What Lessons Can We Learn From The Bigfoot Hoaxer Death In Montana?

The next time you're out in the woods and you see something that resembles a Bigfoot, would you shoot it? If you answered YES, then you may want to think about it first before pulling the trigger. Steven Streufert, founder of The Coalition for Reason, Science and Sanity in Bigfoot Research on Facebook posted the following response from a "non-Bigfooter" friend about the accident in Montana:

Steven Streufert:

Responding to the recent death of a Bigfoot Hoaxer, an old non-Bigfooter friend of mine had this to say:

"They aren't killing cats by microwave so I see it as just slightly abnormal behavior which is the fucking with strangers' heads, ha ha! For that age, an often confusing time, time of onset of some viral diseases or schitzy..

So the next time you see a Bigfoot make sure you shoot him with a gun. Hmmm, some way to treat 'another species', just for the proof of it. Wrong. Triple Fail. It's like that 50s Sci Fi flick about the alien dude who looks just like a human, but his robot who comes out of his spaceship first gets nailed by military tommy guns. It's a moral tale type sci fi.

So the next time you are about to shoot a Bigfoot, think twice. That might be a hoaxer in a costume. Those in the Bigfoot community who advocate shoot first are Idiots. "This tragedy highlights the prevalence and danger of Bigfoot hoaxing". That's it in a nutshell. There is a religious studies/cultural anthro elements to the whole community, I'd say, but, this a sub culture microcosm. Sorry for his death no matter..."

You can visit Steven's blog at bigfootbooksblog.blogspot.com.


  1. He is just talking about the cultural phenomenon and the issues of hoaxing, proving, and hyping of Bigfoot. He is saying that this hype can lead to various forms of tragedy. He is just a guy responding to the news, not some kind of expert or journalist or historian... so don't nitpick if his details on the story are a little off.

    1. I see Blog sign-ins from "Steven" and also from "Steven Streufert". Are those both yours?

  2. The hype of Bigfoot, and its current craze on TV and in the news media can lead to:
    * tragic hoaxing circumstances
    * tragic shooting of humans mistaken for Bigfoot or while hoaxing
    * more confusion in "research" as human activities like howling and knocking are mistaken for Bigfoot
    * a general increase in naive people in the woods doing dumb things
    * perhaps more researchers being eaten by cougars and mauled by bears
    * greater incentive for bad or falsified evidence
    * a population boom in blobsquatches and bad cell phone videos
    * much time, TRAGICALLY.... WASTED.

    Oh yeah, it MIGHT even result in...
    * the tragic shooting of a REAL Bigfoot, godz forbid.

  3. Just sounds like the babbling of an idiot trying too hard to sound intelligent. Most likely an Obama supporter. So he's irellevant!

    1. this is an obama supporter just like the fool that just said no politics jerk. bigfoot fourm yes, but like anything else in the libtarded world go f-yourself punk. we must rid ourselves of blow-doing obama. cause his enviro wackos will make your bigfoot habitat a NO-GO zone! mark our republican words! also bigfoot is an illegal alien and dosen't pay taxes! and who pays for the clear cutting this sasquatch dose? yea libtards we don't like you but i do like bigfoot. but he still dosen't pay his FAIR share. wonder if sasquatch wants us to pay for his birth control? f-u libby's your utopia is comming to a woodrow wilson END.

    2. What a douche this Streufert.

    3. Do you have something against trees you idiot? What do up think creates oxygen for you to breathe nutcase ? Pavement? Anon 7:01 is unstable and mentally ill! Keep your political rants and synthetic drug crack head freak show views to yourself! If there ever was a reason for an island for idiots to ship too u would be the first! Bigfoot doesn't pay his fair share? Your NUTS! What's next deer and foxes paying income tax? I live in a logging area and that land you accuse the environmentalist groups over provides great paying jobs and tax base! Eat Shit!

    4. I havn't seen Obama as a environmental president? What is anon 7:01 talking about? The pipeline? Otherwise he hasn't done squat to protect enough recreational/hunting land! Go environment ! Say yes to green grass , trees and open spaces for movie sets!

    5. The democrats hate women dude is a Crack Head! Do they actually let people from mental hospitals use the Internet ?

    6. Anonymous Wednesday, August 29, 2012 7:11:00 AM PDT,

      Your one-word adjective vocabulary is tiresome and idiotic.

  4. Well I'm back home so I thought i should check in and and clear a few things up.

    While I was away I had someone ask why no recent post from GnR and I must say the support was overwhelming.

    The replies to that question were read to me over the phone by a friend who then decided to take it upon HIMSELF to try and defend me.I diddn't approve of that and later told him so.

    The replies to the original question ranged from "He had an epiphany stopped being an overwhelming douchebag and fucked off" to had a foul mouth and bad temper,childish jerk,the first and only to threaten someone with physical violence and choose to be a tool oh yeah and writes long post and argues with trolls.

    Two days after a left I got myself in a little bit of trouble with the law after nine years of not so much as a speeding ticket.

    Now to the things that were said about me while I was gone.When I first came on here I posted my opinions and a possible encounter and did so calmly and replied to other comments and post respectfully.

    That changed because of things in my personal life and should never have been taken out on anybody on here.

    Most of the things not all but most are true I acted like an angry childish tool/douchebag.I admit to all of that and I am sorry for the way I acted.

    However there are some things I will not change and that is who I am.

    I will post when I want how I want and state my opinion hopefully not offending anyone.I don't understand why people troll or hoax but that's on them not me so trolls will not get a response from me again I refuse to give them what they want or need.

    People who put themselves out to the public that are hoaxers I feel are fair game.
    Sorry for another long post from the Gunner but I needed to say these things.

    1. What does this have to do with the topic? You're back - big deal. And still an attention-whore.

    2. @6:25 Who is the attention whore? someone who made an apology or someone that acts like a jackass trying to get in a cheap shot.

    3. gnrfan, who the hell cares? You are a nobody.

    4. Gnr sucks...1 good album...nirvana now that's a real band....oh wait...oops.

  5. There are a couple points that need to be stated here.

    The hoaxer hit by the car was hit because he was in traffic not because he was in a bigfoot suit.

    I still believe that a live bigfoot or body is needed to prove the species. If I were to see what I believe is a bigfoot and I am carrying a gun, I am going to collect a speciman. It would be tragic if it turns out to be a hoaxer in a suit, but one could make the claim that the "man in a suit" was percieved to be an attacking bear...

    A few of these incidents will stop the hoaxing...

    1. So much like guns don't kill people, bigfoot suits don't make people do stupid things?

    2. So you believe those teenagers ran over the hoaxer because he was in a bigfoot suit?

    3. I don't think anyone could make a murder/manslaughter charge from shooting a man in a bigfoot suit stick. Woman up here was acquitted of shooting her husband because she thought he was a bear. Any judge with a brain would dismiss the case and call it terminal stupidity on the victim's part.

  6. one less a-hole hoaxer in the world. ha f-ing ha! i think the idiot got what was comming. only if we could get dyer&FATsano to do the same. i wonder when it went down if he thought it was a good idea. again ha! f-ing ha!

  7. Well, that super-creepy, ugly, racist, communist, effing idiot Robert Lindsay is absolutely delighted and positively giddy that someone died hoaxing. I, on the other hand, think I might be absolutely delighted and positively giddy if Robert Lindsay died. Can't say for sure though--it might depend on the manner of his passing. I do know for a fact though I wouldn't be saddened by it in the least.

  8. Just like I said yesterday, Darwin awards material!
    Chad W

  9. I would leave the Bigfoot alone, but I would shoot the hoaxer.

  10. We learned that stupid hurts. In this case, stupid kills. We also learned that playing frogger while dressed up to look like a sasquatch will get you sas-squished. Nothing more, nothing less.


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