This Is The Location Where 44-Year-Old Randy Lee Tenley Was Struck And Killed By Two Passing Vehicles While Hoaxing

Highway 93 South of Kalispell Montana

According to his friend, that Sunday evening on Highway 93 in Montana, Randy Lee Tenley was trying to make people think they saw Bigfoot. It's unclear why he took his prank to a speeding highway and walked into the middle of the right lane in a spot where motorist could not see him. "He had this Ghillie suit and was going to attempt to get the attention of passing motorist and through I don't know what means make them feel like they saw Bigfoot or sasquatch," Patrol Officer Jim Schneider said.

He was struck by vehicles driven by two girls, ages 15 and 17, who claimed they were unable to stop in time. Currently, no one is in custody and the investigation is ongoing. Authorities say they are now waiting for the 44-year-old man's toxicology results to see if he was impaired.

Here's the site where Randy met his ultimate fate:


  1. Ummmm. Tmi. I think it would've been best to leave this kind of info off here. Not sure why it's relevant to show these pics.

    1. I think it's very relevant. Don't hoax!!!!

  2. Stupid hurts. Or in this case, kills. Two teen girls are going to have nightmares for the rest of their lives probably over this. Is that a Clorox bottle? Looks like some bleach was added to the gene pool...

    1. I agree, those poor girls.. This maybe one for the Darwin awards!!!

    2. Oh please, it was probably the most exciting night of their lives. And girls love to gossip - this is a story of theirs now that's actually interesting. And what the hell is a 15 yr old doing driving anyway? She oughtta get in trouble for that!

    3. Errm I dont agree anon 3:49, do you know anyone that has killed someone with their car accidentally. Even if they were 15 and girls i very much doubt that "it was probably the most exciting night of their lives" maybe interesting for their friends to here that they know someone that ran over a probably pissed up retard standing in the middle of the road pretending to be a bigfoot!! but they will have this on their mind forever all because this guy couldnt even stand in a place where people driving 1.5t + chunks of metal at speed could see him... Maybe it was the Ghillie suit far too camouflaged!!!

    4. Either you are 13 or a nerd.. Who starts a sentence with "Errm" ?

    5. Errm I do... either your queer or just confused.. who starts their day with a cock in their mouth? apart from your mum that is!! but that wasnt her being queer, oh, or confused, she knew exactly what she was doing!! I am a little tubby though because everytime I shag her she bakes me a cake (with a pic of bigfoot on it of course, I didnt want to sound like I came on here to talk about anything else) sorry mate, tell her I said Hi..

    6. Oh sorry I see now that you are 10

    7. Thats so strange you should say that because thats the number your mum scored me!! you do know she calls me Bigfuck and makes me do sasquach calls to her in a french accent? if you camp outside long enough you may be able to get a photo of me leaving her house, im sure she will assist you in collecting some fresh DNA to prove the existance of the elusive Bigfuck.. Apology accepted by the way.

    8. Sorry, I have noticed that I have spelled sasquatch and existence wrong!! Thats your mums fault for rushing me out of the house, didnt have time to proofread!!

  3. You can't really feel sorry for something so stupid .

  4. I guess you have to milk this for all it's worth. Eh Shawn?

    1. This is far better than covering Rick Dyer or Robert Lindsay.

    2. limited playing field, I bet shawns parents are real proud of their son.

  5. we run over hoaxers all the time round here!Think you can hoax bigfoot youll end up bumper mud!live action!!

  6. It just shows that at any given moment someone is making a hoax.

  7. By most people on this site's logic if the 2 drivers had been footers they would be high fiving not needing counselling. The response to this tragedy has been depressing.

    1. it's not so much the people who believe as it is the idiot Skeptics who always spew vile hatered, it doesn't matter to them what topic! Hate, hate, hate --- obama supporters / Libtards!

  8. to bad the a-hole above wasn't the one who was killed. a lot of people here would love to see you get yours too! once an a-hole always an a-hole. and to the other stupid idiot(story) got what you deserved clown. gee lets pretend i'm a bigfoot. run into traffic and ba-boom now i'm a cold idiot on a metal slab. ha ha!!!

  9. what a fucking idiot.. some people might even think it was a bigfoot and would want to run over it to kill it so they can get the body. what a moron!

    1. Someone would be willing to wreck their car and risk injury and death to get a body? You do know people get killed while driving hitting deer don't ya?

    2. I truly believe if the right person really believed it was real, someone would try to hurt it/run over it maybe shoting it after. They would be rich and famous so to some it would be worth it.

  10. Interesting: a man pretending to be bigfoot was struck and killed, but no actual bigfoot has ever been struck and killed...unless you believe in conspiracy theories.

    I feel sorry for the people driving the cars. I even feel sorry for the guy and his family. It may have been the stupidest thing he ever did and he paid with his life.

    1. they have been hit and killed, do your homework. At least the reports do exist!

      Kinda Like Jesus- son of God was here, like it or not.

    2. Or more like, jesus-just-a-regular-guy was here.

  11. The guy was a few years shy of 50 and he's out doing this stuff?

  12. Like I said before the hoaxes are the ones done by urban areas because they know they will be seen ! You can see all the development in the background. Most rural and wilderness sightings are less hoaxable

  13. It was one of those JREFers doing their Queen Randis bidding.
    Although may he rest in peace or pieces.

  14. Looks like a squishy..I mean squatchy place.


  16. When people die at the hands of their own studipity I just can't feel sorry for them, the problem I have with these morons is that often their stupidity ends up killing someone else, at 44 years old this jackass should have known better, good riddance.

  17. You pay to play, in this case he payed the ultimate price. Darwin award for sure!

  18. Ghillie suit is now a Grillie.

    1. New York Post: Girlies Give Ghillie A Grillie


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