The Bigfoot Chicks Competition Doesn't Have a Blog, But They Do Have Horses

We reported on the Bigfoot Seekers when we did an article on Hot Chicks Of Bigfoot. The women are located in New England and their alleged East Greenwhich Bigfoot footage was featured on the Rhode Island episode of Finding Bigfoot last season. What makes them so special? They believe that Bigfoots feel less threatened when women are around and their chances of actually seeing one are much greater than it would be for tough guys like Matt Moneymaker.

Check out their Bigfooting video:


  1. I wouldn't hump these wood devils with Ranae's dick.

    1. I'd bet they wouldn't hump you either you foul skank.

    2. They tried to get down on the Bobes, but he was too busy ripping through a local buffet to take notice of their advances.

    3. first anon:

      HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! that shit was funny!

    4. ^^^
      Stop responding to your own posts you lonely dipshit.

  2. I demand a refund for my time.

  3. What do all you ass-holes above expect for free admission / entertainment.

  4. Thats a fake squatch in that picture

  5. Hot Chicks of Bigfoot is the dumbest sentence possible in the English language.

    1. Wrong. “The Patterson-Gimlin film is irrefutable proof of Bigfoot’s existence” is the dumbest sentence possible in the English language.

    2. I am a Bigfoot skeptic said by a person obsessed with Bigfoot is the dumbest sentence possible in the English language.

    3. I swear it's like all you footers went to the Carrot Top school of comebacks. You do understand that if your “comeback” actually makes you look even stupider then you would have been better of keeping your mouth shut right?

    4. ^^^
      So your boyfriend or family has said that to you before ? Because there's nothing stupid about it.
      You're a footer you jackass. You ooze footerness. You're up all night looking up Bigfoot stuff you idiot.

    5. 10:47 ought to come out of the closet like his mentor Randi.

    6. When are you going to learn that calling someone a footer doesn't make them a footer you retard? If you can't come up with any better argument than “you know I'm really right” or “you actually agree with me but you won't admit it” than you're not even a sophist you're just a looser. How pathetic can you be that you can't even argue your case? It's as if your stupidity is so profound that you are unable to comprehend that different people can have more intelligent viewpoints than your own. You are a retard, you ooze retardedness and you need do stop trying to spread your mental defectiveness like a disease.

    7. Denying that you're a footer when you're visiting Bigfoot sites everynight is like having a regular seat at a gay bar and denying you're gay.

    8. Oh, so someone who refutes and decries the lies of footers should go where to do it? To your much despised JREF forum where there are no footers to be found? What would that accomplish?

      If I had a beef with gays of course I would go to a gay bar because it's chalk full of fagots. But since I have a problem with liars and sophists I come to a Bigfoot forum because that's where I can find the intellectually dishonest scum I wish to disparage. That's called logic.

      It's like you couldn't possibly be trying any harder to prove yourself to be a low-browed moron. Everything you say only serves to illustrate the depths of your own stupidity. You know Huxley, who fancied himself Darwin's bulldog, was not merely a thug who championed evolution, he understood the theory as well. You seem to want to be footery's bulldog, yet your degenerate mind prevents you from actually arguing your position so you just bully instead. It's high time you stopped being such a coward and finally work up the courage to end your life.

    9. Are you the guy on JREF with the bad teeth ?

      I know you won't understand this, most nuts don't recognize they're nuts but have you considered seeing a psychiatrist ?

    10. Yay! lets all go on the internet and argue about dumb shit! Fun times!

    11. That's the JREF'ers for you.

    12. I speak on behalf of the entire gay community when I say that if the little pencil-penis came into our bar, we would absolute destroy his dweeby little rump. I am bigfoot enthusiast therefore I visit this site. This fool is too or he wouldn't be here daily reading every little tidbit of info. available. Kinda like the alhocolic who drinks daily yet doesn't acknowledge that they have a problem.

      You are wrong about your theory of why you come here. I do not beleive there are wild unicorns wondering the earth so I don't attempt to find Unicorn Evidence sites to visit on a daily basis. If I did, then I am a "unicorner." Sorry dweeby.

    13. It's easy to tell which JREFer this is. I know exactly who you are, BR. Your episodes on this blog are becoming increasingly more bizarre, which makes it all the more obvious how you're spending your time and directing your energy. You wouldn't want one of us 'footers to go the whole nine yards and expose your real identity, would you?

  6. @2;16 they nailed you to a tee. you do believe and or wanna believe! you troll hump every-night just like you do at the bar. and there you have no luck either. wanna bet that you will suck it next time he offer's it up to you again. just like bigfoot you can't say no. that's why you are the most hated man since obama. is the right word to call you a faggot unlike the one g you put into your rant above. you do come across a a liberal fag in every thing you puke out on this blog. but have no fear you can lay with men if you so choose smart-ass. we got you pegged and you haven't caught up with us yet loser.

  7. thats a funny looking kitchen

  8. More articles from these ladies please.

  9. Did she die at the end or what?

  10. Great footage of cougars in their natural habitat.

  11. The only thing that this video makes me wonder is: Do they live in a standard mobile home, or do they have the upscale deluxe model? Take pride in your double-wide.

    1. They live at their local YWCA.
      You know,where all the homeless Lesbos are.
      And by gosh we love our Lesbos!!
      But the one that does all the talking looks like a frickin witch!!!!!

  12. Thier use of horses may give them an advantage over people on foot. Both because of higher viewing vantage point and bigfoot may be more relaxed around a large horse similar to a moose or elk or other domestic livestock. However it is hard to believe too many bigfoot would live in that area compared to say WA OR or CA. Go bigfoot seeker women.

    1. Yeah, I live in the area and there just isn't that much dense forest. Patterson and Gimlin were on horses when their famous footage was captured.

      I think being on a horse is riskier, because if a horse saw/heard/smelled anything as unfamiliar as a sasquatch, some would just bolt. It's their only defense.

  13. Okay, so how do you join, lol? I live in New England and I own a horse. I also enjoy squatching.

  14. Helpful Hints:
    1. Forget about even thinking about gathering proof because A. it is a waste of time, B. it directly hurts your primary objective, which is communication, and C. nobody really cares. You may collect personal memorabilia, however.
    2. Keep your location secret because the Bigman wants you to keep it a secret, otherwise morons with guns will come and try to ruin it for you.
    3. That feeling of their presence that you had, was the electromagnetic energy that they give off when they are invisible and like you.
    Yup. They are paranormal but they are much nicer than human ghosts, if you give them a chance.
    4. You were probably surrounded by at least a half dozen Bigfoot at the time, but only one was making friendly rock tapping noises to remind you that he or she was still there. Quiet noises = friendly. Loud noise = stop whatever you are doing to irritate them.
    5. Try talking to them by whispering and telling them about yourself, as if they were your buddies. Because that is how they want you to see them. Ask them to break a branch as a YES reply to simple questions that you may ask them. Silence then means NO or they don't understand the question.
    6. Doesn't hurt to leave some organic apples behind when you leave or even leave a pile of them out in the woods while you are still there.
    7. Doesn't hurt to play easy listening romantic music. You know, the tear jerker stuff.
    8. Leave your cameras behind, or at least do not take them out. Forget about the Fasano camcorder method because you will never succeed at communication with a video camera in your hand.
    9. Don't go looking for footprints because they will feel like you are pursuing them, which you are not supposed to be doing. Then they may throw a rock nearby to show their annoyance with your activity.
    10. Let them set the distance between you. Never intend to approach them, like the BFRO. You may walk in their direction for other purposes like to look in a pack, for instance.
    11. Let them learn to trust you by you doing nothing to ruin their trust. You can ruin their trust by doing things like shooting off guns, flashbulbs, shining bright lights, approaching them and looking for footprints.
    12. When you get to the point where the entire crowd makes soft rock clacking, small branch breaking, foot scuffing, or nose snorts, every few minutes throughout the entire night and into the next day so that you don't get any sleep, that is when they finally like you and are enjoying your friendly company.

  15. The Bigfoot seekers go out in the field and research day and night ! and this is just a crazy chat room!

  16. if you don't like it don't look!
    Dina Palazini founder


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