Rick Dyer Apologizes For 2008 Bigfoot Hoax For The First Time Ever

We've been extremely busy lately and we haven't had the chance to call Rick Dyer to see why the sudden change of heart lately. Last week, he announced that he was officially done with all the negativity and gave back Team Tazer Bigfoot their website address. Today, for the first time in the history of Bigfoot, Rick Dyer apologizes for the damage he had done to the Bigfoot community since 2008.

The Georgia Hoax that Dyer was involved in was the biggest Bigfoot story of 2008. The story was followed by a few thousand newspapers around the world, including every newspaper in the English speaking world.

The hoax started in Georgia and then went big-time when a veteran media hoaxer named Tom Biscardi got involved. The media attention reached its peak in August of 2008 shortly before the scam was revealed.


  1. Who gives a crap?! Nobody. The boy who cried wolf. He's a two faced mentally ill jerk off. Apology not accepted. If he was sorry he'd stop posting about Bigfoot and just move on with his life and take care of his family and we'd never see him anywhere on the internet again.

  2. This guy and Tim Fasano constantly seek attention even after admitting their hoaxes! Bottom line is they aren't genuine Bigfooters.

    1. Sorry I have to disagree. This guy was a hoaxer and I guarantee you he did more good for the Bigfoot world in 1 day then you will ever do..

  3. After the guy died in the hoax attempt below and the ongoing drama of duded like Dyer, plus the ready remarks of sexual perverts that remark here, I think I am done with evidence... I mean might as well soap opera TV. Think I am going back to hard science pages.

    1. Doing the same thing. If anything real pops up, we'll hear about it from plenty of other sources for actual news.

    2. That's honestly what everyone should do. Honestly, anything short of being released on national news and verified by real scientists is a waste of time. You're not missing anything until then and I do mean anything. Everything in between is "researchers lining their pockets from the gullible schmucks.

    3. Yeah good call. I've been feeling sort of gross lately about being near the types that scrawl these pages and the contributers have obviously been pandering to it. I'm out.

    4. If it's good enough for God is good enough for me. Pay no attention Bigfoot evidence these are the same people that never get from behind their computer. Like it or not Dyer is part of the Bigfoot community. It's crazy that he gets blasted for saying I'm sorry and people like Kulls and Biscardi has never admitted their involvement. Dire has my support.

    5. Um, you don't have to read the comment you know...

    6. Kulls was DEFINITELY involved in this debacle. I've read both sides of the story, you know Kull's side and Biscardi's side. After reading everything they had to say to each other, Kulls was involved too and tried to make Biscardi look as if he was the only "researcher" who had drawn up the entire event. It didn't happen that way, Kulls got stiffed out of some money for his part and decided to try and blackmail Biscardi "solely". Anyone who's informed on the matter knows Kulls is as guilty as Biscardi.

  4. But but but didn't Fatsano come here a few weeks ago and say: "Tim the body I prodded was real. The dick on that thing made Long Dong Silver look like a midget and had balls the size of grapefruits. The MIB stole the body and paid us off."

    LMFAO, the sad thing is people do believe that. MIB!

    1. Anon 9:01,

      Are you saying Fatsano didn't come here a few weeks ago and practically state that? Especially the prodding, penis and nutsack size?

  5. How many people would stand up and be a man like he just did? no one!

  6. Don,t apologize to us ASSHAT! Try apologizing to Loren Coleman for your insults and lies, then maybe I might believe something you might say in the future.

    1. Pffft, LC needs an apology? LMFAO. LC is a known hoaxer (NAPE print) and he's also taken footage from Peter Byrne's home without getting consent from Byrne and attempted to profit from it without Byrne's knowledge. LC is a joke to the highest degree and SWP is suspect at best for being involved with him.

    2. I actually thought that, why SWP sings his praises. As most smart people know LC is a lieing, hoaxing miserable fucker.

  7. Very good if only more what apologize.

  8. two little word makes it all better. ye right,it takes years to build a reputation and seconds to tear it down. ebuild it-hmm,maybe never

  9. your such a dumn dbag dyer. No one respects you and they never will. No one will ever trust you again. You can apologize or you could bring in the first bigfoot, it doesnt matter, you would still never be trusted or respected. Your the same sleeze ball youve always been, and the only person who would let you around them is good ol Fatsano himself. You will never be allowed anywhere near a bigfoot event. Find another hobby freezer boy, well wait a minute, no matter where you go or what you do, your still gonna be the same pond scum. Shit even in church people would whisper what a dbag you are. your a fake, a phony, a liar, a hoaxer, and no apology will make up for it. No action will make up for it. Your a tool dyer, a nasty greasy dbag tool. Go die dyer!

    1. I don't think he's apologizing to you. 4 years ago it sounds like you're still in elementary school. This is the kind of person nasty foul mouth degenerate that hides behind anonymous. I don't see you putting your face time and money out there like many people are including Dyer.

  10. If it's not Dyer it's Fasono it's always something with these people ! Someone always have something negative to say.

  11. Diddn't anyone else clue in on the real reason for the change of heart? He needs views for whatever is being filmed and also wants in on the Smeja/DNA thing.thats all.

    1. +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000x1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

    2. ^^^Wow, those are Obama spending numbers!

    3. He could care less about Justin the wannabe hoaxer!

  12. Dyer if you are reading please pull off another hoax, these dumb believers deserve it.

  13. Like this wasn't expected? As soon as these mouth-breathing jokers feel people aren't paying enough attention to them, they come up with another stunt or start offering excuses or apologies. In Dyer's case, it seems he has 'Histrionic Personality Disorder'...he wants to be the center of attention among Bigfoot enthusiasts, and feels uncomfortable when they ignore him. This guy could benefit from psychotherapy...though, he'll probably grow out of it as he gets older and gets tired of acting like an idiot.

    1. He's he's almost as batshit crazy as the "Bigfoot is paranormal and an interdimensional being" crowd. Now those guys could use a labotomy.

    2. Lon Strickler how many videos have we seen of you In? How many expeditions have you been on? How many producers are hunting you down and paying you the big bucks to talk about Bigfoot ? Have you ever met Dyer in person? You're the joke you have behind a computer screen and judge other peopl that you have never met what is that make you.

    3. Well Ricky D., first off, I physically worked in the field from 1977-2001 until I became disabled. I had a documented encounter in 1981. I don't need to hide anonymously nor do I seek notoriety. I call it like I see it and I'm not afraid to say it...if you don't like it, too bad.

    4. lol...1977-2001 of being a dickhead!

    5. Lon, I agree with you on what you said and want to add that I also think he may be coming out with an apology, to help his credability with this new show or to apologize so when they do come out with that new show it will be more credable. To have a known liar and a hoaxer on your show, I think it would make a harder sell and draw in less viewers and especially those of the bigfoot community. I also think they had to boost his PR in regards to the new show as well. Positive wrather than negative. I still wonder about that alleged bigfoot footage of the tent and him shooting it in the back of the head. He didn't mention anything about that. I did see that he had a site recently discovered with him bragging about the hoaxes and the money he was making because of it. Not sure how you could make money on lieing and hoaxing. I would like to have him clear the air with that hoax as well and if it isn't than, like I told him directly, he should go on national t.v. with some one credable like Jane Goodall and verify that the body is 100% real and not a fake. To the anonymous poster's that hide their names and tell insults. You can always come out of hiding. We won't bite. We might stomp a comment on you if it's not intelligent or bigfoot related. LOL

  14. "That's the reason we haven't been on FB or the Internet lately",,,,,Like anyone noticed or cared.

    This guy is an asshole extraordinaire.He is a fuckin nobody with nothing to offer.I know someone who knows him personally..Rick fucks everyone over and owes all kinds of money out ,,...he is considered the town joke.Everything that comes out of his mouth is bullshit..Everything! His partner {the cop} even backed away from him.The schmuck doesn't want to let go of his 15 minutes. Drug addict,thief,con artist,scumbag. Just die already you fuckin loser.Take your piece of shit poor excuse of a vehicle,along with your unsellable merchandise with the generic looking logo and go the fuck to hell!

  15. He shows up on the scene or whereever the action is hot and then puts up a video on some Random web site like his opinion matters.
    If he was really sorry why dont he return the money he stole? All we here is how well hes doing,right? Im sick of listening to this Wigger.Whos the red head piece of ass thats standing with him on the website? No way hes fuckin that!She has to be a paid model.Hes more of a $10 blow job from the dirty Mexicans kind of guy.

    1. Fyi. 1 That is his wife. 2 didn't still anything 3 grow up.

  16. It is one thing to say your sorry. But now you have to prove yourself to us bigfoot hunters again.

    1. No thank you. Dyer didn't say he wanted to prove nothing he just said he was sorry for the people that he affected the 2008 hoax.

    2. Why does he have to prove himeself to bigfoot hunters? Me personally, I wouldn't wipe my ass with you lot!

      Do you hike with me? No
      Do you pay my gas? No
      Do you get wet, sweat suffer blisters? No
      et al,

      So why this mentality to prove yourself to bigfoot hunters? ah hold on, the cult thing I get it now.... :)

      Why am I here? A good laugh.

  17. Rot in hell! I did not have the brains to notice initial print media reports on your "discovery" were skeptical, and naively failed to realize you were hoaxing when the body failed to materialize in less then 24 hours. "A cop is involved! How could it be a hoax! You will eat crow!", I screamed at my skeptical friends and family, and 4 days later I find out I am a fool! Damn you! Why couldnt you have been you on that highway!!! Die hoaxers!! Die!!!!

  18. Sticky Britches Dyer is at it again!!! $10 blow jobs all around!!!

    1. it's funny how people hide behind anonymous when they're talking shit

  19. The guys a hoaxer. He could apologize 1,000 times and its not going to change ANY THING. Hell he just tried to pull another one a few months ago with a stupid gorilla mask stuck to a tree. The guys a serial hoaxer that will stop at nothing. That's just the truth and that's the bottom line.


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