Pareidolia Exists On Mars Too [Mars Curiosity Photographs]

Missing boot on Mars

Pareidolia (seeing what isn't there) isn't confined just to earth objects. Lights and shadows can explain a lot of what YouTube user StephenHannardADGUK is seeing in NASA's Mars Curiosity photographs. After seeing following photograph analysis, it's clear that Stephen is merely suffering from something that has infected a lot of "paranormal experts". Here's pareidolia at its best:

Via MailOnline:

Alien Disclosure UK, has been gazing at the latest images from the Curiosity Rover, and has collected a fine collection of oddities.

These include white 'flying objects' zooming across the Martian sky - and then a collection of mysterious 'items' he spotted in a video from Gale Crater.

The image shows what appears to be a rock shaped like a digit with a faint outline at one end that vaguely resembles a fingernail.

Another rock found nearby resembles an overturned sandal, and a crevice on another geological formation looks like a smiling Martian critter.

He announced: 'Mars Curiosity captures a possible ancient finger, a dome shaped object, a shoe or sandal and a possible Martian creature.

'Are these anomalies real, tricks of the light or something else, as always you decide.'

The YouTube video - posted by a Stephen Hannard - puts the photograph through many different filters to try to find more clues as to their existence. A fourth blob can be seen to the top of this image

Two lights are seen on Mars. First (top), a light moves across the Martian horizon, and second (bottom) a small light rises from the surface of the planet

On the right foot: The alien looks too small to get any use out of the boot - just one of the many mysteries of Mars

Ancient digit: From the Face on Mars, captured by NASA in 1976, to the 'finger' found just last week, Mars likes to tease us with suggestions of life

Martian footwear: Another rock that caught the attention of the UFO enthusiast made him think of a long-forgotten shoe or sandal on the surface of the Red Planet

Martian life form: An image of a rock with a crevice in the middle vaguely resembles a grinning extra-terrestrial critter

Incredible: Nasa's Curiosity shows the base of Mount Sharp, the rover's eventual science destination, in its latest image release

UFO or camera snafu: The same relentless web user posted footage in which he applied a series of filters to a Curiosity image, revealing what he claimed to be four objects resembling flying saucers

Theory debunked: Experts came out saying that the four 'saucers' are actually just dead pixels in the rover's camera

Bigfoot on Mars?


  1. Well, it's obvious to me that the second "creature" is a Leprechaun without his little hat...

    1. I agree. It is a Leprechaun but it's sun bathing in the nude rubbing one out.JMHO.

    2. Oh well,back to my Angry Birds.

  2. Yep, by spending millions and millions of tax dollars NASA has proven that rocks exist on mars.

    1. Oh yeah what a waste of money.
      I mean honestly what have we every gotten from NASA or space technology.

      You stupid tool.

      I truly wish there was a sarcasm key.
      Educate yourself before you wreck yourself.

    2. Hey asshole,

      I'll just remember that next time I want to fund my little science project; that your money belongs to me, because you apparently think it's acceptable to forcibly steal to satisfy one's intellectual curiosity. Collectivists like you are a cancer that has no right to exist. The greatest thing you could ever do with your life is to end it.

    3. Millions and millions? lol Try tens of billions and billions.

  3. Where is the monkey man monster? I want to see him.

  4. Mars bars are good, but I prefer snikers.

    1. Oh, I just care ever so much.

      -Johnny Sarcasm

  5. That upright thing there with its big grin doesn't appear to be a trick of the light, especially from afar you can tell it's solid and there. Whatever it is. I like that shoe too but the whole Marsian panorama is like three photos of three different pieces of scenery on top of each other, looks spliced together somehow.

  6. yep bigfoot exists on mars, we have known about this for a while

    all you skeptics need to take a look at the evidence its right there in front of you

    if you want to discuss this theory and others in more detail, in a deep and critical way join us over on the bigfootforums

  7. Bigfoot was put here by aliens, why is it so hard to believe that they exist elsewhere?

    I've seen them sufing, hiking, and also driving stolen cars.

    1. That's the worst Bigfoot ever,one that's a car thief.Sorry bastards stole my 68' 442 and shot me the finger as they tore out of my driveway throwing beer bottles out the window while running over my dog.

      Nevermind the dog,I loved that car.

  8. Speaking of seeing things that aren't there.What would it really take to make you stop believing in bigfoot serious question.

  9. I like Turtles............and now rocks aswell.

  10. Good lord some of the posts are just well you know ............


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