New Footage: Colorado Bigfoot Filmed By A Couple Of Dudes


  1. Hmmm...what do bored "dudes" do in the woods? Record a lame attempt of a bigfoot video.

    Think I would rather watch a hot asian chick dancing courtesy of Mr. Davis.

    1. That wasn't Mk Davis' video.It was that out of work,fish eyed fool Phil Poling.


      wank youselves silly.

  2. When perpetrating a hoax, it is best to keep your mouth shut... particularly when you are a horrible actor.

    Horrible actor #1: "Dude, there's someone walking over there."

    Horrible actor #2: "All the way out here?"

    Ryan O'Neal: "Oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man!"

    1. Would've been interesting if Smeja had traveled out there to poach on that day, their friend between the trees would be dead now.

    2. Exactly what I was about to say. Really wooden acting from the commentators tips off the wooden acting from the friend in the suit.

    3. Exactly what I was about to say. Really wooden acting from the commentators tips off the wooden acting from the friend in the suit.

  3. It wasn't a real Bigfoot cause his d1ck wasn't in his hand.They are always masturbating in the woods cause that is the natural thing to do in the woods.

  4. More than two absolutes. Three is that the film will always look like it is filmed through clouds or dense smoke. Its required for bigfoot to make an appearance.

  5. Just like I was saying yesterday when the dude got run down by two cars trying to be bigfoot. No amount of humiliation, stupidity or even death is going to keep people from making videos like this. If you're going to keep doing this at least do me these three favors:

    1. Write some dialogue and practice, practice, practice.

    2. Don't just randomly focus on a spot. Give the viewer a good reason why we're pulling focus to the middle of nowhere.

    3. At the very least PRETEND to try and get closer to the subject. Make us think you've made an effort.

    -- d3w177

    1. Yeah, exactly. The casual panning around with the sudden surprise notice of something over there, is pretty lame. It's nearly impossible to discover things that way. The other stupid ones are where they say they filmed something, then back home watching they realized there was a bigfoot strolling through the scene. Really?! Lame... Also, tuck a bit of padding in the phony suits, make the bigfoots look a bit more robust. Nobody likes to see bigfoots that look like geeky dorks.

    2. You would be skinny to if you had to eat in the wild in drought stricken Colorado!

  6. Not enough detail, seems legit

  7. walking like he's on the oxy-conton bigfoot! also when the dude said whoa! that was the dead give away point. oh-well maybe next time. and the search continues.

  8. If it was an actual sighting then he would have grabbed the camera and started filming right when he saw it rather than just filming the woods first and all of sudden it's part of his senseless filming. Most people film for a specific reason and when he started this film he was just zooming around and all of sudden there was a Bigfoot , I call this as a hoax. Just lucky they where not crossing a road.

    1. That is a pretty dumb assessment. "Most people film for a specific reason..." People film scenery all of the time for no reason when they are out camping or hiking. You need to quit smoking crack and level out, moron.

  9. Whoa that was joey lawrence dude. 57 minutes of whoreshit.

  10. Pretty gay and as usual the "homo for Bigfoot" douchebags are here making excuses as to why its real. "Bigfoot weighs a 110 pounds because he's in a drought."

    1. Do not use "gay" and "homo" as insult words. Shame on you.

    2. Have you seem a bear during drought years ? Yeah they are robust! Right. Live in the real world and apply real world situations . Starve a fat man for a year and tell me what happens ( besides dies)!

    3. Homo homo homo are you the female "gay bear" in the relationship? Homo homo homo.

  11. Well they can't all be hoaxes right? A real one will pop up on video one of these days right?

  12. All the believers calling hoax on all the video besides PGF.But they still exist don't they.

    1. Yes and the sooner that everyone realizes that they are not of this world, the sooner we can get to the bottom of this mysterious creature's existence. I don't think most people are capable of the level of spirituality needed to understand who or what they are.

    2. @ 10:35 could you please explain in detail your theory.I would be very interested in knowing what you mean.thanx.btw not a troll or skeptic i am very open minded.

    3. Yep, there are thousands of them out there.

  13. The guys friend says 'ape man' a second before the camera man sees BF. (29 seconds) Also this is not new video. Seen it before.

    1. '2 absaloutes in life ' a bf always walks left to right' lkol, never realised that before. quite bad really as law of averages tells u it would be 50/50. so most are just copyimg the template laid down by P&G.IE another dumb hoax to add o this ridiculas myth[in my eyes anyway,although i live in hope common sense is wrong again

    2. That was a rather astute observation shawn, left to right. I'm just saying this particular video looks especially 'hoaxy' to me.

  14. Sasquatch is on the Slim-Fast program...and it's working!

    I have a theory about why these videos end so abruptly: the next few seconds of the video will "give away the game" if they don't end up on the cutting room floor.

  15. The explanation is cake! Of course they walk around the human from left to right. They are sun worshipers, and like the ancient Celts they must go around deiseil, or sunwise, so as to not anger the sun god......

    :) :) :)

  16. Has anybody tried the new "Indian relish flavour peanuts?" there fucking Awesome.

  17. Well looks like a slow news day here so why not check out this thread on the BFF:

    "Bigfoot Research – Still No Evidence, But Plenty Of Excuses To Explain Why There’S No Evidence"

    Lots of hilarious things to read from the footers trying to explain away why theres no evidence.

    I read 1 comment saying how critical thinking does not happen on JREF but there is deep critical thinking on the BFF... wow. Looney Toons.

    1. ^ Pull out the vibrating butt plug and change the batteries.
      This will help you relax.

    2. hahaha the same JREF hater as always, still crying about being intellectually destroyed at the JREF.

    3. Relax,this is your Queen Randi speaking.
      Bigfoot is real.
      I command you to believe.

      Ps-The official changing of "The Golden Vibrating Butt Plug of Skeptism" starts @ 22:00 this Friday.

      Bring an extra set of batteries for your fellow butt buddy.

      Thank you,that is all.

      Queen Randi the 'Anal Holder' of "The Golden Vibrating Butt Plug of Skeptism".

      Ps's.Tell Kit that Parn will bring the KY Lube for that easy and warm insertion.

    4. Dude... If you are trying to be funny, it's not working..

      Go home

    5. Awww,did the little Jrefer get his feelings hurt?

      I thought that was funny as shit.I laughed my ass off when I read it.
      You can dish it but can't take it.Poor widdle boy.

  18. All this video does is show that Bigfoot will never be shown to be real.This video is clearly another hoax. Show us another Patterson like video and people would believe,this just totally says b.s.

  19. This is old footage. Not much to go on really. Maybe it's real, most likely it's not. I do believe BF is in Colorado. Too many good sightings and there is a HUGE amount of open, uninhabited space here. I've never seen one either, but I don't doubt it. I also believe in God and I've never seen him either.

    1. You haven't seen Santa either, you also believe in him?

      Same goes for Donald Duck, you have never seen him in real life.. You still believe he is actually walking about without any pants?

  20. I see these guys graduated from the Bobo fay english academy. dude dude dude dude dude ah dude.

  21. This a video of Skinnygrunt.He was on his way to bust down the garage door to save Mucklegrunt.


  22. The bigfoot in this footage is obvious 100% real!

    Can't you guys see, that a person could never do, as the bigfoot do in the footage? Also see the knee's walking.. Also I see something that looks like an old gunshot in the left arm.

    Without any doubt, this is Bigfoot trying to look like Bob!

    - Patterson

    1. thats odd they dont seem to be taking the pgf bait.

  23. Fairy God Mother, I still want my three wishes...

  24. it really sucks that people's words dont mean anything anymore. seems like


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