Montana Man Attempting To Create Bigfoot Hoax Was Struck And Killed By Two Cars On Sunday Evening

This is sad. This may be the first time anyone has ever been killed while attempting to create a Bigfoot hoax. The 44 year old man was reportedly wearing a military-style camouflage gillie suit when he was struck by two fast moving cars on Highway 93 south of Kalispell:

KALISPELL- A man wearing a Sasquatch suit died after being struck by two cars Sunday evening on U.S. Highway 93 south of Kalispell.

The Flathead County Coroner has identified the victim as Randy Lee Tenley, 44, of Kalispell.

Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Jim Schneider says friends of the victim said Tenley was wearing a military-style camouflage ghillie suit in hopes of creating a Bigfoot hoax.

Schneider said Tenley was first hit by a 15-year-old Somers girl driving in the right southbound lane who said she couldn't get out of the way. Tenley was then struck by again by another Somers teen's car as his body lay on the road.

"It's still a crash involving vehicles and a pedestrian. So we're still doing the same investigation, but once we started speaking to parties, then someone involved in it, trying to ascertain exactly what brought that gentleman out to Highway 93 ... I would not guess that would motivate anybody to be out on Highway 93," Scheider said.

Schneider said police are waiting to get toxicology reports to see if Tenley had been drinking.



  1. Sad? Yes. But it was only a matter of time.

    1. Just like justin smeja says. If its a man in a suit f em

    2. the only thing sad, here is the damage to the little girl. A 44y/o man can choose his own fate.........just leave the little ones out of it.

    3. Wait... so it wasn't Tom Biscardi?? Now I feel sad :(

    4. Crazy shit man....but we do have a legit bigfoot body now, we know whats in the vids and pics

  2. I fail to see the sadness in this. If every hoaxer was killed I would feel happy about it. I can't wait until the the first hoaxer gets shot during hunting season.

    1. You are also stupid as fuck. Oh my god!

    2. But there would be no bigfoot researchers left then. And Sad? I think it's fucking hilarious. :)

    3. Yeah anon 5:17 I guess you just love watching and reading every bullshit story about bigfoot. Hoaxes account for 99% of all videos. It is funny as hell in my opinion.

    4. You think it's hilarious that another person died? LOL.

      I hope there will be a spider in your next cheeseburger!

    5. I'm a vegetarian dipshit.

    6. I like spiders in my cheeseburger.

    7. Anon 5:23

      I would rather read 100 hoax bullshit stories, then see one man be killed, in an attempt to hoax a bigfoot footage.

      "I guess you just love watching and reading every bullshit story about bigfoot."

      - No, because I am pretty good to identify (not that it is hard at all) all this bullshit Shawn is writing in here, before I start reading it. So I don't waste my time on these stories and fairytales.

      IMO hoaxers accounts for 100% of the bigfoot footage that is out there. I am still waiting for a real bigfoot footage.

    8. @5:25

      I know, that's why I hope there is a spider in your CHEESE burger.

      Nobody said anything about meat. Shitdip!

    9. Anon 5:17, if all the hoaxers were killed, as you wish, then there'd be no more bigfoot, no more bigfoot sightings, no more bigfoot forums, no more bigfoot anything. Don't you get it, bigfoot is totally about hoaxes, just like crop circles. Don't cut off your nose to spite your ugly face. Feel sad that a real bigfoot was killed by accident, because hoaxers are the only true bigfoots there are.

    10. @Anon 5:42

      Read, read, read! It is anon 5:14 who wants all hoaxers to be killed. Anon 5:17 (me), think he is a douchebag because of it.

      However you are right, there is no such thing as bigfoot.

    11. So no anon 5:42, I don't hope any hoaxers will be killed. I feel sad everytime someone loose his life. I'm not like 5:14, because I have a heart.

    12. I know, that's why I hope there is a spider in your CHEESE burger.

      I lied Moron, I fucking love meat, I guess you knew that also. :))))

    13. @5:50

      Yup, I knew that all a long... Touché!

    14. Well I am a vegitarian so fuck you :)))))))))))))

    15. Ladies, calm down, you can all have a spider for your cheese burger. There's plenty to go around.

      The important thing to remember here is that Bigfoot is a hoax, and that you footers probably shouldn't call for the deaths of hoaxers because anyone who has ever claimed that the PG film is real is, themselves, a hoaxer.

    16. But I don't like spiders.

    17. Then explain the hundreds of sightings by hunters miles from civilization like BC and SE Alaska! I'm sure there is people sitting out miles in the wilderness just waiting to run accross a clearing to hoax with an extremely remote chance of seeing someone! Not even close. Most of these hoaxes happen very close to very populated areas. Do you think every sighting is a hoax? I don't believe every sighting is real either. So quit with this bullshit that all these people are hoaxing and now you see the hazards of doing stupid stuff. By the way a gillie suit looks nothing like 98 percent of the reports and the long strides are not humanly possible!

    18. I don't wish death on any hoaxer, but perhaps this will make a few realize it's not a great idea to do such a thing in a public area where anything can happen. I feel bad for the teen drivers too.

    19. Sorry 5:17, I got my numbers mixed up! :-)

      7:08, As far as the thousands of people who have reported sightings, there are millions more that have told people they've seen Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. We're a species that revels in telling stories, real or fake. Check the book shelves in any store, how many are non-fiction, and how many are fiction. We love make believe, and love fooling other people. We're hard wired to do it, so, sorry, we can't help ourselves! We have to hoax, it's in our genes!

    20. And just where exactly do I find these reported sightings of Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth-fairy?

      If we are so "Hardwired" then surely there is a Santa Field Research Organization, right?

    21. Some fantasies we are forced to grow out of when others expose the hoax as it is. Some fantasies are maintained by people unwilling to have the hoaxes exposed as they grow up. Bigfoot is the adult manifestation of the Boogieman, the things that go bump in the night, an extension of the white man's fear of dark men that goes back well into the European fear of Africans, and is likely a remnant of our primal fear of night creatures and species that look similar yet different than us which might compete with us for resources. An instinctive fear of something that has long ago disappeared once we left the caves.

    22. Anon 7:35 - This "manifestation of the Boogieman" does not explain the thousands of tracks, the hair, the blood samples and the multiple eye witness sightings. You would have to explain EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM for me to believe that it's merely a figment of our collective imagination. If just ONE of these pieces of evidence is real, it makes Sasquatch a true flesh and blood creature.

    23. Although I don't share the same blood lust as my Anonymous friend who thinks it's a hoot that someone died while trying to hoax a Bigfoot video. I will say, if you are dumb enough to get shot while tromping though the woods, dressed as a 6 foot ape-man. Or you get your skull caved in trying to play peek-a-boo with fast moving cars and trucks on a highway, well, lets just say that is Mother Nature's way of trying to improve the gene pool. Does someone deserve to die for being "shit-house rat crazy"? I suppose that is debatable, but you cannot argue the fact that running around the country side, dressed as a Sasquatch, could be a heath hazard.


  3. Maybe this will be a warning to all hoaxers. If they wear suits to look like Bigfoot they might get shot by Justin Smeja types.

    1. Well, Smeja never shoot any bigfoot?

      So how is this possible?

    2. No, I think the guy who died is :)

    3. anon 5:23 how come? You really believe he shot a bigfoot?


  4. Natural selection, except he may have already reproduced. I feel worse for those poor people that have to live the rest of their lives knowing that they killed someone.

  5. It is indeed sad.I expected the first hoaxing death to be from a bullet.

    1. You mean a metal projectile travelling fast. mmh! That's a car isn't it? :)))

  6. Hmm, people hit and killed hoaxing a bigfoot, 1. Actual bigfoot hit and killed on the road, 0. They either don't exist, or FB/FB is right!

  7. This guy is going to get nominated for the Darwin awards! LOL!
    Chad W

    1. Doubt it, did you ever read the one about the chair and ballons? Now that was dumb.

    2. I did, that was a dumb one. Or the woman that had hair lice and washed her hair with gasolene and then had a cigerette!

  8. I feel for the drivers who hit him. he should have never risked his or others life's to do such a stupid thing.

    1. Yep. The sooner we are allowed to learn the truth about these creatures, the sooner we can stop worrying that our kids will be victims to one person's stupidity in this manner. Good lord, what if one of those kids had been injured or killed because of this goofball's need to make a hoax? I think hoaxers should ask themselves WHY they feel they need to do such things. I suspect for most it will be pure mean-spirited desire to put down people who happen to believe in sasquatch.

  9. I hate to ask, did they find him on the road or in a freezer?

    1. I have to ask, is your brain here or in the freezer? I guess the last thing.... It sure seems like it!

    2. I hate to ask, did they find him on the road or in a freezer?


  10. The sad part is if he wouldnt have died we would be debating if it was a real bigfoot or hoax Wickid clown pnw

  11. "Killed while attempting to create a bigfoot hoax"

    F#@k em!

    1. I'm sure that idiot (yes, I'll call him an idiot) knew the risk. The things you learn early as a child are don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, don't play with matches or play in the road. I have a heart, but I don't feel bad for this dope. One of those teens who hit him could have swerved off the road into a tree and died! Now they are traumatized for life because they hit a dipshit hoaxer. He put himself and others at risk. I agree! F#@k him!

      To those of you planning to hoax in the woods during hunting season...BEWARE!

    2. "The things you learn early as a child are don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, don't play with matches or play in the road." And guess what, those are the very things people want to do the worst as kids! Go figure. Fighting instinct, that's what that is.

  12. While it is tragic that hoaxer dude bought it... The real sadness lies with the people who struck him and having to handle the devastation of that.

    1. The only sadness is an insurance claim to repair the vehicle(s) and an increased premium later.

      I have ZERO sympathy for this asshole.

    2. Yes, I am sure the 15 year old girl will not be shaken up or have issues over KILLING a man. Even accidentally.

  13. And to think there are people who don't agree with natural selection.

    1. I think modern society has mitigated its effect.

  14. why coudnt it have been rick dyer in the suit.? maybe next time....

  15. Very few people 'deserve' to die. There are a few. As in people who commit heinous acts of torment or violence on others who are unable or incapable of defending themselves. This person isn't one of those.

    It seems like the perfect invitation for some angry 'footers' to see it as justice to hoaxers but anyone who agrees this is a good thing obviously takes their 'footing' a little too seriously for their own or anyone else's good.

    I find some hoaxes funny and clever, as distracting and annoying as they can be.

    1. I'll agree that some hoaxes are clever as well as funny. I'm not saying he 'deserved' to die...BUT, when lives are at risk clever and funny quickly becomes stupid and malicious. He knew he could have killed someone when he suited up. Luckily it was him being scraped from the shallow end of the gene pot hole.

    2. Very few? I beg to differ! I would say every Politician, Banker, Lawyer and people who go on game shows or believe in bigfoot :)

    3. Or idiots like u anon 6:53!

    4. Damn, I was expecting better than that. I guess I'll just have to piss you off a bit more.

      Hows this? All people who beleive in Bigfoot are poor, degenerated, pig sucking hill billy douche bags.?

    5. You just described your family Anon 7:24!

    6. When's your next parole hearing Anon 7:24? Your toothless boyfriend is waiting for you on the outside!

    7. Don't breed anon 7:24 because the world will be better without people like you in it!

  16. Good. No deceiving now, huh, dead guy.

  17. A friend of one of the witness's said that something in the woods frightened him, and it caused him to run out in front of the traffic,

  18. So now some innocent drivers have to deal with being involved in a fatal accident because of some idiot. It could just as easily have caused one of them wreck and die. You will have to forgive me if I don't shed a tear for the idiot.

    1. I agree. Sad to think hat all of our lives are at risk daily simply because of careless, thoughtless idiots of this world.

  19. Don't take this wrong, because I don't like reading about death. But if a hoaxer were to be shot by a quoted-"Justin Smeja type", then the body simply would be disposed of, and the individual would become a missing person. This scenario could have easily taken place already and no one knows the difference. "Justin Smeja types" are not rare. There are lots of violent people with no means of releasing their aggression except through killing things. If you happen to be in their path looking like a target, you will be the target. These same individuals typically are the same ones with the highest powered rifles and scopes. Good luck escaping that. I am not calling all hunters this type of person, most are very respect of the wilderness/wildlife. But all hunters do know a person of this type, the one who shoots everything, and I mean everything that moves. It doesn't matter if its a bald eagle, baby turtle, whatever, if it moves it's dead. Hoaxers beware.

  20. I think giving a hoaxer attention will always be stronger motivation than this -unfortunately.

  21. Maybe he got the idea from Finding Bigfoot. Wasn't it in Georgia?

  22. You hateful bastards should be praising this guy and mourning his demise. It's people like him that keep your silly myth alive. Without him, you lifeless losers got nothing.

    1. Eh? Then where would you spout your hate? Strawberry shortcake site? What a loser anon 7;13!

    2. From where I'm sitting the guy who goes to sites about subjects he has no interest in just to troll is 100 times bigger loser than anyone he's supposedly making fun of.

  23. Here's your lesson. Just like the trolls that come on here every single hour and spread their stupidity, here comes anothe person so absolutely hell bent on proving that someone else is gullible or stupid that he ends up killing himself. Is it enough of a lesson? No. Tomorrow ButchyKid is going to run his dumb ass into the woods wearing a monkey suit and get shot. When did we start valuing the degradation of others over our own self preservation? -- d3w177

    1. Actually some Trolls speak common sense, it's just footers are too fucking stupid to listen.

    2. Well said. Because that's all these idiots feed on... their desire to degrade their fellow man. Anyone who craves that can get what's coming to them for all I care. People should be a little more understanding of others and we'd be better off.

  24. Hate to seem heartless, but when I read these types of incidents, Bigfoot hoaxing or not....that's just lame.

    Hard to feel sorry for a guy that consciously chose to run out into high speed automobile traffic....what did he think could potentially happen? And really a 44 year old man....doesn't he have more important things to do then planning and executing a Bigfoot hoax, while risking his life in the process?? Dumb. His choice, his consequence.

    1. It's people like him that give you deluded freaks something to talk about.

    2. And now, because of this foolishness, two teenagers will be scarred for life by the memory of killing someone.

    3. I'm not a deluded freak, but I can see how an ignorant cretin might think so.

  25. Its just a shame it wasnt fatsano, snow deuche prime or dyer

    1. Are certain Bigfoot hoaxers the only people you wish to be dead or do you have a list that includes people unrelated to Bigfoot that you also wish to be dead?

  26. Footers gonna Foot, Squatchers gonna much hatred and shit talk

  27. Wishing Death on people because of bigfoot.I really hope most who have posted are teens that dont know any better.think about what you are saying.You are wishing people would die not just shut up and go away but die.I know people believe in bigfoot and thats all well and good but this is life and death we are talking about.

    You have a great site here shawn but it took this post for me to realize alot of people in this are bordering on losing touch with reality or have lost it this is not the place for me.

    1. So I guess you got all sad and misty eyed when seal team six killed bin laden.

  28. what do you call a dead bf hoaxer in the road?
    a good start!
    why did the bf hoaxer cross the road?
    he didnt he got stop dead in the middle.

    1. why did the stoned goblin cross the the road?
      goblin" what road?"

  29. If you're wearing a bigfoot looking outfit standing on a highway, it's not surprising that an inexperienced 15 year old driver is going to get scared and hit you.

    Sorry, but I have trouble generating too much sympathy for someone getting killed in this manner. There comes a time when common sense has to come into play. If you're wearing a bigfoot get-up on a busy highway, common sense should tell you that you have a good chance of startling drivers.

  30. Stoopid.

    It wouldn't surprise me at all if alcohol was involved.

  31. I dislike hoaxers as much as the rest of you but to delight in this kind of tragedy is just inhuman.

  32. sweet, the collective IQ of the state of Montana went up a full half percent when that idiot went tits up...

  33. Don't really know if I believe in bigfoot but its interesting. As for this guy I agree common sense says it all. Also why are all the skeptics so angry on this site. lol really I don't get it. I really don't believe in nessy or mermaids but I don't visit those sites and spit hate. Also Im an avid hunter never seen a single sign of bigfoot but can't really call thousands of people liers either well atleast not 100% of them.

  34. What that guy did was attempted murder. If I was the parent of one of those kids and he lived I would be pushing to have him put in prison. But yes sad that he is dead. The stupid deserve to live in corrections or crazy houses but not death.

  35. This guy was someone's son. Possibly someone's daddy. The response against this guy for what was a practical joke that went wrong shows how bigfoot has become a topic frequented by an increasing number of true cranks and misfits. I just dropped in cos pgf was interesting but I am leaving with my belief that modern America is one sick puppy.

  36. This tragic event will do little to stop other hoaxers I am afraid. I agree with everyone who feels bad for the two kids who killed the guy. I hope their parents sue the dead guys estate to cover cost of car repairs and counselling for the kids. The dead guy knew what he was doing but did not care. It is reckless endangerment at the least. If a driver died avoiding his stupid ass, do you think he or his friends would have stuck around? Not likely. As a kid I did all kinds of crazy crap. Throwing eggs, rocks, rotten veggies, snow balls, etc at cars, tied stuffed animals to fishing line and drug it across in front of cars. No one was ever hurt in any of the cars, thankfully, but a buddy got his ass kicked by a driver when he hid instead of running. But one thing I knew not to do was run around the woods looking like bigfoot and not to play frogger in real life. Anyone who knowing goes out hoaxing and gets hurt or dead, earned what they deserved. Just like as a kid getting beat up was part of the risk and added to the excitement. When enough hoaxers get hurt or killed, then sued for damages, most people will stop doing it.

    1. Don't give Loren Coleman ideas for petes sake.

  37. Those poor teens will suffer their whole lives because of some idiot that thought hoaxing would be fun, such a shame. My heart goes out to all the people involved. But maybe, just maybe it will make others think before doing something just as stupid.

  38. Why are 15 year olds allowed to drive? What a retarded country.

    1. Why not most car accidents don't involve 15 or 16 year olds they are older and involve alcohol.

  39. heavy farming/rural states allow 15 year olds to drive.

  40. "Why did Bigfoot croos the road?" "To show the dead racoon on the side of the road that it could be done."..I guess now that isn't even true...Damn it..!

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