Montana Bigfoot Hoaxer May Have Been Drinking When He Was Struck By Two Cars

Randy Lee Tenley, 44
Photo Credit: Cryptomundo

According to the coroner's office, Randy Lee Tenley, 44, may have been drinking when he was struck by two cars on a dark highway while dressed in a "Ghillie" camouflage suit to hoax a Bigfoot sighting in northern Montana. The NY Daily News reported that Tenley was just a "normal guy" who drives a truck for a living. He leaves behind a "juvenile daughter".

Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry told the Daily News that there was "evidence to indicate he (Tenley) had been drinking before (the hoax), but how much is still unknown".

It was just a "sad deal," the sheriff added.

 [via NY Daily News]


  1. Replies
    1. also may have been drinking when he ordered up that haircut...

  2. I think this sets a dangerous precedent whereby people can kill people in ghillie suits and get away Scot free by claiming that they thought it was a Sasquatch.

    1. I dont think that the drivers hit him intentionally, regardless if they thought he was a Bigfoot, man in ghillie suit, or some other animal. They probably didn't have time to react if he ran out in front of them.

    2. a good lawyer and stealth is a good defense. no-doubt they didn't see him. all because of some stealthy clothes and under that a six-pack led this a-hole of a father/provider dead. no remorse/no remorse given! it's a cold world out there. but's that's reality!

  3. He'd still be alive if he hadn't been acting like a fucking dipshit. Maybe now less idiots will try creating hoaxed videos. Fucks.

  4. So you want to put 15 and 17 yr old girls in jail becouse some jack ass was being a dumb ass . these two girls should sue the hell out of his whole family for being a jerk .

  5. Yeah, let's just leave this be. His daughter will miss him the rest of her life. The two teenage girls will have night mares forever. Yes, he was stupid, but a life was lost, so we need to move on.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful reply, Jennifer. It is much appreciated in a blog that has very few of them. :)

  6. You're missing the point. If it had been a hunter crossing the road they could have hit him, said that he was hoaxing, and then a bunch of dumb shits on the internet (and the sheriff apparently) would just say that he deserved to die and there would be no serious investigation. Automobile accident investigation has come a long way and they really need to take a serious look at the accident because they should be investigating all fatal accidents seriously. Maybe it was unavoidable this time, but a precedent cannot be established whereby bad drivers mock and attempt to blame their victims so as to avoid punishment.

    1. A hunter would have a gun. Unless he hunts with his bare hands.

    2. You seriously suck at straw man fallacy. I didn't say HE was hunting.
      The point is that motorists are required to operate their vehicle in a responsible manner. If he jumped out 10 feet in front of her in a 50 mph zone then the accident was unavoidable. If she had 200 feet in which to respond then she should have responded. Whether or not you like hoaxers it is illegal to kill one by operating your vehicle irresponsibly.

    3. You're an idiot. Like any accident, they are taken on a case by case basis. Quit reading too much into it and trying to make more of it than it is.

    4. You're a fucking retard. Teen drivers are notoriously shitty and irresponsible. The cop who was quoted in the original article had oubviously dismissed the whole thing as “some dumb hoaxer got himself killed” based on nothing more than hearsay and less than a day had passed. Also the accident scene was a wide open area with no apparent obstacles to affect visibility. I'm not saying that she was “texting and driving” or talking on a cell phone and driving or speeding. I'm saying that there should be an INVESTIGATION. Maybe it was an unavoidable accident, but homicide shouldn't be dismissed out of hand.

    5. Anon@10:16-You just spewed diarrhea from your mouth!
      I guess that's a first in the world.
      Someone call Guinness Book of World Records!

  7. Well look at that. He looks 20 years old! It's a conspiracy!

  8. Look at the bright side now we can go to the Montana Kill's site and do EVP work to communicate with the dead hoaxers ghost.

  9. A man is dead and a child lost their father not to mention the two young drivers who will be affected for the rest of their lives.I don't find it funny at all.the man did a stupid thing but did not deserve to die.the whole situation is tragic for all involved.

  10. And the 10th post about this is showing us what bigfoot evidence exactly?

    1. the same as all the other post there is no bigfoot evidence and never will be but you will keep dreaming and i will keep trying to talk some sense into you and so on.

  11. Maybe another dumb-ass will learn from this guy. So stupid things, bad things might happen.

    1. Don't know about that.
      As the saying goes "You are what you drink"!
      Which in this case he was DRUNK!!
      And there will be copy cats.Hopefully they won't be DRUNK!

  12. @10:16, dude in this day and age of texting/talking while driving are all the rage. you mean to tell us that just because she wasn't doing those two things she is guilty of something other that driving a car. the guy is in f-ing camo. maybe you can see like the bionic man that dosen't mean she can. i mean after-all she isn't expecting a camo-ed up drunk dude to hide in her lane. this dude is the reason why he can't breathe any more. this isn't her fault at all she has the right to expect that some idiot trying dumb things isn't going to try to conceal himself from someone else and now involve her. without consent of the teenage girl. with that i say glad your not my juror. with your pre-notions of a whole group of people sounds like a liberal democrat to me.

    1. "with your pre-notions of a whole group of people sounds like a liberal democrat to me." Yep, I think you nailed that one. And I agree, total Darwin award for being such an imbecile.

  13. The moral of the story is that friends don't let friends drink and squatch.


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