Moneymaker May Flip Out Over This: Finding Bigfoot Needs A Robert Lindsay

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Freddy von Erich.

People can say a lot of things about Matt Moneymaker but nobody can say that he is insincere about his quest to actually find Bigfoot. Matt Moneymaker has done a great deal for Bigfoot research, perhaps more than anyone else, and the time has come for him to step up and invite Robert Lindsay to appear on an episode of Finding Bigfoot.

Robert Lindsay is the premiere source for information when it comes to Bigfoot. Lindsay constantly reports the latest Bigfoot news before anyone else and has become the “go to guy” so to speak when it comes to information relating to Dr. Melba Ketchum and the movie Sasquatch the Quest. Lindsay has used his many connections and sources to break all the Bigfoot News that is fit to print over the past two years. Many within the Bigfoot Community rely on Lindsay to remain up to date on all the latest news and happenings.

The time has come for Matt Moneymaker, for the good of Finding Bigfoot, to invite Lindsay to appear on an episode of Finding Bigfoot. Lindsay is extremely well read when it comes to all things Bigfoot and could appear as an expert related to sightings and field experiments in the Sacramento area. This could serve as an introduction of Lindsay to the viewers so that they would then read his blog to keep up on the latest Bigfoot news. An appearance by Lindsay would serve to introduce his many readers to Finding Bigfoot, so that they would become regular viewers, and introduce the viewers to Lindsay so that they may read his blog. What this would do is essentially unite those with an interest in Bigfoot into one large group. A large group like this would allow researchers to work together in an effort finally prove the existence of Bigfoot. Having Lindsay appear is probably one of the biggest things the show could do in terms of uniting the Bigfoot community in pursuit of one common goal. Anything that unites the Bigfoot community is a good thing. While Moneymaker and Lindsay may have had their differences in the past, Robert Lindsay does not hold grudges and would not want, nor expect an apology from Matt.

I am asking all of those who read this to make it known in the comments section that they want to see Robert Lindsay on an episode of Finding Bigfoot. I am also asking that you write Animal Planet and tell them that you want to see Robert Lindsay and Matt Moneymaker together on Finding Bigfoot. It is well known that both the cast and those who work on this show regularly read this blog. Let them know that the time has come for Robert Lindsay to appear on an episode in Season Four of Finding Bigfoot.


  1. And with all of his "breaking news" how many times has Robert Lindsey been right?

    1. ^ wrong again grandma's boy.

    2. Well. He posts rumours that have to do with Bigfoot. And bigfootevidence spreads them. Robert originally leaked out the sierra kills story which wasn't even supposed to be out so I guess at the very least he had legit sources at one point.

    3. he looks totally fuckin kick ass no shit

    4. mr.freddy von erich must be arrested on the spot for saying such stupid things! just think if you elect OBAMA again this could possibly happen and i just said it as a joke. but really the bigfoot world already gets lambasted we do not need this professional liar and he looks like david koresh and that scares the FBI.

    5. No way is Robert/Bob ever right or kick ass. He's a fucked up piece of shit who should have his ass kicked along with all of his fans.

  2. Other than the BF stuff, the rest of his blog is full of shit. I think I have a better chance of seeing a sasquatch, than seeing RL on FindingBigfoot!

    1. All of Lindsay's blogs are full of shit because he is.

  3. Sick. RL, needs ignored. Same with MK. They make the field look even dumber. So long as people give the likes of certain people the time of day, the scientific community will continue to ignore, or ridicule this subject.

    1. I agree. Leave MK out of this. RL is a scourge! MK does a good job and never makes bullshit promises or predictions.

    2. Woah! Lets think about this for a minute.. The vortex of bulls**t between lindsey & moneymaker could well be powerful enough to cause a rupture in the fabric of space, finally making time-travel. possible!!!

  4. I'll continue not watching that crap show. Trade one douche for another. I will admit that Finding Bigfoot is a little better than the Chasing UFOs show though.

    1. dude or dudette, it's so much better than chasing hub-caps show that mrs. queen bee lady ryder still thinks she's on the boy's rugby team. that ufo show was a big dissapointment!!!

  5. I would like to see Bigfoot on an episode of Finding Bigfoot.

    1. Heresy. An actual bigfoot on Finding Bigfoot. Are you crazy...that would cause

      Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky!
      Rivers and seas boiling!
      Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes!
      The dead rising from the grave!
      Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!

    2. Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

    3. ^^ Shut the hell up loser.

      ^ Who the fuck did you call Dr. Venkman? You don't know for sure if anyone with that last name's on here. Besides, telling others to calm down is stupid.

  6. Nothing against Robert, but I would prefer to see people like Dr. Bindernagel and Dr. Meldrum, or Mike Rugg.
    What would be interesting is if the crew selected the top online bloggers, put them in a team, gave them some equipment, and said "You're on your own for three days.Try to find some evidence." Then chronicle the adventures of the online critics.

    1. Top online bloggers? How in the fuck do you do that without it turning into a popularity contest via vote? It would need to be randomly selected to be fair. Just because someone doesn't post much or has his own opinions of which others scoff at shouldn't dictate that he or she be left out. I like the idea but the "top online bloggers" thing isn't a realistic or reasonable way of defining who goes.

    2. Time out on the field. When you say online bloggers, does that include YouTube researchers?

    3. Why? To turn the show into the 55th copy of "In Search of" 3 out of 4 members assume existence and the show is about locating areas bigfoots inhabit. I.e its not about convincing us they exist. I am referring to 1st suggestion,btw.
      Your 2nd suggestion sounds like a good spin-off though.

    4. Another question: do you feel as if you are a "top online blogger" Sasquai? Just wondering what sort of blogger "suits" your definition and if you think you are IT?

    5. According to Fasano, he's "tops" because of his YT view count. I would freakin' LOVE to see Fasano, TGBF and TheSquatchmaster be forced to actually do overnights and search for bigfoot, not YT views. They'd freak. Make it 14 days though, so we get rid of them for a while.

    6. Wow, lots of angry and nasty comments to what I suggested. That was MY opinion so take your anger elsewhere.
      Anon @ 6:25- I'm not a blogger. I don't write articles online and I hadn't even given it a thought to be on a list that "suits" me.
      Anon @ 6:24- No YouTube researchers at all. I meant people like Shawn and Robert, or Tom at TCC. People who blog the Bigfoot news.

      Anon @ 6:23- Angry much? It was an idea for Christ's sake. As if it's really going to happen. Later.
      Is there a specific word I can use so everyone understands?

    7. Sasquai,

      What do you mean angry? That wasn't anger. That was a simple question and opinion.

    8. Yep! Great idea! The only thing that could cause more harm to BF research than Moneymaker and his team would be a team of "top bloggers". As if footers aren't already a laughing stock to the general public and scientific community. Let's give them more fodder by sending bloggers into the deep woods to whoop and scream like morons. I don't see the point. Maybe if they spent less time blogging and more time working they could afford their own equipment and gas money to get into the field. "Top bloggers" aren't interesting to read which means they'll be even harder to watch. Give Smeja a show before any stinking blogger! At least he's interesting! Episodes of Rick Dyer carrying Tim Fasano on his back once week would cause less damage to footery's image. Top bloggers...what a joke!

    9. Gotta say, SN... IMO, 6:23's comment wasn't "hateful" at all. Please don't go paranoid on us!

    10. They should take a new known Bigfoot expert along on every trip like Byrne, Meldrum, Nelson, Morgan, Morehead, Bindernagel, etc.

  7. Yeah lets get a self-absorbed racist anti-woman blogger on a show about Bigfoot.

    Yeah sure. Great idea fuckstick.

    1. Ditto,

      Shawn Evidence = Robert Lindsay

    2. Where has Robert been racist? Please clarify....if you are referring to the Morgan Freeman quote then try again. You do realize that was another persons opinion of which he reported? Besides, so what if that WAS WHAT HE or ANYONE ELSE THOUGHT? We are talking about a supposed animal who.also supposedly is of relic hominid origins are we not? Last I heard Bigfoot was not of a simian origin so what's wrong with that comparison? Would it have been racist if Bigfoot resembled a white person? No it wouldn't have so what's the problem here?

    3. You asked about the racism, just read the backlogue on his blog. Shouldn't take that long to find the blatant racism, pedophilia, mysogony, and conflicted self-hatred of homosexuals. Pretty clear, all there on the page. Oh, but then you would have had to go to the original source of his fairy tale Bigfoot news, his blog, to have read these things. Please do so because it makes me want to vomit every time I see someone defend this horrible example of a human being. Please take the time to read his trash, not to make him more money, but just to know the aftertaste this mans filth will leave in your mouth. He is a sad attention seeking little man.

    4. He has plenty of White Supremacy posts on his blog. Do some reading. Also, look at some of his Trevon Martin posts. Case closed.

    5. Anon, I am not a White nationalist, but I know some of them. We don't exactly agree on race issues. In general, I do not support the White nationalist line on race. I am a proud supporter of the first Black President, Barack Obama, and my co-blogger is an anti-racist Black woman. All this "racist" talk is a lot of silly noise.

    6. Anon, I am on the mailing list of NOW, National Organization of Women. I am also on a lot of other pro-woman lists, mostly around reproductive rights and poverty issues, and I participate in a lot of their political campaigns. I am an equity feminist. So this misogyny thing is just silly.

      I am also on the mailing list of a lot pro-gay groups and I participate in their campaigns, mostly around gay marriage. The "anti-gay" line is just silly. But it's true I don't like gay men too much personally.

    7. Is that how somebody tries to claim "cred" these days, to say they are on somebody's mailing list? WTF does that prove?

    8. more lying crap from you, Bob. you think that your haters are silly? well guess what? YOU'RE WRONG!!! why? 'cuz you're the cunt who's silly.


    1. "That ugly racist douchebag *FAG* and ugly *FAGGOT*"

      HYPOCRITE much? Wow, you are a moron of epic proportions and a racist bigot to boot.

    2. Don't respond to this phony "my keys are stuck" facktard until he stops his ignorant yelling.


    4. To the cap lock bandit- your unstable! Please get the help u need on your own dime so us tax payers don't have to lock your sorry ass up in the future ( or again)!


    6. Weirdo who's nuttier than squirrel turds......learn how to type or buy a new keyboard.

    7. Good lose it! The cops and the mental ward are waiting for you! Smash your computer and parade around your parents basement with your crazy clown outfit with your large baseball caps collection seeaming obscenities at the voices in your head ! Good riddance! Their coming to Getcha ! Ha ha !

    8. @6:52, why dose it bother you so much if the response is in CAPS or not. in a world and country that's going to hell you give some-one a hard time about caps and as you said yelling. give us a break loser you are a libtard liberal. really man grow the FUCK up already. yelling- more like communicating with libtards that get bent about caps. your a f-ing douche bag drinking fuck. and i just love the next word you'll say "RACIST" and that is just a word too! just like those caps. jackwad!!!

    9. Shawn -- please ban attention whores that use all caps, and also any dork that responds with the word "basement" in their post. Thanks!

    10. i've a better idea: how about Shawn bans all these Lindsay-loving faggots who have nothin' better to do than to shit on that fellow Robert hater of mine? i'd love to see them thrown in prison where they can get the ever-lovin' crap beaten out of them.

      about you, caps hurt feeling i guess, you tell that no-life troll. i mean what right does he have in getting butthurt about that other anti-Robert?

      as for you, Anon 6:05, you and those anti-anti-Lindsay homos are the real douches here especially since you can't listen to reason due to your stickin' your damn nose into other people's business. so get a fuckin' life and leave Bob Lindsays haters alone!

  9. Have any of seen this.

    1. Its been covered in a previous post. The general consensus was that the guy was a complete moron. Little sympathy was extended to anyone but the poor teens he could have killed.

  10. Mr. Erich: producers are not going to get anywhere near Robert Lindsay due to his self-confessed racism. His misogyny is pretty bad too. All in all, the network and the show would be playing with fire.

    1. so true! i would definitely not watch that episode..

  11. I don't like some of Roberts writing but I agree with his theory in his article about the death of the hoaxer. Something along the lines of we the death of at least one hoaxer per day. Look it up on his site.

    1. Let's think deeper about his celebration of that man's death: he's upset because a man was going to purposely hoax a creature is still -- like it or not -- a mythical beast. This would somehow do the impossible: make the Bigfoot community "less credible" (lol).

      That is the essence of his celebration over a man's death. Now, consider this: that man was the father of a 10 year old boy. THAT is a tragedy. Making a comical community a wee bit more comical is no tragedy, just annoying.

    2. Hey but the bastard made it on to CNN news! He got famous on his first try. Now all hoaxers have to do is fake bigfoot then fake there own death and bingo they are on headline news.

    3. People reveling in the death of a man because he was a bigfoot hoaxer come across as people so desperate for vindication, that they will see every other piece of "evidence" as a chance to yell "Ha! Eat Crow!" only to time and time again find themselves grinding their teeth and cursing the hoaxers.
      The comment sections for the relevant posts were a low point in bigfooting history. A pathetic turn-off.

    4. It's tragic that this poor kid had an idiot roll model who was close to 50 dressing up like a Bigfoot and hoaxing people and running in traffic risking his life and others. That poor kid has to live with that memory! That's tragic!

    5. i don't like any of Rob's posting 'cause they're really of shit like the bastard he is. in fact, i'd cheer if he died early.

  12. moneymaker sharing the spotlight with lindsay thats rich.that fat bastard would get rid of the rest of the cast if he could.

  13. That would be the bomb.Awesome

  14. Lindsay looks just like the turtle-man from call of the wild.

  15. Contributor Freddie von Erich? That's either Lindsay himself (dressed as Helga the S&M task-master) or Rictor (dressed as Helga the braided serving wench at Oktoberfest). Lindsay would never pass muster with his other shady interests, so forget it.

  16. Inviting "known" internet footers like Standing and those fools from Ohio was a mistake I doubt the producers would repeat. Those cameos weakened whatever credibility the show has, and earned the cast nothing but anonymous attacks over the internet. Joke.

  17. Hey dont fuck with the turtle man.Or might have to give you a good ol attitude adjustment.

  18. How much credibility did Finding Bigfoot have to begin with.

    1. You make a good point. Why not then. LINDSAY FOR FINDING BIGFOOT.

    2. Apparently more credibility than the a guy with the handle "Herb Gardner". Otherwise you'd have your own series where you call blast through your bong.

    3. Hey leave the potheads alone dude!

    4. I'm not on T.V. trying to get any credibility am I.

    5. They just said in the news that young pot smokers lose a lot of IQ! Duuuuude!

  19. Who needs a leftist/communist totalitarian that cannot engage dissent but must silence and eliminate it? Who needs that?

    1. A spectre haunts the skeptical world...the spectre of Bigfootery!

      Footers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your shame!

    2. i agree with the guy who uses all upper case letters, Lindsay IS ugly.. he is not easy on the eyes and if he hate women so much why is he wearing female glasses?! looking at him makes me want to puke imswear to God..

    3. Why couldn't it have been Robby who was standing in the highway? Sigh

    4. You guys are effin mean dicks.

    5. i sure as hell don't need that leftist piece of shit, Lindsay. as far as i'm concerned the only fuckin' mean dicks here are Bob and his oh-so-deluded fantards.

    6. ^^ i wish that i knew. but if he does and i see get run over, i'd laugh my ass off.

  20. Why does the bigfoot community/world need yet another insignificant and attention seeking dork?

  21. Lindsey may not hold grudges, but I get the feeling MM does. Lindsey has stated that MM is a drug addict and has squandered research funds. Good luck with that.

    1. Lindsay is a sexual deviant according to his website. As much as I don't care for Moneymaker, I'll take an addict over a sexual predator any day! Moneymaker and Animal Planet should never allow Robert Lindsay's name to be associated with their show.

    2. I remember him threatening to write unfavorably about Meldrum. He was butt hurt about being wrong about what Meldrum said about the "steak" at the kill site. I'd consider that a grudge.

    3. I doubt Matt wants him along, he wouldn't be able to accept another alpha male with strong views about the nature of the Sasquatch species. Matt's still shouting his animal boloney while Lindsay's on the right hominin track as is Dr. Ketchum and Matt doesn't like any of it disrupting old weary legends.

    4. even though i hate addicts, i'm better off dealing with them than sexual predators. if Rob and his fans think that he's right they're sadly mistaken.

      i totally agree that Moneymaker and Animal Planet would never allow Lindsay 'cuz i can learned what a real fucktard he is.

  22. Replies
    1. Excellent work, nailed it.

    2. Damn right he is. So are his ass kissers who suck up to him like there's no tomorrow.

  23. If anyone actually knew MM they would be surprised how little he really gives a shit about anything Robert Lindsay says.

  24. Matt Moneymaker has done nothing for this field. Hell, when he gets near a site where bigfoot is frequenting he is run off, just like biscardi. No one wants this fool around. Between his drug problems and his retarded and uneducated remarks, this guy isnt fit to really do much of anything. you wanna know why that guy got killed pranking. B/c finding bigfoot puts ideas like this in peoples heads. The show is so obviously faked its rediculous and even Bobo has admitted that he is just their for a pay check and that he hates moneymaker.
    This individual is actually hurting anyones chances to ever see one of these animals. He goes around telling others these rediculous methods of trying to lure in a bigfoot, but the catch is, he occassionally does practice techniques that have been known to get responses. But now that he has basically told every yahooo out their to try this, these animals are never gonna respond to these techniques like they might have in the past.
    Moneymaker is just filth, and if you ask those who know him well, they will tell you this. casual observers have no idea what the community thinks of this guy. And that includes shawn and the other bloggers including team tazer. They dont have any kind of working relationship with this man, nor know his history. Its that simple. So before you praise the fat man for something he hasnt done, and something that has hurt his supposed "cause", you should take the time to know the man like the rest of us have.

    1. No he only created the BFRO. That's it!

    2. You're talking all this shit but posting anonymously?

      Fuckin idiot.

    3. As if PROKILL is somehow your true identity? Haha! PA-THE-TIC

    4. at PROKILL:

      "Says the hypocritical and wimpy dickwad who can't use his real name."

  25. I would love to see Lindsay on the show, but Moneymaker's ego would never allow that to happen.

  26. Does everyone, including Sean, know about Robert's "other" blogger site, which he is open to on the top of his homepage?

    The first video is a graphic video of a gay male porn star murdering his gay lover with an ice pick, cutting him up on video, dismembering the body and eating the body on camera.

    This is NOT a joke. Robert is a disgusting, disturbed human being, who happens to be opinionated on the bigfoot subject.

    I suggested we all, including Sean, looks closely at the character he is promoting as a complete human being and not just as someone who posts bigfoot news.

    Even the posting of this video, let alone others on Robert's "other" site (link at the top of his current page), should be widely considered when judging this person.

    1. I'm not a smart guy, but this isn't normal shit. At all. No matter "what" the explanation is. He may have his "tastes," but associating with him, Sean, isn't good.

      I'd rather have no bigfoot "news" than his, especially posted/promoted. That video will give me nightmares for the rest of my life.

    2. LOL, you watched that video? LOL, bad idea, my friend, bad idea...that video is so bad...I didn't even watch it myself! LOL, I just uploaded it, Hell if I'm going to watch something like that...

      It's a shock video site. There's plenty more like that on there. That's all there is on there is shock videos are shock photos pretty much. I was going to try to make some money off shock videos and photos but it all fell through...well, the site is still up...

      You think I look at that stuff myself? You kidding? I've seen enough...But, you know...give the people what they want...

    3. You are the lowest form of life on this planet Robby.

      In response to why Sean would associate with this trash,

      Sean Evidence = Robert Lindsay

      You think Sean's real name is Evidence and he is actually a flesh and blood littlefoot avatar? One of them must have made up the other, only thing that makes sense. That's why he can turn a blind eye to Robby and his antics, because Sean is the one writing and uploading that filth himself. Take a moment and think about it, why does Sean never show his face?

    4. your still a cheese dick lindsay

    5. Yeah LOL you moron LOL! Somebody just might thing LOL that you are endorsing a video LOL that you have linked to your website LOLOL! Asshole.

    6. Typical sociopath answer/err....excuse. I posted this video and others because...

      After looking at it, there is not only this video but numerous other disturbing videos. Okay, let's buy Robert's explanation it was a "shock" site (ha ha ha).

      On this blog, outside of the shock videos there are all bigfoot videos.

      What is it Robert? Shock? Bigfoot? Are they one in the same to you?

      Get your story in order.

      And IMO, even POSTING this video (for money, for shock, otherwise) says enough.

      Normal people don't post videos of dismemberment, murder, body eating, sodomy (on dead corpse)....unless your name is Jeffery Dahmer.

      Waiting for sociopath response...

    7. Great job anon 9:25!

      Linsay probaley went, killed and ate two people becaude of the anger you caused him.

      Warning signs are there for me too clear as day!!

    8. ^ Are you suckin' up to Lindsay or were you bein' sarcastic? Both of aren't acceptable.

  27. Robert lindsay is pure man candy...easy on the eyes..can only make the shows ratings spike.mmmmm.

    1. Finish your sentence, RL. "God I hope you're female and 11 yrs old."

    2. So you think that Bob Lindsay such a hunk. Well, don't blame me if he rapes you like the blind fangirl you are.

  28. Hey Freddy! I only tune into Finding Bigfoot to hear Moneymaker's retarded comments. I want everyone at Animal Planet to know an appearance by Robert Lindsey will keep me away forever...unless Cliff, Matt, Bobo and Rene feed him to a squatch with a side of people food...then I'm in for life!

  29. I'm just going to venture a guess that there is actually a lot of jealousy for Matt Moneymaker.... He makes a living looking for bigfoot while other people spend their own money doing the same thing. Like any other bigfoot researcher wouldn't do exactly what he's done if they had the opportunity.

    1. "I think there's a Squatch in your post."

    2. Nobody is saying they wouldn't do the same thing. They are just saying they'd do it better.

  30. next thing you guys will want is timmy fatso on fbf

  31. Credibility is the issue here. Lindsay, with all of his bullsh*t news, and Moneymaker for being a detriment to legit research have only harmed the actual creature Bigfoot and are putting it's future in jeopardy. If we all let our egos get a hold of us like these two men then in the end it's about us, not about Sasquatch and that is detrimental for those of us who actually care about the Big Guy, and have the right heart and mindset to do so.

  32. I haven't read any of this, but just wanted to be the 111 poster :)

    1. Congratulations! As the 111th poster you will have a starring role in Lindsay's next "posted on my blog, but don't watch it" video.

    2. Yeah, I'm famous for doing fuck all.

    3. ^ Tell someone who cares.

  33. The guy in the picture up top,takes it in the taterwhole and likes it.

  34. All communists should die a slow agonizing death. These pieces of shit deserve nothing the sounding fathers put forth.

    1. How prejudiced and closed-minded you are, bastard. Would you want others postin' shit like that about you?

      Also, try usin' "founding' instead of "sounding."

    2. I was the Anonymous who posted crap to you. But now, I regret doing that because I see that you were right all along. And so, I apologize for being an asshole to you FOR REAL.

  35. o why not! it can't be any absurb than it already is. at least the audience will get a tidbit of breaking news that sound outrageous. but instead of finding bigfoot they could search for the elusive "source" ..

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  37. Finding bigfoot in its current form is not what I wanted. I thought it was going to be a serious look at bigfoot not 4 people with their different personalities being the story.. Have more people tell their stories. It is the real life sightings that make for infotainment. And yes bring on and or highlight the occasional hoaxer to let people know that side of bigfooting. And get freaking real! Is that computer generated bigfoot they use for recreations the best they can do?

    EVS ... poster on highbrow


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