I Was At The Shaver Lake Filming Of Finding Bigfoot Where There Was No Mention Of The Sierra Kills

Editors Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor The Windigo Kid.

So as this fall approaches, I am happy for two reasons. One, my “Hot Spot” seems to be better in the fall, and second, we get to watch new episodes of Finding Bigfoot!

What is it about the show that gets me, well the anticipation of course! What will happen next? I don’t consider myself a Bigfoot researcher, but more of an enthusiast and seeker of truth. This show does a lot more for the “enthusiast” in me than it does the “seeker.”

But that’s ok and a heck of a lot of fun if you take it for what it is, entertainment! I am what many would refer to as a “thrill seeker.” I have raced cars and bikes, sky-dived, snow and water ski, tried surfing—we’ll skip that story, 4 wheeling and generally love the outdoors and mountains. So many of my hobbies are based on, “what will happen next?” And that is what the show does so well and keeps us coming back for more!

I’ve been studying reports, accounts, and stories for 28 years on and off, starting with my first encounter at Hagerman Wildlife Refuge near Pottsboro TX. on Lake Texoma the summer of 1984. I never set out to discover a Bigfoot, It found me! But like most things I get into, I go all the way. I never really went out looking for our buddy as much as I just studied the encounters. But in the end, he found me at least two more times in Cali! So for me, there is no more “question” of the existence of a Sasquatch. The Question is------ What is it? For another article.

I was lucky enough to attend the filming of the upcoming Shaver Lake Finding Bigfoot episode. It was so cool hearing all those stories in person, seeing the expressions, feeling the emotion of the people who have seen, who know! It was a rare moment in time when it was going to be nothing but “cool” to have my own story, to know! I do understand how (without the experience) people have a tough time getting their head wrapped around this creature, but the statistical weight of witness testimony is quite frankly, staggering! You “condescending” skeptics, not truth seeking skeptics, but the rude, pointless skeptics really helps to destroy the availability of testimony. “The moon is made of cheese!” ----- Bobo

But naysayers never stopped my journey anyway and it is what it is, understand! I’ll say this, my experiences never included any of the odd stuff and the one I saw looked like a normal animal (all be it one that wasn’t supposed to be real). But I still only say that the “phenomenon” is real because even after seeing one, I still don’t know the true nature of what we all pursue? The questions grow!

So do I think I’ll learn a lot from the show? No, not really. But I do believe I could learn a lot from each and every member of the cast. I liked them all for different reasons.

I met Bobo first and was able to talk to him for about 5 minutes. Pretty lucky considering attendance. He took time for everyone, especially the kids! Bobo “IS” the “COOL” dude you assume. If I was just going camping or fishing and thought there might be a Squatch around, he would be your guy! I think he has fun wherever he goes!

I was really only able to meet Cliff and meet and speak with Ranae for about 1 minute. Both were extremely nice, intelligent, high energy and passionate, with one big difference. One believes and the other seeks, well that’s her gig! Both very scientific, but with a different baseline!

Now Matt, he actually showed up late. They were out hunting a local, but fought rain and snow and a big diversity of possible choices! The crew had finished shooting with the audience and needed to shot some wraps so they asked everyone to go outside for about twenty minutes, most left. Low and behold Matt showed up and I was fortunate enough to spend about twenty minutes talking Bigfoot with him. People can say what they want, but it’s the rare person who would match the steely eyed determination and passion of Matt Moneymaker! This guy is in overdrive to prove this animals existence. While I don’t agree with every theory (people food) or technique (fireworks???), I admire any man with that much determination. If I was going where I “KNEW” there were mean Squatches and things might get knarly, I’d want Matt there, this guy won’t bail! He’s the man!

So Best wishes to The Man, The Dude, The Scientist and the Scientist Seeker, You all do a great job!

Aka. The Windigo Kid


  1. Replies
    1. My bad. I had the title wrong. There was "no" mention of the Sierra Kills.

  2. this story sounds so nice. i think i'll go look for candyland after the unicorns run away with bigfoots on their backs.

    1. Does the Bigfoot have a pink velvet bag, filled with magic dust that he sprinkles with the wave of his hand? That's how I picture it.

  3. Is that Ron Morehead in that picture? Now that is a guy I would like to meet and talk with.

  4. Nice write up Windigo Kid. I would like to know more about your personal encounter(s) if you should feel so inclined to share. All that you wrote especially Bobo and Matt is what I have heard from others, especially Matt being so focused on all things Bigfoot. I have also heard that Renae is more inclined to the believer camp, but plays a role for the show as a skeptic. It would be hard to hear the hundreds if not thousands of witness accounts this show has accumulated and still make silly comments as she does.

    Glad that the naysayers do not bother you much. I find it is best to just ignore them as irrelevant as once you are a knower as your describe yourself than the only thing important about Bigfootology is the culture of the Bigfoot. Keep Squatchin.


  5. Replies
    1. get off your ass and find him yourself.

    2. Bring forth the monster monkey man, NOW!

  6. Sucker. Matt's "steely-eyed determination" is really him just glazing over after listening to the 3,000th fanboy kissing his feet.

    1. You are aware, some of us think he's a a fat worthless bastard?

    2. Don't say that to the dopes that consider it a highlight of their lives that they rubbed shoulders with Mr Matt Moneymaker himself.

    3. You're all fishin' out of the same boat so, what difference does it make?

    4. The glazing over was probably from his last joint

  7. This post should be labeled "humor" with The Windigo Kid giving short shrift to the alleged topic "Finding Bigfoot" because he's too busy telling us about himself. Takes one to know one (MM) maybe.

  8. no mention of the kills because not even serious bf researchers are drinking the koolaid with that lie

    1. What about the apathetic bf researchers? Are they drinking that juice from a sippy cup?

  9. If I had my very own Bigfoot encounter and knew they were real, I would still know that anyone that believed in BF without seeing them is a complete fool. I wouldn't hold anything against skeptics for their rational thinking either. Nor would I take up Bigfooting as a weird political cause, like most"knowers" do.

    1. more than a cause,a cult for some and moneymaker their leader.great comment btw.

    2. So what's wrong with a cunt? Ah shit you said cult, okay I'll give you that :)

  10. A cult that has a giant picture of Roger Patterson stealing money from Bob Heironimus while he is putting on the suit.locked in a vault of course.

  11. Moneymaker will never find bigfoot. His excessive flop-sweat send bigfoots running in the opposite direction.

  12. Id love to meet Bobo in person! I think id have the most in common with Bobo and Matt. Yes, i am a Matt Moneymaker fan!

    Another Bigfoot enthusiast

  13. Looking at that red fleece gets my cock so hard.

  14. Of course their was no mention. Moneymaker is so jealous of the Kill story and being left out, that he has repeatedly tried to proclaim it as fake. Yet when the flesh sample was originally submitted to Ketchum, Moneymaker was praising it. Smeja and Randles (at the time), had the good sense to not let moneymaker anywhere near their story b/c of his methods and foolishness. They knew too well that if Moneymaker was let into their group then it would turn into a 3 ring circus and the credibility the story had would go out the window. After being refused, he has done everything in his power to try and pick this story apart and proclaim it as false. Even when bobo has told him to his face its true. Moneyamker is just like dyer when it comes to this, and fatsano. They are profoundly jealous of the fact that they dont have anything to do with the sierra kills and will get no credit or fame, so they either avoid the topic, or they try and trash it. Pure and simple. And this is pretty well known in the community.

    1. Anyone with a half a brain has already figured out that the Sierra Kills story is nothing but fiction. Moneymaker was right all along about it He called bullshit on it right off the bat. He never wanted anything to do with it and never said it was anything but bullshit.

      Smeja's friends try to bullshit people into believing the reason Moneymaker called bullshit on the story because Randles didn't want to let him have any of the (coyote) hairs he sent to Ketchum.

      Both Moneymaker and Meldrum say Smeja's story is bullshit.

      So is Meldrum "profoundly jealous" also?

    2. Do you enjoy repeating yourself? Coyote huh? I wonder why bart has spent so much time getting a piece of coyote tested.

  15. Your blog got me to learn a lot, thanks for sharing, nice article...

  16. The amount of jealousy within the professional Bigfoot community is astonishing. Then there are those who demonstrate they are both misogynous and envious whenever Dr. Melba Ketchum's name is mentioned. Grow up already, guys.


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