How To Tell If You're Looking At Bigfoot Hair

Bigfoot hair from Golden Ears Provincial Park, British Columbia.

There are different ways to determine if you're looking at Sasquatch hair. You can take it to a DNA lab and have them try to match it up with known animals in their database, or you can slide it under the microscope and look for the presence or absence of the medulla.

One of the pioneers of Bigfoot hair analysis is Dr. Henner Fahrenbach. He is considered to be the world's leading authority in sasquatch hair DNA analysis. According to Fahrenback, the hallmark of Sasquatch hair is the absence of an unimportant innermost layer called the medulla. The medulla is often present in human hair and scientists have yet to determine the purpose of the medulla.

Fahrenback believes that human and sasquatch hair have considerable similarities, but there are some phylogenetical differences that makes sasquatch hair unique.

Our hair strands are made up of three main components - the medulla, the cortex, and the cuticle. The innermost or center portion of the hair shaft is the medulla. It is composed of round cells, two to five rows across. Thick or coarse hair usually contains a medulla. Fine hair for the most part lacks a medulla, as does naturally blond hair. The purpose of the medulla has not yet been determined. Bigfoot hair purportedly lacks this part.

Here's what the medulla looks like under the microscope. If it's missing the innermost layer, then it's probably Sasquatch hair says Fahrenbach:

This video of Dr. Henner Fahrenbach was recorded by Thom Powell back in 2002 as he was being interviewed by an overseas film crew.


  1. Isnt medulla the evil bitch with snakes instead of hair?I'm so confused!

    1. I guess we are looking for snakes then

    2. That's Medusa. She's a mythological critter, just like Bigfoot.

    3. thanks for clearing that up for me!

  2. Replies
    1. So Lisa Rantala is the same Lisa Rantala that is in newscasting?

    2. Why impersonate a newscaster?

    3. I dont know why impersonate a bigfoot or a bigfoot newscaster.

    4. The Lisa Rantala at 5:11 isn’t the Lisa Rantala who frequents this website because “Lisa Rantala's” portrait doesn't appear as a silhouette, it's orange.

      Which means that Lisa Rantala at 5:11 is impersonating “Lisa Rantala” who is impersonating a newscaster named Lisa Rantala.

      It's kind of like the way “Sally” is impersonating Sally Ramey who is impersonating a publicist.

    5. Why impersonate a Bigfoot Evidence blog?

  3. So no medula then its Squatch, or human blond hair or human fine hair, so how does that help identify anything?

    1. Shush lets see where the believers go with this.

    2. We already know where the closet believers are going with this.

  4. You have to pluck a hair from a Bigfoot specimen to have a control sample to compare other hair against before you KNOW it's a Bigfoot me the monkey.

  5. Meeeduulla oblooooongata baby dont you know that im lovin you.

    1. that was funny but ya made me burn myself.

    2. AH HA!! so you are a pothead!

    3. nope real name nice picture thats all smokin'the jane is bad for you.

    4. Yah right. I don't smoke either. I just grow for medical patient's. But I never touch the stuff myself.

  6. Looks like my ex-gf P. Williams bush.

  7. I am a jim, Bigjimm" Whitehead; biologist and MABRC researcher, so let get this out of the way here.

    Faranbach's info is inacurate. Human hair from the same individual can have or lack a medulla
    . His discounting of hair based on a medulla is like throwing out juvie sighting reports because they
    are too small. It doesn't allow for variation.

    My experience is that sasquatch hair is structurally quite like human pubic hair, though much longer
    with a natural worn tip.

    The presence of a medulla is more connected to:

    A) the type and location of hair on the specimen
    B) The health and age of the hair

    I have hair samples that were left by a bigfoot
    that slid down an rocky embankment, I watched it
    slide down one night and found hair the next morning
    . After putting it under the microscope, I found that
    it looked like 9 inch human pubic hair...with a medulla. It matched other samples sent to me, including a few that Dr. Faranbach had discounted.
    The only sample I have seen that lacked a Medulla
    was from a cave impressed into clay that was quite old, and like all things, even hair breaks down.


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