First Ever Researcher To Solicit A Response From Bigfoot Using Sierra Sounds

Ever wondered if anyone has ever tried sound blasting the Sierra Sounds audio in the woods? Our friend Randy (SasquaiNation) tried this the other day and it's something you have to see to believe. As silly as it sounds, Randy may have started something brand new here and we expect other researchers to follow suit.

I recently listened to the Sierra Sounds again,probably for the 100th time and thought it might help me in my search for Sasquatch. I found a short recording on YouTube and recorded it to my audio device.

Yesterday, on August 25, 2012 I headed back to the woods like I do every Saturday. I have a favourite spot near a secluded watering hole so I thought I would try the sounds there. I walked to a bit of a clearing and started playing the sounds in short sessions, maybe 5 seconds long. I did this repeatedly for about 20 minutes and had no responses. My dog became alert to something only he could see or hear.

I tried again and this time I heard the sound of branches breaking. I played a bit more of the recording and more branch snaps followed. When I got to the wood knocking section of the recordings I heard a knock. I played the rest of the knocks and got another knock in return.

I did a walk through of the general area first and noticed no large animal tracks. There were no people any where near where I was as well. It was about 9:00 a.m., clear and about 8 degrees Celsius.

My impression was that the branch snapping was about 100-120 ft away and the knocks sounded farther away. I'm guessing about 100-150 yds.

I recorded approximately 18 videos and posted 3 to YouTube. On a couple of ocassions the dog barked directly in front of me and about ten minutes later he barked to my right. The snapping sounds came from approximately my 10 o'clock and the knock were between my 11-12 o'clock position.

I can't confirm the source of these sounds, all I can say for sure is that every time I played the Sierra Sounds a branch snap or knock followed.


  1. The Sierra Sounds have been used before in the field. In fact (not claiming I was the first), I played them on my car stereo at Louse Camp, Bluff Creek. No response, however, so I switched to Coast-to-Coast AM on the radio. That didn't work, either.

  2. At 3:15, you can hear a reply to the knocks!

    Mitchell W.

  3. Interesting. I wonder if multiple researchers have ever call blasted each other by mistake.

    1. I'm sure that's happened on occasion. There were no people around me at the time.
      I did a walk around of the area before hand.

    2. Always wondered how Bigfoots can walk through dense forests with trees so close with the ease they apparently do tall and broad as they are, must leave a lot of scratches and wounds.

    3. I do like the dog's reaction. He could be reacting to any critter out there I suppose, but certainly using dogs on expeditions is a good idea with so many reports of Squatch taking an interest in dogs and vice-versa. Although sometimes of course this appears to be unwanted attention.

    4. I would have any dog I had with me while researching BF on a strong lead. The thought of a BF grabbing and eating/killing any of my dogs is just too horrific to even consider. Guys, Keep your dogs on a leather safety lead with a full body collar/harness that goes over the back and behind the front legs, and around the shoulder and chest area so that you can grab that animal back to safety into your arms.Please consider this issue seriously. That precious dog in the above video could have chased something into the woods and could have ended up brutally torn apart. Please protect your animals as much as possible when searching for these powerful animals.

  4. While this could have been something, i think its far more likely that he was just in the woods. Branches break all the time, stand still for 5 min in the woods and youll here all kinds of stuff snapping and leaves rustling. And bring a dog along and they will be looking and pausing everywhere. Especially after you call blast a bunch of strange sounds. Gonna have to do better for me to even watch such a vid. I got all i neeeded to from the description. Basically that the video held nothing of value at all. Congrats

    1. Yes, branches snap all the time, however, it only happened after I played portions of the sounds. It wasn't windy either.
      I know my dog better than anyone. He's heard the Sierra Sounds so many times that he ignores it now.
      The video holds value for me and that's what matters. Maybe you'll have better luck yourself.

    2. Why would the dog go away from the sounds? Anon 2;06 your wrong.

    3. That was lame 2:06. Why bother to comment? Everybody should listen to all three of the videos SN posted. The consistent response ONLY to the Sounds just can't be a coincidence. Something was trying to communicate with SN.

    4. Interesting video and what a beautiful dog you have. But be honest, let's say a Sasquatch suddenly appeared down that path(?) to the right, wouldn't you get so spooked you'd not dare to stick around and film it but actually turn and split the scene? It's so easy for skeptics to sit at home safely and bitch about no good videos but human nature would probably make us all run like hell, especially at such close distance.

    5. To be honest, I have no idea what I would do, it would depend on the mannerisms of the Sasquatch. I'm curious enough that I would hold my ground until such a time that common sense tells me it's time to leave.

  5. 4:34 you can see his head above the rock while camera zoomed in.

    1. Uh huh, you can also see him in your cereal.

    2. LOL Actually when u look at 4.34 it does look like the top of ones head, but I know it isn´t.
      All the camera swaying makes me feel ill, good video though of fieldwork.


  6. The MABRC as been doing this for years in Oklahoma and Georgia, nothing new here for someone to claim they were the first as others in the Community have done it before too.

    1. Hold on a SN never once ever claimed to be the first to do this and is NOT the kind of researcher to hoax.he has gone out time and time again and never claimed or bragged about anything.If you took the time to watch his youtube vids you would know this.I feel somewhat obligated to defend him because he is one of the few left on here that do not deserve the crap that he is getting.

    2. Darkwing- Do you have links for these? I would enjoy hearing the responses the MABRC got from using the Sierra Sounds.

  7. What's 8 degrees Celsius ? Around freezing? Brrrr

  8. SN,

    Best to bring a dog along. Especially a cattle dog.
    They are smart and will stay near you even when something is in the woods. The breed has a instinct to stay around its owner its how they were bread.
    I would always take my cattle dog up hiking with me as well. I didn't need a leash cause she knew to hang around me. She never chased any small animals she was aware of them but wouldn't go unless I said so.
    I think SN's dog is right on. Something was out in the woods but it would stay near SN to protect him.

  9. I appreciate the comments so far, thanks. I understand the skepticism and even I can't provide a definitive conclusion.
    I am going to try to reproduce the event this weekend. I'm going to check the spot where I heard the branches break as well.
    I'm excited but remain objective. Any further results will be shared.

  10. Sasquai Nation try going back at night. I think the results would be much better. Take a parabolic dish and leave it going all night.

    The video itself is great, what type camera do you use?

    1. I hope I can get there are on Friday night to follow up. At this point in time I can't afford a parabolic dish. It's a piece of equipment I've wanted for awhile.
      I use a base model older Sony Handycam with an internal hard drive of 80G. I I always record in 1920 x 1080 HD.
      The cam has a front mic which I'll use this weekend.

    2. Here's a homemade parabolic mic for about $20:

  11. The Sierra Sounds have been used before, however
    not by call blasting. Just by imitating some of the what were believed the "safer" vocalizations. I think Robert W Morgan gave this a shot years ago.

    The problem with call blasting
    or wood knocking or using vocalizations is you have
    no idea what you are communicating to Sasquatch.

    Reminds me of the old joke of the guy making faces
    at the Gorilla in the zoo. The Gorilla imitates
    everything the guy does, until the guy pulls his right
    eyelid down. The Gorilla goes nuts, reaches through
    the bars, and beats the guy up so bad he ends up in the
    hospital. Guy explains what happened to Buddy that
    visits him in Hospital. Buddy says: "My God man! Didn't you know that pulling your right eyelid down means F--K You in Gorilla Language?" Nuff said.

    Next time bring some in season fruit or veggies and start habituating.

    1. I'm bringing a bucket of crabapples and some raspberries with me.

  12. MANY people have played the Sierra Sounds in their entirety in the field.

    1. Yes, I think we've established that by now.

  13. Sn I love reading your comments. This is the way any video with interesting reactions to calls wether it be sound blasting or your own.voice making calls. Great vid. Good luck and.keep em coming.....

    1. It's a cool video yes, just be careful out there alone. It's our good fortune these humanoid beings leave us alone, were they the instictive wild bloodthirsty beasts of monster movies we'd be in a whole lotta trouble resulting in constant search and rescue parties so it's safe to assume they have more sense than that.

    2. Anon 7:07,

      Stop talking out of your ass. You have no idea what their intent may be. People who preach that they're benevolent creatures are clueless. For all we know Sasquatch has killed hundreds if not thousands of people in parks and forests.

      I'm not claiming that's the case but I'm not doubting it either. You on the other hand act as if you've studied different clans of Bigfoots from all over the states.

  14. dumd human .bf hides and peeks.bfer stand in the openand act like alphas.they need to act like bf.

  15. I checked your vids last night when I got home I'm happy for you that you got a response.I'm just wondering if this is near the circle of rocks?

    In any case looking forward to the follow up.nice work Sasquai.

  16. Great job, Randy. Good to see some really serious stuff being done to attract the big guy or gal. And your dog definitely knew something was up.


    1. You're an idiot. Seriously.

    2. Sadly, The Marines can't be deployed stateside. However, arm some off duty Marines and send them out to take care of business if a rogue BF needs to be "taken care of"..

  18. I've been doing this for years now, since 2008 to be exact. I figured everyone used these sounds to solicit a response. Its common sense to use these IMO. If you have yet to try then you're just not a true researcher. True researchers minds work differently than the average Joe's. Sasquai is one of those who think outside the box even if it was later on when he figured this out. The bottom line is he thought of it so he has potential to be in the top 10% of researchers. Those who haven't done this in the field should consider quitting. You just don't have what it takes.

  19. It is a great Idea ,but we have tried that up here in Washington state years ago ,sometimes you get results ,and sometimes not ,it just depends on if there around or not ,there not always in the same areas all the time ...

  20. I still like redheads with big boobs.

  21. Well done SN, i took the file you gave me and am using it this weekend, hope i have the same luck as you

  22. Um. I did this and got responses. I don't thinks it's anything new. Great catch though.


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