Dr. Jeff Meldrum Will Pre-Screen Purported Bigfoot Samples For Sykes Before Sending To Oxford-Lousanne Collateral Hominid Project

Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum announced today that he is assisting Dr. Sykes with the screening and prioritizing of purported Bigfoot hair samples. Although the screening process will be based on the look and characteristics of the samples, this could tremendously help the Oxford-Lousanne Collateral Hominid Project in weeding out known animal hairs. The Oxford study could set a precedence in the study of Bigfoot / Yeti if Dr. Sykes can somehow prove the samples he has been receiving from different parts of the world came from unknown hominids.

Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum on August 31, 2012:


The Oxford-Lousanne Collateral Hominid Project is underway. Dr. Sykes has asked me to assist in the screening and prioritizing of hair samples attributed to sasquatch, on the basis of their microscopic characteristics. I have received a number already and now that the beginning of semester has come, will be processing those in earnest. We have been waiting confirmation of some test samples as a check on the protocol. If you have additional samples you would like me to consider, place a couple of strands in a paper envelope, attach a description of the proveniance: who, what, when, where, how?

Send to:

Dr. Jeff Meldrum
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Idaho State University
921 S. 8th Ave., Stop 8007
Pocatello, ID 83209-8007

If they warrant further attention, Dr Sykes will send you a kit and submission form and address for the sample proper.


  1. Sally here - pay no attention to these charlatans, we are the real deal.

  2. Seriously, are you kidding me? Mid-tarsal Meldrum now is an expert on what sasquatch hair and tissue samples should look like?

  3. Even Dr. Meldrum is hugging Brian Sykes' washboard abs. Mark my words if Dr. Ketchum doesn't get it together soon Brian Sykes will be the one who delivers the iron dildo of truth to skeptics.

    1. That would be fine too, but what if the truth delivered is not the truth you're looking for? I know, impossible right?...inconceivable.

    2. Meldrum is awesome! Thanks for your research!

  4. I'm glad Meldrum and Sykes are working on this.Maybe this will light a fire under the Erickson project's ars and Ketchum will release something.

    1. Something? The only thing she is going to release is her next bowel movement.

    2. ^^^^
      Don't be a pricklepuss.
      I thought is was funny. If the stick is wedged too far up your ass for you to appreciate juvenile humor then you're on the wrong website.

    3. Oh that's funny! Grow up you little man child! Yes you thought it was funny and your fake +1 post! Last I checked this was a bigfoot site and not the idiot prick MF jerk off site for mommas boy computer nerd site !

    4. Like, don't have an aneurism douchebag.
      You should probably stop making a huge fag of yourself on this website and go call a proctologist already. The stick situation obviously isn't getting any better.

    5. Do you have something against gays? Your a loser Anon 10:09!

    6. Oh, so a person who has a problem with child molesters is a looser in your book? Well that's obviously because you're a pedophile. I've explained my “problem” with gays before and Shawn censored it when SasquaiNation wined like a little bitch. It's pretty fucking cowardly of you to try to bring it up if Shawn isn't going to allow free discourse on the topic so I can't effectively argue my position. So you need to stop diddling kids, and fuck of.

    7. Anon 9:35 - You are a homophobic, immature, foul-mouthed little man. I am a lesbian, does that bother you, too?? Why would you even mention your "issues" with gay folk?? What does that have to do, IN ANY WAY, with bigfoot????

    8. Oh, so you don't like to play fair? I suppose that's why you prey upon little children like a pathetic coward. The fags, just like the footers, are a group that thinks they are entitled to there own facts. As an advocate of TRUTH I obviously don't like either group because they think they can change reality with lies. They think that the perception of reality that exists in peoples minds is what matters and not the actual truth. It doesn't matter how many people you convince that pedophilia is okay, you shits will always deserve to die for what you do. Why don't you do something good with your life, like end it?

  5. Blah Blah Blah. Nothing to see here... move along folks, move along.

    1. Blah blah blah! You sitting on your ass doing nothing to help research !

  6. Why is Jeff looking at the Soap Squatches pooper.....it's soap....

  7. I have the greatest respect for Dr. Meldrum! Whoever and whenever this all comes out, I hope Dr. Meldrum is envolved!

    Dr. Bindernagel too


    1. I agree! And all these naysayers will disappear into the woodwork just like cockroaches. They can go back to the nessie blog, lol!


  9. Dr. Meldrum is checking out dat azz

  10. I thought Meldrum was to appear on Hoarders for too much plaster chunks.

  11. wow just wow.

    just when you think a real scientist is looking at bigfoot it turns out to be a complete joke.

    firstly we had a scientist who turned out to be a nephilim believer whos thinks bigfoots braid her horses hair and she has picnics with a family of 5.

    now we have the sykes study which would be great but why do we have meldrum a known footer bleever hijacking samples and getting involved.

    is there ever going to be a serious study?

    1. It seems like Sykes has faith in him

    2. No they try and then when they can't find anything "SOON" Makes its entrance.

    3. Meldrum is awesome ! What's your beef with him? He spends s lot of time doing work in this field! And you do what? Proffesional critic ? Freakin dork Anon 4:13! I work with a lot of groups and there is a lot of people who so much as lifts a finger to help but they have all kinds of criticism ! I give credit to the workers and the doers not the lazy idiots who pound computer keys all day criticizing people!

  12. notice how all things go through Meldrum, the church's gatekeeper?

    1. so are you buying my cult theory.

    2. A new flavor of Kool-Aid?!

    3. That footery is faith based was never in dispute (except by the footers, whose opinions don't count), but calling it a cult brings into play the definition of a cult, and a great deal of subjectivity. One of the characteristics of most modern and many historic cults is a charismatic leader that forms the basis of the cults beliefs. Upon the leaders death he may have an obvious successor, but sometimes infighting will produce a new leader or cause the cult to splinter. While you could try to paint Patterson as the cult leader he died so quickly after his hoax that he didn't really do much to shape what footery would become, though perhaps he set a precident. Meldrum and Moneymaker could be called his successors, but that's not really how I see footery. I think it's more like a pack of raging retards competing with each other to be the grand “king of the retards”. Footery, in my opinion, has more in common with a pack of wild dogs fighting for dominance than any real cult.

    4. Anon 6:28 do you have s problem with downs syndrome people? Do you tease them? Your a low life! Obviously Meldrum isn't and he works hard at what he does! U sound like u grew up as a bully and an ass! Please get some professional help and leave downs syndrome people out of this!

    5. Silence anon 6:36. The grownups are speaking.
      If you can't handle the non-politically correct internet then you should fuck off, you stupid RETARD!!!

    6. ^^^^ 'Stupid retard...' as opposed to what? A 'smart retard?'

    7. It's a relative statement you shithead. He's saying that you're stupid even for a retard.

    8. Maybe growing up in your household it was relative . Nice morals!

    9. You didnt invent the cult theory. There are those who pursue actual research and those internet douch bags who prop each other up and constitute the Church. It's about money for them and they are scum.

  13. well wheres the koolaid. I'm ready.

  14. Anyone dissing Meldrum obviously doesnt know squat about squatch! Meldrum is a pioneer who has risked his professional reputation to further this field,sure he may not be right about all things but we are all learning and no matter what someone might say...no one knows everything about this species.

    1. praaaaaaise the meldrum.to much?


    3. Meldrum is a pioneer in retardation who risked his professional reputation.......And it didn't pay off.

    4. Only Tard is u anon 6:12! Nothing u do is paying off because u sit on your lazy welfare ass and do nothing to help this field! Meldrum does more for this subject in 10 minutes than you do in a lifetime!

    5. Anon 6:12 - joking about downs syndrome is pretty low. Do you bully children and expose yourself in public? Low life's like you do stuff like that. Meldrum is an awesome researcher and professor . Many people have respect for him and shun people like you who tease down syndrom people!

    6. Mad much anon 6:23?
      Meldrum is a joke, he's kind of like your dick in that respect. He's always been a failure, and he knew he couldn't actually compete in academia so instead Meldrum chose to become a pseudoscientist and be worshiped by hundreds of inbred degenerates.
      But if you like him so much, why don't marry him fagot?

    7. Anon 6:40 - You are an extremely inconsiderate person. In fact, I'm willing to bet that when you're butt-pounding your boyfriend you don't even have enough common courtesy to give him the reach-around.

    8. Well Excuuuuuuse me princess,

      Your momma's fat tranny ass is so wide I just can't reach.
      Maybe next time YOU can do the deed, I'm sure you have experience with that sort of thing you sick motherfucker.

    9. Anon 6:40 you don't even have your facts straight! Go back to school! Fail!

    10. Is this methadone for life?

  15. Replies
    1. I don't think America's ready for a gay president.

    2. He's not Gay so what are you talking about? Your the anti gay basher who posted here today about 10 times? What gives freak?

  16. We have a gay Pres. now, I guess you don't know Obama's history at Columbia or him and Rahm at Chicagos gay mens club, or his eliminated lovers in Chicago. Look it up, its documented.

    1. Fox news? Get a better source! Murdock tabloid shit!

    2. He's definitely got the femine gay look. Not that there's anything wrong with that. If I had to put money on it. I'd say he's laid down with homo's.

  17. good news. at last. something serious happening

  18. Thanks for getting to listen To one miserable poster who commented on over half of all the posts for this story with his gay bashing , down syndrome bashing , crude language , inaccurate , wacky cult theory! Crawl back into your miserable life hole you came from!

    1. Pedophiles like you should be exterminated.

  19. Sally here. Move along folks. You want hair samples? How about a BRAID of hair? just wait till our paper is finally released on Cryptomun...er.. I mean.. A major scientific journal!!
    Oh and the MIB have told us,(via squatch telepathy) that Meldrum's study will wind up just as fruitless as ours. But dont tell that to our playfull family of five.
    And don't think it either. They might read your thoughts, get upset, and go muthafukin 4X4 mode on your ass... When you see the red eyeshine comin, you better start runnin!!

  20. This has become a blog for haters and is truly a joke. 90% of the comments are juvenile and offensive and really don't relate to bigfoot at all. It's become an angry teenage boy's chat room.

    1. Then why don't you fuck off you stupid fag?

  21. No big deal, but I called this awhile back under an earlier post about the Sykes study. The assistants in England do not know who is a kook or who is credible and would have a hard time determining which people should submit on the basis of an email.


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