Check Out This Cool Presentation About Bigfoot

Check out this presentation of the Kentucky Bigfoot. It has got to be one of the coolest techno-presentation of Bigfoot ever. Initially, we thought the voice over guy belonged to a different show, but after watching the whole thing through, we're pretty sure that we haven't heard this before.

Don't forget to bump up the cool music while you watch the CGI rendering:


  1. That video makes “Boys in the Sand” look straight by comparison.

  2. Pretty decent vid. Sounds like the same guy that narrates a lot of fringe science stuff on Y-tube.
    Cannot find anything about the Mammoth Caves skeleton other than it was a sloth, and a native American mummy in the same region. All references seem to be from someone's cash Anyone got a decent link to this?

  3. very nice vid .now this what should be posted here on this site

  4. What's with the gay Indian from the Village People....shakin his boobs...

    1. i didnt see anyone from india

    2. The internet isn't PC. Deal with it.

    3. I know, looked like he was doing some serious booty shaking to entice the squatch...

  5. What's with the gay Indian from the Village People....shakin his boobs...

    You are pathetic.

  6. Cheesy CGI but good information. I was down in Kentucky a little while ago looking for one of those giant skeletons. With all of the massive cave systems around the mammoth cave area I wouldn't doubt that there might be more things to uncover BF wise. Anon 11:06 That would be Native American or First Nations People.

  7. really enjoed the video , the guty put a lot of work in to it


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