Breaking: Tim Stover Just Caught Thermal Image Of Possible Bigfoot Arm "Swinging Out" Throwing Sticks

This just in from our friend from Ohio, Tim Stover. During one of his daily Bigfoot research at Salt Fork State Park, the Bigfoot researcher said he saw something trying to get his attention and throwing sticks at him. He managed to capture the event on infrared video, and get this: He may have filmed what seems to him, to be an arm of a possible Bigfoot throwing sticks at him. He's currently debating whether or not he wants to share the video on YouTube. Please stay tune for more updates on this!

Shawn. I think I may have caught a Bigfoot arm swinging out and throwing sticks to get my attention or to get me to move. I was in my tree stand and right before dark I heard sticks being thrown and whoop sounds. I was able to catch the whoop and movement on infrared video as I struggled to get the infrared mounted to camera and recording.

- Tim Stover TcsjrBigfoot



    1. shut up,you havent even seen it yet

    2. Lol, Gotta consider the source. All that matters.

    3. Well what do you have Columbo?

    4. Yeah, it may not be a typical one.

  2. ..... and here we go again. Back in the woods after taking a fairly lengthy break and we all of a sudden have a thermal. If everyone would remember that Tim also had a thermal of a supposed BF within the first 2 weeks of originally purchasing his thermal as well. The coincidences don't stop!

    1. Thats why people like you dont belong in the field bacause you are too quick to judge!!

    2. If it was anyone else i would agree with you. Think about it. The guy hasn't found much in the last year and when he starts up his radio show he already quickly gets a trackway and a thermal. Use ur brains.

    3. I have plenty of brains thank you,what did anyone else get in the past year?..HMMMM,nothing,why dont you wait and see the vid before you flap yer lips!

    4. The guy is a joke please ,,i have seen so many things of his that looks so hoaxed ...He makes us all look bad ..sorry but true

    5. He strikes me as a "look at me, look at me!"

  3. Ive seen all his other hoax videos! Dont need to see this one to know its fake too!

  4. bottles and sticks may be thrown
    but no true evidence to be shown

  5. this is exactly why tcs is cautious about sharing anything becuz of morons like you guys. i'm tired of all the bashing and assuming....later!

  6. Shawn has a deal with all the Hoaxers to get their evidence first one hour ahead of everyone, Shawn supports hoaxers !

  7. Its all you newbies who are enamored by Tcsjrbigfoot that gives bf research a bad name. We who have been around awhile have seen his previous offerings of bf sightings remember. He's even taken his 2 second Grassman vid down...Why???? So that no one can look back to see what hes tried to pull of and lie about in the past. Feel free to drink the koolaid. I hold my "I told you so" for a later post.

    1. WoW ! there's a twist A bull@hiter calling a bull@hier, A bull@hiter !!! ROFLMAO !!!
      your the king Merchant, in your own little mind.

  8. Fool me once shame on you...Fool me twice shame on me!

  9. If we could get rid of all of the nay-sayers,there would only be a handfull of us real researchers left..haha It isn't any wonder why people dont want to share anything,simply because of this shiite!

  10. Stovepipe is just another YouTube entertainer. The hoaxes are just to keep his followers interested.

  11. I thought he said his thermal was stolen at a campground??????

  12. Nobody has seen this video yet and already critisizing it,geez people atleast give it a chance and see what it is,I know that if I ever get good evidence of this creature,I dont think I will want to share it,I would get bashed before I released it Dang!

    1. Thank you for proving my point to this field and a stover kool aid drinker. Arent you the one who stole all those blog posts?

    2. oh here we go again,no they werent stolen,more on that subject to come on a later date,so save your breath until later,you might need it to blow up you're next date..LOL

    3. OBH have no ethics or moral so putting up a fake thermal is no big deal to this group!

  13. some of these comments have to be TT members they cant be out done ya know

  14. Near dark and he didn't have infrared in place......Hmmmmm

    I have to call BS on this fact alone

    1. Good call Bill, I'll be sure to have my boots on when they role out this BS

  15. You know this has got to be the real deal because, this guy is that guy that doesn't do that fake stuff. Just watch his other videos and you can tell that he's an honest guy...really, he is.

  16. I would send the video to MK Davis for his opinion before releasing it.

    1. Yeah, then the thermal imaged bigfoot will be turned into a white bigfoot, perhaps a white bigfoot wearing a jacket while riding a unicycle.

  17. Yeah right....just in time for his radio show tonight, which has NO GUEST.

  18. Its a thermal of my johnson throwing out pee.

  19. This is such wonderful news. I can't wait to see the video of Bigfoot's arm throwing a rock. I just know that this time it will be so clear and we won't have any doubt of what we are seeing.

    1. Its a thermal of me peeing! I will send it to you if you want to see my wood snake.

  20. Please make him go away! Didn't he get the memo?

  21. Once you have been proven to be a hoaxer you will be treated like one and thats whats happening here.

    Now some real breaking news.....Im vacationing here in San Diego and I just got back to my room to a lovely dinner and I think I have Squatch poo in my toilet. I caught it on thermal and will be sending it to Ketchum shortly. Damn Squatch gonna ruin my vacation.

  22. If you have or have had facial hair at time of video/audio capture, you are a hoaxer. Simple as that, case closed, pull up your covers and go to sleep.

  23. Shawn, you need to check your facts. Mr. Stover researches only a few minutes from his home at West Branch State Park. His tree stands are there right off the hiking trails. He doesnt research at Salt Fork at all...actually he's not a researcher he's an entertainer!

    1. I always thought him to be a cunt, myself!

  24. i quess this clown thinks we are not worthy. ya post every thing else that moves behind 6 bushes and then say "did you see that". gee thanks timmy!!!

  25. Funny how these bigfooters feed off of one another. One week it's orbs; now it's stick and bottle throwing. Lots of wackjobs out there. Hilarious.

    1. These ? You're one of "these" feeding off of one another you jackass.

    2. you know who i mean by ''these''. No offense to real researchers.

  26. i think it was Karlie throwing sticks..... i want to see more videos of Karlie

  27. I have a quart of squatch semen. Any takers?

  28. Another fuckin loser in the stupid land of Bigfoot. Is this the guy who filmed a creature sneaking up on the candy bar? Why do these people waste their time? They must have nothing else going on. He knows his women is out fucking one of his friends while the bank is getting ready for the foreclosure, yet he still feels a burning desire to try to fool people into thinking there’s a monster in the woods? Fucked up!!
    Same for that fat fuckin cab driver! This slob is a piece of shit case closed. Another lying scumbag who got caught doing some bullshit. I really don’t understand why one would go to the ends of the world to try to fool people. There’s no real money in it, is there? The biggest pay day to date was probably the Georgia hoax and that was only 50k. Split 2 maybe 3 ways if you include the lawyers share. Is 10k-15k really worth disgracing your family name? Here’s a crazy idea that none of these losers came up with…GET A JOB!!!!


    Penn & Teller
    Matthew Whitton
    Rick Dyer
    Java Bob
    Skookum Cast
    Snow Walker Bigfoot
    Memorial Day Bigfoot Video
    Mary Green
    Janice Carter
    The Minnesota Iceman
    Gable film
    Cliff Crook
    Vincent Chow
    John Ang
    todd standing
    Rick Noll
    Ivan Marx
    Meldrum {endorsing Skookum Cast & Monster Quest}
    Danny Sweeten
    Hans Mobius
    All involved with the “Hoodwinked” Fiasco
    All involved with the ”Georgia Freezer”
    David Shealy
    Dallas Gilbert
    Wayne Burton
    Tim Fasano
    Just to name a few! Happy Hunting.

    1. You forgot the Stovepipe.

    2. Who are Java Bob and Vincent Chow?

    3. Vincent chow is responsible for the Malaysian Bigfoot spectacle. about 5 years ago, for approximately one month. Chow held all BF believers at bay with the promise of an incredible photograph. The photo, which he swore was the real thing, turned out to be a still from a French book on Hominids. He says he got duped. Immediately after he was exposed, the website went down and he took off.

    4. Hey Biscardi pulled the same shit many times, Did chow copy his MO?

  29. No.its no good after you anon 11:41 guzzeled it then puked it up in a milk bottle.

  30. Hum...Stover released his debunk video...thought he said he got a thermal...what he released was a video with night shot. That man lies so much he forgot he said he got a thermal image.


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