Biologist Michael Merchant Finds Possible Sasquatch Tracks at Moosehead Lake

There's nothing like following an awesome biologist around all day seeing what he's up to. Michael Merchant's extensive wildlife knowledge is indeed fascinating to watch. Raise your hand if you wouldn't mind spending an entire day with this guy!

Check out the potential Bigfoot track his found at Moosehead Lake:


  1. Replies
    1. He has been casting alot of tracks lately...

    2. I was just thinking the same thing. Most people rarely find tracks, if ever, and he is finding them this often? Seems very shady to me.

    3. This guy wouldn't fake a thing.

  2. good lord!!! He would so not do that!!! I would love to go out tracking with SWP he would have me rolling on the floor im sure and at the same time teaching me something about the wild life...much respect!

    1. Agreed!

      Spending time in the field with SWP would absolutely be an educational and entertaining experience.

  3. Now he is an Biologist?
    Goodness Gracious

  4. SWP, at least your out in the bush. Please tone down the drama. You are not a producer or director of film dont play like you are. Side car shots are stupid as well as not placing your audio pick... Mic... Close to you voice. Also, dont teach people to pursue BF, it could be hazardous to their health. Just be a biologist and record your event.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions Mr.Scorsese.SWP.

    2. Your welcome Les Stroud!


    3. Or is it you're welcome Les Stroud!


  5. Biology is the SCIENTIFIC study of the nature of living things. It is not trying, very unscientifically, to prove that something exists contrary to the truth. If Tallywacker Prime were a real biologist he would recognize that the Sasquatch hypothesis has been tested and proven to be false.

    1. And if you were a real scientist you wouldn't have the need to use your superior intellect to belittle others for their pursuit. Really, what harm does it do you personally for others to engage in activities you have no interest in? What undue hardship is being placed upon you? Michael Merchant is a wildlife biologist and he remains a wildlife biologist whether he pursues this activity in his spare time or not.

    2. Anon 3:48,

      Anon 3:12 did not claim to be a “real scientist”. You're grasping for insults and sucking even at that. Oh, and your “just let SWP get away with lying cause he isn't hurting you” bullshit is the most pathetic attempt to be treated like a little baby that I've heard here in quite a while. It reminds me of a little punk hitting someone then telling them to “be the better man” and not hit him back. Don't lie, and if you do lie then expect to be insulted. That isn't hard to understand asshole. While I can't speak for everyone, when someone lies to me I regard that as an attempt to make me stupider and I won't put up with that crap.

    3. Yeah Anon 3:48 if you wouldn’t like to be lied to then don't lie to others. That's the golden rule bitch.

    4. Sasquatch has not been proven false, there is just no evidence to prove it true. For years scientists had only thought Giant Squids existed but only ever had circumstantial evidence to go on. Now they believe that there is something even bigger called a Colossal Squid and they are basing this on scars on Sperm Whales. Would you call these scientists crazy, stupid, or demean them in some way probably because they made a hypothesis based on scars?????Probably not. 2000 years ago you would have been stoning someone to death if they told you the world was round, and by looking out your window you'd be justified because it looks flat. Narrow minds and narrow points of view do nothing to advance mankind. There might not be any evidence that absolutely proves the existence of Bigfoot, but at the sametime there is absolutely no evidence or reason why they couldn't exist either. The possibility is there.


    5. Bigfoot has not been proven to be false, but the concensus assumes that at some point observation or experiment will demonstrate the falsehood of the bigfoot myth. Last time I checked, people were still reporting sightings, but if that ever stops you might have a point.

    6. That's utter bullshit. You retards are not allowed to go around presenting something like Bigfoot as true without evidence. By your hypocritical footer logic I could go to where you live and tell everyone that you raped your own daughter and that would be perfectly fine because you can't prove me wrong. When you say that Bigfoot exists you make that assertion without any credible evidence and to the exclusion of credible evidence to the contrary. There is absolutely no difference between that and lying because you are saying that you know something exists when you don't know that, and that is, in fact, a lie. I hope both of you assholes get sent to jail for crimes that you didn't commit, then maybe, after being forcibly sodomized enough, you'll change your tune about what people are and are not allowed to present as fact.

    7. Bigfoot exists. If you saw it, you can then say it. See? If you believe that another person saw bigfoot and is a credible witness, then you reaffirm the existence of bigfoot. Very simple. People are convicted on witness testimony as it equates with being near as good as physical evidence. A lot goes into gathering information to make a conviction. It's called building a case. That's what people do here. Build a case. That they are right.
      In regards to people who are just curious, Bigfoot may possibly exist, and we might want to look for evidence. You have a problem with the possibility of it's existence. It's non-stop, continued possible existence irritates you for some particular reason.
      Nobody you just answered to claimed that bigfoot absolutely exists without providing you with any evidence. You made that statement yourself. So you are a deceptive manipulative liar.
      I don't however believe that you exist. I've never seen you. There just isn't any credible evidence to support it. Except the incessant typing of a bunch of moronic sentences strung together in an attempt to present itself as 'logic'.
      Woody Allen wrote a great book you should read. It's an existential self help book entitled ' Non-existence, and what to do if it strikes you'.

    8. “Nobody you just answered to claimed that bigfoot absolutely exists without providing you with any evidence. You made that statement yourself. So you are a deceptive manipulative liar.”
      I have absolutely no Idea what the fuck you are talking about. It sounds like you're saying that I said that you footers have presented evidence of Bigfoot’s existence to me which (if you read my post) I did not say. No footer has ever presented evidence of Bigfoot to me because none of what they have presented has ever attested to Bigfoot's existence, ever. Your straw man fallacy is pathetic.

      I find it amazing how evil fucks like you will squirm and squeal when presented with the wrongness of their actions. Your faith in “witness testimony” is what I have always found the most disturbing about you footers. You remind me of those criminals who embrace the philosophy of “it isn't a crime if you don't get caught” so completely that they delude themselves into fancying themselves innocent so long as no one knows of their true depravity. It is truly a sickening thing to behold the way they (like you) warp their own minds to try to ignore how much they truly deserve to be punished. You know what you are doing is wrong. You know you wouldn't like to be lied to yet you persist in lying to others. None of the “moral arguments” you have presented hold any water. You will not “make Sasquatch exist” by changing hearts and minds. No matter how much you hoax, lie, and start shit with people you will never change reality. There is no Bigfoot, you're a retarded asshole who should kill himself, and you need to grow up and deal with it dickhead.

    9. if this is how you feel, WHY visit this blog?



    11. To Anon 9:47 and 3:55:

      I really have to ask what has happened in your life that makes you so angry that you are telling people to go kill themselves. That doesn't seem "evil" to you, but believing in Bigfoot is. That right there shows your lack of intelligence and your maturity level. I really hope that you are nothing more than a punk ass kid that has nothing better to do than than telling people to go fuck themselves and kill themselves. If you are just a punk ass kid, you need to have your ass spanked and your technology taken away until you grow up a little.

      If you happen to be an adult, you are pathetic. Rape can be proven or disproven by physical evidence and witness credibility. Watch the news jackass, there has been many high profile cases over the last couple of years. Not only that, I realize these blogs give power to pathetic little pussys like you because there is no chance for a physical confrontation or other unpleasant consequence, so you feel you can say whatever you want. I tell you what motherfucker, come over to my house and say that shit to my face and see what happens bitch. You have no idea who you are fucking with. I have an 8 year daughter and that shit is not funny. You can't come over to my house and say that I raped her. The first thing that would happen is that I would fuck you up. Then after you got released from the hospital, you would find yourself in jail and I would sue you for everything you have, which you probably don't have anything because you don't have a job because you spend all day trolling. Get a life punk!!!! Go play video games or something. Don't worry, we don't expect you to be a contributing member to society. I know you don't know what that means, and that is OK too.

      To everyone else, I apologize for my use of profanity and my ranting, but this asshole went a little too far in my option. I don't feel that you have to believe in Bigfoot and that nonbelievers can actually contribute (ie. Timmy)! and some of the comments can be entertaining, but telling people to go kill themselves is too much and there is no need for that.


    12. I'm President Obama and I approve this message.

  6. Mike knows what he is doing.Not jumping to conclusions and really thinking about what else the tracks could be from, rather than having the IT'S A SQUATCH attitude so many have.I don't care for the whole chicken thing but to each his own.

  7. What happened to Cot?
    Did he become a late night snack for SWP?

    1. Or did he fly the coop?
      Enquiring minds want to know.

  8. M.M. rules.
    I love this dude.

  9. Jackass 4:12,
    You sir remind me of the "baby" and a "punk", letting various opinions stated here getting you that upset. Please get a life, change your diapers and if not DRINK DRAINO! And trust me, you couldn't get "stupider", and therefore are destined to endure a lifelong association with crap! ENJOY!!


  10. I decline to walk the line, they tell me that I'm lazy. Worldly wise, I realize that everybody's crazy.

  11. Inexplicably I don't seem to be able to raise my hand above chest height.

  12. SWP,do you mind elaborating a bit as to where on Moosehead you were,Kokadjo or Rockwood side, northern end? Being here in Maine I would be very interested to know. And f all those guys who shit on you, doubt any of them have ever been as deep in the tangle as you. Side note, VERY credible story told to me from KI area by good friends wife, something to think about, as well as some circumstantial incidences by me and others up in your neck of the woods, Eddington/Clifton area. Keep it coming bub, taze him up right wicked good.

    1. Apparently, he minds your question. Any decent researcher not too high.on himself would've answered your question. I hope you aren't drinking his Kool-Aid though. The guy hangs out with a known hoaxer of the "Nape" print. Look that term up. That's not all the guy who hoaxed the NAPE print has done. Read Peter Byrne's article on LC.

  13. I love this part of the world. The Maine North Woods are among the wildest areas in the eastern U.S. The diversity of wildlife there is incredible: moose, bear, the occasional wolf, mink, ermine, river otters, Eastern coyote, lynx -- even the odd sighting of mountain lions. If it can kill you (or step on you), it's in there!

    1. Agreed, being a New Englander, this is my favorite part of our area. I am heading that way for an extended Labor Day weekend, maybe not so far north. I might take some time away from fishing and search for a BF. I wonder if they are as uptight as the rest of us New Englanders?

    2. Agreed, being a New Englander, this is my favorite part of our area. I am heading that way for an extended Labor Day weekend, maybe not so far north. I might take some time away from fishing and search for a BF. I wonder if they are as uptight as the rest of us New Englanders?

  14. you people need to see what's going on here.There are things going on that should tell you but you don't want to see it.What is going on is what I like to call denial.why the long wait for the Erickson project and all of the other projects and studies that nobody can talk about?Because they are trying to figure out how to make the most out of it without breaking the law.

    have you ever wondered why people like Rick dyer and Tim fasano and mk davis trash keeps showing up here.Its because this blog needs it. everyone From Tom biscardi to shawn evidence are in on it.From moneymaker to smeja all have a role to play and know the truth and that is there are no giant monkey men in the woods or swamp or anywhere else.

    You all know deep down that what im saying is true you are in denial its just like religion you pick the stories that work with what you think and leave the rest.Read your own post every single thing on here is cut all to hell and called fake but do you still believe in bigfoot? yup does that make sense ? nope.

    Sightings and encounters,lies,delusions and maybe a few honest mistakes.before pgf you had what?indian legend well if you believe one you have to believe them all or you are a hypocrite but how many of you think there are half man half eagles that come and visit old indians every night?none because thats not the part that fits this whole thing.

    The holy grail of all of this is the pgf so what do you do with that you take the parts that fit your little story and ignore the rest.lets just ignore the fact that gimlin and heronimus were helping con man patterson make a movie for ANE and that a picture of patty showed up in his book before patty showed up at bluff creek.

    Bob heronimus is in the suit,all you have to do is watch the man walk but that can't be true because it makes to much sense and would ruin your childhood boogie man stories. every year that goes by that bigfoot isnt found the excuses get bigger now the damn things are can find bin laden in a country with millions of people but you cant find bigfoot.

    make no mistake all the so called big names in bigfoot research know this and deep down so do you.

    1. Can I get a few kilos of what you're smokin'

    2. 8:09 is just another angry JREF closet bleever at odds with own belief. He should consider upping his meds.

    3. 8:09 hahahaha. Hilarious stuff! You deranged knucklehead!

    4. Actually that poster is undeniably correct. All the wise assing isn't going to change that. Bigfoot does not exist. Believing in bigfoot is like a mild and mainly harmless mental illness.

    5. Bigfoot may not exist, but Eagleman dose i've seen him. Thanks 8:09, closet Eagleman believer.

    6. 8:09,

      I believe everything you said except for the part of who wore the suit. I think it was Jerry Romney. One things for certain, when Clyde Reinke says someone told him something then you can believe it. So you can conclude that Romney did say he wore the suit. Why would he say that in the.60's if it weren't true? Most likely he.wouldn't and that's why I believe he wore it. Another reason I believe it is because Patterson himself boasted to Kemball about hoaxing the footage. Its a farce, always has been and always will be, the end.

  15. My gawd, look at his humungous right foot in that picture! 8O There's no doubt he's casting his own tracks!

  16. Snowwhackerprime whacking away out in the woods, that's what he is best at. I think he forgot where he walked because he is casting his own tracks!!

    1. Doubtful someone with more years tracking experience than you have been alive is going to make that sort of mistake

    2. CG, No, Snowwhacker doesn't have that much tracking experience. It's obvious in all of his videos. He is just a loud mouth full of hot air. Keep drinking the TTBF kool-aid.

  17. Jackass 9:47 PM,
    You really need to calm down and take a deep breath! This isn't worth having a stroke over, and these people can assert anything they want because these are opinions, and this is not a court of law! Get yourself something to do more suited to your intelligence level (or lack thereof) and less upsetting to your fragile personality. Otherwise just DRINK DRAINO!

    Top of the morning,

  18. All skeptics go to go to youtube and type in 21 degrees between bigfoot and you especially anon 8:09 pm bob heronimus cant walk like bigfoot and this video proves it

  19. Thanks for the heads up on "21 degrees",
    it's simple, straight forward, logical and elegant. Let them debunk that!!

    Enough said,

  20. The asshat who's getting all worked up over the gall of people who believe that sasquatch may exist seems to "believe" that his opinion really matters.

    Hey stupid fuk, no one cares what you think!

  21. Pffffft, I see there's still a few drinking Merchants Kool-Aid. Total buffoons. This guy has nothing. Waste of time drinking this guys Kool-Aid.

  22. Pfffft (7:55PM), Why don't you stop WASTING YOUR LIMITED BRAIN CELLS AND OUR TIME, and go into your little Peoples Temple Of Denial and drink a cup of Jim Jone's Kool-Aid recipe, Jackass!!



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