Bigfoot Attacks Hunter And Steals His Horse (1856)

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Chicks, Melissa Adair. As serious researchers, the Bigfoot Chicks are commited to seeking the truth regarding the Bigfoot mystery. You can visit their blog at

This is an amazing story about an alleged Bigfoot who aggressively attacked a hunter trying to capture him. The Bigfoot makes a bold escape stealing the horse of the hunter he attacked. At a point during the pursuit, prior to the attack, the hunter was able to observe the creature for a few moments and gives a detailed description of the creature's appearance and movement.

Hornellsville Tribune
Thursday Morning May 8, 1856

A correspondent of the Caddo Gazette writing under the date of the 28th ult., from Parailifta, Arkansas, on Upper Red River, states that the cold during the present winter has been in that region the severest within the memory of man. The rivers were frozen solid - the plains presented an unbroken sheet of snow. The writer relates the following story of an attempt to capture the famous wild man, who has been so often encountered on the borders of Arkansas and Northern Louisiana:

"In my travels I met a party from your country in prusuit of a wild man. They had struck his trail at a cane brake bordering on Brant Lake and the San-Flowes Prairie. I learned from one of the party that the dogs ran him to an arm of the lake which was frozen, but not sufficiently strong to bear his weight, which consequently gave way. He had, however, crossed, and the dogs were at fault.

One of the party mountd on a fleet horse, coming up, encouraged the dogs to putsue, but found it impossible to cross with his horse, and concluded to follow the lake round until he could ascertain the direction taken by this monster of the forest. On reaching the opposite side of the bend, he was surprised to see someting in the lake like a man breaking ice with his arms, and hastened under cover of the undergrowth to the spot where he expected him to come out. He concealed himself near the place, when he had a full view of him, until he reached the shore, when he came out and shook himself. He represents him as a stout, athletic man, about six feet four inches in height, completely covered with hair of a brownish cast about for to six inches long. He was well muscled,and ran up the bank with the fleetness of a deer.

He says he could have killed him with his gun, but the object of the party being to take him alive, and hearing the horns of his comrades and teh howling of the dogs on the opposite bank of the lake, he concluded to ride up and head him, so as to bring him to bay and then secure their prize. So soon, however, as the wild man saw the rider he rushed towards him, and in an instant dragged the hunter to the ground and tore him in a most dreadful manner, scratching out one of his eyes and injuring the other so much that his comrades despair of the recovery of his sight, and biting large pieces out of his shoulder and various parts of his body. The monster then tore off the saddle and bridle from the horse and destroyed them, and holding the horse by the mane, broke a short piece of sapling, and mounting the animal, started at full speed across the plains in the direction of the mountains, guiding the his horse with his club. The person left with the wounded man informed me that the party was still in pursuit, having been joined by a band of friendly indians, and thought that if they cuold find a place in the mountains not covered with snow, or a cane-brake in the vicinity to feed their horses, they might overtake him in a day or two."


  1. The bigfoot was just misunderstood. He just wanted to braid the horses mane.

    1. Yep, that's a very common misunderstanding.

  2. Even way back in 1856 they always got away.They should have Smeja'd it when the had the chance.

  3. We never see reports of this type of violence or operation of tools of man from modern BigFoots - could there have been other types of hominids, perhaps homo erectus, that were present in the Americas? These early reports of violent Bigfoots are never described as 8-9ft bipedal primates, but instead as "wild" men.

  4. These older stories are a hoot but don't forget you had to spend more time in the forest back then.the next town would be miles away and you would have to most likely travel threw the wilderness to get there.If bigfoot is real people probably saw them more often back then.

    Or it's just bullshit to sell the paper.what the hell do I know or care.

  5. Fake story that was probably writte on this week.

  6. Lol. I saw a bigfoot braking a horse just last week. I hear they farm pigs that fly too...ugh!

  7. ETA - Nevermind. Maybe it is hoaxed by the chicks.

  8. Good grief, if people believe that Bigfoot is riding horses and wearing pants then congratulations, you're a gigantic buffoon. These Bigfoot "Chick" suck donkey .....

  9. Back then Men were Men, and horses were glad of it.

  10. It's from a real newspaper archive

  11. In those days it was very common -- especially among newspapers in the west -- to purposely print blatant hoaxes in order to sell papers. They did it quite commonly. Mark Twain talks about the practice in his book "Roughing It." Some of his newspaper buddies even hired somebody to mug so they'd have a story to write about.

    There were probably word of mouth bigfoot stories floating around that people were somewhat aware of, so the paper made up their own and published it.

    It's probably the same deal with that "Jacko" story.

  12. She is really a skeptic trying to convince us the bigfoot legend was caused partly by lunatics living on the fringe of society.

  13. Bologna, these chicks are nothing but frauds looking to capitalize on the Bigfoot craze because "they're females". Its laughable, they've done nothing and never will. They're a waste of time and bandwidth. There's really nothing that you could say that would involve any contribution to the field by them. Just another laughable group of nobody's.

  14. Shauns little asian peepee has it for Melissa Adair and the other troll thats in her group.

  15. You punks are asswipes on the pimple of humanity. I hope all burn in hell.

  16. Kudos to Melissa for using her name and showing her face, you fucking cowards pale in comparison to her. You shitheads can pound each other. You'd never stand up to her in person, you'd cower like the chicken pecker sucking tree hugging rednecks you clearly are.


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