We Have A New Forum for Bigfoot Conversation – Please Join Us!

As some of you know, we’ve been thinking about creating a forum here at Bigfoot Evidence blog for a while. So, what's holding us back? We've just been too busy. We are already trying to do too many things at the moment-- some of you pointed out how much work maintaining a forum can be, and we agree.

Having said that, we went ahead created a simple forum anyway and we are just going to leave it out there for our readers to use. We understand that news on our page moves fast and it's a shame to see good conversations / articles disappear into the great abyss. This is our solution to that problem:

Click here to check out our brand new forum (it's pretty ghetto looking). You will need to register before you can post a topic or reply to one.


  1. Replies
    1. Shawn concerning MK's "Face" footage,
      Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

  2. Real nice deleting my question,...Actually I was first Timmy. Whats up with the pic? What does that pic of the girls have to do with a new bigfoot forum? Just a simple question is all.

    1. Do you have any real evidence or proof to back that up? Any pics or vids or track casts? Should we ask MK Davis if you were really first?

      Just kiddin of course....now that I've seen the board I also think this blog is better......

    2. If it's not broke,you can't fix it,right?

    3. Are there going to be any chicks that look like the ones in the picture joining?

    4. I joined. I allowed Shawn to use this pic of me and my girls. That's me 2nd from left.

  3. But what about the unrestrained chaos I've come to know and love? What of the free distribution of personal attacks, unfounded allegations and mean spirited insults? These are now what leap to mind when I think of the Majestic Sasquatch.....

  4. lol I dont think people fight over xbox or playstation (which is better) as bad as bigfoot peeps fight over if its real or not, and most of them are young kids.

  5. I think you're better off just sticking with the blog. I don't think you'll get enough members or discussion to justify it IMO. These small forums besides the BFF never seem to get bigger than 10 or so members who post consistently.

    I think the anonymous posting that's allowed on this blog is kind of fun. It also allows people to really let it all hang out and gives a good insight to the mentality of the closet bleever and pretend skeptic IMO.

    1. Looks to me that you can still be Anon at the Forum.

  6. Nah, no Buenos. This bog setup is better.

  7. I personally like the blog setup. Seems to work even with the vast number of trolls and satanists (not confirmed). Haha!

  8. Shawn concerning MK's "Face" footage,
    Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

    1. Joe Black already made a full face from it, and yes its a squatch (of course).

  9. The forum text is tiny and won't enlarge on iPad, unlike the blog text. Can't read it.

    1. It works great on my playbook. Go Blackberry!!!

  10. u should just add a chat box on the page that everyone could use.


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