The Bigfoot Whisperer - The Powers Of Sasquatch

There can be no describing what you are about to see in this video. God help this man. His powers are too POWERFUL!


  1. I feel like I just got done watching a saturday morning cartoon. Excellent. SWP

  2. Gotta give him credit for effort.

  3. does this help anyone? It's kind of funny but how can we expect anyone to take the topic of Bigfoot serious with postings like this? Start an all comedy blog for crap like this.

    1. Dude.....he is a very serious researcher...and found a print....but if you pause at 29 you'll see 2 and a baby in the trees..

    2. And I bet you checked..

  4. Notice how when he's supposedly flying you can only see his head and arms ? If he could really fly they'd show his whole body in flight. I'm calling him and the film a fake.

  5. I guess in-breeding pays off!

    1. I guess generalizations like that one is a good indicator of an IQ hovering around room temperature.

    2. I guess your comment toward the other commenter gives you a smug sense of satisfaction.

  6. Shawn it's : "too" powerful


  7. Good stuff Dr Fairless......The best!

    1. Thats Rev.Dr. Fairless. His credentials just keep growing

    2. Yea,just like his nose,Pinocchio style!

  8. He's the Carrot Top of Bigfoot comedy. Not particularly funny but the effort is there.

  9. i have a feeling this video is going to go viral

  10. Revrand my foot he got Ordained by an Internet organization that is notorious for accepting anybody even atheist.But most was just used for a way to make money doing weddings etc,etc.He use to be into Ghost Hunting but geuss he couldn't find those either just like he is not a Bigfoot Researcher.This is just a hobby or past time way of making a few bucks off any idiot that will send 20 dollars for a stupid stick.Yea the Revrand Doctor is nothing more than a wolf in sheeps clothing,lets see who can make fun of this asshole for a change.

    1. Actually he said he was taking donations for a HIKING STICK that he calls THE BIGFOOT SPIRIT STICK. He even went as far as saying that if someone wanted one and didnt have the money he would make them for free as long as they paid the shipping costs. Thats pretty cool if you ask me. I also think he is poking fun at Religious fanatics also that think their way is the only way. ^^^^^^

    2. Who is he making fun of? When did Bigfoot become Taboo for comedy?

    3. where did he get his numbers no wonder he wants to be anonymous. since when has rob every charged anyone for a bigfoot spirit stick. i have the very first one that doesnt belong to him or a family member so tech. he is no.1. a family member is no 2. and im number 3 and he never charged me a single dime he ever paid shipping for me. plus it takes a good amount of work to make a spirit stick.

    4. ^^Of taking a high hard one up the poop shoot!!!

    5. Stupid fucking liberal above dropping cracks about religion when there is no point. Shows the evil contained in there heart!

  11. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I take back all the bad things I said about this guy before. This was the awesomest thing I have seen all day whilst surfing the internets. The intro was hilarious. The WWE routine is still annoying but if I see more of this I won't be unhappy.

    1. it was pretty damn funny, people just need to loosen up

  12. might have to start looking at people of walmart to really find a sasquatch..

  13. I have to admit that was original.

  14. Rick Dyer makes Rev, Doc, Ph.D Rob Fairless like a Nobel prize winner in Physics.

    Look at it that way!

    1. That's hardly a put-down, considering Barack Obama won a Nobel prize for doing absolutely nothing.

  15. There isnt any in between with this guy is there? You either love him or hate him but from all the pages and posts Ive read he is starting to have more positives than negatives. Whats the deal anyway? He isnt attacking anyone as far as I know. Its all an act and the act is good. jus sayin.

    1. ^Good? Really? Doesn't take to much to make you laugh....

      This guy is about as funny as a condom with a hole in it.Seriously..

  16. Damn this would be funny......if only it was funny.

  17. Where does he say that it was ever meant to be funny anyway? Yes its fake no shit but so what? Its entertainment and ALOT of people arw.loving this guy and you little fasono, dyer, (insert anyone with squatch in their youtube name), lame-o's are already LONG since forgotten and you are too stupid to realize it yet. Dont let the door hit you on your way out dick juicers.

  18. I told Robert that this field could use some comic relief. Its fun and he really isnt hurting anyone.

  19. I like p* when when things get this bad.

  20. Oooooooh! I was impressed seeing Olinselot's tent with the ceiling fan last night, but... but... this candle-lit leopard tent is pure HOTNESS! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh love to love ya, baaaaaaay-beee! These vids are hilarious! :oD

  21. Ok that made me lmao .... keep them coming very entertaining


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