Someone Please Turn This Story Into a TV Movie (Syfy Can Pass On This One)

When we're not up scouring the internet looking for Bigfoot footage, we spend a lot of time reading Bigfoot reports on the BFRO's website. One report that popped up on our radar caught our attention mainly because the follow-up report by BFRO investigator R. Monteith was really well written.

This report is about a family in Oglethorpe, GA and their experiences with a group of Bigfoots since the late 1970s. The family described how some cows, sheep, and goats in the area were killed and their intestines taken.

It's a fascinating story and it seems almost unreal. You can read the original report here, but it's not as captivating as the investigator's version:

This report is compiled from telephone and personal interviews. It is a rare and unique report as so many people can confirm the bigfoot activity that began in 1978, and continued until the family moved in 1981.

This family of five lived in this older wood frame home in a rural area.

In November of 1978, the family became aware of noises coming from outside the children’s window. Three children shared the room, and the 6 month old’s crib was nearest the window. The sounds were mimicking the baby’s cooing. The sounds would come at night and last for about 30 minutes at a time. The older children (ages 3 and 4) would see a dark brown furry head in the window and would run to the parents crying “a boogie man was outside.” The parents thought the children were imagining things as they would not hear or see anything. This went on for many months, and the children would end up sleeping with the parents when they heard or saw things at the window.

In the summer of 1979, the mother went out to feed the dogs their dinner scraps. When she went outside, stepped off the porch and came face to face with a large, hair covered, bipedal man. Frightened for her life, she ran inside to her husband. He grabbed a gun, and shooting blindly through the wooden wall he fired at where the creature was standing. (To this day, the bullet hole is still in the wall.) The entire house immediately was permeated with a smell that is described as “strong septic,” and “dead animal” smell. Although no blood was found, the father thought he had hit the creature and it ran into the woods.

The next night, a smaller creature returned to the house after midnight. The mother heard grunting outside her window. The creature was clearly agitated as it picked up welding tanks (90 lbs.) that were stored on the property and threw them at the house. The family watched from the window. The police were called and found only the scattered tanks when they arrived.

The family was so frightened they called relatives for several nights to come guard the house. Some walked the perimeter, one was on the roof. All had guns. One night, the uncle on the roof noticed movement behind the father, and shouted, “Behind you!” At the same time, the father backed up to what he thought was a tree, only to have it move. Both ran in different directions, the father toward the house and the creature towards the woods but not before slamming into the hood of the car. It left three large dents on the jeep. Again, the police were called and found nothing. The family is of Cherokee heritage, they called a Blackfoot chief’s wife over to do a ritual to protect them. Things calmed down after that but from time to time over several years other things were noted:

Years later during dinner, the aunt caught sight of the creature looking into the window and watching them. She was so frightened, she literally ran through the dry wall into another room. (This is confirmed by all family members.)

When the daughter was about 14 years of age, she woke up at 1 AM from the sound of her alarm clock outside the window. Going to the window, she saw the creature running away. The next day, the father and uncle were able to find a track and followed it into the woods, eventually losing it. A cast was made from a large footprint under the bedroom window.

Another time during the summer, after the mother and children went into town, they came home and heard thumping noises from the crawl space under the house. The sounds were coming from under the bathroom, where the water from the shower drained directly under the house. They could see the creature stuck under the house; the bare soles of its feet were visible and the smell was throughout the house. (The smell was not as strong as it had been when the father had shot at one.) The creature was heard throughout the day, and eventually was able to get out that night. It was gone the next morning.

During these years the surrounding farms had their cows, sheep and goats killed. It seemed only the intestines were taken. Clearly the family had at least two creatures that lived near their property that visited regularly. After the father shot at the larger one (8 ft), only the smaller one (7 ft) was seen. Both appeared to be male, as no breasts were seen. Both creatures were dark brown. It should be noted that several bigfoot behavioral theories occurred during this habituation; curiosity for children, mimicking sounds, looking into windows, livestock killed and eaten in a particular manner, smelling putrid, and throwing objects.

The family no longer lives in GA, but the house still stands and no activity has been reported by the current tenants.


  1. what do you think timmy, i say saquatchery personally. those hillbillies where prolly drinking moonshine since "sun up" lol

    1. "Prolly" in not a word Tim. It makes you sound like a hillbilly.

  2. I don't know about this one. Why didn't they shoot the one in the cawl space? Besides bigfoot don't kill cows. Cows are people food. Everyone knows that

  3. does this situation rise to "habituation" referred to in the concluding paragraph?

  4. If this was made into a movie it would be another at best B movie about a Sasquatch slaughtering a family.Any decent movies about Bigfoot just dont seem to be able to get any legs.There alot of great things that could be done in Hollywood on this subject but they just dont bother to look at actual accounts. they think nothing else can be done but turning it into a terrible horror movie.

    1. Letters from the big man????

    2. And they needed a public fund-raising campaign to fund it and get it released on disc. Hollywood doesn't WANT a realistic take on bigfoot made.

  5. BF in Georgia movie would be lame, just like the story....

  6. "AnonymousSaturday, July 28, 2012 5:48:00 AM PDT does this situation rise to "habituation" referred to in the concluding paragraph?"


    "gnrfanSaturday, July 28, 2012 5:57:00 AM PDT
    If this was made into a movie it would be another at best B movie about a Sasquatch slaughtering a family.Any decent movies about Bigfoot just dont seem to be able to get any legs.There alot of great things that could be done in Hollywood on this subject but they just dont bother to look at actual accounts. they think nothing else can be done but turning it into a terrible horror movie."

    "Habituation" means that the creatures dwell in the region and familiarize them selves to certain people. according to the story, these guys were repeat offenders. which brings me to gnrfan..

    gnrfan, I do not think the things in the south are the same things in the Northwest. The behavior is different. Sasquatch of the Pacific Northwest, seems to be migratory and shy of humans. The reports of "Southern Sasquatch" seems to suggest they are territorial and highly aggressive.

    aside from the supposed audio sounding completely different (as does the things reported in the Midwest) the descriptions are different. The heads are reported to be either round our flat on top as opposed to the cone shaped head from the Northwest. Also the hair of the Southern Sasquatch seems to be way longer and shaggier. I find this story fishy, but the aggressive nature is in line with other Southern Reports.

    1. i will agree with that 100%.I would just really like to see a Sasquatch movie that isnt either a slaughter fest or Disney type but that's just me.

    2. Whenever I visit the South I'm within arms reach of an air conditioner. What's it now, 110 degrees and 99% humidity? Ugh. If I was covered with hair, living in swamps, being bitten to death by skeeters and black flies in that heat and humidity, I'd be aggressive and territorial too! Small wonder. But here in the Northwest there are plenty of forests, critters to eat, and mellow temperatures available year round. Why the Hell did they ever leave? Oh... probably the clouds. You have to love gray to live here.

      Oh, it's 71 degrees and 55% humidity right now. Pacific NW Bigfoot = mellow, big, and fluffy.

  7. Craig Flippy's moped diaries should be made into a movie!

  8. The swiss family sasquatches, wouldnt that be sweet.

  9. Or how about grizzly adams,and big ben can be a sasquatch.

  10. Just another drunken Injun story.

    1. Just another idiot dismissing a family's experiences anonymously and out of hand.

  11. Hey easy on us native americans.

  12. My 6yr old son loves Harry and the Hendersons, Imust admit I have a soft spot for it too. I don't know if any of you have seen it but there is an excellent film called The Troll Hunter, I think a Sasquatch film made in this style would work well.

  13. Absolutely why not i hear troll hunting is making a come back.

    1. I wish some would discover this blog, they'd find a lot of prey who deserve to be culled from the planet.

  14. Prey just like you im sure.

  15. The bigfoot didn't act aggressive until after it was shot. Imitating baby noises could be interpreted as talking baby talk to the baby showing that the bigfoot probably meant no harm.


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