Rick Dyers Mercedes "For Sale" in Antlers, Oklahoma

Thanks to Bill for forwarding these photos to us from Larry Parks.

This morning, MABRC team member Larry Park, while on his way to the MABRC Picnic and Expedition Weekend, spotted Rick Dyer's BigfootTracker-mobile at a used car lot.

I ran into the Bigfoot Trackers suv at a car lot for sale with a wrecked front fender. Tough times for hoaxers :)

Larry Parks


  1. Told ya.He didn't win $10,000 in Reno.The boy is flat broke.

    1. Could you imagine how that salesman reacted when he did some research on that a$$hole?LMAO!

  2. Sure went through that 10 gs fast,gotta sell his pos already.Personally I hope his next vehicle helps him drive off into the sunset.

  3. I wonder what fantastical story Slick Liar will have to explain this one.

    1. I'm sure he will come up with some BS lie.Like his wife left him and sold the car to go back to Ga.

    2. Hey SasquiNation,hows it goin' I was just wondering,I have read a few of your comments where you state that you dont like to be referred to as a "believer" so I wondered what you refer to yourself or prefer to be referred to as?I hope because of our prior discourse you know this is not meant to be a smart ass question.

    3. In all honesty I never had a word in mind regarding the "belief" in Bigfoot. To me, the word believer conjures up a blind acceptance of any and all evidence presented to an individual, which is simply not true in my case.
      I do think Sasquatch exists but I don't accept every piece of evidence put forth by various people. Evidence needs scrutiny to rule out hoaxes or misidentifications.
      I'm sure most people, whether skeptics or "believers" could agree with this.
      In this community the words "skeptic" and "believer" have negative connotations which tend to get people riled up and causes an Us Vs. Them attitude. In turn, the topic of discussion gets derailed and an onslaught of name calling ensues because people become offended.
      I'm sorry this is so long winded, I just wanted to provide some insight as to how I see things within the community.
      The word proponent or advocate could be used since I'm in favour of the existence of Sasquatch.
      I do enjoy debating with true skeptics, or opponents, because these people do offer very valid rebuttals for proponents. Most good skeptics that I've come across can also accept some rebuttals from the advocates.
      "Believer" to me means "accept without question" and that's why I dislike it so much.
      I appreciate the question. Again, sorry it was so long. I'm a bit chatty tonight.

    4. Great answer that makes alot of sense.I was always curious about that and very true about the us vs.them and the utterly stupid comments and replies that tend to follow.I to enjoy a good debate with reasonable skeptics.thanks again for the answer and I have to know are ya in the giggle juice again this week? if so have a few cold ones for me,doc said I had to quit.

    5. Thanks gnrfan, I appreciate it. I'm having a few beers but nothing out of control. I'll definitely have a few for you though.
      I usually have a few beers after work and cut loose a bit on Fridays.
      I'm hoping to get to the woods this weekend to check out some other spots. I found a nice quiet watering hole hidden in a shaded area amongst the trees.

    6. Beer and G n' R....... My two favorites things in life!!! Good insight tonite boys!

      I really like the way u look at things SN. I have a hard time not letting myself get sucked into being a "believer". I get so freakin excited about every bit of evidence I see, and its nice to have commenter like yourself always give a diferent POV.

      Anyways, good luck with your expedition this weekend. Looking forward to seeing some more vids.

    7. Right on. Im hoping to go in the early fall for at least a weekend.I am kind of stuck at work until sept.when the boss goes to the cottage for the summer someone has to be here at all times and that someone is me and my wife. oh well 2 weeks vacation in oct.back to ns for a few weeks looking forward to that.

    8. Thanks Beer-Man. I get excited about evidence as well and it's easy to get caught up in it.
      My expeditions are more like a field trip or an outing and Bandit and I have lots of fun.
      I'm still keeping my fingers crossed on finding something..one day.
      I put together a map of sightings for Alberta based on the BFRO Database. I'm in the ball park and trying to narrow it down. Unfortunately some info is vague because of their research efforts. Lucky for me that I know this province quite well.

    9. Love Bandit SN, and at least u are getting out more than myself! Have you seen the video of my dog yet?

      And GnR if you mean Nova Scotia by NS, you are a lucky man, and you must have a few lobsters for me!

    10. Yes I did Beer-Man, she's a beautiful dog. I always ask Bandit what he smells as well btw.


  4. I guess hoaxing doesn't pay that well after all.

  5. and this is bigfoot evidence how?

  6. This happens if you make your life about selling Bigfoot.
    It's like the Oregon trail for this guy, stuff littered behind him.
    Wonder where the kids are.

  7. I dont know why people follow this Guy. I mean He probably cant spell Mercedes.
    He probably thinks they are made in Germantown PA. The LAST guy thats going to outfox is this guy. At least BF has a better command of the language.

  8. Now now lets be reasonable Rick sold the vehicle in question to buy a cube van for transporting his vast collection of sophisticated lie detection equipment.

    1. Well actually he has many of these vehicles this vehicle is wrecked on the side is what he sold it on ebay

  9. I thought his car burnt or is this another one?

  10. I was actually wondering, with all the traveling he's doing, do you think he's still married?

  11. He sold that on eBay last year the passenger side wrecked.


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