Rick Dyer Buys Lie Detector Machine And Goes To Win $10,000 In Reno

Rick Dyer is just minutes from the California border. How do we know this? He had updated his Facebook status last night claiming that he had just "won $10,000 in Reno" at the Silver Legacy Resort and Casino. Reno, also known as The Biggest Little City in the World, is only an hour away from the "Sierra Kills" site.

While he was in the area, TeamTazerBigfoot member Bill Brock suggested to Dyer that he should go check out the kill site. This was his response:

There is no Sierra Kill site bill we did a investigation on home months ago, after talking with his family. We can say 100 % there's no way, go back and listin to the interview with Kulls. - Rick Dyer

We asked Justin Smeja about this and he tells us Dyer is outright lying and his family members has been never contacted by Dyer.

In the following video, Dyer claims he bought a polygraph machine just for Justin Smeja:


  1. Justin Submit to his test lol.... seriously 8k come on dude lets see the equipment and the test in action before I buy into this one....

    1. Justin owes no one a dam thing. If anything we owe him. Freezer boy dryer should not even be dignafied with a response from Justin.

  2. Wow, I'm glad I am on your good side Shawn.. ;) Bill Brock

  3. Obviously rick doesn't understand how lie detectors work. They take years of training for the machine operator to be able to accuratly give them. Plain and simple anyone who disargees has not spent much time around these machines.

    1. I think he said it's a "voice analyzer" or something like that. He bought some pos off the internet.

  4. This from the guy who tried to freeze a monkey suit and make people pay him 10$ to watch him open the lid of a freezer via webcam. Hey Ricky, do us a favor and dress all in black and go look for bigfoot on the freeway @ about 2am. Just north of LA.

  5. This jackass didn't win no money.If he did he'd have a better video camera.

  6. I will take Fairless over this twat any day. Dyer is a proven fraud. Why does this guy even get featured here at Bigfoot Evidence?

    1. i can only assume it's so we can have a good chuckle at the expense of mr.freeze.

    2. Get real guy, nobody paid him squat. This is just fun for him when he's bored, to mess with people in Bogfootery, nothing more, nothing less.

      And Shaun is sure as sh*t helping..ingore this guy totally.

  7. Think about it people!!! Were did this dick get all of the money for trailers, trucks, equipment, and so on. This guy didn't have a pot to piss in 4 years ago he was a guard. Someone is funding him!!! Makes you wonder who is!!! Think about it

    1. Uh, that's because retard believers paid him for years to go on his staged tours.

    2. I bet that bastard is funded for a cover up. lmao.

  8. Please don't comment under this story about RD so he can fade away!

  9. Lets hope Ricky uses the Lie Detector on himself first I would pay to see those results. !

  10. just look at him....he looks retarded. Let him fade away into retardom.....

  11. He always looks like he has been hitting up the ol oxy's

  12. Good old galvanic skin response and a few sensors! $4.30 local Walmart.

  13. I see tibergiant passed the million view mark

    1. timbergiantbigfoot I mean

    2. For people who have no idea what you're talking about, what are you talking about?

  14. Rick the prick dyer! or Dick Dyer

  15. All the jealousy must stop people. I didn't buy anything for Justin....he's full of shit ,this site is full of shit......... No one will say shit to my face....

  16. Well.. I guess one hoaxer can spot another.

  17. I must say someone with money supports him.

  18. Rick winning $10,000 in Reno = Truth is He didn't win shit his Cars forsale and let me guess for $10,000 ? LMAO ..... Rick The Liar Dyer ,hahahaha it even rhymes for god sakes is nothing but a Fraud why people even give this Snake the time of day !!! I say make a Bigfoot hoaxer's option of the forum so if you want to swim in BS you can go there ???


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