Researchers Now 100% Certain Of Patterson-Gimlin Film Site Location

PGF Site Expedition, Group Photo, July 26th, 2012. Cliff Barackman, Ian C., Rowdy Kelley, Todd Hale, Jamie Snowhorse, Robert and Francis Leiterman, Bart Cutino, Terry Smith, James Fay (Bobo), Bill Munns, and Steven Streufert. Daniel Perez is behind the camera, and Tom Yamarone and Scott McClean were in camp at that time.
[via ]

Steven Streufert announced last night that they have finally confirmed the exact location of the Patterson-Gimlin film site. On July 26th, 2012, a couple of ambitious guys got together at Bluff Creek and through some geeky math calculations (and asking Bobo to do his famous recreation walk), were able to verify the site where the P/G creature was last filmed. According to Streufert, Bill Munns said he's now 100% certain that they have the real location and he believes that he can determine Patty's trackway.

On his blog, Streufert promises more photographs of the people who were involved in the expedition and plans on releasing more details soon. "I will have some preliminary technical details before Munns releases his official results and report," Streufert wrote.

We're just now back from the latest Bluff Creek trip, which was a mega-event with all the gang and some very special guests. News and photos will follow in more detail on this blog soon. Full technical details will be published by Bill Munns once the photogrammetry and further mapping are finished. The PGF site is now once and for all throughly documented and confirmed in greater detail than ever before. With Bill Munns there this week we now have more accurate data on the site, film subject and cameraman position than even Green and Dahinden did back in the day! We know pretty much exact positions for the entire film and site now, and will have a fabulous model when Bill Munns is done. Jamie Snowhorse, who did our site proof mathematics last year, will provide confirmatory and complementary data. Robert Leiterman, Ian C. and Daniel Perez were still on site today noting the exact trackway course and positions in the film. - Steven Streufert



  1. Get over it.

    No matter how much time you waste on this you will never prove the film is real.

    If Bigfoot is real then there is a population out there. Spend your time trying to get evidence of that and if those creatures look like what we see in the pgf then that will close the case.

    The sheer lack of evidence means the pgf is all you have to hold on to so you need it to keep your fantasy alive.

    1. Says one of the butt plugs who's wasting his time discussing, obsessing over and probably trying to convince himself it's fake.

      Considering your obvious obsession with Bigfoot, I take it your family has said those things to you ?

    2. Believe it or not there are people who do not believe in this mythical creature. That must be hard for you to take in.

    3. The fact you don't believe it can't exist doesn't make it a myth, that's a tad delusional, don't you think? Thinking your beliefs have any influence over reality, whatsoever? Stay tuned, very large shovel-fulls of crow are heading down your throat quite soon.

    4. Anon 7:37 is right, those in the loop know this.

    5. why is it beleevers have to get personal when people post a dissenting opinion.

      grow up

    6. ^^^^

      Umm Idiot, didn't the first footer get personal with people like himself he refers to as believers ?

    7. When it's the top piece of evidence and the media keeps reporting stories of any old yahoo who claims they were "in the suit", it is worth is to keep plugging away and showing it to be real. If people would acknowledge it is not total proof of bigfot nor easily explainable as a hoax, maybe we can let it go and focus on new areas. Are you part of the problem or the solution?

  2. Waste of time. Jerry Romney IS Sasquatch.

    1. What about Bob Heironomus? I thought he was supposed to be Patty?

    2. Yea it was bob but who even cares. Its a bad film that was laughed at in 1967 and is still laughed at today.

    3. Nope Timmy it was Jerry Romney.

      Go to YouTube and search "Worlds Greatest Hoaxes 1 Intro Bigfoot"

      Then pay attention from 3:30 mark on......

    4. I watched the vid: Heironomous, who was on the trek and pictured with Patterson during it, is the de-facto plausible choice for a hoax....right down to the walk-n-glance.....but with the Jerry Romney is just more BIgfootery.

      I hate to say it, but the fact that more than one person claims adamantly to be the "guy in suit" actually lends credibility to it being real. Why would both lie? Why did neither provide a suit, or pics of themselves in a suit? We arent talking about the guy that plays Chewbacca being cheated by George Lucas....there is no money to be made, and nothing but shame by saying "hey I lied to the world for 40 years".

      Hell, maybe it IS real....I'm trying really hard, but Bigfoot is SURE questionable, as is every single person involved with its study.

    5. Patterson Marble Mountain Freeman MK Davis vids ALL look completely different which means HOAX!!!!! If its real they will look similar even Smeja was too stupid to remember that!!! If Patty is real all but Redwoods video is fake!!! Bigfoot is all like this nothing but bullshit and lies why!??????!!!!

    6. Timmy you moron both guys had a suit they showed!

    7. Timmy, here ya go.....more stuff that unequivocally proves to me this was a hoax.

      Yes, Gremlin is a liar. If he'll lie about being arrested for receiving stolen property (which by the way is easily verifiable through court records) then what else will/has he lied about? Then you have the con-man Patterson who had drawn a mirror image (complete with pancake titties) female Sasquatch just one year prior. When you couple that with him filming a documentary of the subject and being out of money too the truth becomes obvious. Then you have the film subject itself: horizontal lines at both hips indicating suit scrunching ; an ass that never flexes when walking, hell it doesn't even move EXCEPT near the infamous frame 352 when it turns and you can see the entire ass section "shift" just as you'd expect padding to do. You also have a fur line running down the back that NO OTHER PRIMATE HAS.

      This is a hoax plain and simple. Then you have honest people like Clyde Reinke (who Jerry Romney admitted wearing the suit numerous times to) and Harry Kemball (who Patterson himself boasted hoaxing the film to) coming forward with information regarding the film.

      This is unequivocally a hoax. A good one but in the end a hoax of epic proportions designed to rake in millions AND IT HAS.

    8. Yes thanks for making my point. BOTH had suits, and neither looked like the film subject that I could I believe BOTH are liars.

      Then again, Im NOT saying PGF is real, IMHO it is simply too questionable, but again I ask WHAT psychology drives these guys to want to lie? Are they afraid of its existence, just want to be famous, attention seekers, disinformation agents? Biscardi, Dyer, Fasano, Freeman, the list keeps on going....but what motivates them to discredit Bigfoot sightings, fake them, lie about them, etc? THIS is what I want an answer for.

    9. Sorry anon at 1059-but yes in response to you, I totally agree except dont understand where the millions of dollars it raked in has gone? You mean just Bigfoot in general?

    10. What complete troll nonsense at 10:49, all those look so much alike anatomically there's no doubt they're real. Freeman's just like Patty. They also all support each other unknowingly, Albert Ostman got kidnapped in 1924 by a big male squatch described looking exactly like the Marble Mountain squatch and the woman exactly like Patty. There's no doubt geeks, all real all true helped proven so by your spam.

    11. It's the best video yet, but admittedly it is not conclusive. However, those who study the film as much as the people who claim to have hoaxed it would learn there is a lot in favor of it being authentic as well. Same with the prints that get cast and recovered over the years. Certain things are un-fakable and many have tried... and failed. We will never be sure either way, so ultimately it is just one more piece of interesting evidence.

      As for different creatures looking different, well.. duh. Film different people around the world then tell me they can't all be people because they don't look identical. That's not proof of a hoax when applied to supposed bigfoot footage.

  3. PGF is a proven fake. At least to sane rational people. What a waste of time. Try finding a real live squatch instead of wasting your time getting consistently hoaxed by patterson for iver 40 years.

    1. Sooner or later you are going to have to get over it, whether you like it or not people are at liberty to spend their time the way they choose to regardless of what you think or say your opinion is just another grain of sand on the beach.

      I would suggest that if you are so obsessed with a real live squatch you get out there and try to get one.

    2. Can't catch a mythical creature bro

    3. So are there any other mythical creatures you have an obsession for.

    4. What is the reasoning behind this whole "obsession" claim? You mean to tell me that if someone finds the subject interesting regardless of their position they are "obsessed"? If I watch the news every night am I obsessed with the news? This is infantile thinking.

    5. Anon 4:40, I see Leiterman & Bart catino in attendance which If I know those two guys at all all, i'd be willing to bet you anything they did spent their nights in this area looking for "a real live squatch." been out with those guys myself and they dont waste time telling bfoot stories around campfires at night, thats for sure. Also, you get to sit at your computer merely making comments. im not sure if munns is going to prove anything more with PGfilm (or what full objective is here) but at least all these guys in the pic are trying to do something most of us only dream of participating in.

    6. I am assuming you are the mythical creature and catch a BF anon here but if you spend as much time on a mythical creature as you do watching the news then you are obsessed and just another closet believer, other then that your comparison is hardly valid if one is fact and the other fiction, however if your standpoint is the possibility of BF being real then the comparison becomes more viable and the obsession label less applicable.

      The bottom line is fact and fiction, who wastes their time on pure myth unless they think there is something more to it.

    7. Gotta love the constant tripwire the crazy cynic trolls always fall over, they've failed ot explain themselves and contradicted themselves so many times it's almost unbearable by now to think about the time they waste on other people's interests. Get some yourself, geeks.

    8. Funny, I have followed this film my whole life and every time someone came forward to prove it was a hoax their weak efforts were laughable or just plain misguided and wrong. Patty lives on despite the best efforts of those insisting it is a proven hoax. Whenever I see people claim it "was proven to be a hoax" it's always someone who has simply not taken the time to fully investigate the footage. I admit, maybe it IS fake, but no one has yet "proven" that.

    9. Patty lives on because footers refuse to concede that it might be a hoax. They refuse to give any credibility to the many people who have pointed out questions and problems with accepting that the creature in the footage is an actual bigfoot.

    10. God Bless patty may she always remain an enigma to some and an example to others.

  4. We do look for other evidence while out there.

    Cynical naysayers will get nowhere. We are simply curious about history. Now, really, just wait until you hear Munns' evaluation. We will be showing the true camera lens size, and will be able to give the true size of the film subject with good accuracy, exceeding that of the earlier Green/McClarin recreation.

    1. But can you at least concede the overwhelming lack of evidence?

    2. Problem is munns already has his conclusion and so is trying to prove the film is real rather than looking at it scientifically and finding the truth.

    3. There's nothing wrong with being curious about history and wanting to know the exact location that a hoax was perpetrated.

    4. "AnonymousSaturday, July 28, 2012 5:20:00 AM PDT
      But can you at least concede the overwhelming lack of evidence?"

      What overwhelming lack of evidence? The EVIDENCE IS overwhelming. Idiots like you just refuse to look into it. The Evidence would be enough to sentence someone to death. BTW Mythical creatures do not leave tracks, DNA, Audio recordings and hair samples.

      As for Bob Heironomus, He was not the first to say it was him and he probably won't be the last. But he shot his own story down when he shown his "proof".. a suit that not only looked fake, but had no breasts.

      "AnonymousSaturday, July 28, 2012 5:21:00 AM PDT
      Problem is munns already has his conclusion and so is trying to prove the film is real rather than looking at it scientifically and finding the truth"

      It has been looked at scientifically and the pros far outweigh the cons.

    5. I agree with you. I have put people in prison with much less evidence than what has been documented/cataloged about sasquatch. Eyewitness testimony alone is considered concrete evidence in criminal court. Plaster casting of shoe prints, handprints, etc. are homeruns.

      I believe the unwillingness of many people to accept the sasquatch evidence is due to a lack of specimen (body) However; I must agree that there is a strong case to be made for this creature's existence on evidence alone.


    6. Archer 1: You have put people in prison? By yourself, acting alone? Do you live in the free world? Are you a policeman, judge, prosecutor?

      Juries put people in prison in the free world; single individuals don't.

      If you have put people in prison with much less evidence, don't you think you'd better get cracking at getting them back out again?

      When prosecutors run for office on the ticket that they 'doubled convictions', what does that mean? That twice as many innocent people were jailed under that prosecutor's watch?

      Unless you live in a communist country I don't think you've put anyone in prison by yourself.

      If you somehow achieved imprisoning people by yourself in a free country, you've committed treason, amongst other crimes.

  5. We already had solved the film site location. You should have seen the look on the faces of Munns and Daniel Perez when they saw the Big Trees. What we are now able to determine is the exact camera position, which enables us to plot the entire trackway position, and the size of the subject.

    The size exceeds Bob Hieronimus, let me just say that. Also, he was never at the film site. That much is obvious from his descriptions.

    This new data will allow a full new look at the PGF as a valid piece of evidence.

    1. The subject is within human in a suit range proved time and time again.

    2. Well essentially no if accurate scale indexes were not used.

    3. Patty's at least seven feet and feature nonhuman impossible proportions, as if we didn't know, crow time await the troll geeks yet again.

    4. Human in suit height is well within living sasquatch range, too. And by many accounts, bigfoot is a type of human. What exactly doe it prove if a hoax is possible, when NO ONE who has tried to recreate it has been able to come close? If it's so easy to fake, where is the "proof" that the footage can be matched by anyone, even to this day? It has never come forth, despite many attempts. The footage withstands all who have tried to assail it. If it's fake, it's the best one imaginable, so good no one can actually debunk it with their own recreation attempts.

    5. We have a skeptical geologist and surveyor working with us. His measurements and calculations are independent form Munns'. His estimate right now is 6'4" in hunched over Frame 352 posture, giving an approximate full standing height of seven feet. This is with about twice the girth of an average human.

  6. Expect many more blogs from Steven Strufert about how right they are and how important this is.

    1. At least he's trying to do something douche.

    2. How do you know they aren't right, or that it isn't important, unless you are guilty of being a "Believer" as well, in the opposite camp? The jury is still out, so let's see more evidence, shall we?

    3. We found a lost spot on earth, an interesting and historical spot. It is important, and we are correct. These are not outrageous or arrogant claims. Where is the controversy? We are simply trying to find the truth and get to the bottom of these things.

  7. Great job Steven and crew...

  8. As a skeptic, I must conclude that the P/G film is a hoax. Why? Because if it were authentic it would mean that Bigfoot exists, and I am certain that it does not. Therefore, the film must be a hoax. Ironically, I believe both Bob Hieronimus' and Phillip Morris' stories, even though they contradict each other.

    A Critical Thinker

    1. "Ironically, I believe both Bob Hieronimus' and Phillip Morris' stories, even though they contradict each other."

      And then you sign off as "A Critical Thinker"

      You have just created your own paradox you may be critical but you have some serious crossed wires when it comes to thinking.

    2. He was being ironic, dude, clearly. He just made fun of the trolls.

    3. I hate it when irony is so ironic.

    4. That critical thinker is an illogical troll and wrong as some folks are meant to be in this life, we can't all be right that the film's no hoax and bigfoots exist. Too bad nerds.

    5. Critical Thinker is awesome. :)

  9. Can someone please help me rap my head around this.Why do people who claim to have no interest in the possible existence of Sasquatch come to a website called Bigfoot evidence.I just don't see the logic,I dont have any interest in tennis so I dont go to tennis sights.I have no problem with reasonable skeptics and enjoy reading their post but for the ones that come here to get a kick out of pissing people off,get out from behind your keyboard step outside and find the biggest baddest motherf'r in town ,walk up to him and punch him right in the nuts and wait for his reply. now to me that is logical if you like to piss people off.someone help me understand.

    1. I competely agree with you .

    2. Part of the issue is that expressing doubt is often met with contempt. I for one find the possibility of Bigfoot interesting, but have not arrived at a conclusion. Belief is not required in order to be curious. Clearly there is a difference between tennis, which is well understood and totally accepted and the possibility of a North American hominid/ape which remains a mystery.

    3. Glad your back to talk Bigfoot GNRfan.

      But I thought you were never coming back????????

      Because GNR, these people get thier thrill out of aggitation. They have a mental defect. They feel un-important and looked over in life. When they don't have confidence or feel excepted, they lash out.

      Same mindset as "the Joker". but to a lessor degree. He now has the attention he craved.

      These ANONA CRYBABIES, who come and clame over and over and over that IT'S NOT REAL,are completly full of it. They have know knowledge of what they speak and only get a kik out of being contradictory.

      They are as usefull as USED TOILET PAPER.

      P.s. I thought you would like to know that gun sales have surged in the last week. A guy (concealed gun ownwer) stopped a man in the process of slashing several store pattrons, blood everywhere.

      Thank God for gun owners, more would have been injured!

    4. hey Leon, If you read my post in the photo of the day,non bigfoot hands I explain my absence or lack there of.

    5. It's simple. Like any troll on any subject, they need to attack people and flaunt their imagined superiority in order to feel better about themselves. They are basically sad little people we should pity. There is no good, sane reason to troll like that. In this particular case we might also add the possibility that they are deep down scared that bigfoot could be real, and by posting how it is "proven" false they can sleep at night, go camping, whatever. In any case, as I said, they are to be pitied.

    6. That's one group of trolls yes, the ignorant self-liars and immature juveniles, the other group is where they already know we're right about the existence of this new species but have a claim in it staying hidden for whatever reason, ranging from religious fanatics to loggers - both with Capitol Hill support.

  10. Has bob gimlin ever returned to the site where they made that film.???

    1. I don't remember seeing or reading anything about BOB h going back to the site myself but yes BOB G has been back.

    2. Twice, but only in the creek, not up on the sandbar. He identified the first sighting spot last summer, to the best of his memory, and our investigation and data have shown he was right.

  11. Where are the studies that prove the PGF was a person in a suit? Could you please enlighten us? I have found study after study that says it could not be a man in a suit but none have came back with claims contrary to this? I am wanting to read up on all of the info claiming Patty is simply a person in a suit. Please, where might I find this info?

    1. There is no proof either way. Those who are convinced tha the PGF is the best evidence for the existence of bigfoot will continue to do battle with naysayers. Conversely, those who dismiss the existence of bigfoot out of hand will continue to argue that the footage is the result of a well done hoax and nothing more.

      People see what they want to see. The ONLY thing that would end the PGF debates once and for all would be for Bob Gimlin to admit (perhaps on his death bed) that the footage is the result of a hoax. Since Bob Gimlin has been making money telling the PGF story, admitting now that the footage was hoaxed (if in fact it was) is highly unlikely.

    2. It wasn't a hoax dammit this is how the female squatches look people get used to it.

  12. None of these "critcal thinkers" opinions matter at all. They post constantly proclaiming a "hoax" or "mystical" but don't have a clue. They will never leave their basements and research anything as long as they have an internet connection.

    Sasquatch only has to be proven to science with science. That is all that matters. Nobody has to prove anything to these asshats and when they realize that, the world will be a better place!

    1. They're just closet bleevers anyway.

    2. They're plants payed to rant and rave their rage.

  13. Who cares?????????.....what exactly do they hope to prove?

    1. You care or you wouldnt have read it. I dont think it is a matter of proving real or hoax as far as I know most involved believe it to be real.It is more a matter of historical accuracy they were trying to prove IMO.

  14. Was there uncertainty about the location where the famous footage was taken? There has been a plaque there for years marking the spot, and Gimlin has taken people there, including the Finding Bigfoot crew. So, what's with the 100% certainty in this article?

    1. You speak in total ignorance. There is no plaque our marker. Gimlin only tried his best to remember. He took them to the first sighting spot. That is not proof. He and Finding Bigfoot did not go up on the sandbar nor identify the trees and stumps. We did that and proved it conclusively. We also ruled out all the other proposed locations (some seven).

  15. Who cares? I find it difficult to understand why people (who seems to be clever), can still believe in this footage.

    It is a hoax, and has always been.

    1. you believe the lying alcoholic thats a want-to-be just like the rest of you crybaby skeptics, ha ha ha ha.

      What a dipshit.

    2. So, what you're saying indirectly and the Youtube clip is saying directly is that Bob Gimlin is lying through his teeth and has been for years.


      Bob G is the man.

    4. Yes, Gremlin is a liar. If he'll lie about being arrested for receiving stolen property (which by the way is easily verifiable through court records) then what else will/has he lied about? Then you have the con-man Patterson who had drawn a mirror image (complete with pancake titties) female Sasquatch just one year prior. When you couple that with him filming a documentary of the subject and being out of money too the truth becomes obvious. Then you have the film subject itself: horizontal lines at both hips indicating suit scrunching ; an ass that never flexes when walking, hell it doesn't even move EXCEPT near the infamous frame 352 when it turns and you can see the entire ass section "shift" just as you'd expect padding to do. You also have a fur line running down the back that NO OTHER PRIMATE HAS.

      This is a hoax plain and simple. Then you have honest people like Clyde Reinke (who Jerry Romney admitted wearing the suit numerous times to) and Harry Kemball (who Patterson himself boasted hoaxing the film to) coming forward with information regarding the film.

      This is unequivocally a hoax. A good one but in the end a hoax of epic proportions designed to rake in millions AND IT HAS.

    5. "the moon is made of cheese"

    6. Thier real, you don't know shit!

    7. I didn't say "they" weren't "real". I said the PG film is a hoax and it is.

    8. Take it easy people. Just because the sasquatch in the PG film is not real, doesn't mean they don't exist.

      But you don't have to believe in the PG film to believe in the possibility of bigfoot.

      I just don't see how "normal" people with high education and shit, continue to see this film as the naked truth. It obvious a hoax, everything is pointing in that direction.

      Seems like the Bigfoot community think, that if it admits that the PG film is fake, they also admits the possible of bigfoot to be non existing. And that's not the case.

      So BF community.. Get over the PG film, and focus on the things that are here and now..

    9. I agree with anon at 1:20:00. When it comes to bigfoot, focusing on the here and now is far important than continuing to debate over a nearly 45 year old piece of footage.

      The focus should be on one thing. Obtaining a type specimen. Personally, I would prefer some type of live capture, followed by a study and release. However, a kill would also provide a type specimen, and it would allow for scientists to dissect the creature to learn more about it (and maybe discover some sort of biological factor that aids it in remaining so elusive, perhaps something new not seen with other primates or something like an extrememly sensitive sense of smell or hearing, etc.).

      At this point, forget everything else folks (including this latest DNA nonsense; I guarantee you that skeptics will find a way to refute DNA studies). Focus all of your efforts on obtaining a type specimen. We have everything else as far as evidence is concerned (prints, hair samples, film footage, recordings of vocalizations, scat, etc.) and none of it has nor will more of it prove the existence of bigfoot.

    10. Not a hoax trolls, sorry but you noobs lose again better realize you can't win the debate and move on. Bigfoots are real otherwise how could kidnap victim Ostman get the details so right, describing both the female and male captors matching both Patty and the Marble Mt. subject to a T.

    11. Anon 3:19,

      Wow, you're actually too damn stupid to even warrant being provided a response to that non-sense you just typed out. However, I will anyway. First, nobody in this section said they weren't real. See why I called you stupid? Second, what "verifiable details" are you referring to? Let me help you, there is no SPECIMEN. See why I called you stupid? Third, the Marble Mountain footage is as blurry of a figure you will EVER see when referencing something to Sasquatch. You cant see dick! Well, except for an outline of a back-pack. See why I called you stupid?

      Forrest Gump has finally been dethroned .......Congrats.

    12. No you're stupid because I never said "verifiable details" someone else did the geek therefore is you. MM shows the real thing didn't I just explain partly why it's real? Yes I did dummy. No backpack it's the male species' humped back, maybe it's time you shaped up on this subject and informed yourself better how this species in question is actually built - 'k, Forrest?

  16. Herp arguing with Derp over a dodgy film shot by one of the shadiest charlatans to ever walk the Earth.

    Retarded bigfootery at its finest.

  17. I think the work Steve, Bart and others are doing is outstanding. Knowing the 16mm camera was wide angle allows them now to get an idea about size and distance. How far was Patterson standing from Patty? How tall was Patty? Its possible it was a trackway for a population of sas, meaning evidence is still in the surrounding area. NOTHING BUT GOOD can come of this. I also hope they were filming for FB. If not, Ping Pong missed an opportunity by not filming some of the most credible people in this gig.

    1. Hey Tim, your vids are getting better, more concise, just cover the info.

      Your Matt M rebutle. 5 star man/ Homerun!!!

    2. Hello MR.Fasano I will not pretend to be your biggest fan because I am not but I will agree with your post and thank you for doing it here.I also have to admit we share some of the same opinions on moneymaker.thanks again.

    3. I'm not a big fan of Tim, but I agree with everything he said in his comment above.

    4. Tim, are you 100% sure that the PG film is authentic? (and not a hoax)

      Hope you take the time to answer, thanks

    5. We know it's real only trolls pretend they don't.

    6. The BBC with a large budget failed miserably in their attempt to reproduce the P/G film.Reproduction is important to proving a hoax. James Randi should give his million bucks to Bob Tomlin because he cannot reproduce it as well.

      The key to the p/g film is the hair growing out of the face. An EXTREME DETAIL no hoaxer in 1968 would have painstakingly detailed on the off change that Microsoft and adobe would be created to put the film to analysis.

      Regardless of Patterson's character, on that day, he won the game. No YouTube bullshit
      No Fasano bullshit. He did it. Reproduce it or admit something happened that say.

      A guy with a rented 16mm camera from a drug store with primitive settings could not have done this.

      Everything Fasano, stover, Timbergiantbigfoot, Joe Black, and so forth, can be easily reproduced. Patterson has never been reproduced even with modern tech.

      HINT: Her back is wider then a NFL defensive tackle. A tall skinny guy could not have pulled this off. This "Bigfoot chick" weighed 500lbs. Easy.

    7. Maybe Patty was as wide as an NFL player because there were shoulder pads under a costume. This is the no. 1 reason that skeptics give for the wide shoulders of the subject in the PGF.

      How does anyone know that Patterson was just some dumb yokel who was too stupid to make an elaborate costume? I hear the argument time and time again that a hick like Patterson could never have made a professional level costume and pulled off a hoax like this, but there is nothing to suggest that Patterson did not have the skills to make a very convincing costume. Just because Patterson wore a cowboy hat and worked in rodeos certainly doesn't make him an ignoramous.

      I lean more toward bigfoot existing than not, but not due to the PGF. I approach the PGF with a healthy dose of skepticism. Based on Patterson's past history with bigfoot, his prior attempts to make money with bigfoot, ad hominem arguments applied to Patterson go a long way in my book in casting doubt on the veracity of the famous October 1967 footage.

    8. I agree that the BBC Patterson costume was an epic fail. But other costumes look much better. I think the Letters From the Big Man costume looks as realistic as the Patterson creature if not more so. Also, the costume used in the Harry and the Henderson's movie and the Jack Link's bigfoot both look more realistic than the BBC bigfoot.

      This costume also looks more like the Patterson creature than what the BBC did:

    9. Whenever someone calls it epic fail you know they don't mean it because no one in his right mind would say that. How can it be an epic fail when it's still talked about today, the only epic fail is how the trolls refuse to see it. Of course they haven't got the first clue of bigfoot anatomy anyway and how it's severely differing from our species.

      There's no football pading on Patty for the very simple reason she's too tall and wide, built way too tall waist up for a person to get to her shoulders and head. Same species anatomy as the Marble Mt. subject incidentally, too tall waist up for fake arms. Besides, the detailed 1924 Ostmam story indirectly confirms them both genuine squatches. No use trolls you're not convincing anybody anymore that it's fake, you tried it 46 years and the finishing line is now.

    10. * when referring to pgf as epic fail*

    11. If you think that the Marble Mountain footage shows a bigfoot and not a hiker (with an obvious backpack), then you are seeing bigfoot when the reality is that it's not bigfoot.

  18. Obviously, Gimlin is either telling the truth and bigfoot exists or he is lying. That's the only ways to slice it.

    Of course, leon W probably believes that bigfoot exists and that the Patterson films proves it. So, he's going to defend Gimlin. The skeptics who dismiss the Patterson film as a hoax will by default have to conclude that Gimlin is lying.

    1. I have had three encounters, each with a seperate and different person.

      Understand dipshit!!!

      3 ----- two person/ double witness encounters.

      I don't need ANYTHING to verrify to me that they are real.

      you------- "the moon is made of cheese!"

    2. Am I missing something? The post above doesn't seem to be on one side or the other. Why is this leon guy getting uppity and defensive?

    3. because he's a total retard. Look at his atrocious spelling!! It's obvious he's uneducated, uninformed and not very bright. Bigfoot is all he has in the whole world. Let's not take it from him

    4. ^^^
      It appears Bigfoot is all you have in your life too moron. Just because some of you simpletons label yourselves as skeptics doesn't exempt you from being looked at as idiots obsessed with Bigfoot.

    5. F uck you leon, you didn't see shit..

  19. Do you JREF closet footer bleever people believe the suit has been found ?

    1. The last I read some weirdo footer named GT/CS on JREF claimed the guy has been in delicate negotiations for 2 years to obtain the suit or some nonsense like

    2. The only ones that still seem to support this clown are your simplest, most obsessed, longtime closet bleevers like Drew, GT/CS, Parnassus and some idiot that now goes by the handle IamBigfoot on JREF.

    3. Why is it so hard for you morons to understand that someone can have an interest in something without being :

      A) obsessed or

      B) a closet believer

      I read a lot of books about all kinds of "cyptids or paranormal" things and I don't believe in ANY of them. But that doesn't make the social phenomenon any less interesting.

      Grow up. If you have to get defensive about you own Bigfoot belief, perhaps your faith isn't very strong at all.

    4. I don't blame you NickB for being defensive and somewhat embarrassed by being one of the few adults on the planet who discuss what they are convinced is a mythical creature such as Bigfoot on a daily basis.

    5. Damn those morons for not recogonising a social phenomena when they see one.

    6. If I ever find the "closet bleever" asshole I'm going to kick the ever loving crap out of him and feed him to the pigs.

    7. ^^^^^
      Just look in the mirror douche.

    8. Randi trolls stay on your own site.

  20. Trying to walk you idiots into an understanding of BIGFOOT is the equall of trying to explain ice cream to someone living in the Sahara.

    Milk / cream == Ape

    Past that, you draw a complete blank.

    Trying to explain sugar------
    trying to explain ice or the concept of something frozen--------

    There is no such thing as ICE CREAM. What you explain makes no sence. How would Milk Become solid. What do you mean milk gets cold and hard. you make it sweet?
    No, NO----------------


    You people that claim to be intelligent critical thinkers ---- SIMPLT DO NOT HAVE THE FACTS OR EXPERIENCE TO MAKE ANY CLAIM OF A CRITICAL ANALYSIS.

    In other words------ You don't know shit from wild honey!

    "The moon is made of cheese" ----- Swiss cheese, I can see the holes from here!

    1. Its yor feeble brain that is made of Swiss cheese.

    2. can't argue the point----- go personal.

      Communism 101.

    3. lol Leon, if you saw bigfoot 3 times, why didn't you take any pictures?

      Because it was a bear? Or just bob in a costume?

      "The moon is made of rocks"

    4. Leon, I think a better analogy would be someone trying to convince you that men really do have sex with women. Yourself with no experiance in that arena, you would think we were all pulling your leg and making it all up.

  21. I would like to know the age of all these skeptics with nothing better to do than post rude and obnoxious comments about a subject that so many people are genuinely interested in. Won't they be disappointed when the DNA results are published establishing Bigfoot's existance!

    1. All these fu.kers believe in bigfoot.lmao

    2. The skepticism helps weed out some of the real unbelievable stuff though.

    3. i dont see any DNA results.......

  22. The only 100% positive way the film could be disproved is if a bigfoot was captured or killed and it looked nothing at all like Patty.

    1. I think that if Gimlin were to come forward and state that it was a hoax, that would also disprove the film.

    2. Well that could well be but it would not be as cut and dried as a real bigfoot in the flesh for comparison.

    3. No one can ever disprove it because this is how they look it's the real thing folks. Get over it they exist. Bodies too different in shapes to be faked anyway and suits couldn't and still can't produce it.

  23. The PGF itself to me isnt the problem for some myself included.First you have roger who some claim was not exactly the most honest man in america and who in his own book had a drawing of a female bigfoot.then you have Bob h who passed a lie detector on t.v. and then we have MR. Morris who claims to have sold Roger the suit.Bob G was quiet for a long time as far as I know until he decided to open up.Myself I think the PGF shows a female Sasquatch.Bob h passing a test on tv is all he has to back up his story other than morris who I can't bring myself to believe anything from and as far as bob h and the test well,Ted Bundy passed one to.I dont know it to be a fact but I have also heard Roger passed 2 of them.That brings me to Bob G who I cannot say anything bad or questionable about.The team of heronimus and morris just cant get their story strait and to me come off as full of shit.That is the way I see it anyway and I dont ever remember the film being proven fake.Lots of opinions one way or the other but to me it is real.

    1. It takes a bleever mentality for someone playing the skeptic role to believe BobH's lie detector tests prove anything.

      That's why they're referred to as pretend skeptics.

  24. I personally believe that the PGF is a Sasquatch, if you believe or not you've got to admit it is a very well made video. Have any of you seen a convincing Sasquatch costume in any recent B movie or DVD?
    I,ve always been of the opinion that a film won't prove anything though, even if someone filmed a Sasquatch for 10mins in daylight in HD, most people wouldn't believe it.
    However, I like that the subject is a mystery and I don't think I'd like it proved one way or the other. There arn't many 'what ifs' or 'just maybes' left anymore, I hope this stays one a lot longer.

    1. filming a family interacting in HD or maybe even a sasquatch running down and killing a deer, that would be plenty of proof

      what do we actually get? crappy blobsquatches.

    2. Well said and very true there really are not many what if's or just maybes'anymore.

    3. Anon @ 2;13-

      I have to agree with you on your points 100%.
      The problem with the average cameras today are auto focus and digital zoom. Most things become a mess of pixels when digital zoom is used.
      Patterson was using film so the quality is much better.
      I'm sure there is good digital technology available but the average person couldn't afford it.

    4. Try walking along in a crappy suit today and use HD to capture it there's no way it'd look real but very quickly be revealed as fake. You could even use film and an old 16mm camera a suit would look it, unlike Patty. Too many people have a hard time coming to terms with the reality of this species so it's easier to tell yourself it's fake and deny, because if you opened up to the realization it's real you'd also lose faith in your authorities and government. You'd know they lied all along and that's another comfortable lie and situation you'd rather live with than know the truth and have that sense of false security crushed, because if they covered up this what else did they.

  25. We went looking for bigfoot.... and guess what we filmed it!!!!!!

    1. People search for bigfoot for decades and never have a sighting. Patterson and Gimlin go across two states to look for a bigfoot and find one. Sure seems lucky, doesn't it?

    2. Ruh, roh...Here comes revenge of the closet bleevers at a blog near you.

  26. patterson was a genious

    successfully trolling the bigfoot community 40 years after his death, how did he know about trolling 40 years ago we will never know, he is a visionary

    1. As a member of the Bigfoot community are you embarrassed that you've been trolled ?

    2. LOL.

      Patterson was a hoaxer, but no genius. Had be been a genius, he would have monetized his hoax a la L Ron Hubbard.

      Patterson, Hubbard... cult founders, who spawned a large body of hilariously nutty religious true-believers.

    3. ^^^
      Cult members like you don't usually realize they're part of the cult.

      Did that pretend meeting ever happen between Kitakaze and Munns where he was going to pretend to show the suit to Munns ?

      Knew that wasn't going to happen...LOL

    4. Only true religious nuts here would be Randi's wannabe atheist jocks.

  27. I am a Bigfoot Believer and also a PGF skeptic. Moreover, I am a polite Bigfoot Believer/PGF skeptic. I see good points on both sides. Yet I challenge any of you to exactly replicate any BF video. Guess what? I very much doubt it would look much like it. If someone can post a good replica of an ok quality BF film, I will be very much surprised. I understand that a human would have a hard time doing some of the movements or making a costume that looks like this, but it also is not impossible, and some things do look a lot like padding to me.

  28. Sooooo they allegedly found the site! But NOW WHAT? They sit around a camp fire and sing Cum by yar? What does it prove? NADA..................

    Oh, we can size it against this tree that tree, this land mark or that…Okay, from what, 40 years ago?

    Wouldn't it of been more lucrative to spent that time and money, looking in other areas for said hairy man?

    Then that would have meant really going off trail and bush whacking, therefore not as many creature comforts.

  29. it appears,by the grammar used i their comments, that there are some smart people on here

    why the fuck do the believe families of 8-10ft 800pd apemen and their families are walking about North america undeteted apart from a few ropey films and a faked 1967 film by a know conman

    no doubt i'llbe told im a 'closet believer' etc not .ive a child like iterest in different subjects is all

    use your intelligece for some good guys not youtubing dubious BF films

  30. I'm always amazed at the sheer hatred demonstrated by non-believers. They find new species constantly on this planet. And there was no "proof" of those animals until they were found, and they lived for hundreds (if not thousands) of years prior to being found. That alone should keep naysayers at bay but they seem to have a need to lash out with anger. They are the ones with the problem, a severe one at that.


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