Photos Of The Day: Non-Bigfoot Hands

These are paw photos of different creatures found in typical Bigfoot habitat. The photo above is a paw that was mistaken for a Bigfoot hand-- courtesy of Dr. Jeff Meldrum.

Can you guess what animals these belong to?


  1. The top one is OJs golf glove (that didn't fit) after years of neglect.


  2. top is bear, the other is beaver.

  3. Well I'm back. The truth is I never really left.After a couple weeks of posting comments and my unexplained encounter I just got sick of reading stupid replies and insults from skeptics. what I was looking for on this site was intelligent debate on the possibility of I decided to do a little social experiment and came back as an anonymous skeptic.I wanted to see if skeptics got treated as bad as us so called "bleevers".the results surprised the hell out of me .In the last week as a skeptic I have been told I should be shot,hanged,pissed on and called every possible name you could imagine. I am a grown man who believes in the possibility of bigfoot, I can handle anything you can throw at me from behind your keyboard.the thing that bothers me is what happens to the kid that just saw their first Bigfoot documentary or their first episode of Finding Bigfoot or even had their first encounter? If you dont like what I post feel free to say so and to say whatever you want,but when someone post anonymously you dont know if they are a kid or just someone that is a little more sensitive about being told they should be shot or hanged.I am all for freedom of speech and the right to your express you opinion but as believers I think a good counter point works a whole lot better than threats or childish name calling after all dont we want species recognition and protection for Sasquatch? if we want that for another species than I think we could do a little better looking after our own species.I am not stupid enough to think trolling will stop 'cause it wont and I am not preaching,just giving my opinion.Skeptics and believers all have the right to be here like it or not.

    1. @GnR, if ya keep up with me, you know Ive gone through considerable changes....from giant arse to calm skeptic. I noticed too that my first couple of visits to this blog (and others too) resulted in insults, ridiculous allegations and insenuations about me and my entire family tree...all because I questioned whether or not evidence presented here meant a thing towards proving a N American primate. I responded by becoming a prickish-troll, and now after a personal turnaround I have decided I really enjoy letting the logic and calm "devils advocate" attitude simply speak for itself. A few morons still use my name in vain, but yeah....this blog needs healthy discussion about the topic from both sides and IF Bigfoot is ever found it wont bother me a bit to be suprised. I'm trying to be one of the good skeptics, and we all get better discussion results when emotions and ego are checked at the door.

    2. FYi right after Appetite was released, someone shouldve given Axl a pair of concrete shoes so they could've picked up the guy from St Vitus/The Obsessed....he wouldve been perfect in that band. Axl is a giant douche and ruined that band for his own amusement.

    3. Timmy the change in you and the way you comment is one of the things that I have been enjoying the most on here.Axl is a dick that thinks he is bigger than than the original line up ever was but the man can sing his face off.I am a GnR fan not a fan of axl's shitty attitude,but that is ok he loves himself enough for all of us.see ya round.

    4. I agree i went to carolina rebellion,slash was there there very talented guy.I think gnr still had a lot in there tank.

    5. I saw Buckethead and Axl's version of "GnR" a few years back....and believe it or not they sounded better than with the original members.....but did not sound like the real GNR....just a great band backing up Axl as he sang GNR songs

      Can this blog. e turned into a message board so we can keep the good topics on front page? and have a non-bigfoot board too? Would be nice....

    6. Yeah I saw GnR in 2010 on the c.d. tour was a great show,Axl was well behaved and showed up almost on time,some of the staff were worried he wasnt going to.It just wasnt the same feel as the appetite or u.y.i days but it was one helluva show.

  4. I've seen the juvenile posts in question, and, in my opinion, the reason that the button-pushing, anonymous skeptics post here is that they're lonely and want attention.(and are male.... probably between 11 and 29 years old) They needle and push buttons just like any juvenile punk would. They don't for one second believe a word of the horse vomit that comes out of their mouths, they just like getting a rise out of people. I'm just surprised they could pull themselves away from SpongeBob long enough to post.

    1. Its just not the age group you mention. It's everywhere and comes from everyone. Or maybe its just the area of Ohio I living in....

  5. Squatch on top and Mer-man on bottom

  6. This came up last week and when many of us said the photo was of a beaver foot / paw all hell broke out from those who insisted it was a sasquatch foot. Where are they today? A few "you were correct" posts are in order....fat chance I know.

    new anony

    1. You can take it to the bank that tose are a) bear and b) a big beaver. Seen and touched both quite a few sasquatch there. Some beaver tracks are much bigger than a human hand, and sometimes kinda look like one til you see the webbing.

  7. Would love to have that beaver hand mounted on a back scratcher!

  8. I was waiting for someone to say "this photo is from the Sierra Kills adult sasquatch sample secretly obtained by xyz from a freezer bag"...all critical thought would have flown by the window with shouts of "There you trolls!"

    new anony - real evidence seeker - show me a body.

    new anony

  9. Think I'll pass on that hand job from my pet beaver

  10. neither of those hands are bigfoot hands.

    there is no bigfoot.

  11. Gnrfan I too was getting tired of the childistic behavior we have been having lately. Neat experiment. But yea I was getting tired of the only thing some anom wrote would be "screw you dork"
    You know what doesnt help is all this cynicism from videos being posted by people like Team Tazers phil. He contributes ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but has the gall to come in here and even KNOCK MK DAVIS!! Who is TRYING to contribute to the field. But with all these childish posts (that get FEATURED HERE!!????) is cause more the childishness. So as soon as some of these WEAK wanna be comics quit commenting on things they have NO clue on, like PHIL, the atmosphere will get ALOT better.
    Thanks for using a name instead of Anonymous

    1. Yeah its true some people may not care for Davis but like you said at least he is contributing to the field.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I don't think you mean crap should not be called out as 99% of the material posted here is clearly hoaxed or unverfiable. "average Joe" = Anonymous.

      Humor is part of the mix...some of the comments go too far of course...but most is a reaction to pure garbage.

      new anony

  12. Would anyone misidentify the beaver paw as a bigfoot hand? Maybe in a blobsquatch photo.


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