M.K. Davis Releases Video Of Two Bigfoots With Mustaches Tree Peeking

Holy-Matt-Moneymaker-On-A-Pogo-Stick! Check this out. Here's another spectacular footage from M.K. Davis that shows at least two Bigfoots tree peeking. According to Davis, the enhanced version of the video shows the Bigfoots have mustache-like facial hair. The Erickson Project also claims to have footage of a female Bigfoot named Matilda having this same feature, like a "Wookie" from Star Wars.

Erickson Project

"Two quick peeps from behind a tree, and a mysterious figure moving through the trees, make this a fascinating clip that teases the mind. Is this what it appears to be? Is this a Sasquatch or Bigfoot? It very well could be." - M.K. Davis


  1. If the camera was continuously running you would see the subject walkin to the tree and away from the tree,it didn't just magically appear there!! Hate to say it but it's take!

    1. No, it could have approached (or left) in a manner where it was constantly hidden by the same tree it is peeking from. They know how to do that kind of stuff.

  2. I think the small one is just the big one bent over a little bit.

  3. Keep up the good work Mr Davis!!!

  4. No Whitey? Must be eating cool whip with wil wheaton

    1. wait a minute, is that whitey in the background at the 2:00 minute mark? to the left of the wide dark tree? Somethings back there

    2. Good eye! I see something moving there too!

  5. Simple question for Bigfoot enthusiasts: Why no unambiguous photos/videos?

    1. The person asks a valid question.
      I believe there is such a thing as Sasquatch, but the majority of film and photos are awful and show next to nothing.
      I believe it because of eye witnesses some of whom are not just looking for their 15 minutes of fame.
      But too much is hoaxed and it ruins a lot of credibility.

    2. supression by large groups for the almighty buck,They have the evidence and wont release it!Each wanting there stake at fame.Not theory but truth,those who have done work with them know they have better bf pics on there laptops then whats been shown..that is the truth!Non believers prepare to eat your words!!its coming!

    3. Anon 2:12,

      Is that what asking logical questions is called nowadays by bleevers? So funny!

    4. Have you ever tried to take a photo of a wild animal? One that doesn't want to be seen? Or is moving through a bunch of trees? It's not easy, even at home taking photos of kids and pets right in front of you, you often end up with blobkids and blobpets as they move around so much.

      Maybe a professional photographer could get some good pics but I don't know of any that are going after Sasquatch but what would be the point of that? Even clear photos or videos aren't definitive and likely to ruin your reputation more than enhance it.

      The PGF to me is pretty clear but look at the attacks and suspicion those guys have had to put up with ever since.

    5. I had a feeling the comment would bring a sh1tstorm of troll comments. I stand corrected :)

    6. These creatures are very aware, and do not want to even be seen. When people meet one it is an accident, often at a considerable distance, and startled humans tend not to film or photograph too well. Also, despite advances in portable photo and video equipment, most are not the best quality. We still have a lot of poor-resolution cell phones and the like. I think as technology improves you will see better quality videos. We are just entering that stage now, so most of what's out there is still poor quality.

  6. That's one perfectly centred tree peek.

    1. It chose the tree in front of the camera to approach/peek at it. Makes sense. Would you choose a tree off to the side somewhere if you were curious about the camera?

  7. Looks to me like Bigfoot is wearing a white cap and a poncho.... mustache. ? Flowing hair. ? Imagination mk. It looks like peeker knows the camera is there... uh... like the owner. Blob fake

    1. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2005-06/bu-wbb060905.php

    2. True, but you can't discard this based on it knowing the camera is there. Bigfoot no doubt would, too, even if it didn't necessarily understand what one is.

  8. interesting...please show more!!

  9. This looks incredible! MK Davis has posted some of the best footage. Whether it's authentic or not who knows? But at least he puts it out there for people to argue and debate over.

  10. That tree peeking isn't very discreet. Does not strike me as normal animal behavior.

  11. It seems to be wearing a poncho or coat.

    1. I was thinking that exact thing. Sorry, M.K. I do respect you, but I don't buy this one.

  12. Well yes you are M.K.Davis and you are welcome for my time,and that is all I can say about this one.keep em' commin'M.K. and thanx.

  13. Why does Matilda not look like other Sasquatches? Every time someone draws a picture or gives a description a different bigfoot appears. They just can't be that different.

    1. Does every dog look alike? Yet they are the same species.
      Do bush people of the Kalahari look like Japanese? Do Amazonian jungle tribesmen look like Norwegians?
      Maybe there are different sizes in the breeds of Sasquatch. Just as There are differences between Chimps, Bonobos and Billi Apes.

  14. Guys did you get Adrian's permission to use his picture?I dont think you want to get a tongue lashing on his website now do you?

  15. What has me juiced is all the activity going on to the left of Captain Peek-a-boo. If you watch it closely, you can see glimpse of real light blonds, and or whites. If you look at that big tree just to the left of the other one and past. It appears to me that something pretty big moves farther away from the camera and starts moving at a nice clip to the left. I assume this is the same property as is filmed in the previous videos, if so, then Mr. Whitey should be there someplace. I just thought it strange that the bits and pieces of movement that I caught in the trees seemed white. I don't know what to think...I wish everything wasn't so hush hush. For example; Did a couple of good-0-boys string up some cameras because they thought that there was vandals messing around on there property, and in doing so, caught what could be (if its real) some of the best evidence since Paterson Gimlin? Did these people just record hours and hours of footage and then just hand over every tape to Mr. Davis, and MK is going through the stacks of VHS tapes one at a time? That would explain why we are getting these video clips doled out to us, like a parent might hold a bag of candy for junior, only giving him some when the child has been a good boy. Did the unknown tapers already screen all of the tapes, and are just giving them to Mr. Davis a little at at a time? It would really do a lot for the credibility of these videos if the land owner would just step forward and say, Yeah, this is what happened and this is why....blah blah.

    I'm just sayin.


    1. LMFAO! That's called an automobile passing by at the 2:00 mark to the left of the bigger tree trunk.

      So lets just squash your assumptions right now. Sorry but it has to be this way. Why? Because I'm right.

    2. I totally agree! There is no reason whatsoever as to why a little more info regarding the origins of these videos cannot be revealed. WTF? They were recorded about 10 years ago from what I have heard.

  16. Ugh. I'm an academic who has an open mind regarding Sasquatch, but I think this post is, for me, the last straw. I understand this blog needs to keep traffic coming, so the "B.S. meter" will be set low. But it's frustrating to see obvious hoaxes like this "analyzed" -- and when someone calls it for what it is (e.g. Timmy) they are branded a troll. This is clearly a person in this video. They even appear to be wearing a poncho! MK Davis' "White Bigfoot" videos are also clearly videos of men. Yet this is celebrated as evidence. I appreciate the time Mr. Davis spent in reconstructing the Patterson site (that was an impressive bit of work), but that doesn't make up for these hoaxes. Whatever is out there, its identification will suffer in proportion to the gullibility one finds in the BF community.

    1. I'm an academic as well who had had an encounter and this stuff ticks me off. I use a large high-end professional designer monitor for 3D rendering with high detail... I see jack sh*t in these videos - the resolution is terrible. How anyone can look at these, especially with conventional monitors, and draw any conclusions puts their mental state in serious question.

      The world has seen enough inconclusive video evidence. DNA + body + independently replicated & verified video evidence = proof. Not lo-res stand-alone videos.

      This subject certainly seems like a big joke, but it's not. This treatment is almost criminal.

    2. Anon 4:38, I'm Anon 3:22 (the one whining above). I agree with you, especially on that last point. It would be great to see more folks in the BF community stand up and resist indulging these folks (Fasano, et al.). Great to see Sykes at Oxford pursuing the DNA angle. All I know is it takes a guy like Sykes, because many of us don't have tenure yet, and we're not going to risk our careers on blobsquatches and rumours of "spectacular footage."

    3. One last thing: I just noticed that you had an encounter! Wow -- now I really understand why this would all appear almost criminal!

    4. Clarity seems to be in the eye of the beholder. If it were as clear as you say, it would be unanimously laughed off the web. It's still vague, and just like MK and others may be doing, YOU are seeing what you want to see.

    5. Anon 2:55: I think your reply is directed at me. I appreciate what you're saying, but please understand that all these videos ARE being laughed off the web, outside of this community. That's my point: to prove the existence of an 8-foot feral hairy hominid, you need convincing proof. That means, at the least, video that is clearly not human. I see nothing in this video -- or Davis' other videos -- that suggest anything other than a human. It's clear as day; no "seeing what I want to see." And that's leaving aside the other obvious problems: in this instance, how is the camera and "bigfoot" perfectly aligned in frame and relative to the viewer? I know the explanation is that the creature "knows" there are cameras, but that's a bit of a red flag. Where's the rest of the footage, clearly showing the creature walking away? It would have to expose some part of its body in doing so, yet we just have this clip. All I can say is that if this community wishes to convince those of us who follow standards of evidence, scientific method, etc. then you need something more than videos of men peeking from behind trees. For what it's worth, I find the PG film VERY "unhuman"

  17. enhanced pic = hitler squatch

  18. http://images.mentalfloss.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/445jojo.png




  19. Some people search for decades looking for bigfoot and never have a sighting. The fact that M.K. Davis keeps coming up with clip after clip should clue people in that he is another in a long line of serial bigfoot BS hoaxers.

  20. I think they saw the camera too late, after already approaching from the left. Assume they went out the way they came in, either directly in line with the trees or two the left close to the ground.
    Good Job MK Davis and mystery person willing to review hours of footage for the one brief second.

    1. More provenance would be nice, starting to feel weird, surely the simplest set can be described.

  21. Must be a lot of folks out there making or selling wookie suits. Then again, maybe not.

  22. What a hoot, and I have a happy face buzz cut into my ass hairs too, lol.

  23. Oh lord. Before it starts, there is NOT two sujbects in the film. What you're seeing at the 2:00 mark is a car passing by to the left of the bigger tree trunk. That's not another one frolicking through the woods.

  24. Finally some squatch footage :-D

  25. Looks like a dead squirrel on it's lip. Someone tweet MM and ask if their known to do that.

  26. This is an actual Bigfoot, no doubt about it. I mean, well, it couldn't be a person, right?...right?

  27. A mustache? I guess this bigfoot still thinks it's the 70's

  28. It just doesn't have a fluid controled movement. It's too jerky. More hoaxish than squatchlike.

  29. MK Davis has a better imagination that William Evans and the FBFB team put together.
    His New video of the "white bigfoot" that some say looks like it is riding a bike is just a man with a long sleeved shirt on that is not buttoned up. How can anyone take this guy serious?

    1. evans gets all the best footage, you clowns cant see the truth.

  30. convinced me to film my b-hole and submit it as proof of a sas quatch rectafootis!With a woodsy back drop y`all might just wanna mount er for future story tellins.

  31. This is so obviously a playful bigfoot wearing a poncho and a fake moustache. Bravo M.K.

    1. I thought the same thing, fake mustache. Now the question is, why does a bigfoot want to hide it's identity? Might this be a criminal bigfoot?

  32. It is a criminal Bigfoot.he stole the monopoly mans mustache and you can see the getaway car on its way to pick him up.

  33. Replies
    1. never mind with Mitchum report. DNA studies, smeja story!! All that needs to happen is to set up cameras in M K Davis garden. He has BF walking past all the time. white ones, BF's on bikes, black ones. You name it he will have a video of it

      utter shit

    2. u gota b kidding, mk got all thoses clips from a farm that were doing research on them,wether there big foots or what all of the clips are real from that farm

  34. At around 1:40 or so mark there is something white moving from the dark area just left of center. It is moving to the left. It is there for a number of frames.

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