M.K. Davis Releases New Bigfoot Vocalization Audio That Nearly Made His Speakers Fall Off The Table

"Hello, I'm M.K. Davis and I thank you for your time."-- We never get tired of that, and certainly we never get tired of all the videos M.K. Davis has been releasing.

In this newest footage, we're treated to pitch black visual with just the audio (because it was recorded on an old VHS tape). In the video, we can hear some dogs barking in the distance, followed by some weird guttural sounds that seem to be very close to the camera. When Davis first played back the audio, he was caught off-guard by a "forceful outcry" in the middle of the audio.


  1. What does Dogman & a Tree have in common?

    Bark :-D

  2. Sounds like a tape slowing down starting at the 3:07 mark.

    1. It would be nice if he gave us some information on the circumstances of why this tape was made.

  3. Seems like one after another with MK lately.

  4. Love him or hate him the man is dedicated.I am glad he does his video/audio.the effort is appreciated.

  5. Definitely a known animal, although I don't know which one. One thing I do know: it isn't Bigfoot, since Bigfoot doesn't exist. How can I be so sure? Because there is not one shred of evidence to support its existence. None of the countless thousands of eyewitness reports, videos, hair and scat samples, footprints, DNA tests, etc., count as evidence. Therefore, it's useless to go out and look for any evidence, since it doesn't even exist to begin with. Furthermore, if Bigfoot existed we would have found one by now. We are really smart. We know everything there is to know.

    A Critical Thinker

    1. Well all knowing one, I guess we will call it quits now that we have it on your authority they dont exist.now get back to playing with your sisters barbie dolls little fella.

    2. critical yes...but a thinker??!!

    3. So why in the fuck are you here?

    4. "We are really smart. We know everything there is to know."

      With that one statement, you proved your LACK of critical thinking. I feel really sorry for you right now.

    5. Hello Timmy. Welcome back.

    6. I have better things to do with my life than debunking other people who dont believe in bigfoot you idiot. Why do you feel sorry for me?

    7. @ 10:11
      But he does believe, he's just pretending not to. I'll guarantee a moron like that is way more obsessed with Bigfoot than anyone who is open to the possibility.

    8. "I have better things to do with my life than debunking other people who dont believe in bigfoot you idiot."

      Then WHY are YOU here?LMAO.
      What an oxymoron.Or maybe just a MORON!

    9. Typical troll denial, these kooks must have a difficult time attending church now knowing there are more things between Heaven and Earth than they previously thought.

    10. 5:06 is one of the JREF closet footer bleever butt plugs. Where having character and integrity is discouraged lest you be separated from the pretend skeptic herd.

    11. That's not Timmy, Timmy wouldn't say that. Timmy's much smarter than that douche.

    12. Why do SO MANY of you guys not realize Critical Thinker is lampooning the nay-sayers? It's embarrassing how few of you "get it" with these posts.

  6. The high to gutteral low sound, sounded like my grandfather taking a dump!

    1. Is your grand father a Bigfoot ??

    2. Why are you listening to your grandfather having a poop?

    3. Who listens to people poop ffs?

    4. Sounds exactly like my Pap dropping a massive load off as well. He was a masterful defecator.

  7. Is there ANY background or details at all to this clip. Was this a remote recording ?
    Very interesting recording,Thanks MK.

  8. This one made me lmao.At the 3:07 mark it sounded like the "Beast" was starting to sing a song from 'O Brother,Where Art Thou?'

    Then he decided to do a little "Metalocalypse".

    I guess they have been watching the TV through the window of my trailer home.

    Just saying!

    1. Now don't take it in a bad way what I said.
      I like what MK does but MK needs to explain the three "W's" Where,when and who!

      It just doesn't add up with out MORE details.

  9. I am assuming that MK does not have direct contact with the originators of these tapes as there is no background story to this one, just how many has he got I wonder.

  10. This video is a waste of time.

  11. Who effing cares about the details ffs. just keep bringing me new bigfoot news! hahaha

  12. Sounds like one of those noisemakers they have at kids birthday parties.

  13. It sounds like auto tune, unless this strange slide is characteristic of a Sasquatch, I am thinking hoax.
    Anyone heard a slide like this?

    1. Sometimes there is an odd mechanical or electronic quality to reported vocalizations. I know that seems strange but it has indeed been reported, and recorded, before. If nothing else they do seem to be excellent sound mimics, so who knows what's going on here, if it is authentic.

  14. Love MK he is such a gentlemen! That is a very very strange vocal who knows what when or where but nothing I have ever heard. MK keep them coming!

    1. Agree with Lisa,keep'em commin'.Always enjoy them

    2. I also agree Lisa but the three "W's" are where,when and who.

      Just putting something out there without the three "W's" doesn't help his case.

      I love what MK does but don't you wonder where this stuff is coming from?Seriously.

    3. Well,
      Trickle Dick.
      I think you miss the point of what MK presents.
      He doesn't have a case to present and prove. He's not claiming this is proof of anything. He's simply putting this out there as something someone has sent him.
      So go play with your Trickle.....Dick

    4. So what you're saying is I could send him a tape anonymously that is totally blacked out with some odd noises on it and put it out there for people to make their own decisions.Hmmm,just might do that.

      I'm sure he knows more,like the three "W's".Remember the Hovey picture.;)

      Like I said I like what he does but more info would be helpful.I don't think it would hurt if he said where,when or even who.As far as we know this could be something Freezer Boy sent him.Catch my drift?

      P.S.Dick Trickle is my real name,Richard actually.Look it up,anon.It might be a funny name but man,I would hate being called anonymous if that is your REAL name.lol.

  15. Sounds like Elvis is back from the grave!

  16. Trickle Dick.............. Dick Trickle....... There is so much that could be said but I will refrain from the insanity of the obvious punch lines in and around that screen name.... :)

    1. Thanks Lisa,you're a sweetheart!

      I've heard some bad ones but hey,life goes on.And it's a real name.Look me up on Google.

  17. Don't think MK sounds as surprised and clueless here as he normally does almost as if he knows what it is. I'm not saying it's fake but it could be could also be a genuine squatch of course, and don't forget if you think it sounds human that's precisely what these big fellas are actually. Be interesting what Scott Nelson thinks of it.

  18. That was a funny as hell video, it was a hoax, a bad hoax. M.K needs to get some other hobbies and take a break from doing bigfoot stuff for awhile.

    1. Now I suppose you have a link to why and how it's a hoax?

    2. not even a good hoax jeez

  19. Dogs in the background, it could be a large primate in a zoo setting. But, then again, most aren't allowed to play with sheetmetal siding due to the possibility of being injured. Incredible tape. I can picture a tripoded VHS camera put in a shed that has seen activity based on territorial outbursts. The camera owner wanted to capture audio of what was happening, so he put it in the dark shed or left the lens cap on. VHS has very good audio quality. The last outburst, or even the first has a sound of frustration to it.

  20. The second part ALMOST sounded a little like Sierra Sounds. The range of this thing is crazy. It goes up pretty high but the low part is super low. It's a beast for sure. Sounds kinda creepy.

  21. I always love when MK puts new stuff out. And I love that he leaves everything open for interpretation.

    Keep em coming MK!!!!!!

  22. Ok, I hear footsteps walking up and something being shaken. Something breathes into the mic of the camera. Then there is a cap being messed with on a metal can. A metal scraping on metal or concrete, maybe being picked up. The can is then shook up and the cap messed with again. Then something walking away sloshing liquid. I think maybe this was a guy, filling a lantern in the dark. The vocals are easy to copy and the slide is a worn out vhs tape being played over and over in one spot. Why he is speaking gibberish, no idea. Could be a moonshiner, tore up on shine.

  23. Sounds like vocalized pain. Animals in the wild suffer. Without pharmaceuticals Bigfoot would know bouts of extreme pain. Has any one of us spent a night with severe tooth pain, and no aspirin? Something similar might be happening to this animal. Or maybe he ripped himself on the metal.


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