M.K. Davis Gets Bored And Releases Footage Of Horse's Eye

Look-- There's a point where we gotta stop, take a step back and call it like it is. Footage like the White Bigfoot riding a bicycle, ice chest moving Bigfoot, and tree peeking Bigfoot are cool and all, but this latest one is obviously a cow or a horse.

But since this is a Bigfoot blog and we could be wrong about it being a horse or a cow, we're going to say it's "possible" that this footage shows a Bigfoot looking in to the infrared camera.

[Update] Scott Carpenter just made a sketch of the creature in the video and somehow came up with Bigfoot.

what the. asdfklj.skdf
asdf;alfsda lafdldkl;fj;fkjsdfkjasdf

I give up...

Sketch By Scott Carpenter


  1. Replies
    1. looks like the farmer from Orick that shot Bigfoot

    2. Shawn,
      Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

    3. It's definitely not a horses eye... In my opinion it's either real or someone playing a hoax.

    4. Did anyone notice the dark horse moving in the background? Obviously a herd of horses came into the area. Don't think this was a Bigfoot.

  2. It is a white human male about 18 to 22 years of age with his hair on his face, it is not a Sasquatch, deer, horse, cow, but you can see a horse in the back ground and it is not spooked at all.

    M.W from the lounge!!!

    1. Amen. MK Davis is barely reliable, but this blog is teetering on the edge of idiocy. A horse?! Only one with eyebrows......

    2. And a human shaped "hooded" nose

    3. Shawn,
      Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

  3. Replies
    1. Shawn,
      Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

  4. Even worse, Joe Black.Wait until you see my composite enhancement, where I turn a crocodile into a bunny rabbit.

    1. Lay off JoeBlack, jackass.

    2. Uh oh,fight time!!!

      Get'em Jellybean!!!

    3. JellyBean,

      Sorry but joeblack is delusional at best and absolutely bat shot crazy at worst. He is the pareidolia king but he honestly believes the shit he posts is indeed real Sasquatches. The only conclusion to such idiocy is that he nuttier than squirrel shit.

    4. Shawn,
      Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

  5. Its a pot smoking hippie lol

    1. Shawn,
      Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

  6. Simple question for Bigfoot enthusiasts: Why no unambiguous photos/videos?

    1. Just look at this post. I proves beyond a doubt that it doesn't matter what is posted, Bigfoot believers will believe it's Bigfoot. That video above is an unambiguous video of a kid screwing with a fixed camera.

    2. No amount of photos or video is going to prove their existence. There will always be a skeptical fool claiming it's a suit or something. The PGF and A.B.S photo are good examples of that.

    3. Just curious: what's the A.B.S. photo?

    4. Question for skeptics: Why post dumb questions and expect answers? The info is out there if you want to take some time to familiarize yourself with the field, but something tells me you'd rather just fire off these questions that reveal your utter ignorance and then sit back pretending you've done something intelligent.

    5. Shawn,
      Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

  7. "There's a point where we gotta stop, take a step back and call it like it is." The rest of the time we just go along with the hoaxes.

  8. It's a horse, of course. Short nosed, maybe a shetland or other pony or a foal. You can see plain a day the nostrils. What looks like eyebrow is probably a different shade of coat around the eye appearing darker. Not a person, surely not a bigfoot.

    1. Absolutely agree. Leaning towards Shetland but unequivocally NOT a Sasquatch and that's what matters. Next......

  9. The horse is used to it. Put a camera on. Plus a cow or horse don't move their head back and forth like that.

    1. Yes we know for a fact bigfoot can sense cameras and human intentions. this cant be Bigffot because it was captured on film

  10. It is a white male with hair over his face, how the heck do you see a horse or a Sasquatch?

  11. Joe 'Blow' Black has been eating the mushrooms again.

  12. It's a guy named Mike Sells wearing a blonde wig. He and one other person hoaxed all of these videos that MK has been spewing on to the web. Many people know about this, and many people have seen all of the hoaxed videos. Almost no one was fooled by these except MK Davis.

    MK: Why don't you post the clip of the "bigfoot" moving over the barbed wire fence toward the chicken house? You know, the one where you can clearly see that it's wearing a hoodie and blue jeans... Or the clip where the camera is sitting on a picnic table and our blonde wig-wearing "bigfoot" looks directly into the camera, allowing us to see most of Mike Sells' face?

    1. Mike Sells is dead and MK is trying to make $$$ off of a dead man. Mike even came out and said these were all fake. If I remember right these were filmed in East Texas.

    2. Wow -- now THIS is information. These videos came from someone who admitted they were hoaxed? Incredible that this hasn't been brought up earlier (to my knowledge). Thank you for posting this info.

    3. What's funny though is that folks are going to continue to debate "what it is." I'm very familiar with all sorts of horses, and this looks more like a guy in a wig, as your hoax info suggests. The face is flat, by the way; horse skulls of any size possess a far different shape that would, if the nose is against the lens like this, push the eyes further into the distance and set them on a different plane. But why even get into anatomy when you can clearly see a human eye. Thank you for clarifying the source of these vids.

    4. All you have to do is Google 'Mike Sells Bigfoot'......

    5. He was in cahoots with Biscardi. That says it all right there.

    6. Anon@10:25,No problem.I thought people knew about Sells and Biscardi.I really don't understand why MK keeps this up.He must know they are hoaxes.Smh.

    7. Months ago when the white Bigfoot, and the white Bigfoot on a bike were being released by MK people were posing about all these videos being a series of hoaxes. I remember one poster predicted MK would release a video of a guy wearing a blonde wig and mascara looking into the camera. Looks like this fits that description; I'm convinced they are hoax attempts. To anyone who has doubts look up the posts on this site about earlier MK videos. Specifically the videos wIth the VHS continuous recordings.

    8. SE,I'm the one that posted @5:24,10:26,10:31 and 10:34,Doesn't it make you wonder why MK keeps posting these videos from Sells and Biscardi?What's his reasoning? He must surely know who is behind these videos.I guess just follow the $$$ trail and we will have an answer.

      PS.There are couple more he will be posting also.

      Dick Trickle.

    9. Go to this link,it explains all of MK's hoax videos.....http://www.network54.com/Forum/23217/message/1161998332/More+about+the+hoaxed+video

    10. it's true. there is something fishy going on because you DID make this call back in April.

    11. Absolutely. M.K. Davis is a joke.

  13. Actually, it appears to be a Scottish Highland breed of cow. They have long hair just like that and shorter noses. My parents used to raise them and this looks exactly like them.

    1. Hi Anon 5:07 -- not trying to be contrarian here, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but please examine a picture of a Scottish Highland cow and not the structure of the nose and muzzle. Note that it is extraordinarily different from the face looking into the camera. On first glance it does remind one of the Scottish cow, but it's just our brains triggering on the hair.

  14. M.K. went out and bought himself a big ass box of straws and keeps grasping at 'em.I enjoy your work M.K. but it might be time for a little vacation,take some time off,relax.ya see what I'm sayin'It will do you a world of good.

  15. Most likely a pony. If my horse saw some weird thing, he would put his face in it, too.

  16. Hold on a minute you dummies..... I think that MK is cautious and always says that this (could be or could NOT be a Sasquatch) He always cautions us that we are to decide for ourselves what we are seeing.... That's a whole lot more than we get from this new Idiot, "Bigfoot Whisperer", or "Tim FATsano", or the king of all Liars and Jerks "Rick Dyer"
    Lighten up on MK, at least he comes across as sincere. Don't run the good ones off and keep the total stupid morons i listed above.

    1. I concur. I enjoy his work.

    2. I respectfully disagree. Yes, he does cover himself by mentioning that it could be Bigfoot, and I DO think he has done some good work, such as with the PG film re-creation, but if I follow the logic here then we can all just take video of people playing in the woods and post it as a "potential" BF video? So long as I ensure it's fuzzy, that no human features are readily discernible, then I can bring it to the BF community as a "possibility"? I guess I hold self-proclaimed researchers to a higher standard. I expect them to filter videos that are clearly human, like these "white Bigfoot videos" (compare them with the PG film -- there's no doubt it's a man in the Davis videos). In this case, if he knows the provenance of the video then he knows it's a hoax.

    3. Pffft. M.k. is a joke. Somebody called this months ago. This being, that he would post a known hoaxed video of a wild haired person looking into the camera and m.k. did exactly that. The mystery (lmao) is solved however, there never was a mystery to sane/rational people. We knew m.k. would post this known hoaxed footage.

    4. hate to say it but even the little white specs in Chicken shit are....chicken shit..same here with M.K. you dont dance around the fact of trying to be legitimate or mostly being legitimate, either you are are you are not. period. M.K. actually stated in public and it's well documented, he was done with Bigfoot research less than a year ago, and here he has been one of the hottest subjects over the past two months.

  17. We need the back story, at what height is the camera, are there cows or ponies nearby...

  18. Okay. I' not gonna say that this is a bigfoot. But it certainly is not either a horse or a cow. It clearly has fairly human features and certainly could be someone trying to hoax. But the claim that it's a horse is simply silly.

  19. O.K anon 7:23 you have a point M.K. does leave it to us to decide and his work is better than having the 3 you mentioned get any time on here.just think as of late he may be showing signs of needing a little time off.

  20. Not a horse or a cow, it has a hooded nose. My guess, a guy in a wig.

  21. Even though I think it is just a guy in a wig...it is still pretty creepy!!

  22. Totally disagree with some of you here. Firstly, this creature vision appears to be binocular (front of face) not monocular like a horse (eyes on side of head). Goggle horse face and after you get past the Sarah Jessica Parker photos...lol. compare the horse face to the above. Even photos of the horse with his head tilted up does not compare. The placement of the ears to match up as well.
    Strange indeed.

    1. I always found sarah's face looked more like a foot.

    2. I stand corrected on the above. The horse in the background does bolster the horse argument. you have to go with what seems logical.

  23. Before you state this being is a horse please go to google images and look at horses heads how long they are. Look at the distance from the eyes to the nostril at least a foot or adult horses, now watch this video again and tell me you still see a horses head.

  24. looks like Mitch waides Kid again. All he need is a ice chest.

  25. @cocksuckers

    This is not a horse. It's a human. The type you fools like to refer to as bigfoot. Were you expecting a gorilla looking thing? I think the DNA will speak for itself soon.

  26. This is a video of what is commonly known as Stoner Bigfoot, not to be confused with illegal alien Bigfoot. This one was probably waiting for the sun to come up so he could search for mushrooms in the cow patties.

  27. I don't know what that is....but I know what it is not, and that's a cow or a horse. That is not the snout of either animal in that film. Maybe its a juvenile Bigfoot that is mentally challenged, and or physically deformed. We always assume that the Sasquatch population all look just like Patty. Maybe this is a mentally disturbed teenager Squatch, maybe that's why it peeked at the camera twice in the other video. Maybe they have a hard time keeping this one out of trouble. Maybe its a genetic "thing", and that is why Whitey looks so odd when it walks or runs. Or maybe this is all a hoax dreamed up by the land owner to screw with people like me who gives a sh*t, and takes the time to actually look at and form an opinion about the films. I don't know, but what I do know, its not a horse or a cow. If the land owner would come out and say what they have been experiencing, that would go a long way in my book. I don't think it is that far of a stretch to think that what ever it was that gave us the two tree peeks, in the video before this one, could be the same thing sniffing on this camera. Who Knows!


    1. It's a person whose head is tilted back and their nose is very close to the lens, but let's just ignore the obvious, ok? If you want it to be a Bigfoot, that's perfectly alright. I want it to be a Mandinka warrior.

    2. Good grief sbizkit38! Read thru the posts before you start yapping. MIKE SELLS ADMITTED TO HOAXING ON HIS OWN LAND (and was in cahoots with Biscardi for part of it). There's nothing to question. It's fake, and MK Davis knows it.

      If you want to ponder something, what is MK's motive and intent in wasting so much time messing with these tapes?

    3. Anon 12:49,

      Exactly, and that is what is extremely disturbing. M.k. knows this is hoaxed footage but still posts it. What are his motives is right? One things for sure, m.k. has lost all credibility.

    4. ^I agree but maybe he has a simple explanation.But it would have to be a damn good one.

  28. What a joke. A wig covered person with possibly a mask just happens to shove his face into a night vision camera without exposing his body in the shot .....terrible hoax.

    new anony

  29. theres nothing quite like the music of a joe black video to put you in the mindset of a horror movie or other work of fiction

    great stuff, mythical monsters and cool music

  30. The horse in the background isn't scared because bigfoot had just finished braiding it's hair.

  31. I vote for the Scottish Highland cow, if you look carefully, the other eye is visible and the eye set seems to fit that of a cow. Nobody is mentioning the shoulder, which could look like a Bigfoot shoulder, but I imagine it could also look like muscular cow shoulder

    1. MK Davis has been hoaxed!! or is he helping to push these as authentic? Check ANON 11:09 am for the real deal.

    2. Davis absolutely knows they are fake, yet continues to spew them. Why? Side work for Biscardi?

  32. I have just heard on good authority that Ketchum paper will be published on Thursday. The website will go live on Friday and the documentary will be released in weeks not months.

    1. Uh oh,shades of Mucklegrunt!!!!!!!!

    2. Better tell Shawn so he can post another SOON article tomorrow!

  33. if you look closely you can see a horse walking in the background! Its good to be skeptical but come on? I mean instead of jumping the gun on things examine it! I caught the horse in the background the first time I watched this!

    1. horse in background? does that automatically mean horse in foreground?

  34. Another deluded attempt at proof by the loneliest man in the world.


  35. It isn't a horse, its probably a guy.

    1. It's Mike Sells.Read Dick Trickle @11:09.Him and Biscardi are in cahoots in Paris,Tx.Google...Mike Sells Bigfoot... All the answers are there except why MK keeps putting these fakes out there.

      Follow the $$$ trail all the way to Biscardi.

      Heres a link...http://www.network54.com/Forum/23217/message/1161998332/More+about+the+hoaxed+video

    2. Thanks for pointing this out. You know, I was almost sold that "whitey" was authentic. If not for your post/links I would have continued to think that way.
      Yes, this makes me look naive + gullible, but I can't help myself!

    3. I have seen them myself but hate hoaxers with a passion. Once a hoaxer ALWAYS a hoaxer,right?

    4. The funniest video I've seen lately that M.K. is pushing as evidence for Sasquatch is the one he calls the "Creek Walker".

      Its truly hilarious to see that there are so many idiotic buffoons out there.

      That video is so clearly depicting a man going downhill while wearing a dark colored shirt under a jacket that is either unbuttoned or unzipped that it is downright comedy to hear/see people claiming it as a Squatch.

      If the massacre theory of M.K.'s and the above mentioned "Creek Walker" footage wasn't enough to convince you that M.K. has lost it and is nothing more than a joke at this point then nothing will. I mean the guy is now featuring footage that is widely known as hoaxed for goodness sakes. Unforgivable!

  36. I keep getting this on that network54 link :
    Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to www.network54.com
    Other users are also experiencing difficulties connecting to this site, so you may have to wait a few minutes.

    I will try again tomorrow.

  37. Definitely not a horse, cow, etc. Nose is not long enough. The eye would be farther away from the nostrils either vertically or further back away from the camera depending on position of the head. Also the nose of a horse or cow have nostrils farther apart. In the video we see both nostrils close together. Human with very large nose, extended bridge away from brow area but flat with nostrils that appear ovoid not circular. The more I watch it the more primative the face looks. Ears are not visible on top of the head like a horse or cow. Ears are just visible at the side. The eyebrow is visible and is raised in a slight over the eye heavy ridge that extends to the side of the face.
    This is actually an incredible video. We may actually be seeing a Sasquatch face here.

    1. The nostrils are the size of if not larger than the eye. Is that the characteristic of a modern human? Plus the width of the bridg area of the nose is huge. The volume of the nose is gigantic for a modern human.

    2. Will you people ever learn to read all the posts before you waste time typing your own? It's a proven hoax. Nothing to see here, move along.

    3. You want people to prove bigfoot exists with irrefutable evidence. where is the irrefutable proof of a hoax? the investigation? the last time someone said this the website linked did not exist or there was no mention of the hoax or the investigation into a hoax. it was all heresay.

    4. Google this and you will see what it is about.You will need to read the comment section also.

      "The Four Year "White Bigfoot" Project, 50 VHS Tapes Later......Bigfoot Lunch Club"

    5. Anon@5:03, That's funny cause everyone else can find it.If you don't find what you're looking for then just believe what you want to.

    6. Again, where in this website is irrefutable evidence. I've seen the "white bigfoot" vids by MK and if you're telling me that the critter that is standing on 2 legs then goes to 4 then back up to 2 legs is a cow, then you're f'ing crazy.

    7. No, it's a guy named Mike Sells in a white ghillie suit bought from Cabela's Fall 2005 catalog.

    8. bullshit. plain and simple. let's see this guy Mike Sells go from 2 legs then 4 then back to 2 then jump the distance from an almost standstill as seen in MK's video THEN I'll believe it's a fucking hoax.

    9. from the Lunch Club link.."MK has had them for about six months and has digitally transferred the VHS tapes himself."
      1. As far as modifying VHS tape footage pixel by pixel before MK took possession, forget it. What was on the video is what was filmed
      2. If you are suggesting that MK altered the video after the fact during those 6 months, I'm sorry I don't buy it.
      3. "When we brought up our arguments about a possible cow or ungulate, MK Davis was adamant in denying the possibility."
      Again, anybody that doesn't require reading glasses can see in the first of his videos of "Whitey" he is STANDING on 2 feet.
      4."We asked about the dark pixelations that seemed to lead the alleged Sasquatch and he had agreed that he had seen that too and says his better picture also show the Sasquatch has a dark face. "
      Anybody who has worked with poor quality CCD detectors knows that pixel overload from overexposure can cause ghosting or dark shadowing paralleling the brighter images.
      5. An analysis of an animation supposedly showing portions of the body missing. "We did the rough animation above after seeing MK Davis's video at Bigfoot Evidence. The video M.K. Davis released shows a possible light-colored Bigfoot. The gait to us looks like gallop with half the information missing, as if the legs in the background are dark. Dark enough to blend into the background. In MK's Video we see a leading head that seems darker than the rest of the body."
      Again this proves NOTHING. They have to analyze the beginning of the footage and tell me HOW this ungulate gets on TWO legs.
      THEN and only THEN will I rethink anything MK has done. End of story.

    10. Anon@10:12-It would be kind of hard for Mike to do it now cause he is dead.

  38. Here is a link to images of horse faces. Look at the nostril size and distance between them and then look at the video.


    No comparison. The video is not a horse.

  39. Not saying this is a squatch, but as an artist that likes to draw horses and as a person who has horses, this is not a horse.

  40. It's Kurt Cobain serenading some animals.

  41. The funniest video I've seen lately that M.K. is pushing as evidence for Sasquatch is the one he calls the "Creek Walker".

    Its truly hilarious to see that there are so many idiotic buffoons out there.

    That video is so clearly depicting a man going downhill while wearing a dark colored shirt under a jacket that is either unbuttoned or unzipped that it is downright comedy to hear/see people claiming it as a Squatch.

    If the massacre theory of M.K.'s and the above mentioned "Creek Walker" footage wasn't enough to convince you that M.K. has lost it and is nothing more than a joke at this point then nothing will. I mean the guy is now featuring footage that is widely known as hoaxed for goodness sakes. Unforgivable!

    1. widely known by whom? I have seen NO such posts and only sparse allusions to it here on these comments by people who can't show evidence.

  42. Holy jumping Jesus, no wonder few people see bigfoot in the woods. This is not a person, not a bigfoot. It is a frigging pony. I recommend those who can't see it, get your eyes checked. The nose is split at the nostrils. This may have been a hoax, but it is not a guy in a mask. That guy may have stuck a camera up to catch whatever he could and set up hoaxes. But this time he just used footage of a pony. Here is a link to a pony with it's head tipped, nose up, long hair, and eyebrows lighter than rest of face. http://www.google.com/search?q=shetland+pony&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=XagYUKGfM-_qiwKC2IGoAg&ved=0CFYQsAQ&biw=360&bih=615#i=73

    1. your link didn't work for me so I googed pont face images. Again, the nostrils are WAYYYY too far apart to be what's in MK's vid. Sorry not pony.

    2. sorry that was to read "pony face" not pont face

    3. Please look again at a picture of a pony or horse nose -- the structure is completely different. Regardless, how come, at 3:26 and other times, the eye is staring directly at us, set into the skull frontally, and there is a nose bridge? These are the complete opposite of horse or pony anatomy. I'm baffled that people are not seeing or acknowledging this.

    4. OK, I cobbled together some photos from google of shetland ponies along with a screen capture from the video. The links are below. In the pic of four, you can see the multi colored pony has eyebrows. The dark pony has a crease between it's nostrils. The still from the video shows a crease between the nostrils. In the second still from the video, I put a thin red circle around the eye and a yellow one around the crease in the nose. This video is nothing more than a Godd@mn pony. You all wonder why everyone thinks us bigfoot believers are nuts, this is why. How the hell can you see anything but a pony? If you think this is a guy in a mask, your are just as bad. Now, the camera is not very high. You can tell by the rock or stump in middle of frame and fence as I said before. When you are looking down at something like a fence, the wires will appear closer together the higher you go, no matter the distance. Check it out yourself, take three pieces of wire or string and make a "fence" and then look at it straight on while squatting then slowly stand up and watch the wires appear closer. This fence is level even discounting any valley between.



  43. Shawn,
    Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

  44. So did anyone notice this "Bigfoot" has dreadlocks? And his hair is in front of his face? Hmmm, Captain Obvious votes for a teenager messing with the researchers, or the researchers are hoaxing evidence. There is no third way....

  45. sooo ... has anyone else noticed the helpful information provided much earlier, regarding the source of this video admitting to a hoax?

  46. Cows don't really have hair like that.


    I think I figured out what it was though..


  47. 1. Clearly Kurt Cobain from the Teen Spirit video.

    2. Ghillie suits aren't made of fine hair.

    3. Calling someone a liar is not PROOF of a hoax.

    4. Keep hating. You seem to really enjoy it.


    1. PS. Those interested in reading 1,000 words of one person calling another person a liar without any actual proof will have to copy and paste the entire link provided by Mr. Holley. The 54Network no longer keeps this message or the forum it is contained in.

    2. PPS. I will admit that if ANYONE here really knows about hoaxes, it would be Mr. Holley. Let's not forget his connection to Mr. Biscardi.

    3. And yours to him also!Ya Jacka$$.

    4. Anon12:11 what is his connection since you "seem" to be in the know?

      Please explain or kick a rock down the road while you leave.

  48. 2006 Cross Country Expedition. The "bigfoot adventurer" describes himself as having "limited association with C. Thomas Biscardi". It's called Google and it's wicked easy to use.

    As for anon at 12:31: I am singer from western Pennsylvania. I have no affiliation and have never had an affiliation with Tom Biscardi, unless you count watching the Dallas and Wayne documentary and affiliation.

    I will assume that since you have left a few things out of your rebuttal that we can agree that ghillie suits are not made out of fine hairs like the one seen in this video. And I this we can agree that simply calling someone a liar does not prove a hoax.

    Listen, I think this is a dude looking into a camera, no more, no less. But just as this video is no proof of sasquatch, your link is no proof of a hoax. -- d3w177

  49. No idea what this is. Nor does anyone else. All you can say is it has forward looking eyes so it seems to be NOT equine. Does not look particularly like an equine mane or forelock. Interesting. Would be nice to know how far of the ground the camera was. Once again there is a lack of forensic evidence. Get your act together when presenting this sort of video or you just waste our time.

  50. Lawdy.

    The bigfoot world gets more retarded by the day.

  51. These links show some pics of ponies off google. I pulled a still from the video. I then stuck them together in paint and posted them. You can clearly see ponies vary a lot. In color, nose width etc. But in the still image compared to the pic below it, it is almost exactly the same. The eye placement, the nose, even eye brows. Ponies get a crease in their nose when sniffing, or making other movements. This crease is shown in the pic of the dark pony. People twist dreadlocks into manes all the time. This is a pony in the video. Not a man, not a bigfoot. If you can't see it, even after looking at the links, your head is so far up your wahzoo, I am surprised you have not suffocated yet.



  52. Still just looks like a dude.

  53. My first thought was "Kurt Cobain"! Seriously though, equines and bovines have oblong/rectangular pupils. That's a kid with scruffy hair. :) Creepy regardless.


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