Melba Ketchum Update: I am blown away by all of the knowledge we have gleaned from this project

Dr. Melba Ketchum does not speak out much, and when she does, she always makes it sound like her Bigfoot DNA paper is coming out "soon". This latest update is no different. Ketchum tells us things are going "exceedingly" well and that her co-authors are just wonderful people.

If you're wondering who the co-authors are-- supposedly, they are friends and colleagues who are all tops in their field. Ketchum had stated earlier this year that there are many "renowned scientists" who have worked diligently along side of her to make it all happen.

Update: Things are going exceedingly well with the project. I will not talk time frames though. I am extremely pleased with everything. It has taken a long time, but it has been so worth it! I am blown away by all of the knowledge we have gleaned from this project, it is very humbling. My co-authors are simply wonderful and I so appreciate them as well as others in the background that have contributed to it but were unsung heroes so to speak. I will be so glad when I can speak openly about it and I know everyone here will be happy when that happens also. - Melba Ketchum


  1. Replies
    1. my senior-year prom SUCH a tease.

      I really hope, after seeing some of the psychotic responses on this board, that there is really hard data there, for Melba's sake. Thing that bothers me most is she's hooked into all these folks like Biscardi, Smeja, Erickson, etc. IF for instance we had already seen Smeja's bigfoot baby for example, or Melba's videos and pics, and we were waiting on species ID, well that would be a TOTALLY different scenario.....instead we get all the hush-hush secrets, allusions to videos and pics and test results that "just cant be seen yet", and WORST of ALL, claims of NDA and evidence that is so secretive...NO ONE ELSE can see!!!!! Its ALWAYS the same, until we had the Georgia freezer hoax....epitome of Bigfoot "evidence".

      Dr Ketchum, as a fellow medical professional and reasonable skeptic, I sincerely request that you give some credence to your statements, and release some type of evidence that corrobrates your fantastic claims. Please withold any necessary data fields or identifying terms but give the people something "real" to believe in. I assure you, claims of existing vids and evidence are far more damaging to your project than a scan of your evidence, a blurry pic of your physical samples, or a summary of researchable, related information wherewith followers can "connect the dots" to a credible outcome. Obviously you cant reveal your study outcome....but this, and your eternal carrot-dangling, open-ended statements with no more evidence than presented by Smeja.

      Prove me wrong, show us the proof.

    2. Sally here, We have the proof and its coming soon. Just be a little more patient. Is that too much to ask?

    3. Very, very well said, Timmy.

    4. Thank you Timmy.

      The vast majority of Bigfooters think she is full of it. And that says something.

    5. No offense to anyone but Kerchum responds personally to THIS BOARD think about it folks!!!!! Scientific???? Get a response Timmy! Stay on her ass!!

    6. Wrong SE, most are convinced she's right. I have not fallen for Timmy's convertion of late he's still a troll of sorts and close friend of this site probably. This is all fake - except Ketchum's study.

    7. 2:32, You are clearly a Moron.

    8. Anon @ 2:32-

      "Wrong SE, most are convinced she's right"
      I'll have to disagree with you on that one. When I first starting reading about her I found it to be a fascinating story, one that would have results "soon". Soon has come and gone along time ago.
      While I do think that Bigfoot exists, I don't think her results will be out any time "soon". I would almost be willing to bet that Sasquatch will be discovered before her "paper" is.
      I no longer take her seriously, especially considering how she responds to rumors. Ketchum replies like that of a 12 year old instead of retorting in a concise and mature manner.
      If she is a "scientist" and with holds evidence because she doesn't like what people say, then that's acting more like a 5 year old. I'm referring to her Family of 5 and her alleged videos/pictures/structures evidence.

      Oh, but she couldn't show that because it will mess up her study. There are quite a few alternatives to show your evidence without tainting your credibility.
      She either has no videos etc., or they are so inconclusive that not even a noob would buy it.
      Those are my opinions.

    9. Yes, but which is it as she keeps changing the title: Project, Paper, Manuscript.

    10. Your guess is as good as mine. For all I know it will be a connect the dots colouring book.
      All those jammy fingered toddlers will love it.
      Everybody is entitled to their opinions, and it's my opinion that Sykes will have something before Ketchum.
      I personally think she's going after a different angle on this. I don't know what that is, but I'll know it when I read about it.

    11. most bigfooters in the know are waiting on her project as they know its real. the people whodont are impatients, skeptics and trolls, when it all comes down I hope allthe trolls and non knowers will fuckkk off already...

    12. Timmy, what do you do in the medical profession?

    13. Timmy's clearly Jimmy the Dhimmi.

  2. BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!waste of our time............................

    IF she has passed peer review she could put out the title of the study/paper and we could look it up for ourselves on pubget. Ooppppppsssss did I let the secret out???????????????????????

    1. So sick of her bs! She knows nothing about the process of science! She's a phony!

  3. Who gives a shit after 2 years. Dna test are done overnight ffs.

    1. This not a simple "Who is your Daddy" DNA test like on your favorite show Maury.

    2. Exactly right. She's known for a long time what it is only can't speak of it yet. This is what trolls and haters misuse to cast doubt over it by months of negative comments hoping to tire people, when the reality is those on the project have known the squatchy secret for quite a while now - but the subject being what it is you don't just rush out to an unprepared world with this. That I'm sure is basically why it's so time-consuming, the effort of writing a proper presentation, this is after all a brand new species discovered.

    3. Anon 11:53, You are in the know. It will satisfy most I suppose... but still some questions.

    4. Sally here, your right, the study is very time consuming. 2-4 years is about average for a paper if this magnitude. Like I and many other scientists who have actually gone through the peer review process have all stated that it can take years to complete. The need for secrecy should be self evident.

    5. Ketchum knows the secret is BULLSHIT!!! THAT is the study result = bullshit

    6. No trolls you are wrong.

    7. She is a scammer! Total bs! Sick of her lies!

  4. A little birdie told me Bigfoot will be proven to exist early next week. Watch the news.

  5. Replies
    1. She wishes she was full of bigfoot, pop out a ketchasquatchem in 9 months.... proly have hair on the bottom of its feet just like momma.

  6. I can see where all the kiddies are today, GROW UP, Children!

  7. Implosion of Team Ketchum by early next week !!

  8. the woman is absolutely pathetic and unprofessional - end of story. i would not select her to run the dna to verify if the remains i found were my lost pet. nor can we allow her to be held out to the world as the leader of a project to identify a lost or relict hominid. my hope is that Meldrum, Sykes et all can quickly take the focus away from this pretender. she will forever feel cheated by the "powers that be" but i think we all know that this thing we all expect to happen, cannot happen with her anywhere near the foreground. i hope she has good friends and family.

    1. Sorrry its your cat. That'll be $900 here sign this NDA.

    2. 1:00 - You took the words right out of my mouth.


    3. Go back to sleep. Sheep.

  9. LOL, theres nothing to wait for. There will be no substantial evidence of anything.

    Lets say that even if the "results" she brings forth are something along the lines of "Yup, its a new hominid previously unknown to man"

    Uhh, we still dont have a body. Prove it Ketchup, release the coyote hide sample to other labs.

    Will NEVER happen. But at least the sheepy bigfooters will be happy.

    1. The hide sample has gone to another lab moron. Talk about sheep, you're amongst the herd waiting for results, obviously you idiot.

    2. Yes Bigfoot was proven but no one can be told or shown the evidence!

    3. Huh, no need for abody still because the evidence as you call it will be proof. Let's say we don't give a damn about the cynics and accept the DNA, yeah sounds good to me.

    4. So your more concerned about the little bigfooter community rather than "bigfoot" actually becoming a verifiable known, creature?

      What other lab? Start sending samples to various universities and well respected Paleotologists and DNA researchers, not another Ketchup.

      PS-Im not waiting on the results, im just waiting to read what excuses you guys come up with AGAIN.

    5. Well bye bye Stutter.Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!

    6. You're fooling no one Shutter. You're a closet bleever, admit it.

    7. Hey Anon, i wanted to be back in the day, but i grew angry and frustrated with the deliberate hoaxes and excuses that kept coming out of the bigfoot camp.

      Ive pretty much resigned to the fact that its simply not true. Its been what, 50 yrs?

    8. If you're angry and frustrated why are you still obsessed ? That's where you pretend skeptics stupidity comes in.

    9. Well with you still thinking about it and going to Bigfoot blogs what does that say in your mind?

      You're a CLOSET BLEEVER and you know it.You can't get it out of your head one way or another.


    10. Shutter is waiting on the out come of the paper.He wants it to be true so he can tell his family "I told you so"Or why would you even debate it if you are so sure it doesn't exist.It shouldn't even register in your mind if you didn't CARE.Seriously,THINK ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS,THEY SPEAK THE TRUTH,NOT YOUR WORDS YOUR TYPING!You SKEPTIC BELIEVERS make no sense at all.

    11. I guess there is such a thing as a "closet believer" is that like "closet homosexual"?

      Anyway, i dont have too much pride to say im a closet believer, if i was.

      I can assure you im not, and i will be more than willing say "they were right, there really was a bigfoot" if there is ever found irrefutable evidence to prove it.

      But im not closet believer, why is it so hard to believe that i dont believe, lol.

      I love this board simply because its humorous.

  10. We were hoping she would release pics of the horses hair we braided. We worked hard on that
    Yours Truly,
    The Playful Family Of Five

  11. Do you JREF butt plugs bleeve the P/G suit has been found and is that your version of the Ketchum report ?

    1. stop trolling the bigfoot community ketchum.

    2. They may not answer today.Tonight is the changing of "The Golden Vibrating Butt Plug of Skeptism" in Queen Randi.

      Parnassus won the drawing to be the "Holy Changer".He gets to keep the old one to use for himself.But Kitakaze has senority over him and just might over ride him cause his is broke.

    3. Put the lug back in randies, enuff's enuff.

    4. some guys at jref really destroyed you didnt they, too bad, hope you feel better about it soon

    5. Nope,not at all.Never been on that blog.Just like to read it and watch y'all brown nose Kitakaze,your savior who has no suit.

      Well I take that back,he probably has a Sear Sucker that he's going to wear tonight at the "Holy Changing".

      By the way,how's your butt plug doing?

      Butt hurt much!

    6. so you are saying you think the pgf is real? LOL delusional much?

    7. @ 2:40
      By footers like Parnassus, Kitikaze, Drew ? Where did they find this miserable lying trio ? Craigslist ? Groupon ?

    8. Yea,real delusional.Your momma makes me that way after the BJs she gives me.

    9. I think the clown pretending to have found the suit came out with it thinking Gimlin would confess. Now he's stuck with the lie. I wonder how many more years he'll pretend to be in "negotiations"(lol) before he has to make up an out to the story.

    10. so wheres the bigfoot evidence?

    11. ^^^^^
      You're obviously looking everyday for it, so you tell us.

      Your simple inquiry also shows your embarrassment at being a pretend skeptic.

    12. Bigfooting has come full circle. The people playing the skeptic role now have less credibilty than these footers that call footers, footers.

    13. ^And your reasoning is.....?

    14. ^^^
      Are you a clueless moron or are you just playing the part of a clueless moron ?

    15. 5:48 is just playing stupid because he's embarrassed by his pretend skeptic brethren.

    16. Give it up loggers, time to hang up the old buzz axe.

  12. a few facts:

    is there any evidence of bigfoot? nope.

    is there any DNA evidence of bigfoot? nope.

    before you cry otherwise, show me the published paper on it thanks.

    1. Yet you're still obsessed, moron.

    2. Jacka$$@2:42-Hows that suit thing going with Kitakaze?

      Did he make all you Jrefers sign NDAs?Can't talk to much about it can you.

      Just like the peer review.

      But I bet that comes out before the suit does.Ya jacka$$.

    3. We need to show "You" the published paper because "You" are special just like your mommy has told you. Sorry asshat, you are no more special than anyone else... That's a Fact!

  13. Timmy tag along here,
    Ketchum may be honest, lying or just nutty..who knows anymore, I just truly hope that Sykes DNA results beats Ketchum to the publishing finish line or once again the world will laugh at the entire phenomenon. The woman has no cred and has acted quite unprofessionally by posting such comments (here of all places!) for so long. Her connection to any study will only taint it unless she is truly working with respected scientific heavyweights..none of whom we can know about? Pffff..nice job Team Ketchum, you've probably turned many of the hopeful and interested into ardent skeptics.

  14. Help me, Obi Sykes-Meldrum..You're our only hope!

  15. just got off work & I.m laffing my ass off, funny comments!

  16. I am glad you are blown away by it.

    Its a shame noone else ever will be.

  17. the big reveal for this paper and the major factor that the public is simply not ready for yet, is the 100% dna match to "patty"

    smeja actually shot the same bigfoot that patterson filmed.

    what are the chances!!!

    dont ask how we got the DNA of patty but it involves a certain theory that MK Davis knows all about.

    The paper is beautiful. You will all see.... soon!

  18. Outstanding comment section! Best yet!

  19. You all are still discussing this fraud?

  20. I would let Melba blow me, LOL!
    Jeff Teagle

  21. Melba here - I know all about Bigfoot and you don't, neener neener nah nah.

  22. I met Ketchum last night in a bar, and after a few too many we ended up in a room together, and she let slip that all the DNA had come back as unknown primate. She then grabbed some hair off my arse and lept through the window shouting 'I HAVE SOME MORE'

    I dun know.......!!!

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