Matt Moneymaker: Bigfoots Stop Prey By Zapping Them With EMF

The theory that Bigfoots manipulate their EMF (electromagnetic field) to zap animals isn't too far fetched for some Bigfoot researchers. All animals have an EMF that they give off and the theory is that some animals have a very strong EMF. Before an encounter, some researchers report experiencing a sort of calm where everything goes quiet in the woods and all the animals nearby take off. The researchers will sometimes feel disoriented when it happens.

According to one account, Erickson Project founder Adrian Erickson, said he was once chased out of the forest in Canada by a Bigfoot that was disorienting him and making him delirious. He was said to be so affected by the creatures EMF that he kept getting lost.

Recently, Matt Moneymaker mentioned on tweeter that an engineer named Ric Hjertberg was zapped for several seconds while sleeping inside his car. According to Moneymaker, the mild electrical shock feeling can make it difficult to breath or walk.

Matt Moneymaker:

Coincidentally, dolphins and bigfoots have ability to stun/spook their prey/competition from a distance. Dolphins do that with sonar clicks.

Bigfoots can stun/spook their prey/competition also. They don't do it with sonar clicks. No one knows how they do it, but it can immobilize.

Bigfoots can stun a human w/in abt 30 feet. The larger the BF, the more powerful the zap. 30 feet is enough distance to stay hidden and safe

RE 30 ft range: How far off the trail/road they can be when they do it. Effects: Mild electrical shock feeling + difficult to breath or walk

Wanting to understand how zapping works, we thought it must be infra-sound until engineer Ric Hjertberg got zapped while sleeping in his car

Hjertberg's windows were rolled up. Movement outside his car then big ZAPPPP for several secs. Infra-sound blast would hv vibrated whole car


  1. Husband to Wife "Honey I think I'm having a heart attack" Wife to Husband "No honey its probably just Bigfoot".

    1. Matt Moneymaker has no clue about anything science-related, period.

      It is believed some predators such as tigers do this, but no primate or derivative has ever shown such an ability nor are we set for it physically......dork

    2. It seems far-fetched,I know, because you think that obviously researchers just use it as an excuse for lack of proof after an encounter. But then it happened to me, I was even looking straight at two sasquatches as it was hitting me and I interpreted it as "negative vibes" And it was strong enough to mess up my vision and cause me to feel extremely vulnerable, I ended up walking backwards out of the forest with my hands in the air. I have no reason to lie because this is not giving me any sort of contentment or sense of achievement, I wrote this in hopes that it would lessen my fear of the forest, but it didnt, not one bit, and it very well could be the cause for me stopping my research. That feeling will stick with me forever.

    3. Just for comparison, Ive felt the same way....once when deer hunting I climbed into a blind built about 8 feet off the ground, and when I got inside a nice 400-50b bear said "hello" from the darkness within. Another time I shot a giant elk with a .44mag, and missed the heart...he jumped up and rampaged toward and around me until I was able to hit him again.

      I'm a scientist-biologist-type guy.....and IF Bigfoot exists, I'd argue this experience is just a biological response to another being that can pulverise you.

      Ive seen mice just stare at a snake until it got close enough to grab them....seen rabbits sit facing a bobcat until it was close enough to pounce.....EMF secret weapon? Ultra/infra sound? More than likely adrenaline gland freeze-ups...fight-or-flight a bit out of sync like a fainting goat species.

    4. Husband to wife EMF is every m.ther fu.kers nightmare.

    5. Timmy you actually sound like someone who knows what they are talking about. I raise those goofy fainting goats and you sir are correct

    6. Lol good stuff guys. Sorry but I just have the image of Cartman in South Park when he thinks he is.psychic. Like he is gonna blow them up with his mind.

      Animals also.freeze as a defense to predators. Think about it if a snake is close enough to a mouse than the mouse is already screwed. Same for the rabbit. Alot of predators are insrinctive and react to reaction not some EMF stun gun thaf animals have.

    7. Timmy is a dummy who doesn't know what he's talking about. Just because no other primates have that ability doesn't mean a bigfoot would not have that ability. There's lots of things about them which are different than other large primates.

      Are you a scientist, Timmy? What are you, Timmy, exactly? Are you a high school student? Are you a refrigerator repairman? Why should anyone listen to Timmy?

  2. And if the zapping doesn't work, their sophisticated back up is to throw rocks.

    "...Adrian Erickson, said he was once chased out of the forest in Canada by a Bigfoot that was disorienting him and making him delirious" Anxiety attack?

    "Ric Hjertberg was zapped for several seconds while sleeping inside his car. According to Moneymaker, the mild electrical shock feeling can make it difficult to breath or walk." What??? If i were inside a car, i would find it difficult to walk too.

    So Matt, with this show you're doing and the Bigfoot zapping, how do you think you will ever find the big guy then?.....Oh. Idiot.

    1. Matt is zapping his own cock with Bobo's stun gun.

    2. The interior of a car is insulated and is protection from electricity. I'm thinking that if he was zapped while sitting in his car, it prolly came from a source within the car.

    3. Exactly right. This is the Faraday box effext and is why a car is the safest place in a lightning storm. I think MM needs to concentrate on PROVING a new species before he expends too much energy on hairbrained theories.

    4. Moneymaker never said it was EMF. Shawn put that word into his mouth. Read what Moneymaker said. Moneymaker said no one knows how they do it. He did not say no one ELSE knows who they do it.

      If you actually read what MM wrote then you'll see he said what he thinks it is NOT. He says it is probably NOT infra-sound. That was the reason he mentioned the windows being rolled up. He doesn't think it was sound waves. He did not say he thinks it's more likely EMF. He never mentioned EMF at all ...

  3. It's amazing he comes to these conclusions without being educated in the field of what this would fall under.Same thing in general about BF. "It's definitely a Squatch!!" How do you know Matt? Have we ever caught one and studied it? You only can claim that you believe these creatures do this from past experiences and observations and research at this time. Since none have ever been caught, we dont even know if they exist so we are not 100% that they do this particular thing (whatever they are claiming at that time).

    Stop claiming things that Bigfoot does as fact. We dont know yet.

    1. The main reason for this way of factually stating unknown is that it gets old real fast when "Assuming bigfoot does exist," becomes a prefix for every single sentence written about bigfoot. Its just easier to write it as if it is fact and just know that it is implied that we do not know for sure. This of course is what I follow when writing about bigfoot, and I can not speak for others.

  4. MM is a BF/human hybrid. how else would he know so much?

  5. Well at least we now know that mm is trolling.

  6. A few years ago when I read about such reports in encounters, I kind of dismissed it as just being caught up in the minute and human fright emotions taking over. However as more reports came in again and again of this happening, at least once to a whole group of some credible researchers that were brought to the ground, it comes time to open up to the possibility this just may be so. As for disorientation as Mr. Erickson described, it has also been seen in deer when the Big Guy is around. Sometimes the more you think you know the less you know.


  7. I wonder if we could find someone,maybe Bigfoot whisperer to help some of us tune into our EMF and zap idiot Moneymaker.

  8. This is the problem when trying to prove that a creature exists when it in fact doesn't. You end up with ridiculous theories that go into the paranormal lunacy realm. You try to come up with reasons we can't even get a photo. Its got to the point where these once hairy apes are now super intelligent humans (contradiction much?).
    They of course know what trail cameras are knowing about focal length and angle of view. No need for tools or fire though... that would just be silly! Of course patty didn't zap gimlin or Patterson but that's because she has Alzheimer's right? There is absolutely no consistency with anything in this field of research. Which can be explained so simply... bigfoot doesn't exist. You're welcome.

    1. A few off the wall theories now and again from the so called experts does not even come close to the number of consistencies when it comes to Bigfoot.IMO there are no experts in this field,well respected veterans,yes.MM is neither to me but thats just me.

    2. If I am lying, I will die as soon as I press publish. I have seen bigfoots, and they do exist.

      Your welcome.

    3. Gnrfan: the only consistency is the complete lack of evidence.

    4. There is something that will cause these percieved sensations, it's called FEAR! this EMF concept in bigfoot is very far fetched, just like that shapeshifting, interdimensional and mindreading crap, oh do they also use the force?

    5. there's literally 0% chance that any terrestrial land mammal is using EMF to do anything outside it's own body. The reason fish can use EMF to stun prey is the water they live in is a conductor. The energy required to produce an EMF event through air that would stun a human into anything other than maybe a glance is astounding. It would take a generator on a truck to get the job done.

      If MM is suggesting some long range sensory output from the beast, maybe he should study up on the difference between electromagnetic waves and sound waves. Perhaps the beast is broadcasting infrasound like elephants.

      Either way, it sure as hell isn't an EMF.

    6. MM never said it was EMF. He only said he doesn't think it is caused by sound waves. He never mentioned EMF at all. So what are you clowns arguing about?

  9. Not fully open-minded about this theory. The guy in the car could have been suffering from sleep paralysis. Could they produce some sort of emf that gives a feeling of uneasiness? Sure. Produce it to the point of disorientation? Not so sure. I'm no scientist but this is something I'd have to sense to believe.

  10. Now they can use EMF detectors when searching. Don't they do this for ghosts?

  11. If you mentioned EMF or Infra-sound 10-20 years
    ago most Bigfooters would say you were nuts. I think what's
    going on is there are more encounters developed by
    habituation, and we are getting closer and closer to
    knowing Sasquatch.

  12. Moneymaker is providing backstory for new props to be used on future episodes of FB.

    1. Yep. There's always a method to the madness.

  13. I actually don't think this is too far fetched even though primates have yet to be documented as having this capability. Reason being: there's a well known Bigfoot encounter on the Kentucky Bigfoot website in which a guy said that he actually felt an urge to just lay down during his encounter. So either that guy who submitted his story to the site (and has also done a radio interview in regards to it) is full of shit OR this may be legit. However, that still doesn't take away the fact that MM is a clown. Everything that happens in the woods is Bigfoot to him. Not to mention his call blasting techniques have yet to bring in any Squatch's close enough to capture on film. I honestly believe call blasting is a waste of time when it comes to good result(s).

    1. Oh and MM also states his theories as FACT during every episode. It makes him look like a dumb ass considering we haven't studied a specimen. He is NOT an expert. Nobody is an expert. People should stop stating their opinions as fact as it would most likely make them look like less of diarrhea babbling idiot. MM is the uncrowned king of this. Would it seriously hurt him (and others) to state just prior to (their outlandish claim) : "I believe, we believe, my theory is OR our theory is": blah blah blah.

      Seriously he look s like such an amateur when he does this AND that's constantly.

    2. Well, everything Moneymaker states as a fact, is probably a fact. You will learn that slow but surely, as I did. Then you'll realize how lucky you are that you're getting to hear anything he has to say about bigfoots. You certainly don't deserve it.

    3. "Probably" and "fact" do not belong in the same sentence.

      I've chatted with this guy online and he responds to everything that even remotely challenges something he calls "fact" like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

      He hurls insults and considers anyone who disagrees with him to be uneducated.

      He has no credibility.

  14. MM, you are the best BF researcher out there. Keep up the good work!

  15. Sally here - MM is finally coming to the realization that Bigfoot has super natural powers, this is wonderful news. Arla is gloating, bigtime.

    1. It won't be long before he's able to invite a Bigfoot family over for a barbecue.

    2. Yep, maybe even a shave and a haircut. Hell, throw some braids in there while they're at it.....

    3. Sally, I think you know that Moneymaker knew about this long before you ever got involved in bigfoot research. I was there at the expedition in NC when he told you about this the first time

  16. Does this explain Moneymaker's flop-sweat issue?

  17. This type of experience is described in vivid detail in Alan Berrys 1976 book, i think the events took place in a remote section of Canada and involvec a flown in hunting party, incredibly creepy story...

  18. Yeah it is a well know and old theory.
    There are some BF recordings that might support the idea, unfortunately many mics out in the field do not record below 10Hz and some 20Hz and the sound equipment not terribly cheap. But, that's what it will take to flesh out this decade old theory. Autumn Williams used to bring this up many years ago.
    MM too busy acting like a celebrity to figure it out, all those resources and they still just run around tweeting and yapping and banging trees.

    1. also, the EMF thing.. I would restate that as infrasound..more likely IMO...

    2. autumn williams and matt monkeyfaker are two of the biggest liars out there

  19. I like getting zapped. It feels good to my cock n balls!
    Keith McClain

    1. I owe your unconditional surrender you poodle walking frenchman!

  20. Bigfoot minds are very focused and powerful. They can move inanimate objects with their psychic powers as well, it's quite an amazing thing to witness.

  21. So now Sasquatch is capable of bioelectrogenesis?, really?
    Well so is Pokemon... MM is a maroon

  22. I dont think the reaction is anymore than just plain having the sh1t scared out of you.I was driving down the highway with family and 3 deer were instantly in front of the car.not one of us said anything for a few minutes it was like we couldn't.I am thinking fight ,flight or freeze on this on this one.

    1. That doesn't explain how it occurs without a sighting -- the researcher becomes disoriented, sometimes drops, and often senses an urgency to leave. That happened to Guy's buddies...

  23. Seeing bigfoot is not that big adeal, but if i saw facial exspressions ,and eye teeth that would probably zap me.I have read a lot of reports about how menacing they can look.

    1. All the Bigfoots I've seen have warm, friendly looking faces. I saw gentleness in their eyes.

  24. I love the giant, fat heads in the photo.

    God bless America and all her enormous, buffoonish inhabitants.

  25. LMAO.tHEY WILL SHUN YOU. t hen zap you with their big heads.Bless em all even waterheads like mm.

  26. I would agree with earlier post as to not being EMF but more likeyl Infrasound which will effect a human very quickly.

    Animals with Infrasound capabilities:


  27. I think Bigfoot's infrasound abilities are much more intense and refined than those animals though. I think they can focus their infrasound like a laser beam and zero in on their target. I have felt their infrasound in pulsating bursts and it's like nothing I've ever experienced before. It almost has an intoxicating, narcotic like affect, very strange indeed.

    1. So you've felt infrasound from all of those animals?...idiot

  28. I demand Moneymakers unconditional surrender

  29. I got it e.m.f erase matts face.Just joking i could care less, prove it is all care about.matt i like the bfro, great stories from the people. This shit getting old on us bro.Lets see the evidid.

  30. Uh, a very large stick is probably a bit more likely.

  31. Bigfoots are force users. They have the highest midiclorian count of any species. The problem is that they are all dark side users and are part of the lost tribe of the sith. The dogman is an outcast Jedi and is our only hope to restore order to the universe.

    PS. MM is an ass

  32. when my kids start to lie and make up stories we tell them "its sure getting squatchy here."

  33. Someone mentioned it earlier and I think it has merit, to use EMF detectors in field research. Personally I give zero possibility of Sasquatch using EMF in this fashion but if MM is so sure it seems that he would be throwing em out by the dozens. Maybe trailcams should be put into Faraday cages to protect from EMF.

    1. Where did MM say they use EMF?? He never said that. Can't you idiots read? He knows a whole lot more about bigfoots than any living human. I had a sighting during one of his expeditions. I credit MM for getting us to the right area then doing the right things to make them curious.

      He is very far ahead of you and he has found them dozens of times. I was there only one of those times, but other people were there who attended several BFRO expeditions where they had good sightings and encounters.

  34. sorry-- where's your evidence? Interesting Theory, but there's no empirical evidence that these animals eve exist.

    1. Dont be so skeptical. i know this to be true. once while camping out in the wilds of new mexico, we were sitting around the camp fire drinking a little beer and smoking a littleweed, when after four or five hours we all started feeling a little funny. we were all dizzyand kind of in a stupper. some of us even felt sick. imm sure bigfoot was out there messing with our heads. what else could it be?

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