Listen To: Inspired by “Bigfoot!” With Guest Lori Simmons Tonight At 7PM Central

Bill Lee of Inspired By "Bigfoot!" is doing a radio show tonight and Lori Simmons will be his guest. Lori has written a Book titled "TRACKING BIGFOOT", in memory of her father Donald Wallace. Here's a short summary from her book:

by Lori Simmons

After the passing of our father's death we needed to fulfill a promise to him. That promise was to share my dad's knowledge of tracking Bigfoot. It was our father's dying wish to publish his book called Tracking Bigfoot. Our father Donald Lee Wallace was man who lived in the North Cascade Mt. for the past 30 years. He tracked Bigfoot for the past 28 years. He lived off the land and appreciated each day God gave him. My father battled cancer for many years. I believe that due to the years of living in the Mt. and a trapper before that made him an expert when it came to reading the woods. I remember walking down the trail with our dad to go fishing and he would point out different tracks by the animals that live in the woods. My dad fishing would be putting on his waiter boots and stand out in the roaring river. The beauty that surrounded us. The sense of relaxation. I knew why he was a Mt. Man. He didn't have to deal with the city stress instead he could enjoy the relaxation of the mountains. I know that it is dangerous for me but I feel that this is something I have to do. My father would never take me to Bigfoot Country for my safety. Our dad would say," No, Lori it's not safe for you to go where I do. Plus I think they are getting to know me and I don't want to scare them away." Knowing this I will be careful. Along the drive I'm reminded of memories I have of our dad. Stops along the way where we went fishing along the Skagit River. I could feel our father's presence all around us.

The show starts at 7PM Central, 8PM EST. Click here to listen.


  1. I listened to another show with her as the guest.. she has that annoying young hot girl accent. Kinda ditzy.

    1. Would.... Smash!


      Hulk Smash, even!

  2. No, it's an annoying phony accent. I can't watch her videos. "How are youuuu? It's a beeeeauuuutiful day!"

    1. Is this the woman with the sideways video with Thom Cantrell?

    2. The video was corrected and is NOT sideways now.

  3. She looks a little bit like Kate Middleton.

  4. OMG! No she doesn't! Kate Middleton is way hot! Even the Brits will agree with on that.

  5. By reading the excerpts from the book I have to say that the typos will make it hard for me to read. Not being picky...just saying. People who want to be taken seriously should use spell check prior to publishing their book.

  6. That sideways video scared the hell out of me,i thought was a litle strange until i watched that.Was she talking to the tree.

    1. I could be wrong, but before I quit watching it, I had the idea she was talking to the tree and Thom was poking his spirit stick in the ground to feel for vibrations (answers). She sounds like a phony nursing home aide. "How are youuuuuu today?"

  7. She is cute i will give her that..however ive listen to a few shows she has been on and it isnt hard to figure out she dont know shit about bigfoot research..hell anyone that involves therself with thom cantrell that should say it by itself..he is a hoaxer that writes fiction books

    1. Cantrell calls himself a "4th generation native son of the West"! Much like the "native-inspired" baskets his best buddy Arla sells. Both huge phonies raking in bucks from the clueless...

    2. i agree,and i think alot of people have finally caught on to there racket,these people have lied there way through every one of the blogtalk shows.with absolutly not 1 shred of evidence to back up what they claim..I for one will not waste my time listening to any show that involves them..

  8. She makes the best christmas fudge.

  9. She works as a Walmart Greeter."How are youuu todayyy"

  10. Man she is hot! I would liek to have 3 minutes with her! She is also better looking than those two female shreks from the bigfoot chicks.

    1. 3 Minutes? You cheap B*stard...I was thinking a whole 50 minutes.

    2. You couldnt last 3 minutes let alone 50 minutes with her.

  11. i just said 3 minutes because thats all it would take .lol oops sorry honey


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