Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA Paper Coming Soon...

The DNA samples and the data are amazing and beautiful. The results will be made public soon...

Thanks to Jamie Schutmutt for the image above.

Dr. Melba Ketchum Shares Photo Of Sticks, Says Sasquatches Are Playful

"I do this for my own enjoyment. I know they exist because of their DNA and also because I have seen them. I have nothing to prove so I would rather see and interact with them without a camera than to not see them. I don't care if people believe it or not. It is just enjoyable to me. I am very thankful that they trust me enough to come out. Of course I have always had a good relationship with many species so I think that they know I am harmless. :)" - Dr. Melba Ketchum, April 23, 2012.

[via Coalition for Reason, Science, Sanity in Bigfoot Research]


  1. Harmless? This woman had done as much damage to legit research in this field; as did Freezer boy and his rubber suit. Why is anyone at this point interested in ANYTHING this mental midget has to say?

    1. What the fuck is this damn DNA paper coming out or not? Blog posts go back to 2010 on this shit here

    2. Melba is now sounding like those big cat keepers that think they have a special relationship with animals. LOL

    3. Yeah, just wait till the big monkeyman rips her face off. She'll find out how special they really are.

  2. Ah, yes. But where did you get your information?

  3. This is just posting old information Shawn.....

    1. Thats a fact. I guess Shawn likes to stir the pot. Can always count on a Ketchum headline to get lots of interest, but thats all.


  4. Looking forward to see the results. I hope that all the people that have contibuted hundreds of thousands of dollars, and endless amounts of hours as amateurs and professionals see a return for their efforts. This project, no matter what people say, got the whole ball rolling on the study of bigfoot DNA.

    1. And about to prove the Sasquatch hominin species real.

    2. This vet bitch been strokin our dicks for years now where's the beef Mebla and Smegma?

    3. Unfortunately "all the contributors" are way too convinced it exists to have an unbiased opinion about it. And they'll keep getting scammed out of more money.

    4. I saw a Bigfoot hock up a big loogey and spit it on a tree. After he left, I harvested a sample and sent it in to the DNA project, along with two thousand dollars. They said my sample looked very promising for testing positive. What they didn't say was what animal the sample tested positive for. That was six months ago and I haven't heard from them since. Who do I talk to about getting a refund?

    5. Talk with the BBB, they know of her.

  5. Biggest logical fallacy with her statement is that she claim to have seen them, claims to have a SCIENTIFIC PAPER out for peer review and decided NOT TO TAKE EFFING PICTURES!!!

    seriously? Do you know how much high quality pictures at close range would have helped her little hypothesis? Even if the pictures turned out bad, to just come and say "well I just want to enjoy them and not take pictures" Is the biggest load of monkey shit I've ever heard? What sort of scientist does such a thing?

    Oh wait, she isn't a scientist, she's a vet, who runs a dna lab for dogs and horses with a suspect business history

    1. Hill Billy, You obviously have no clue as to what a Sasquatch is or how they act. I should ask "did you ever think that a Bigfoot might get offended by having it's picture taken?" but I know that is out of your realm of understanding. A relationship with a Biggie is all about trust, they are smart enough to understand what your intentions are. You sharing a picture of itself with a bunch of people 'it' doesn't know would upset the big guy. Understand, Bigfoot is a type of Human. Melba protects her relationship with them, that is the way to go about it if you don't want to muck it up. Do away with the hate. Besides, what does she owe you to share such an incredible relationship she has with Sasquatch, or anyone else for that matter?

    2. Can I ask a serious question? You say Sasquatch is a "type" of human, and even infer that it understands photography, and similar to the Amish or old-school mormons, simply do not want to be interfered here's the question: What "type" of human is sasquatch? A 10 ft, 500lb hairy type? A type of Native American that has been able to stay undiscovered? You obviously know more of the study Anon, can you at least fill in a bit more detail here to make some sense of this?

      I too am very skeptical that these guys would understand cameras or technological concepts any more than those natives in malasia and Paraguay did when encountering modern culture for the first does Sasquatch know a pic would even matter, and why WOULDN't Ketchum want some pics to link her work to? Makes no sense from out here.....let us in a bit!

    3. anon at 12:54

      you sir , are delusional. it's awfully convenient to say :i have a relationship with bigfoot, but you can't see it, and I can't take it's picture..."

      I have a dragon in a box , you can buy it for $50,000 but you can never look in the box or it disappears. For you? only $25,000 message me back and I will tell you whee to wire the funds.

    4. well put hill billy! well put!!

    5. Can't speak for the anon above but since this species in my view can only be human or very close - probably not animal ape as they'd be discovered if you use the logical approach then they're clearly intelligent - it just might be conceivable they're intelligent enough to communicate with.

      That could mean they know who or what to avoid maybe even been informed of this. Sounds far out but not if you consider they aren't the jungle or zoo great ape animals some traditionally assume but actually may be people, only a very different more primal species naturally.
      Thanks to vocal and language expert Scott Nelson we know they do speak which pretty much seals the fate on the pure animal angle.

      There's also the possibility they're alien beings, not a popular suggestion perhaps but most scientists now agree life exists too elsewhere in outer space, in fact I know it must since I've seen socalled UFOs (likely by wormhole travel) whether there's any Bigfoot connection is another matter. Doubt that personally but until we know via DNA what they are nothing within reason should be frowned upon.

    6. Timmy, it's not the camera, it's the intentions behind the camera. Sasquatch remain hidden for a reason, they have an ability to understand what humans or animals intentions are regarding to itself. Of course their will be pictures of Bigfoot in her report, but they were attained in a way that was more of an intrusion on Bigfoot territory and there was no personal relationship with the Bigfoots in those pictures. Bigfoot want's to be as far away from people as possible. They choose you, again, they know what you intentions are with them. You play by their rules and if the relationship is to continue, trust must always be at the forefront.

    7. Also Timmy, do you understand spirituality and that there are things the "history books" have left out that explain a little more on the Bigfoot mystery? The Native Americans or First Nations People had relationships with Sasquatch for a reason, they were/are one with the earth and spirit, Sasquatch knows this.

    8. Scientists hate what they can't explain and they'd hate to prove anything relating to a reality of spirit, that's why it's only their way in the books what they want explained that won't jeapordize their own Godlike position.

    9. I'll give you $25K for the dragon hillbilly, but only if it's the winged, fire breathing kind. All the others are just glorified Lizards and considered inferior among experts.

    10. Talk about one delusional S.O.B. above. He's the reason real science has laughed at this field for well, since forever. Get rid of the one flew over the coo-koo's nest types (as above) and we may finally get somewhere. Take your habituation bullshit stories and shove them up your attention seeking ass, weirdo!


    12. You sir, will need to give me your unconditional surender. You know you want to Frenchy!

    13. Like sooo many here have already said, these things/beings/people whatever you want to call them are very hard to photograph. They are smart and suspicious of everything we do. I have also seen them several times, once at arms length, in that situation the last thing I was thinking of was taking a picture and making it angry. I also agree with the frustration of how slowly the Ketchum and Erickson projects have been moving, but its nothing compared to the frustration that those involved must be. Anyone thinks that you can just go out and photograph them is just clueless about the nature of these beings. Hillbilly, if you want to see them for yourself, do some reasearch, find a good group in your area, change the way you behave in the woods accordingly, plan to spend weeks or months in the field, and then prepare to be ridiculed for whatever evidence you find. Often, this is too much to ask of most people.

    14. Anon 9:03,

      Iknow who you are Mr. Mystery-Us.


    1. OMG holy shit the results have been released!!

  7. Without pics,video or a body,the DNA will be argued for years as contaminated,invalid,etc.. Ireally hope that there is more evidence than just this paper.Isn't Erickson supposed to be releasing his pics and vids in tandem with the paper?

    1. Expect more than just Erickson's material.

    2. Yes we need more pics of sticks in the woods and braided horse hair too.

  8. Its all mone y making, and no show,isnt mm a so called lawyer.What about introducing cops now. You as.holes aint got me fooled.I think you are all a part of a conspiracy now.I would vote for bigfoot before a repub. or a lib. looks like the bigfoot side is sucking to.

  9. When Sykes comes back and says all of the samples are of a known animal will the believers then concede that bigfoot doesnt exist?

    1. Will you still be obsessed with Bigfoot and keep pretending not to believe ?

    2. I have said before and still believe it....Dr Sykes will make or break Bigfoot, in December. Either there will be real, verifiable proof backed by Oxford or fakery and Misidentifications, which will lead Biggoot and PGF and all the rest of "evidence" emasculated in the public eye.....he's the biggest name in Bigfoot, ever, and we will soon see who will eat crow.

    3. the problem is the believers will still believe

    4. ^^^^
      ...and so will you closet bleevers because no adult in his right mind continues to have a tremendous interest in a creature that doesn't exist, right ?

    5. ...and take into account the 10-15 morons that claim to be Bigfoot skeptics aren't exactly known for being high integrity people or have any at all.

    6. The problem is, why does it matter to cynics so much whether people believe this? It's a much more harmless hobby - though obviously not to trolls in the know fighting it desperately - than the wars that religion and old world beliefs in bearded highway men in the skies have resulted in. Let's say Sykes finds some good stuff or Ketchum proves the species real, the haters will still deny and hate, that's the real problem here those people with the real science skepticism. Timmy though is treating Sykes as some sort of God almost, if the findings that just happen to be delivered to his lab find nothing it only means the search goes on many studies went before his and many undoubtedly will follow. Some of us already know the beings are there so we basically demand the research, right until success and vindication.

    7. If I thought I'd seen something, no amount of influence or ridicule would convince me otherwise....but what they saw, in reality, is whats important in my mind.

      Is Bigfoot what all the un-connected, dissimilar evidence claims...a giant ape man with better stealth than a SEAL sniper, and better understanding of technology and human intentions than the smartest humans themselves, and maybe posesses infra-sound abilities, esp, and complete dark sightedness with NO eyeshine present in film or pics??

      Or, instead, is Bigfoot a particular Native group, choosing to remain hidden but playful?

    8. They're definitely Native Americans. I hope that clears it up for you.

    9. Anon a nice play on words, but are they giant hairy Native americans or the normal kind like live on reservations and own casinos?

    10. JR,

      They are a hominid. No doubt about that.

  10. Can't wait for this to come out and oxford to weigh in as well, word on the street it is legit.

    1. They're talking about it on the street? Must be the real deal, since they're saying it's the real deal because, you know, words mean a lot when it comes to Bigfoot.

    2. That street sorely needs some repaving after 40 years of BS passing through.

  11. Ketchum is a scam.

    Of course, she has the same last name as the front person in Pokémon. What did you expect?

  12. Sally here - As some of you may not know, Mleba is not only a good cook, but also one helluva seamstress. She has made many pieces of clothing for the Bigfoot family that we know and love. Most recently, she made thong panties, a bustier and garter for mama Bigfoot. Mama BF said it was the most playful she'd seen papa Bigfoot in years. She said he was bangin' some wood, but it wernt against no tree. It showed too, mama Bigfoot walked as though she had been straddling some logs herself although, she did have a little spring in her step, nonetheless. It brings us such joy to know that we can spice up the lives of our Bigfoot friends and give them things that they've only been able to see through bedroom windows.

    1. Wow you took the time to write all this crap and it wasn't even funny.smh

    2. Sally, you reek of deal eel entrails.

    3. Thanks Sally, it's nice to see a little humor amongst all these sour pusses.

  13. The Beano has space reserved in next months issue.

  14. Was this supposed to be published April 1st? :o/

    1. And then June, August, September, October and December 2011. Followed by April, May, June, July 2012. What a farce. Sykes will be finished and the results known to all before Ketchums, plus there won't be any secrecy along the way.

      Everyone is about to see what a true scientist and Dr can do. Sykes could out Dr Ketchum with an Operation Game Board.

    2. Exactly why I deemed him the "make or break Bigfoot guy"....his opinion wont be biased, and definitely matters in the public and scientific forums.

    3. There's nothing make or break about Sykes' study it's not up to him what samples find their way into his lab. This is an on-going study, it was before and it'll be post-Sykes and Ketchum. I think though Ketchum's got the goods and this peeked his interest.

  15. I think Ketchum had good data, but was bought out by govt powers and arm twisted to make puerile, ambiguous statements, effectively stonewalling and denigrating her research.

    The world is not ready for BF, yet.

    1. Nothing like laying the groundwork to justify your disappointment in NO results. Spread your obsessions among a few other topics and this one won't be so painful if it fails...

    2. Step 5 excuses beginning to arise. LMFAO! Who didn't see this coming? Oh, the bleevers didn't. Bwah ha ha ha ha!

    3. ^^^^
      No integrity JREF butt plug.

    4. 'Em professional deniers. LOL But of course the world's ready it's been ready for generations, same with ufos, the problem is as always our authorities.

  16. With all due respect to Dr. Ketchum and her credentials. I am starting to think that this "study" is non existent. While I believe that the "big guy and family is out and about. I am, as many others looking for validation of my own conviction. There seems to be a cadre of people more interested in profit then actual validation of an as yet "unknown" hominid.

    Dr. Ketchum seems to have adopted a (Charles Schultz's) "Lucy" like persona regarding everything "squatch." The "hunter" (as he shall be named here as I will not dignify him by using his name) needlessly killed two creatures a truly senseless act for which he probably needs to incarcerated for. However, since this act was committed and the tissue sample retrieved. Send the sample to an accredited lab that deals with DNA that is outside of the interest group. A research group that will perform beyond their own interests. The answers exist the method for retrieving them exists. Dr. Ketchum is not performing it seems to this interested observer. Perhaps someone can be found that does.

  17. By the way.. IF (!) we find bigfoot DNA.
    How does we then know it belongs to a bigfoot?

    Since we don't have any bigfoot dna yet, how does we then know how it looks/what to look for?

    1. That's just it. This DNA CANNOT scientifically PROVE the species exists. This is a glorified circle jerk by people looking to profit from the Bigfoot craze, plain and simple.

    2. Same way they DNA neaderthal and mastadon.

    3. With Neanderthal and mastodon they had identifiable remains that they were working with. The only thing the DNA test is going to show is that it's a non-human primate or possibly a human relic. Still need a body or living specimen.


    4. Pieces don't do? What's the difference! A piece of the body or the body? DNA is DNA!

    5. Exactly so don't let the DNA haters ruin your day. They know perfectly well DNA can and will prove this humanlike species real, no need for a body yet. DNA will tell us what they are, and if it's different from everything else we know then that proves it.

    6. Anon 8:51,

      You're going to be sorely mistaken when this study only shows "DNA from an unidentified source". We already have that at this very moment. The Snelgrove samples produced those results as a matter of fact and look where we are today........its still NOT a proven species. DNA by ITSELF will NEVER prove the existence of Sasquatch. That's just the reality of how science works and I'm glad it his held to such high standards.

  18. I demand Ketum's unconditional surrender

    1. Yep, a couple within her "inner circle" has grown tired of the b.s. and are starting to talk. As a matter of fact, they have said to numerous people already that Sykes was brought into this after Ketchum failed.

    2. Since you're posting anonymously, it's hard to take what your comment seriously.
      Maybe you have an "in" and maybe you don't.
      I still find your comment intriguing because Ketchum herself said the dynamics have changed.
      Did she get pushed down a few rungs on the ladder or was she booted right out of the sandbox?

    3. Damn, wish there was an edit button. Ignore the "what" in the first sentence.

    4. Squatchnation reeks of dead fish.

    5. Wow you cant even get his name right. You reek of illiteracy.

    6. SasquaiNatio,

      Would it help if I picked some weird combination of words (relating to Sasquatch) for my username? Believe it or not, I don't care. I'm just passing along the latest.

  19. Im sure there will be some website where you have to pay a fee in order to see the DNA paper. I would pay a small fee to she her monkey though! HeeHeHee!
    Keith McClain

    1. I demand Keith McClain's unconditional surrender!

  20. What is it with some people on here? I'm sick of the lazy use of "troll" when someone doesn't use faith as being a reasonable argument as to the validity of a subject. Being skeptical means you question stuff. Faith means you do not.

    DNA is a good start on the road to obtaining proof and nothing more. The fact remains that Ketchum, with the lack of anything tangible, unsubstantiated comments and a study that seems to be never ending, has provided a lot of reasons for skepticism

    The closed nature of this exercise should be questioned. Using faith is not only lazy but, to be frank, stupid.

    1. I would agree but there are no objective, real skeptics that post here.

    2. Trolls aren't skeptics. Timmy is a skeptic. Skeptics bring valid points to the argument. Trolls are here to tell stupid jokes and harass everyone else because it makes them feel better about themselves. They have no self esteem, no friends to speak of, and have no social skills.


    3. So what are you gunna do wolf, huff and puff and blow my house down?

    4. No one's using faith here except the OP, we're all awaiting her results and then comment.

  21. You know why all this is BS? money.....

    If and I mean IF, Ketchum could prove this through samples we have Bryan Skyes (sp?) Oxford....

    Ahhh preppers beware.......forget 21/12/ comes the Ketchum/Sykes stamp....and I wouldn't trust either of them as far as I can sp*nk.

    1. Sykes has both academic and mainstream cred (and cash) from publishing a fascinating best-seller. That buys you a lot of attention and perks in this society. Of course he's anxious to produce another.

  22. Yawn! Another slow news day Shawn? The usual spew of uneducated comment, stupid logic and libellous commentary. Nothing new and nothing of interest. Both hers and Sykes studies will be published when they are published. Some things simply take a long time to do and getting all het up isn't going to change diddly squat, so get over it. We have waited hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years to find out what they are. What is a few more, just so long as the work is world class and has all the bases covered.

  23. Does anyone know if sample submitters had to pay Ketchum to test their sample?

    1. Well duh, how do you think the scam works? A LOT of money was paid for testing.

  24. Body=proof. I'm a philosophical guy, and logically, without some hard physical evidence, we're still gonna be searching. I want to believe this entire DNA project thing, but it's really beginning to stink overall. She may be an outright liar OR someone could be trying to make her look like an idiot before the real results are out.

    1. No kidding, that'd be all the damn trolls here. DNA is essentially a body, it's a piece of a body and it comes from something either alive or dead. It's proof. And if that's not good enough for you or the dumb cynics, why, guess that's just too bad because that means you or they're the ones operating on faith then.

    2. LMFAO! DNA IS NOT PROOF! Otherwise the Snelgeove samples would've already proven Sasquatch as a living species in the history books. It hasn't and for good reason. You need a body. I love the fact that you are so clueless. Its comical. You're methods would never lend you credibility as a scientist, never.

    3. Don't get me wrong. I am a 100% believer. But, DNA is not enough. Think about it.
      You can have a million samples with a result of "unknown primate". It won't solve anything unless there is a body to match it with. When the common DNA strand is found. When the physical characteristics match. Then the species is finally proven. DNA alone cannot validate the existence of these creatures.

  25. I'm a skeptic yet I find the Sykes study to be intriguing as he at least knows wtf he's doing. Ketchum is so over her head in this (as is obvious by her buffoonish statements) as to make anything she "publishes" to be suspect.

    Sykes is the one to watch. If he says "all known animals" will you bleevers change your mind? I doubt it, but if he says "evidence exists for unknown hominid...etc" I will be willing to change mine.

    It's amazing how freeing having a skeptical nature can be. Never buying into anything without evidence

    1. Its great being a skeptic because you are always right:)

    2. @ NickB

      I'm not a bleever but why do you care if bleevers keep bleeving ?

      If I recall, some simpleton on JREF claimed to be a Bigfoot skeptic to protect children from being taught to believe in mythical creatures like Bigfoot or some nonsense like that....LOL

    3. "Never buying into anything without evidence". Doesn't stop you from throwing about libellous statements like
      'Ketchum is so over her head in this .. anything she "publishes" to be suspect.'
      when you have "no evidence" does it? You have not seen the paper. You do not know who her co-authors are, yet you attack the validity of her and others work on the basis of a few idle social comments.

      Please add hypocrisy to your skeptic status.

      When it comes to a considerate approach to other human beings, sunshine, you do not hold the moral high ground. As you judge so shall you be judged. Hope you are ready for that Mr. Simpleton.

    4. Right, evidence there's plenty of it's proof we're still lacking officially. People always confuse the two but proof we even have in footage and even that needs to be substantiated further but it's already de facto proof. All this devil's advocate playing is really another form of telling yourself it's not true, dneial if you will, because a given status quo suits your situation better. Skeptics probably realize witnesses and we only need one true saw what they claim.

    5. Dude,hope you don't talk like that in person.Can't understand a damn thing you were trying to say.Honestly.

      What does "Skeptics probably realize witnesses and we only need one true saw what they claim." mean? Seriously, not trying to be a d1ck but please explain that quote.

  26. Nothing is real anymore, it keeps branching,until its out of,money money.Willthe real researcher please give us a fu.king real update.

  27. Why is this nutjob doing a DNA study when she can just snap a picture or video of these creatures she interacts with.
    Between her and the post from Moneymaker earlier I am starting to lose my faith.

  28. My personal thoughts are that something as amazing as proving a new species of hominid-like creatures that has always been considered a joke or folktales is actually real may cause even more second and third checks and rechecks than say a new type of frog has been discovered. I suspect that the DNA report must be perfect, and reviewed by many notable people who are familiar with DNA and what that DNA would actually mean to science. That could explain why it has taken a while for the report to be published. These are my opinions only, and do not come from inside either of these projects. Also, Do any of you think that Sykes who is attached to Oxford in England would become involved if he did not think that there might be something there to at least investigate? I've heard that Sykes has been gathering samples. Who knows, I do not know any results, I'm not invested in any way except that I saw a Sasquatch so I now believe beyond a doubt that there is something in the forests around the world that we are not officially aware of really being there. YET!

  29. When I first started hearing about the Erickson project and the quest I was thinking wow this sounds like it could really be a great thing.As time went on and on and on my thinking changed I thought this is getting way out of hand even by" big news Bigfoot" standards.With the right people this could have been ground breaking with DNA and the best footage ever.Anything that comes from this whole thing now will not be taken seriously by a lot of people no matter how good the footage, we will hear well he went to Hollywood and had this all done up.The DNA that comes from this wont hold any water because of Melba's odd statements and her less than stellar BBB rating and her over use of the word soon.Mainstream science will find every reason they can to shoot holes in this and the whole cast of this project have made it very easy to do so.Unless they can pull a miracle out of their ass and provide something earth shattering this whole thing is done.the Oxford study is the only thing that I have any interest in now.When everything comes out people who have interest in the possible existence of Bigfoot probably still will and those who dont will still say" I have never seen one so they dont exist",Hell even if Smeja has a body and it is proven real, broadcast on live t.v. we will get" they just made that up to try and make some money I have been in the woods my whole life and never saw one of those thats BS."thats my take anyway.

    1. Who cares what the delusional cynics say, there's always been religious nuts like that and they're now it and get the brunt of it. Of course her results hold water if the DNA is good, it's not up to her it's up to the DNA and it can even be re-checked if you like. By Sykes even if you insist. Doesn't matter who's behind the study because DNA doesn't lie, look what the Bigfoot enemies have called Roger Patterson simply because he filmed the real thing. They'll say anything and they always did, bottom line is science now proves them wrong.

    2. no DNA doesnt lie. The point I am trying to make is with all the drama and what some consider odd things that have been involved they have set themselves up for attack and will not be taken as serious as they could have been had things been handled better.

  30. Mark my words people. Sykes is this study's saving grace. If his study fails to prove this species existence then you can wrap up the Bigfoot myth forever. If his findings suggest the existence, then Bigfoot is real and has never been more interesting . Its all about him at this point. Ketchums study is meaningless.

    1. Been at the bath salts again huh?

    2. Just the facts Anon, just the facts. Ketchum has failed to deliver. Its all about Sykes. Watch and learn what a real doctor can do.

  31. I just published Melba's paper into the toilet. Sorry but I flushed the results.

  32. This report has been "coming soon" for so long it's embarassing now. And melba's credentials are not strong enough. I want to believe in Sasquatches but it's so easy for sceptics to tear it all apart.

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