Justin Smeja Gets Grilled By Sasquatch Scoop

In this interview, Steve Sasquatch Scoop sent some questions to Justin Smeja and asked him to answer some lingering questions from his recent interview with Ro Sahebi:

After watching Ro Sahebi’s interview with Justin Smeja (I killed Bigfoot-an interview with Justin Smeja) I had a few questions. Mr. Smeja was kind enough to answer my questions. I didn’t want to ask the same things that were already addressed by Justin, but wanted to fill in a few of the details that I thought were important to help understand the story better. This is by no means groundbreaking but I hope that it helps in the debate. Whether or not you believe the story, it is very intriguing. These questions are exactly the way I asked them and Justin's responses are the exact way he answered them. Ro's interview is posted at the end of this article. If you have not seen it please watch.

Click here to read the interview at Sasquatch Scoop.


  1. Replies
    1. He didnt say much this time....there is absolutely no legitimate reason for an offspring to look much different than its parents by the way. I challenge you to think of any mammal, excluding marsupials of course, that looks THAT MUCH different than its parents....maybe 1) Smeja is lying and thought of this "clever" detail based on supposed initial DNA results showing BF to have mitochondrial DNA of human but nuclear DNA of hominid...and this is his simpleton interpretation, that some look like big smiley people and others like apes????
      2)He really killed baby BF and the parent really looked like artist depiction....but the kid did not and in fact looked so human-like he described it as ape-ish....so he doesnt look like a crazed child-shooter?
      3)Justins story is true and Bigfoot is a giant undiscovered ape-man hominid, which also happens to be dimorphic....turning from monkey to giant man-like thing, or maybe the BF mom was a damn ape the BF nailed?

      I only think 1 or 2, and cant imagine why all these other BF folks would associate with him, IF there werent something to this....IF

    2. I mean kids for example can look a lot different when they are younger and continue to develop. At least with kids you have some general idea how they will turn out.

    3. true but not that different. Timmy is right and he may be right that it just lookes too much like a regular kid. Or he is a total liar. Or he didnt see well at 80 yards before shooting parent and it basically looks the same.

    4. All of this could be true. I have read a very few close witness reports when both adult and toddler were observed and some have stated that the toddler looked nothing like the adult.


  2. Shawn, you need to make a post stating that we're all taking up collection to buy Smeja a shirt to go with that camo outfit and baitcaster. I'm in for $1.00.

  3. I dont know if I would call that getting grilled just a few questions and answers.

  4. Steve Sasquatch Scoop here - I know my name sounds ghey, but just deal with it ok. I also realize that I couldn't come up with any good questions to ask Justin that haven't been answered before. I just hoped that people would see my interview and check out my blog and then they'd know how cool it is. I like Shawn, but I think I could do a better job of being the most popular Bigfoot blog host person. Please visit my blog, pleeeeeze!

    1. Only if you change that pic of Smeja to one that includes a shirt.

  5. Man the title of this topic is way out in left field. Sorry Shawn but just stating what everyone else (who reads this interview) will be thinking.

  6. We should be kissing Smeja's beanbag for bringing us this wonderful evidence and proving Bigfoot exists.

  7. Smeja hasn't brought Squat scat!!!

    1. I havent seen anything but a story.yet.

    2. He's told us about what happened though, even though there are multiple versions of his own story, that's almost as good. Oh and that NDA thing, I have to thank him for that one. Last friday night, I was out drinkin' with the buds and talkin' up b!tches. I got home and the wife asked me where I'd been. I told her I can't discuss it because I'm under NDA. It worked like a charm, thanks Justin...and you too Derek.

  8. My dick has officially been sucked.

    1. Hopefully, your boyfriend enjoyed it as much as you.

    2. Was it by the dogman? Thats a known behaviour

  9. Ya know what bothers me the most about this story is there is no body but by sheer dumb luck there just happens to be a 10 pound "steak" waiting right there for DNA test. very convenient. some body is fibbin.

    1. He's a poacher. And someone that takes game illegally has zero credibility, which is why you're bothered by details of his story.

  10. Hi Justin, I'm very interested in your hunting strategies with sasquatch. Just a few questions -

    1)do you usually take it from behind?
    2)when you shoot, are you always so quick?
    3)when you and your 'buddy' are out in the woods 'hunting', do you shoot together behind a tree?
    4) which is your favorite movie - Brokeback Mountain or Deliverance?

    I would be very interested in your replies, as you have obviously spent a lot of time with you 'buddy' out in the woods 'hunting'. Thanks.

    PS Has a bear ever taken you by surprise from the rear?

  11. PPS Justine, do you normally take such a large 'DNA sample' when you are in the woods with your 'buddy'. Thanks.

  12. I have a question for you Harry, was that supposed to be funny? Airball.

  13. All this "I shot bigfoot stuff". It's such a divisive issue. Some people think Justin is a lying turd.Others think he is a retarded redneck for shooting a sas. I just think he is a lying redneck retarded turd.


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