In Bigfoot limbo

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Florida Skunk Ape Hunter Tim Fasano. You can visit his blog, Seminole Project.

I have spent the last few weeks thinking hard about what direction I am headed in. Do I start hyping things up like I used to or continue on the straight and narrow? It seems that as Bigfoot becomes more a part of pop culture, there are more people getting involved, and making videos. That is my dilemma ...they are ALL. hoaxing.

I know to many, that is an odd stance for me to take, but it really is not so strange. Contrary to popular belief, I am not the king of hoaxing. Daily, YouTube is full of videos that are an absolute joke (hoax). These guys take the crown. But, these people get noticed, and are encouraged to continue hoaxing (posting).

I have put in a tremendous amount of work over the last few years and I'm very proud of what I have accomplished. I am now working with a group of paranormal guys who play it straight and I would not want it any other way. There is much more to do in this field. However, I can't find Bigfoot every time I go out. Thats the problem.

Everyone seems to be competing with everyone else. Hence, there is pressure to hoax. Everyone seems to be doing that. Did you ever think you would see the day when Tim Fasano was the only one playing it straight! And he would be worried about it.

That is why most of my efforts are on my blogs. I post private videos on the Seminole project that you can't find on YouTube. I just don't want to be part of the freak show anymore.



  2. Tim, it looks like you have lost weight, cool. J.D.

  3. Tim, there is a reason that I don't sub you and it has nothing to do with your videos. It is because of your attitude that I don't sub you.
    First of all, I am not a hoaxer and never will be. I don't "compete" with anyone. My channel has fewer subs than most and my videos have less views than many. You know what? I'm just fine with that because my goal was never to have the biggest channel on YouTube.
    None of my videos show Bigfoot and maybe none ever will. I keep trying because I have a curious nature and want to know for myself if Sasquatch is out there.
    Yes, there are many hoaxers but I wouldn't call ALL Bigfooters hoaxers.
    Since Bigfoot is so elusive for most of us, try showing and talking about the local flora and fauna, and history of the areas you visit. Educate people.
    Most of all, give up the negative attitude and rants that you're famous for.
    If you don't enjoy what you're doing then it's time to get out of it. If you still truly enjoy the search for Sasquatch you might want to change your focus to a more positive direction.
    I hope you don't take any of this as an attack because it's not meant as one. I sincerely mean it as advice.
    If you hoax once and get caught, anything you do after that will never, ever be taken seriously. You of all people know this. Do NOT associate yourself with known hoaxers. Guilt by association. Again, you know thus as well.
    If a happier Tim with interesting and informative videos emerges, then I just might sub you.

    1. I need to get your youtube channel btw. I ment to do that late last week.great reply as usual.

    2. Everybody to the foot world hoax....fact

    3. Keep doin what your doing SN! Love your channel, and a great comment/post as well!

    4. Great post SasquaiNation! Your input is always serious and well written. With so much negativity here i feel I want to be a bit positive and say that your comments are one of the primary reasons to keep reading this blog, along of course all the fun, crazy and interesting posts. A lot of the nice people commenting here are gone, like David Pac NW for example, so I´m glad you are still here to make comments that is interesting to read.


    5. I have a secret crush on SN. He loves the great outdoors, dogs, cooking, figuring out how to make stuff work, and he's a logical and thoughtful thinker and writer. Whatta guy! :oP

    6. Thanks for your measured and objective comment. No offense taken. I just finished watching three of your videos of the tree break, the Sony cam and the deer. I liked them. That is what YouTube was once like. It then competition took over the landscape.

      "Step right up, we got footprints, tree snaps, tree knocks, vocalizations, images in trail cams, shelters, kids shaking trees, photos of faces, amazing audio, rock throwing, gifts left, animal kills, video of an upright animal on two legs just out range for good video quality and more. " One YouTube guy got all this in one week!!! Do you really believe that? Don't say it does not work.

      Three YouTube guys have been featured on the show Finding Bigfoot. Patterson, Stover and Standing became known from YouTube. There is something to be gained from pushing the envelope.

    7. First of all, thanks Tim for the compliment.
      I fully understand what you're saying and I agree with you on those points.
      I get frustrated too because of what I see on YouTube in the Bigfoot community.
      I certainly don't believe that anyone can find all the things you mentioned, especially on a weekly or daily basis.
      The average or new person to Bigfoot associates "structures" with Bigfoot, so many of the YouTubers go out and record video of fallen trees and say things like "hmmm, weird structure, wonder what did that."
      Truthfully,most if not all of those happened because of gravity and mother nature. I could record 1,000 videos on "structures" but I don't. I did at one time, but I learned and changed my view on "structures".
      Tree arches are the same. I could record another 1,000 videos on tree arches. I would say 99% of tree arches are because of nature. Birch trees and poplars show the most arching.
      Most people don't know this but accept it as fact because some YouTuber said it was fact.
      These are just two examples. You've been doing this much longer than I have so I get your point of view.
      Pushing the envelope= stretching the truth. It's not a hoax but it's misleading.
      Like I said, I would rather watch serious videos than some hoax that ends up wasting my time. I don't expect you to find Sasquatch but I could at least learn something about you, your area and the creatures that inhabit them.
      I don't know what else to say Tim. I would much rather see you happy and stress free than to see you miserable. Whatever you do, keep it real.
      Anon @ 10:20- how did you know I cook and like to fix things? I don't know if you're serious or making fun of me, but thanks.

      You guys have made my day with your kind comments, thank you.

    8. SN looks like ya got some fans of your own.Post like yours are always noticed, there is a reason for that and we need more like them.

    9. SN, glad we made your day! And also, I couldn't agree more. I love learning stuff from watching videos. If u want me to watch 5, 10, 20 minute videos, teach me something, and I will watch.

      One of the best, IMHO, is SWP. When he first came out with his channel I did not like him, and lost interest fast. A couple months later when I got used his sense of humor and the mockery of bigfooters, I really started to enjoy him. Now he has taken it to a new level. I look forward to each and every video he posts, not only for the humour, but more-so for the knowlage he has to share about the environment he researches in. I live on the west coast and know it quite well, but with his videos, I now feel like I am getting to know the wildlife and environment in and around Maine. SWP seems to have a plan in mind for his videos, but he also seems very good at improv, and he's also does a great job editing. His videos and methods work.

      Another guy I enjoy in "sasquatchsighting". His videos (very few) are excellent! He goes with the method....write a scrpit first, get the videos recorded, and then edit. Very well put together, works great for the audience, and you learn a hell of a lot because of the pre-write.

      Anyways......rambling on here...

      Take care guys

    10. Hey Beer-Man. I also like SWP's videos because of all the reasons you mentioned. He does a great job of editing and adding music. First rate videos.
      I never edit mine because quite frankly I'm lousy at it. I never write a script and usually do one take. Fly by the seat of my pants if you will.
      I wish I had the skills Michael does when it comes to putting a video together.

    11. I like the way you do your videos. Its a real, and genuine. That's what I'm after.

      Windows movie maker is pretty simple to use, and its free. My expertise is very minimal with videos, but that quadding video I did with my kids, was my second attempt at an edit, and it only took about 25 mins to make with that program.

    12. I've tried movie maker and it works okay for me. I have another program that's a pain to use so I just avoid it. I might get ambitious one day though.
      I'm uploading a video but it's getting stabilized, or "deshaked" as FB/FB calls it.
      I never noticed the transcript option until now. It's so bad it's down right funny.

    13. 10:20 here. No, I wasn't making fun of you! One leaves a lot of clues about oneself in internet Comments and videos. And may I add, you are one of the very few in BF whose opinion I respect -- yet another endearing quality. :)

  4. If you want to get bigfoot "evidence" then the only option is to hoax because bigfoot does not exist. When legitimate people go looking for bigfoot they find nothing.... funny that!

    1. So all the thousands of people that have seen a bigfoot face to face, including myself, saw something that does not exist? Huh....interesting.
      I didn't realize that you knew EVERYTHING. So, tons of footprints, thousands of eye witnesses, audio, visual and physical evidence is ALL wrong, but you alone are right? Must be nice.

    2. Good reply Melissa! kudos to you.

    3. yea, you are either lieing or made a misidentification

      so many people have seen them? so we should have some real evidence right? thats not exactly asking for much.

  5. Well, I will usually give anyone who has a change of heart,Admits the wrong they have done and tries to change their ways alot of credit.If Tim has decided to play it strait that is great,on the other hand I hope this is not a sucker them in so they believe my stories deal.I am not, have never been,and may never be a Fasano fan. there are a lot of not so well know names out there who are honest and dedicated so no they are not" ALL hoaxing".When I read that I instantly thought which one are you today Tim the pot or the kettle?I hope I am proven wrong.

  6. tim saying he is playing it straight is a hoax itsself....funny

  7. Tell the Truth about the Ghost Radar and how there is NO such device first off. The straight and narrow you mean the Ghost Hunters who have convinced you that there is such a thing as a Ghoust Radar? I use to sub because you would call out the Hoaxers then you got caught up in the numbers game and joined the crowd. Sorry mom use to say do me bad shame on you do it again shame on me.

    1. I found the exact same ghost radar in the app store for Iphone. Of course it doesn't work and it's intended for entertainment purposes only.

  8. Ghost RADAR.....Lmfao. I guess it really never occurred to schmucks that ghosts will have to first be proven real for a device like that to exist. Once you have a legitimized ghost to to test equipment on, it is only then that such a device could be proven to work.

    I'm honestly surprised that some researcher hasn't capitalized on a Bigfoot RADAR.....

    1. That's just like an EMF meter used to detect ghost, first you have to know that they even produce a magnetic field. It is only speculated that they do no different than saying that Bigfoot build stick structures. Unless one sees it actually and documents it as it occurs then its only speculation. I have seen a Sasquatch but have Never seen a Ghost even with a cemetery in my front yard for crying out loud.

    2. That's just like an EMF meter used to detect ghost, first you have to know that they even produce a magnetic field. It is only speculated that they do no different than saying that Bigfoot build stick structures. Unless one sees it actually and documents it as it occurs then its only speculation. I have seen a Sasquatch but have Never seen a Ghost even with a cemetery in my front yard for crying out loud.

    3. Ghost radar??? that is so damn funny! maybe ghosts use ghost radar jamming devices!

    4. the B-2 stealth bomber is known as the "spirit"

  9. Who gives a F*#@ about what Tim thinks,once a hoaxer-always a hoaxer imo

  10. So according to this article, Tim admits he wasn't playing it straight up till recently? So the hundreds of videos, the blog posts, and all the ranting and raving was all for nothing. Tim, this is why no one wants to believe you.

    1. I don't know if that's what he meant directly but that's how his article reads.

      Nonetheless, I'm not surprised in the least. I always laughed at the schmucks who believed he was capturing something on film. I just couldn't believe that there were people who believed he was capturing Bigfoot images.

      All I ever seen from him was pareidolia and a hoaxed Bonobo pic in the Palmetto.Monster video.

    2. No. I was not debunking my stuff in the field. Anyone can claim Bigfoot if the wind blows. "Did you hear that? " Did you see that?" That is even what the fab four do. Got it.

      Everything I ever found I walked up on. I never planted any evidence in the field; I only speculated on it being bigfoot in origin. That is what most YouTube guys do.

    3. " I just don't want to be part of the freak show anymore "

      Tim,you are a FREAK SHOW!

    4. Tim I demand your unconditional surrender

  11. Associating with a known Hoaxer(his pal Rick Dyer) sealed his fate for me. I don't think that Fasano is a Hoaxer himself, but that credibility flew out the window awhile ago by simple association. Also, making youtube posts where he complains and whines about crap isn't being a bigfoot/skunk ape investigator. It's more like a video blog, and thats not what interests me about bigfoot. It does'nt matter if he investigates Bigfoot, UFO's or even Sea Monster's, if it becomes too personal my interest wanes and I cease to care.

  12. Nice Shirt Fasano! I saw a lady at a Bingo Hall who had the exact same one.

  13. Looking good Tim, best of luck with the new enterprise. You still have trail cameras out? You know I'm a big fan of trail cameras. SWP

    1. Especially all the unreleased (business group) photos holding discovery back.

  14. Tim congrats on the weight loss. You really do more harm than good with statements like this because your defending a negative and addressing the posibility of hoaxing to create a profit.

  15. everyone is a hoaxer ......

  16. So, the high and mighty Fasano thinks ALL other researchers are hoaxing? What an ass-hat. I think more people think HE is the hoaxer. After all, HE admitted it.

  17. Tim is like the boy who cried wolf.

  18. Hey Tim. I think that many are up against a wall. There is a reason why?

    This whole deal is about to take a new direction. From the things you have been involved with latly, you have un-knowingly set yourself up in a good spot.

    I have a couple ideas and projects that you may be interested in. Give shawn a call, he has my number. We need to talk.

  19. Tim is like the father some of us never had.

    1. Tim would make a good father.

    2. Yea, If obama had a son it would look like TIM

  20. I believe in BF and I also believe that NOT EVERY single photo or video is a hoax. Yes there are fakes out there, like the one where a guy runs out of the bush and kicks the guy in a suit between the legs, lol.
    But a percentage of videos and I don't know what that percentage is, are going to be real videos!

    grow up Tim

  21. Jump ship on BF Tim, to UFOs.
    A bigger audience and you can do it without getting dirty.
    But, change your ways before you join their forums, they are more civil.

  22. Is this guy still in high school? Why is it so important for him to be 'noticed'? I know I'm just a nobody and just a 'couch observer', but if this fella is lucky enough to catch sight of a Sasquatch, never mind constantly video them, you'd think that would be good enough.
    For me, the most important question is if Sasquatchs' truly exist. For most of us the best we can do is watch grainy videos, read about sightings and look at these types of websites, but until you've been out there and experienced a sighting first hand it all means nothing. This guy dosn't seem to know how luky he is. Who cares how many views your videos get.

  23. We all lost a great man when he went UFO on us.

  24. He let Timbergiant Bitch Slap him and now he just runs around pulling up his panties. Fasanopussy

  25. TIm, I got an idea!!!! Stop reading your press and do your investigations if thats what you are. Either you are a Researcher or your a National Enquirer contributor.
    There is no middle ground. Do your research and go where the evidence takes you.
    Document it and leave it alone. Science will be the judge of you, if you quit reading your own clippings. STOP looking at TGBFs You tube subscription numbers. STOP look at the number of hits on your Videos. STOP reading the comments on your Vidoes. Either you are a researcher or a VERY BAD reality star. So make your pick and above ALL QUIT whining about what SOMEBODY ELSE is doing (TimberGiantBigfoot) You seem to be obsessed on what he does as opposed to what YOU are working on.
    Do you see Meldrum on YouTube whining about all the hoaxing out there? NO YOU DONT, because HE is a SCIENTIST a BF RESEARCHER, not a SOAP OPERA star!!! SO GET OVER it and fish or cut bait, but most of all QUIT WHINING!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Fasano lives.In the swamp.


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