If We Filmed Bigfoot, Would You Believe Us?

Next week, Team Tazer Bigfoot, Justin Smeja and a whole bunch of other people will be conducting an investigation of the Sierra Kills site. Carl Olinselot, who will be there to update his over 6,000 YouTube followers on our findings, posed a good question: What if we actually filmed a Bigfoot? Would anyone believe us?

Watch this video:


  1. Team Tazer Bigfoot videos are much better without SnowWalkerDouche.

    1. If it were HD and close range and clear, I would believe. But, if you could get the vid or pics and link the evidence to corresponding hair or track specimens? I'd definitely believe.

      What if discovering Bigfoot proves that Patterson, Sierra Sounds and all the others are fakes....for example, they are an indian tribe that wears homeade Ghille suits...will believers disappointed if they are just humans? Would be cool, but very anticlimatic....

    2. Do you people have any idea how hard it would be to get close to one?

    3. Shawn concerning MK's "Face" footage,
      Why don't you look up an anatomist or anthropologist and show them this vid. See if anything strikes them about the nose width and length and nostril size and shape. I truly think there is something here.

  2. It would depend on a number of things. How good is the footage? How well documented? Who was present? Frankly, in order to be taken seriously any given footage needs to be unambiguous,clear and highly detailed.

  3. Every other video is a hoax. Why would anyone think yours was any different, unless it was standing next to a ten foot marker pole and throwing a 500 pound boulder fifty feet?...with one arm.

  4. Carl makes alot of great points and doesn't sound like an idiot doing so.Roger Patterson may not have had the best reputation but who better to film a Sasquatch than a researcher and not many were bringing cams into the woods back then unless their job called for it.No matter what has been seen, filmed,heard and so on some will always have an argument.People will only believe what they want until they cant argue anymore.that means 100% proof one way or the other.

  5. Haven't even looked at the video but I would say that no, the usual haters would come out and tear the video apart even if it was a real BF.

  6. where are there no Dogman in Antarctica ?

    because they dont like having snow flakes for breakfast.

  7. If you got smeja with you let him shoot a gun not a camera mystery ended once and for all!

    1. What if Smeja has his own close up footage already? Easy to film if dead.....

  8. If the footage was good then I don't see why anyone wouldn't believe it. I mean it wood have to be clear, up close and very dinstinguishable. Not something from a range where you can't make out the eyes, nose and mouth etc etc.

  9. Don't turn your back on Smellja, ah hell it probably won't make any difference!

  10. Don't forget to flag Smellja down by waving your arms!

  11. You guys are giving Bigfoot,Inc almost daily free publicity. I expect they'll have somebody lobbing rocks at you to lend a little excitement to the evening.

  12. There are some people that no matter what, as I have said before will say I have been hunting or working in the woods all my life and I never saw one of those its all made up to make money.There are some people that will say just because the DNA studies diddnt show any proof of Sasquatch doesnt mean they dont exist.I dont think the DNA will turn all skeptics into believers or the other way around.So a pic or vid wont completely do the trick for all either.For me a good clear video would be nice,but I already know where I stand so it isnt that important.

  13. Above all don't forget to say.WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!

  14. Sounds like he already has the footage of the big guy...lol!

  15. Not until they have one locked up in a zoo for all to see then the naysayers will eat crow till then we are the crazies!which is fine Id rather trust my own eyes and I know what Ive seen!And to the rest Frankly my dear I dont give a damn!!

    1. Then shut up about it. You crow-cookers have too much invested in the idea skeptics won't be happy to see proof of Sasquatch.

  16. Some videos could obviously contain more information, be more revealing and compelling than others? Good lighting conditions, camera focus, resolution, scale markers? Anatomical detail and range of distinctive behaviors documented?

  17. Q: If you filmed bigfoot, would I believe you?

    A: "Yes, as long as it was blurry, lasts about 10 seconds to 1 minute and of course they all have to look just like patty being 8' tall, big, bouncing boobiez and a mustache."

  18. If it was hi def and clear and unambiguous l would certainly move towards belief in bf rather than my current hope position. To go to 100 per cent belief I would have to see independent verification and taxonomic categorisation. If I saw something in the woods myself that would not prove it to me unless it was up close and unequivocal . I really hope we have a new species soon.

  19. Tulpa Sasquatch...thought-form manifestation of a homind being. Patterson 'wanted' to see a Sasquatch...bingo! People take their camera into the wild and capture 'something'...bingo! Think about it...but, not too hard. A Sasquatch may show up in your living room! (tongue planted firmly in cheek)

  20. This guy did a great job of debunking all of the alleged Bigfoot incidents that he talked about. That was his intention, right?

  21. I Would not be surprised if they do have a good video of a BF and they want to ask this question to drum up credibility.
    Chad W

  22. Q: If you filmed Bigfoot, what contribution did you make to understanding their behavior towards man, and help man deal with their existence?

    A: None, zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing and it would have been a complete waste of everybodys time. Time that they cannot get back.


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