Blonde Chick Tries To Find Sierra Kills Location [Video]

Our field reporters Betty and Bart drove up to Haskell Peak, California last week looking for the Sierra "Kill site". They weren't sure exactly where to look, but they knew it was somewhere southwest (1.2 miles SW) of Haskell Peak. Although we weren't able to give them the exact coordinates (Justin's request), we told them they were probably a mile off.

Betty and Bart Bigfoot Hunters here. We were out looking for the famous "kill" site because we are dang sure there are some bones there. We poked around, belched a little, talked alot about how it wasn't the meadow, then found some mammal dung. It wasn't bigfoot poo because we all know that is really, really BIG, just like Justin said.

Even though it probably wasn't the place, it looked like it SHOULD have been the place. There were deer tracks everywhere and we know bigfoot was around because we saw the battered sign where he took a swipe at it.


  1. I thought Bart Cutino was part of body search and has already been to site? Must be different Bart Im assuming?

    1. It's not bart cutino, he's married to kimmy (not betty) and knows where shooting site was

    2. Justin shot my dick off

  2. Its a squatchy place there must be squatch there.

    1. Not a Squatch in site....that damn scum bag justin shot them all!


    2. Be careful who you call a scum bag. Scum bags are pedofiles and rapists, not hunters.

  3. Are these city folk? because where I come from that isn't a really big meadow.

  4. I'm tired of hearing about this Sierra thing. It's so appalling if they shot a baby creature, for one, never mind the others which were not attacking them, only warning them off. For another, if the creatures are what we think, and are capable of what we believe them to be capable of, no one who shot any of them would be alive to tell of it.

    If they work in cooperative groups as some report, any shooter would have received a large rock to the head and The End. Ferocious and furious dismemberment would have probably followed.

    All other reports of shooting sasquatch tell of the lack of effect of firearms. Why the difference here, in this one case? Why is this case the exception?

    The whole Sierra thing seems cheesy and to be a hoax. I also wish people would stop calling that piece of whatever it is a "steak."

    If this is true, and DNA shows the creatures to be a type of human, the shooters are up to their necks in trouble.

    If true, this event needs to be renamed The Sierra Massacre. But it's probably nonsense, as the bigfoot-in-a-box in Palo Alto or wherever it was was nonsense. Most of us knew and expected it to be nonsense.

    We should move on from Sierra and focus on the credible reports.

    --Zorro was here . . .

    1. I think most would have moved on long ago if this was just another weekly world news I done kilt me a Bigfoot story.The whole Ketchum thing and all the mystery NDA and oxford imo.what keeps this story alive longer than most. it is the chance that this whole matter of the truth finally being revealed that keeps people talking and like it or not smeja and what he says he did is part of it.

  5. I believe in Bigfoot but I don't think they exist.

  6. How convenient is so big hello I'm blonde girl I just want to waste my time looking for a site that don't exist

  7. Shawn Evidence you have done it, you have cured me of all things Bigfoot.
    Thank you so much.

  8. for once in my life and i cant believe im saying this but i actually think rick dyer is telling the truth. justin is nothing more than just a puppet for team tazer and especially shawn evidence

    1. It's the other way around. Who better than TTBF and Shawn to promote the $$$ agenda of these various "projects"? Just a promotional plan being nicely played out by the Bigfoot Multi-Level Marketing Opportunity folks.

      Do you think for even one second that Shawn, Ro and Carl won't have some scary "experience" on their camp-out with those guys?

  9. Definitely looks like a Squatchy area. Like I know what a squatchy area looks like. Just sayin' that it looks like an area where somethin' like this might be able to live and sh*t. I would be lookin' over my back the whole time there with some very powerful weapons in case Daddy wants revenge on his kid and maybe his Bigfoot wife. I would have the Go Pro goin on every moment though on my head and have another HD camera with super duper zoom and like 100MP and some night vision. Throw in a tranquilizer gun for the hell of it.

  10. I picture the Bigfoot family like this one in Bugs Bunny-Gorilla my Dreams. The Father is a grouch and the Mother wants a kid.

    Father Bigfoot-"I think I'll take junior for a walk."
    Mother Bigfoot-"That's nice. While you're gone, I'll fix dinner."

    Father Bigfoot tosses Bugs all around like a rag doll

  11. Yep,just your standard turd.

    Nothing to see here folks,just move along.

  12. What I found amazing about this video is that Darth Vader was working the camera!


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