Rumor Mill: Bigfoot Body Being Kept Alive In Colorado Springs, Conference Tomorrow At Noon (Update: OP replies)

It's been a while since we've taken a comment out of the comments section and reposted it as an article, mostly because only a few are worth mentioning. If you've been paying any attention to the recent news lately, the Colorado wildfires are ripping across the foothills neighborhoods of Colorado Springs and destroying everything its path, including animal habitat.

The following comment by an anonymous reader has got to be one of the best rumor to come along in a while, even if it's B.S. That's why we're going to put up a poll and see how well your B.S. meter works:

I figure that there are probably a few true researcher that read this blog so I'll let you in on some info I just received. I have a fellow BF researcher friend that lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He sent me an email informing me that they had found a Bigfoot near an area where one of the fires had recently passed through. They rescued it and took it to one of their houses and have it in the garage. They are doing everything they can to keep it alive, but he said it doesn't look like it's going to make it. He also said that they'll be holding a press conference tomorrow at noon, regardless of whether or not the creature survives. This guy is one of the most honest researchers I know so it looks like it's about to happen. Get ready to eat some crow skeptics.

[Update] Original poster (we can't confirm this), just posted the following reply:

Ok, I'm the OP of this report. What I said in my original post is the extent of what I know about this situation. I can't comment on it any further because I don't know any more than what I've said. The whole story as relayed to me shocked me when I first read it. It sent chills down my spine. I can't say for certain it's true, but I've known this researcher for five years and have been on two expeditions with him. I can't say I know a more stand up guy. I've tried to reach him on his cell and through email replies, but got no response. The email I got was also sent to five other people so hopefully one of them will chime in.

Will There Be A Conference Tomorrow? free polls 
[Update:] We meant to write down Timmy, not Jimmy

[Update #2:] An Update From The Colorado Springs Burnt Bigfoot Story, Conference At 3PM?


  1. This notion of skeptics eating crow is a fallacy. Skeptics believe that there is no evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. If this turns out to be true, then that will man that there finally IS evidence for the existence of Bigfoot and us skeptics will be just as happy as the rest of you.

    No crow to be eaten here.

    1. Totally agree. I am a skeptic, but I would jump for joy if they found a BF. Just because someone offers up reasonable suggestions/explanations about things doesn't mean we are trolls or have to eat "crow"

    2. Why is this person not in contact with SIR or me , I can be there in an hour..I say its bogus...and nothing will come of it..!

    3. Hard to tell how anyone truly feels, but its human nature to get attached to a long held and argued position and get "irked" when proven wrong. Kinda like when ones candidate goes down the tubes. Not implying that about Nick or Logan, and maybe in a situation like this everyone would be to shocked and amazed to give a rats ass who believed what and when.

    4. Nick B & Logan just summed up the intelligent sceptic POV. I don't beleive now, but if someone shows me a BF body (hopefully alive, but if its dead, that's sad but still proof), then I will beleive. I don't know why this is so difficult for some to grasp.

      Below someone says this is the best evidence he has heard. There isn't any evidence yet, just someone saying they have some.Roll on tomoro.

    5. Nick,Logan and Gareth:

      You three are what I think true skeptics are. There is nothing wrong with asking questions or offering alternate explanations for any evidence that has been presented.
      I think Bigfoot exists but I still try to look at things in a logical way.

      As far as this claim goes, there simply isn't enough information given. I'm cautious but I'm hopeful that there are honest people telling the truth.
      I'm also a bit jaded by all the hoaxers in BF land so I won't hold my breath.
      I guess we won't know unless the conference goes ahead as planned. I don't know why we have to wait until noon tomorrow though.

      The waiting game draws red flags.

    6. Do those of you who consider yourself "skeptics" believe that we (The United States of America) landed on the moon? If so, you are trolls. I can see the moon but I have never stepped foot on it. Others (including myself) have seen bigfoot or claim to see bigfoot. There are astronauts who claim to have landed on the moon and collected evidence and filmed some grainy footage. There are researchers who have filmed sasquatch and have hair, footprints, audio recordings, etc. But, based on your repeated analogies used on this site, until they bring the moon to us, or provide me with a way to travel to the moon. It is a hoax.

      This is an "apples to apples" to comparison. If you attempt to argue otherwise, you have lost any shred of credibility you might have. The evidence for both is limited, we are taking the word of others for information, we are told that we are looking at the moon when we gaze into the night sky, but who actually knows? I for one beleive we actually landed on the moon (contrary to other who believe that our government went out into the desert and created an elaborate hoax)and I also believe in Sasquatch. Surely, it that big ol' moon is large enough to see with the naked eye and we "bee-un" as smart as we are with all of this here technology, I surely think that those there astronauts could produce a little more than some rock that they "claim" to be from their trip to the moon. Oh yeah, why haven't we gone back?

      I am obviously playing devils advocate, but you get my point.

    7. First off, your man on the moon comparison makes zero sense. Grainy footage? You're grasping at straws and it seriously makes you look like a lunatic. I'm willing to bet you believe in Bigfoot but think the Apollo mission was a hoax, don't you?

      Those men were of high character, true heros. Patterson and Gimlin? Laughing eternally out loud.

    8. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the civility of some of the above posters. Thanks for not flaming us.

      However, I believe this article to be 100% FALSE because if it were true, someone would already have a cell phone video up on youtube of the creature/body in the garage.

    9. The proof that we landed on the moon is that the laser target that was placed there has been routinely sent back a reflection by multiple different research groups from many different countries.

      we landed on the moon, to disagree is to IGNORE FACTS.

      all of those conspiracy loons falsify or omit any data that goes against their goofy little plan for self importance and attention. Many of these sorts of people are also footers. Those of you who wish this to be taken seriously should be running these people out of dodge and ridiculing their "shapeshifting, eye glowing , UFO connecting" ideas at every turn.

      it makes the rest of you look bad.

    10. How do you know there is a laser transmitting information from the moon back to earth? It's because someone said it, and you beleived them. The analogy of the moon landing/ bigfoot existence is valid in my opinion. None of us have ever seen someone land on the moon with our own eyes, and the footage of the astronauts on the moon could absolutely be faked, just as the PG footage. The only difference is the moon landing footage had a hell of a bigger budget.

    11. LMAO! The Apolloo mission faked? I bet you anything you would've never stood there to those Astronauts faces and tell them it was faked. I WOULD tell both Patterson the conman (if still alive) and Gimlin the liar and criminal right to their faces that their shit film was a hoax. Romney was the guy. Fact.

      Some of you footers are hilarious. Apollo was faked but the PG film real.


    12. Don't bet on this. Dejavue- "it happens when they change something" only thing is this sounds just like the Georgia and Lunch Club bullshit. Nothing came from those epic failures. Just a bunch of losers saying look at me.....

    13. Jeremy........

      because friggin tenured Prof's of Astrophysics did the damn work, with their grad students with them, and people from other counries did the same. People that weren't "bought" by the friggin Govt..

      i can't believe I even bothered to respond to you. Yer an idiot. go shoot yourself in the face

  2. This is some of the best evidence I've heard in a long time.

    Thanks for posting Shawn! Anticipating the news conference!


    1. Brill! That post works for both outcomes..LOL if a bust you were being sarcastic, if the real deal then you were erudite....wish I had thought of it...

    2. Best Evidence, what evidence ?????

    3. i will eat cat shit the minute that press confrence starts. this is total b.s.! yea they got it in his garage! along with elvis, hendrix,and morrison! and i post up here daily and i'm a f-ing believer!

  3. Your site gets so much traffic Shawn that something like this, with an anticipatory amazing claim, is suspect, right?
    But, I voted "yes," although I don't intend to serve crow.
    Isn't it "Timmy go away" not Jimmy?
    I like Timmy, earnest and explains the whys of his thinking. Puts him in the upper crust here really.

  4. It's Harry and the Hendersons! Check the swimming pool for hair!!

  5. I hope that somehow, someway bigfoot doesn't break out of the garage tonight and disappear. It just seems like that is the next step...

    1. hoax or not...another brilliant observer. I feel so slow today.
      Could you imagine this?
      One of the reasons I think BF interest remains so passionate and popular is the imagining, nothing to rein it in really, yet.
      This doesn't seem possible for several reasons, but then many things don't seem possible and do occur...
      but, not so often in BF rumor mills...except when it comes to the missteps of BFers themselves, those all seem possible.

    2. Ur being very kind with your words today.


    3. What are you talking about? Everyone knows the Men in Black have already swooped in and now have the body.

    4. Lol. I was thinking the same thing. Bigfoot may have amazing recuperative powers and be back to 100% shortly and bust his way out of the garage!

  6. My Vote: This is how urban legends spread.

    And, when the news conference does not happen and there is no body, this will be added to the annals of Bigfoot conspiracy theory. It hits the same level of believability as all the other ones, too. I mean, OK, it would be great if it happened, not the dead bigfoot but the proof it would constitute; but I ain't getting my hopes up here.

    1. I reckon you might be the source of such a rumor Steven, simply to demonstrate this view.
      You are a little too eager to put your name on this post pointing out what trajectory the rumor will take. IMO.

    2. ^False, Steven seems to be one of the straight shooters on the subject. You should probably go check out the "treepeekers", they see everything you believe in with every picture they take. Steven, I hope I get to make it to your shop in the next couple of years.

  7. The story is patently absurd. You have sasquatch "wounded" (probably a pyromaniac) and somehow it is dragged or walked to a garage for care. No calls to a Vet or even an MD.
    Are they applying silvadene to the burns? Is the sasquatch communicating with them since they are superior to humans?
    Does the garage reak of sasquatch and char?

    I am only a skeptic of the absurd. Real evidence is welcomed.

    new anony

    1. No Silvadine,just monkey blood.

    2. Put bath salts in the wounds.That should help.Can you imagine a 7ft hairy zombie walking around eating faces?

    3. Wow!!! that would be crazy!!!!

    4. If real why didn't they call in a vet or the zoo or the university? It would be irresponsible to not do that.
      But how in the world do you take a big heavy wounded BF and put it into a garage? Seems to me it could easily break down the garage door, unless it is very wounded. But even so - how do you pick it up or transport a big heavy wounded creature? Just sounds unreal.
      Still, I would welcome it if it were true. And then I'd bitch about no vet.

    5. Or maybe it's not made out of lead! What a silly point MamaBear. What is *unreal* about moving a large animal? Hunters move moose, big bears (I would think you know that), and other large game all the time. Surely a bull moose weighs more.
      "Well, just bagged a moose, time to build my house around it!" :P
      Really people, it's flesh and blood, not made from dark matter. It can be moved.

    6. I'm convinced MamaBear is beyond professional help.

  8. Where are the black helicopters?
    Without those added to the story, I can't believe this.

    1. Good point! I hope people in Colorado will be looking in the skys for the choppers!


    2. Battle Mountain, Nevada revisited.


    3. Steven, love your blog! I hate to sound out there but I have to say that I spend 2 months of summer in very remote areas of Idaho and Montana. There really is a shite load of black unmarked helicopters out there.I used to think it was hillbilly lore but not now! I see them sometimes daily and they are unmarked black choppers! I don't think they are just looking for "grows". They probably want to steal our bodily fluids or some kind of shit! No pun intended......

  9. i like my steaks chicago style, burnt on the outside, medium on the inside!

    who will be broadcasting this press conference, where is it to be held, what are the names of people involved? is there any detail that can be shared? id love the rumor to be true, but everything is so vague, its of course hard to believe, although, still believable

    1. Dont ask so many questions! Just believe for crying out loud!


  10. There are black helicopters all over. The government started the fire on purpose as people were getting too close to the truth.

    1. The same government that can't legislate itself out of a paper bag? Hahahahahahahaha.

      Your government is too incompetent to run black ops. You have to admit, the brainwashing is very effective. Classic misdirection. You keep believing in that big bad guv'ment. We wouldn't want you to get skinny with fear. Have another cheeseburger.

  11. Hide the damn thing from authorities,they track it down we fucked again.

  12. I will wait for this to be confirmed by Mr. Robert Lindsay before I make a judgement.

  13. But all sillyness aside, those crazy fires are ruining a lot of peoples lives. I hope the weather changes soon in that state.


    1. I agree Paul big time.It was bad here in Texas last year but not this bad.Not a good thing to have to go through.


    A photo of the fire starter!

    new anony

  15. if someone credible had this info, they would not have remained anonymous! hog wash.

  16. My first thought: How about some medical attention for the Sasquatch?

    1. I'd prefer it if you made that call though, if I'm honest.

    2. That was my first thought too. No garage. Just directly to a vet (or maybe even hospital... can you imagine?)

    3. Yes, what's the difference between this and just hunting a specimen. At least if they had shot the bigfoot it would have been a clean quick death. These guys are sadists for just letting the big guy suffer, in a garage in the heat of June no less. John

  17. Good video -


  18. This is why Bigfooting is not taken seriously. Anon claims on a message board get published as news.

    1. This will only cause more hoax attempts.

    2. C'mon SE,it's fun and been slow lately.Just take it as it is.

    3. It's why this website isn't taken seriously. Bigfoot is, by many.

  19. That would make it a HOTFOOT right????

  20. Great, thanks for broadcasting it to the world. Men in black are on their way now. Just saw a procession of unmarked suburbans and vans roll through town.

    Would of been a heck of a find. Body will be confiscated by tonight, flown down to Los Alamos.

  21. Someone hurry up and confiscate it before he dishes it all out to his family members.

  22. If true, will this mean no more Finding Bigfoot?

  23. My thoughts are with those living in the fire zone, its burning in my home state, Montana now too and if you've never experienced it, it's pretty scary and intense.

    The Sasquatch being in someones garage is, hopefully another shit story.

    1. Really? You rather someone shoot one?

    2. Wait, I thought you got fed up and left squatchart.

    3. At least if they had shot it, it would have been a quick death. If this is true these guys are pretty damn cruel.

  24. "we had to let the bigfoot go, it was too human looking, i didnt bother to take a picture either" .. oh wait isnt that what happened with smeja?

    1. I totally agree,I was thinking the same thing.all of a sudden there will be no body.

  25. If the sasquatch is open to the idea - could someone carve out a steak from his body?


    1. They would still come out blurry.

    2. Squatches are like the ring of power. You need to set them on fire to see them clearly.

  27. Alright, gang. Here's another HUGE scoop... EXCLUSIVE! The burned sasquatch's family has secured a press agent and will be holding an opposing press conference demanding the release of their son, who's sasquatch name is Mucklegrunt (which roughly translates to "Steve" in our language). If their demands are not met, the family of sasquatches has vowed to pelt trailers with pebbles, steal half-eaten pizza from trash bins, and give people a "creepy vibe" from a distance!

    1. Mucklegunt is a good kid.

    2. do you the name of Mucklegrunts mom, dad and sister? How about a last name.

      I need to know this for when I am on google trying to find the latest info on the story. Thanks


    3. well with obama care killing our beloved nation now the big bastard will at least have health insurance. yea, along with every mexican you can find too!

  28. wow,, i hope no one really thinks there is a shred of truth to this... yeah, a hominid that has lived here in forest forever (at least by human time on this planet) and avoid all detection by us and our technology.. tripped up by fire 'ehh ?.. ok sure...

  29. Ok, I'm the OP of this report. What I said in my original post is the extent of what I know about this situation. I can't comment on it any further because I don't know any more than what I've said. The whole story as relayed to me shocked me when I first read it. It sent chills down my spine. I can't say for certain it's true, but I've known this researcher for five years and have been on two expeditions with him. I can't say I know a more stand up guy. I've tried to reach him on his cell and through email replies, but got no response. The email I got was also sent to five other people so hopefully one of them will chime in.

    1. Hate when my friends discover cryptids and can't even be bothered to flip me a lousy text.

  30. Tonight, the fire will consume the entire house with all inside! There will be no one to give a press release! Only chard remains left. Oh, the humanity!

  31. Good stuff OP, if I were you I would hunker down for 24 hours. Try not to let anyone know where you're at - even if he gets back to you.

    If it's the one (older grey male) I'm thinking of, I hope he makes it. Make sure plenty of fluids.

    1. Mucklegrunt isn't grey. He uses 'Just For Bigfoot'.

      It must be Grumbletub.

  32. People die in fires all the time and we are supposedly the highest intelligent being on the planet. In theory, it could have happened. The poster didn't say "burned" so it is very possible it just has smoke inhalation or lung damage from superheated gases from the fire that where inhaled. All very plausible but most likely horse ****.

    1. But if you read FB/FB's book you would realize we came from the smarter ape....aka sasqman. Which makes us dumber.


  33. Bigfoot enough to avoid trail cams ...and build stick structures..not smart enough to go the opposite way of a blazing forest fire???hmmm???

    1. Maybe it was trying to rescue it's family and obtained the injuries. Maybe it was surrounded by fire.

      Note:Under perfect conditions, a fire can travel at speeds of 60mph.

    2. If a fire is moving 60 mph ...I'm running 61 mph in the opposite direction....u can count on that...long live bigfoot!!!

  34. Hog Warsh! If there is a press conference about this ill eat my own left foot!

  35. "shocked me when I first read it."

    Why were you sent this hush hush email? Did he want you
    to tell the world? Now he won't return your calls or emails?

    Does this researcher have burn unit training? Does he have medical supplies...IVs, narcotics, antibiotics, gurnee, gauze etc. in his "garage"? Who is this researcher? How did they transport this creature to his garage? I imagine moving a 800 lb creature would require a tractor. Did it walk to their vehicle and sit in a seat or lay in the back of a pick up?

    Too many holes in this obviously for fun story.

    new anony

    1. Does he have a unopened bottle of Just for Bigfoot? Cos if he don't Mucklegrunt is gonna freak.

  36. You guys remember the BF carcases they pulled out after Mt St Helens blew in '80?

    Word is there were a couple buried in a sand bar down by the Cowlitz River. Also, military helicopters that flew out nets full of burned and semi burned elk, deer, and bear noticed something with hairy charred arms hanging out of the drop nets.

    A Vietnam veteran helicopter pilot spilled the beans to his family a few years ago.

    1. Sure don't, that's because it was a rumor, just like this one. It never happened period.

    2. Oh?

      - Rogue helicopter pilot

  37. I'll believe it when I see it. This is the second body I've heard of re: the CO fires.

    I have a friend who was at Mt. St. Helens - that story is true.

    I will be shocked if the government doesn't whisk this body away, as well.

    1. evidence for this? just some "friends" word.

      He is a liar. No reason for the govt to be covering up Sasquatch. That's just a stupid statement to make.

      The logging industry doesn't make nearly enough money for there to be much cause for any sort of conspiracy either.... This is excuse making for your lack of Bigfoot proof.

    2. Oh yes, just like they wisked away the body down in Georgia and then stuffed a freezer with a suit. LMFAO!

  38. I don't believe it... I'm a huge believer in sasquatch, but I highly doubt this post is anything but an adrenaline hype for footerz...

  39. I really hope this is the real deal, but just think how many times we've been lied to before.

  40. One thing I know about this country is that main-stream media waits for NOBODY!!! Reporters and Journalists don't simply agree to show up at someone's door-step at noon on any day without asking initial questions first. They would have it on the 6pm news tonight or earlier, then, a press conference would be called.

    The president of the US could call a press conference like that, but not just a researcher without providing proof of a great story...

    I think it's just a joke on the bigfoot community...

    1. I agree. The media is not going to show up for any conference regarding a fringe subject without being given a compelling reason to do so, and the reason would be leaked in 1/2 a sec in the rush to be first. This is a joke, or a rumor started in service of an agenda.

  41. This has a better chance of being true than Ketchum's paper ever being published !!

    1. is your heart broken from the paper not being published when you wanted it?

    2. there are no ket chums paper

  42. Tell those to rush to the nearest store, and get him a damn case of cold beer,and something for pain geesh thats common sense people.Maybe break out some cool tunes for him.Just maybe his big ass will pull threw.

    1. i heard this bigfoot had a gov't issued iphone with google maps in it's pocket too!

  43. Why not call a conference now? I'm sure there are tons of reporters in Co. covering the fires that would be delighted to have scoop of the century!!!

  44. Dude,tell that research buddy of yours to put him in a freezer full of water.You know,Dyer syle,but keep his head above water so he can communicate with them.That way when Bascardi comes and checks to make sure it's not a suit,the Bigfoot can tell Bascardi to F-off.

  45. This is possibly true.I can only immagine something like fire that would let humans that close to them.They are so strong,fast,and elusive you would need the guard to corner one.

  46. I joke, but hope its a true story.

  47. We live in the time of cell phones with photo capabilities. There would be photos!!!! Come on people.

  48. The "OP" is full of shit and needs his ass kicked. The only way were going to stop the BS is to kick ass! To you, the "OP", you started it, so man up and get your ass kicked!

  49. Oh yeah, Ketchum needs her ass kicked. Standing needs his ass kicked. Discardi needs his ass kicked....and man others. Let's start kicking ass!

  50. Even if it's true the mothership will pick up the toasty squatch squahsing all hope and dreams. if this is true Matt Moneymaker will be eating his shoes and sobbing tomorrow.

    In all seriousness, if we are ever going to find one to be taken alive the half crispy forest fire scenario is likely the most plausible. Yep, it'll take dumb luck!

    1. Not sure; I understand that these fires really move once they get going, but doesn't it take time for hell to break loose after the initial spark? What are the estimated percentage of known animals killed or hurt? I really don't know.

  51. is biscardi involved?

    nurse him to health with some pancakes.

  52. Replies
    1. Not buying it either. Would be awesome, but its very unlikely.

  53. I think there will be some people eating crow. First there are those who adamantly deny the possibility of sasquatch existing. They will be first. Then there are those who claim they are "skeptics," who say they need any evidence to believe. There is quite a bit of credible evidence out there, some of it extremely strong circumstantial evidence, and some of it physical.

    The sheer fact that there are so many sightings, over 13,000 recorded in North America, and judging by popular opinion the majority of sightings go unreported, therefore I say there is no excuse for dismissing what your fellow men are telling you. That number of reports alone should be enough to rule out anything, from misidentification to hoax.

    This is why I say there is no excuse, because when coupled with the other evidence, these sighting reports constitute enough evidence for a rational person to conclude that the existence of sasquatch is quite probable. And thinking the existence of sasquatch to be quite probable, at least in my opinion, does not represent a skeptical stance. I could be wrong on that point, as my definition of the word skeptic may be challenged.

    1. You are right, there is plenty of evidence. I disagree that there is lots of good evidence. You can't make one strong cup of coffee by combining many weak cups of coffee. Lots of circumstantial evidence doesn't mean you have a great case, especially when it concerns fantastic claims. 13,000 recorded sightings: recorded by whom? Using what for verification? Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable, so I ask you, what standards are you using to validate these sightings?

    2. Well, eyewitness testimony has sent many people to the lethal injection chamber.

    3. That many sightings is a problem: the skeptics are correct when they claim its paradoxical to have thousands of encounters and 0 bodies, parts, or fossils and 0 undisputed photos or footage. If anything, in my opinion, its very rare and elusive, and most of the witnesses are mistaken for whatever reason. Since "you only need one", and its difficult to dismiss every last encounter as well as account for the consistency of the indian legends, I believe there is a chance these bigfoots actually exist.

    4. The plural of anecdote is not evidence.

      You have nothing, every supposed piece of evidence yet presented could have been faked. That doesn't cut it when describing a new frog or mouse and it damn sure doesn't cut if for a cryptid like Bigfoot.

  54. Prediction. All a hoax. Tomorrow we will be back to discussing blobsquatches and tater holes. J.D.

  55. I see alot of people saying they are torturing the bf how could they not call a vet or a doctor all of this why didn't they do this or that.......did you douche bags even read the story ? there is no info about anything other than there might be MIGHT OK NOT "IS" MIGHT be a BF in a garage that has been burnt by a fire. NO, NONE, NOTHING else has been said about what is going on even the poster said he CANNOT reach the researcher who, now here is that word again MIGHT have this situation at his or her house. This is why this community is plagued with rumors that started as other bs rumors to begin with its the telephone effect of the worst kind. I have wanted BF to be real my entire life and still believe they are but this speculation and hear say crap has got to stop.Its becoming an arm chair story of its own. Read the original post knuckle heads before making accusations there MIGHT be a BF that MIGHT have been burned in a fire and some guys MIGHT have brought it back to there garage and are now out of contact with the poster no more no less.

    1. Yes, and you MIGHT be kind of a dick. ^^^

  56. I am a researcher in the Pikes Peak area and have not heard anything if any one has contact info can reply to me at I will follow up but please keep it local not out of the springs area as we have been working hard to locate in the area. If they want a discrete Vet I have one on stand by.

    1. Im also in the area, looking for the scoop on this..gimme a ring @ 867-5309

      - Tommy

  57. Tater hole here i reckon you probly right. ummmmmm well alright den.

  58. I sure hope the BF is OK. What am I supposed to tell it's relatives in my back yard. Adda Pappa R No Longer. I don't want to be the one to tell them.

  59. Just watch, they'll saythey went inside to clean up and get some sleep before the conference, and when they came back out the creature was gone. I so want evidence, finally, but this seems kinda hoakey.

    1. Kinda hokey? How about full throttle hokey?

    2. Full on, 100%, hokus pokus brah

  60. With the massive volume of law enforcement, government workers, media and fire personel, ain't no way you're sneaking a bigfoot out of that area. The number of cameras and folks watching are too many to, with the possibility of looters, folks are extra vigilant.

    A bear, which was fleeing the fire, was hit on a nearby road...that info was out almost immediately.

    This? C''d have to be UBER stupid to even want to say something like this...

  61. ...and, as an FYI, they don't just let ANYONE...including a BF researcher, into the area, even AFTER the fire has passed through. The entire area is locked down and only essential personel are allowed in.

  62. Didn't Biscardi pull something about like this a few years back? The whole Fire thing? ...seems I remember something like this from the past.
    but of course it is a hoax

    1. Yeah, when Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, there were all kinds of stories about the authorities finding numerous dead sasquatches that were killed in the eruption.

    2. Mt St Helens rumor has nothing to do w/ Biscardi.

      My uncle was in the Army Corps of Engineers which is where I found out about it second hand.

    3. Your uncle saw the dead squatches after the Mount St. Helens eruption?

  63. This story is a bad joke. Never going to catch one, they are descendents of the legendary Nephilim (giants) of the Old Testament.

    A mammal that exists in the here and now and also the supernatural.

    I was skeptical at first, but all the evidence is there if you take the time to read.

  64. TATER HOLE say give wonderful creature a mustard biscuit ummmmmmm.HES been through a lot of shit.

  65. LMFAO!

    Lunatics, every single one of you who didn't dismiss this as soon as you finished reading the headline.

    1. You're going to eat crow at noon tomorrow with slice of humble pie for dessert.

  66. I suppose not to feel left out that someone will claim a drowned skunk ape washed up in there back yard. J.D.

    1. Dude, you shoulda cashed in on that

    2. Speaking of a washed up skunk ape...

  67. I like 'em french fried taters. Mmmhmmm.

  68. Yeah, the BS meter goes to 11 on this story.

    First of all, when you hear that a bigfoot story is from an anonymous source, that already is a clue that the story is BS.

    Would someone who found an injured bigfoot near death haul it to a garage? Really?

  69. who gives a fuck we need proof

  70. I can't sleep tonight! What times the conference tmrw?

    Pajama party at my house - all bigfooters welcome. Byo juice boxes :)

    1. Are you ordering a Bigfoot pizza from Pizza Hut?

    2. What's on it? I haven't ordered from the Pizza Slut in years.

    3. Yeah, Pizza Hut had that Bigfoot pizza in the mid-90s. I don't think that they still sell that. I remember thinking that the ingredients were definitely second rate to keep the cost down.

    4. As far as chains go, Round Table is the shiznet!

    5. My uncle worked at the Pizza Hut corporate headquarters in the early 90s. Believe it or not, the original name of this low cost pizza was Skunk Ape Za, but the marketing department shot down that name after it didn't do well with the test groups. True story.

  71. This guy is one of the most honest researchers I know

    Tom Biscotti?

  72. Big day tomorrow guys.....better get some Bigfoot sleep. I bet some of you turds are even going to stay up all night due to the anticipation. Silly little weirdos.

    1. Wouldn't it be a silly little weirdo checking out a bigfoot blog like this to leave a comment like that?

    2. His hero is a gay magician who's lover was arrested for living in the country with a stolen identity. Do you expect any better from such a person ?

    3. ^^^^^^^^^^ These two are pulling all nighters. Ah ha ha. Let us know how that works out for both of ya, mmkay ?

      Don't be mad at me, be mad at you for falling for it.

    4. You're up, you closet bleevin douche.

  73. This is the real deal folks. I can feel it.

    1. That would be cool if the press assembled in front of the garage and they pushed the button on the garage door opener to reveal a huge bigfoot. Then the bigfoot goes berserk and destroys the garage, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment, and sends dozens of people to the hospital.

      That story would be a lot more interesting than the Supreme Court upholding Obamacare by a 5 to 4 vote.

    2. Bwahhahahaha! Peed a little, that would be the best outcome for sure.

  74. bindernagel just called he said the som bitch smelled like a redneck truckdriver eating a chili dog.

  75. Per Reuters - presser @ 10 AM Mountain

  76. Does any one know if Mr. and Mrs. Biscardi's little boy, "Tommy" if he has been in the area? That would shed a little light on the validity of this hole thing.

  77. Off topic, but I saw a bigfoot drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's

    And his hair was perfect

  78. Here's why this story is a complete fraud: If someone had the body of a Sasquatch, this person would not publicize the news and then wait 12-18 hours to publish photographs or hold a news conference. WHAT A JOKE.

  79. alright i confess you tater holes. I feel confedent bigfoot is real,i do not no the numbers they are out in remote woods.LIVING OFF THE LAND is not impossible. T

    1. ^^

      Closet bleever JREF footer Ben River. One of sneekiest bastards in Bigfooting.

    2. He's had what ? 10 sockpuppets on the BFF ?

    3. Another fine example of the calibur of footers that call JREF home.

    4. Nice to see my name tossed around. I'm not "sneeky" and I know how to spell. Also, I'm not a "bleever". I'm a musician and photographer and a skeptic. Thanks for getting it right :)

      You want to address me, or speak with me feel free. However, try to be more accurate with your claims. By the way, this is the first post I've made in this thread.

      To address the OP: Give me a break, total bs story. You have the creature that is the discovery of a lifetime in your garage, trying to keep it alive? Sure! lol.... are believers really getting this desperate they will believe this kind of crap?

    5. It probably was him. All of the sudden he pops out of the woodwork ?...LOL

      Several sockpuppets after being banned is being sneeky you moron.

  80. I love "footn'". Always so much to look forward to. Tomorrow was gonna just be another lame day at work, but now, it gonna be the best day ever!!!!!


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