Really Creepy Bigfoot Story From Adair County, Kentucky

In 2008, Dave in Adair County, KY had one of the creepiest, most frightening encounters we've read about in a while. After hearing reports of sounds and an unusual print on a farm near Green River Lake, Dave decided to investigate an area where a woman reportedly spotted a Bigfoot entering the side of the road. This is what he saw as soon as he stepped out of his car:

The area she reported the BF entering on the right side of the road corresponded to a graveled pull-off that had been there for decades and was used to access the lakeshore by people fishing. It had also become something of an unsightly and smelly dump for trash, brush and tree limbs/deadfall all along its length and into the wooded bluff that leads down to the shore. When I stepped out of the car the first time I also realized I was walking on what was more or less a “bone bed”. There was quite a bit of small animal bone spread around the area, mixed with larger remains of deer that (mostly) looked like either roadkill, partial hunt kills or taxidermy remnants (stripped deer skeletons without heads) that had been tossed over the edge of the bluff.

With all of these remains lying around, and with a very direct path to the lakefront there as well, I pretty quickly understood why an animal might eagerly enter the dump, probably on a regular basis, to get easy meals and then make its way back across the road to the heavily-forested area that bounds Green River Lake.

Dave left the place and returned to the area the following month, and that's when things got creepy as hell:

I arrived back at the sighting area at about 730 AM the next day after waking up to what seemed to be the foggiest morning in Adair County history. The lake itself was socked in and not visible at all from the bluff and trail and there was heavy fog and condensation all through the area. My intention was to just head down the path and quickly collect the cam from the tree and return to the farm to join the rest of my family for the day’s activities, so I left the car unlocked and ready to depart. I retrieved the cam and noted it had been tripped three or four times and was anxious to get a look at any pics so I headed straight back up the bluff and heard something pacing me in a large gully about 40 feet to the left. I wasn’t concerned as I’d encountered nothing there at any previous visits, and I also began to dimly hear a nearby conversation between at least 2 men who I believe were on a boat on the lake, possibly making their way under the bridge. I stopped about halfway up the trail and the noises of movement briefly did so as well, then seemed to move off further towards the left in the direction of the voices I heard. I got to the top of the turn-around and didn’t hear any more movement, so I began to put the camera away in the back of the car, a Honda Element with a rear hatch. When I stepped back to shut the hatch, I noted a strong smell that reminded me of a wet dog, but when I stepped back towards the car, just a foot or so, it was hardly detectable. There was a breeze coming from my right at his point and when I stepped back again and shut the rear gate I turned to the right and saw a figure immediately stand straight up about 80 feet away in the treeline by the bridge.

At first it seemed like a wide-shouldered, hulking figure without a head, but then I noticed a darker area between the shoulders and realized it was a face, either being held low in some kind of peering/aggressive stance. (In retrospect, I now believe it heard the rear hatch slam and possibly thought it was the car door and that I might have been ready to pull away and leave.) It just stood stock still for a few moments, but then it began to sway from side to side a bit and seemed to be lowering up and down, still very intently peering at me. I got the impression I was looking at an old individual, because of the way it was acting, the odd posture and the coloration I was beginning to make out. It was grey in the chest, almost running to white at centerline up to the neck. Kind of honey-brown/reddish along the arms and body, with very wide shoulders and massive arms that hung low. I heard another bit of conversation drift up from the lake and some laughter and then this creature cut loose with a VERY loud bellow that I can only compare to an angry bull and started to move in my direction. I then detected a much stronger odor that smelled like rotting meat, and that really ramped up my anxiety level, so I decided to get in the car. When I turned to walk around to the driver’s side a burst of very low-bass “language” of sorts came from the thing that sounded very much like “scolding”-- and that’s exactly how I felt—like I was trespassing and in big trouble. The combination of the yelling and odor and adrenaline was disorienting for a few moments and I felt the strong and nonsensical urge to just sit or lie down on the ground on the driver’s side of the car. (The way a prey animal might react.) I didn’t obey that impulse and instead climbed into the car and looked back towards the thing and saw that it hadn’t changed position since I had gone out of its field of view behind the car.

It still seemed to be peering intently and I started the car. I normally carry a pistol in the field (the coyote and now black bear are moving into that region big time) but didn't have it belted on that morning. It was on the passenger car seat, so I unholstered it and watched out the passenger window, which was halfway down. The creature made another loud grunt and then began coming towards the car and the edge of the guardrail that runs across the bridge. I admit I was in a state of panic, so I pointed the gun—a Taurus concealed-carry .357— out the window and towards the ground and fired two shots. The irrational part of me just wanted what was now clearly visible as a large, bipedal hairy creature to stop coming towards me, and the rational part thought that if I fired shots and it behaved like an animal it would bolt, and if it were somehow a human being I was seeing it would either yell something like “Don’t shoot!” or take off as well.

Its reaction to the shots was neither. It just stopped in its tracks, now about 30 feet away, and stared. I did the only sensible thing I can recall that morning by fixing it in my view, then noting where it was in relation to the guardrail and below the top of my side window (about 2 inches) and then I decided to get out of there. Unfortunately, it didn’t even register to me that I was still holding the pistol and when I went to shift down into drive, I inadvertently squeezed off another round right into the center console of the car. That’s a VERY loud event inside a Honda Element, which is basically a big metal box. I left the scene at high speed and nearly deaf. It was apparent that the car was damaged, since I couldn’t get the windows to respond and when I arrived back at the farm I pulled the damaged console aside and the wiring harness just fell apart. I spent the rest of that morning arranging for a car hauler to pick up the vehicle and trying to relate what had happened to my family. They attended the reunions and I returned to Louisville with the car. There have been subsequent events at this location (which has now been cleaned up, fenced and posted heavily with NO DUMPING signs) but no direct sightings. Investigation continues.

Describe the creature with detail:

Approximately 7 1/2 feet in height, with massive shoulders – maybe 3 ½ feet across-- and arms, but a trim-looking abdomen. The size was determined by visiting the location a couple of weeks later with others and using an extending paint-pole to measure from where I was parked to the place I fixed its position. The hair on the chest area was grey, running to an almost-white coloration at the centerline and neck. Grey hair around a black “gorilla”-color face. No distinct features were clearly visible except for a larger, flattened almost human-type nose. There seemed to be a crease running down the center, but it was definitely not an “ape” nose. I saw no teeth, but a darker mouth area that moved and sometimes made an “O” shape when it vocalized. Dark eyes, no color that I could note. The head was rounded and not conical, and it seemed like the hair was possibly thinner on top like it was slightly balding-- I could see a slight reflection on top, maybe from dark scalp showing through— and no ears were visible. Coloration on the shoulders, arms and outer body was a honey/brown with reddish tinge. Hands were dark looking like the face. I couldn’t see down past the knee level due to high grass and low fog in the gully. Hair length seemed a pretty uniform 2 to 4 inches overall, but longer on the arms. My overall impression was of an older male individual, but still very fit/powerful. I could see his abdomen muscles tense up when he bellowed. He may even have been hard of hearing, since he seemed to react only to louder sounds and did a LOT of staring.

Visit Kentucky Bigfoot's website to see the full sketch of Dave's creature: Click here.


  1. Glad this guy did not shoot himself in the leg, sounds intense !

    1. HoHum...same ol story, of course no witness to travk down, no real evidence.

      Verbal testimony of one witness or two friends isolated from others is never useful in a court of law, only bigfoot stories

    2. Did you click the link? The witness was tracked down and a follow-up was conducted. So, wrong again on your IGNORANT statement/claim there Bigfoot is Boring (AKA Timmy).

    3. I know the witness personally, and Shawn Evidence knows him as well, whether he realizes the connection or not. "Dave" is a very well liked and very well respected member of the BF community, and has an impeccable reputation.

    4. I think it is true also

  2. No verfifiable name of the person making the observation. It could be a totally made up story.

    1. Of course there is no verififiable name of the person! Because 'verififiable' is not a word.

    2. ^My mistake; what I meant to say is that 'verfifiable' is not a word.

    3. It does have that too good to be true quality, but some of the details don't reflect well for the writer, so maybe.

    4. It could be made up even with a verified name.

    5. What a Downer!
      Hope you are single cause no one deserves your downer BS.

    6. What a Downer!
      Hope you are single cause no one deserves your downer BS.

  3. Interesting story. Almost too interesting. I guess he didn't get any pics on his trail cam, or find foot prints in the area. Would have been nice to back up his story.

    1. If Dave will produce the rejection of claim notice from the car insurance company, will you be convinced?

    2. I would be convinced he shot off a gun in his car.

    3. Almost too interesting?? Stupid.

    4. Hey,cut the guy that said ''interesting'' some slack.He might be ''THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD''.

    5. Im not as interesting as that story.

    6. When he goes into the woods, bigfoots take blurry pictures of him

    7. I'd be convinced if he produced his pudding pants!

    8. Right, where are the pics. Also, he claims it was the foggiest day, the lake was socked in, yet he could see something from 80 YARDS AWAY? Even 80 feet is hardly plausible.

      And - he fired 2 rounds from inside the car before he accidentally fired the third round, but he didn't comment on those deafening him.

      Other than those two points of logic, this story is REALLY good!

    9. Brandy,it was 80ft,not 80yds.

    10. What about the trail cam??? Any photos? Always ask the next question. I don't have a trail cam but if he had it in his hands before putting it in the car, why not get a picture???

  4. Great recounting of events - sounds very plausable.


  5. Great encounter ! Need more stuff like this!

    1. Hell yeah. This is good stuff. Very interesting in the least. Even Timmy didn't have much to say. LOL. Even though he's wrong about the witness not being able to be tracked down. He was tracked down by the Kentucky Bigfoot group and a followup was conducted. Timmy the clown wrong as usual.

  6. Wow, he must have really good eyesight to make out it's features at 80 feet in "what seemed to be the foggiest morning in Adair County history." All Bigfoots are elusive and avoid humans at all cost...except for this one. Must be that retarded Bigfoot that I've been hearing about. They should concentrate on him 'cause he she be an easy catch.

    1. 80ft is not that far away. Its less than the diatance from home plate to first, so if a 7ft tall creature was standing at first base and your at home plate I am sure you could tell his hair color, muscle tone, eyes etc.

      Second the guy said he has been back and hasnt seen it, so the one chance encounter he has with this thing makes this a retarded bigfoot?

      Sorry just fail to see your logic

    2. I agree Broski.80 feet is about 27 yards.If you can't see a 7ft tall animal from there,you are probably half blind.Even if there was fog you could see an outline of something standing there.Plus what explains all the noises he heard and the odor.Then it got 10 yds from him.He definitley saw something.

    3. It was 30 FEET away at one point. Can you actually read? I guess not.

    4. 30ft is 10 yards.I guess math was your worse course in school jackass.A little brain will kill you.Becareful smart ass.Look both ways before you cross the street,just a little help for the idiots out there.

    5. Anon 8:50,

      You're a moron. I was replying to the idiot who pretended like 80 feet was the absolute minimum he spotted the creature at. Drink Drano you buffoon.

    6. Anon at 8:57-You're a moron,you were replying to anon at 8:50,anyone can see that,or you would have put ''anon at...''.Drink bleach a$$ hole.

    7. Poor Damage control Anon@8:57.

    8. Hey now cut Anon8:57 some slack.I apoligize,didn't see you post ANON AT anywhere,so I thought you were responding to me.

    9. Anon 9:02,

      I think I know who I was replying to. It should've been obvious to anyone with an IQ above room temperature. The original poster acted as if 80 yards was the only distance the figure was at throughout the sighting, when clearly, the witness stated that the figure had approached him and had gotten as close as 30 feet away.

      Anon 8;50's post was a classic case of jumping the gun.

      Your post (Anon 9:02) is just idiotic. Trying to tell people who they were replying to? I laugh "french-like" at you. Buy a clue clown boy.

    10. I wouldn't call it a classic case of jumping the gun Anon@9;52,I would call it a bad case of using a blog by you.Who do people know who you are answering to?Get it right a$$ clown.Use the @Anon approach then people will know who YOU are responding to.

    11. @Anon9:52,also couldn't help but notice you using the correct way now.LMAO. I American laugh at you,you French Tickler.

    12. This thread got stupid in record time. Congratulations guys!

    13. I would call it an extreme case of jumping the gun. It was obvious who the guy was replying to. The guy who jumped the gun is patently retarded and the guy who thinks he's a mind reader is a lunatic incapable of a rational thought.

    14. ^^Derr,thanks there Karnack The Magnificent.You cleared this up for everyone..... Carson is rolling in his grave cause of idiots like you...Now run Forest,run,your momma is waiting with milk and cookies at the door.....^^

  7. Getting the name "Dave" is as verifiable as your gonna get bozo.... Its called remaining "Anonymous" or "Privacy" get it?
    Dave is an honest sincere man who had a very frightening encounter, and I for one am glad he is willing to share it with others even thought some clowns will ridicule him over it. (look in a mirror for the clown)
    I have met Dave personally, heard this story from his own lips, seen his nervous reaction and heartfelt fear as he related it. Verify this....your a jerk.

    1. I am going to assume you are a member of the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Org.or at least associated with some members of the group. I truly appreciate the fine work you folks do and the site you have and look at it often. Being an hour and a half north of the Ohio River I get to Kentucky often. It is a beautiful state and just perfect for Bigfoot habitation and with my passion for Bigfoot I spend more time with my eyes to the fields, hills and woods than on the road.


    2. Wow! Give Dave our heartfelt thanks! There really is an unacknowledged 1/4 ton mammal inhabiting North America!

    3. Some of them get up to almost a half ton, that is so awesome.

    4. You heard this story from his own Todd Standing Sasquatch lips?

    5. Thanks for coming here to share your thoughts on this (whomever you are). I'm the guy who actually submitted this story to Shawn. I just found it one of the better witness accounts that I have ever come across and just had to make sure it got even more exposure.

  8. This is not the only encounter from this area, as another was posted in 2008 same vicinity and described similar staring and swaying. That bridge that crosses the Green River might not be a bad place to just hang out around at night and see if anything develops.


  9. It's great that one of the members from KY BF hunters could take a break from their latest photo shoot to stop in here and comment. When are you guys going to be on TV again? It's amazing that you folks can find time to search for Bigfoot with all the effort that you put into self promotion, but somehow, you get it done. Keep up the good work.

    1. Kentucky? Are these the guys that feed pancakes to baby bigfoots? Can't keep track of all these researchers...

    2. No, those were some other clowns seeking fame.

  10. Damn when did this site just become a haven for dicks.

    1. When you just wrote on this blog 27 minutes ago.

    2. ^^Hahaha,classic response!!!^^

  11. Seems like he had all the time in the world to do everything but take some pictures..I gotta a story..There once was a hairy thing from Nantuckit..?

  12. Everyone needs to take the time to click the link and look at the sketch. Just below the sketch is another link to some pictures of tree formations that were taken from an April 2011 investigation. This is sincerely one of the best eyewitness testimonies out there. When you couple that with a sketch and some possible evidence in the form of tree formations it's a very complete account. Good stuff. Thanks for posting this story Shawn.

    1. Sally here - Melba and Arla are experts at tree and stick formations. These "formations" you speak of, must be verified by one or both of them, before they can be referred to as "formations".

    2. Alrighty then. Could you please call one of them OR better yet both of them to confirm it?

      In all seriousness, I have no reason to doubt a well documented claim like this.

  13. The problem I have with this story is that it seems way to detailed. Almost like he made it that way to make it more believable. Writers of fiction do the same thing.
    Im a believer myself, I just have a hard time buying stories like this. Unless they have some kind of evidence to back it up, its just more fodder for the sceptics. And stick formations aren't going to cut it.

  14. I wonder what was on the trailcam? It said it had tripped four times. Regardless of whether it caught anything, it is a very believable story.

  15. Does anyone read anymore?

    The guy went looking for BF. He also didn't leave his camera out for a month, but for one night. So he went looking for BF and in 1 day had a great encounter? Come on people, use some common sense. Is there a chance that he did see something? Yes. Is there a chance it could be a BF? Maybe. Is something sketchy when someone goes looking for BF and finds it in 1 night? Definitely!

    Let me offer some explanations:

    1.Strong smell of "wet dog", you are by a large river/lake = maybe you are smelling a wet animal (dog, fox, etc).

    2.Strong smell of rotting meat = you are at a dumping site with dead animal carcasses.

    3. You say it was so foggy that you couldn't see the lake/river but you can see details on something 80 ft away? Maybe you are mistaken. Maybe it was a person and you simply scared the crap out of them so they stood dead still because they didn't want to walk up on someone shooting a gun in a foggy morning.

    4. The heavy bass sounds could have simply been far off voices echoing on the lake/river

    Questions I Have:

    1. You found an odd print on your property but no picture?

    2. What was on the trail cam from the day you had this "encounter"? (I'm kind of guessing it was people)

    3. Why is it your family just happened to not be there with you that day? (A reason was given, but there is always an "excuse" for a lone encounter"

    I love the area where the "sighting" is reported. I worked with wildlife there for 3 months last summer. I was in a few remote locations from dawn to after dusk, did a lot of animal surveys, and walked a good bit of the streams. Never did I hear an unexplained noise, see anything unexplained, or come across any tracks that I couldn't get identified. Now I am not saying that because I didn't have a sighting, something isn't there. However, when I worked with the people who tend the fields and work in the woods there and they have nothing to makes me think there is nothing there. You go looking for BF, you are probably going to find something you think is BF.

    I truly want to believe in BF, and have heard stories from people I believe. However, I find most reports highly suspicious. This is one of those. Oh, and IMHO the stick structures with this are laughable.

    I am a good ol' boy that was raised in the woods/on the river and recently got a BS in Wildlife & Fisheries Mgmt, worked with both good 'ol boys and highly educated people while working at Green River Lake.

    1. Do you read? He said it approached and got as close as 30 feet away. Or did you just deliberately leave that part out to make your explanation sound better? Yep, you did OR you just did NOT read.

    2. I did see that, but by this time he is already panicing and his mind could easily be filling in details with what he went there expecting to see. And if it is the foggiest morning he has ever seen, 30ft is still far away for a lot of detail.

      I never said that his story is impossible, but that I personally find it implausible. Especially with it happening the first day he went there looking for BF.

    3. It was the second day,''I arrived back at the sighting area at about 730 AM ''THE NEXT DAY'' day after waking up to what''....That's what's wrong with you skeptics,y'all never get the facts straight.Or maybe it's y'all that are ''filling in the details''!

    4. Minor details aside, well thought out and intelligent post. Nice.

    5. to anon: 12:30

      It was the first day he was going to collect evidence, hence the trail camera. He had been the day before to find a good spot to set up the camera and came BACK the next day hoping to find evidence. So the first day he goes to find evidence, he gets it

      @ Enlightenment -


    6. ''to anon: 12:30'' There you go again Logan,I don't see a post at 12:30.If you are Dyslexic I completely understand.State where he found evidence the first day,please?It was the second day.This is what he stated ""
      The area she reported the BF entering on the right side of the road corresponded to a graveled pull-off that had been there for decades and was used to access the lakeshore by people fishing. It had also become something of an unsightly and smelly dump for trash, brush and tree limbs/deadfall all along its length and into the wooded bluff that leads down to the shore. When I stepped out of the car the first time I also realized I was walking on what was more or less a “bone bed”. There was quite a bit of small animal bone spread around the area, mixed with larger remains of deer that (mostly) looked like either roadkill, partial hunt kills or taxidermy remnants (stripped deer skeletons without heads) that had been tossed over the edge of the bluff.

      With all of these remains lying around, and with a very direct path to the lakefront there as well, I pretty quickly understood why an animal might eagerly enter the dump, probably on a regular basis, to get easy meals and then make its way back across the road to the heavily-forested area that bounds Green River Lake.... Here's what happened the SECOND DAY..
      ''I arrived back at the sighting area at about 730 AM the next day...and that's when things got creepy as hell:

  16. Old news, but a great encounter story. This man has been intervied on the Blogsquatcher's blog and Sasquatchwatch radio in 2008.

  17. its a gripping story, but why should it be beleived as a factual account of real events. No one can form any beleif on this evidence. I am filing this under 'creative writing'. But it gets a good B. We need more than a story, a drawing and a picture of some sticks. To register a species we need a description, a name and specimen(s) (alive or dead). I wanna beleive, but so far, no dice.

    1. Ok,well leave then.And thanks for your input.See you same time tomorrow!Bye bye now.Adios.

  18. Another unverifiable story.
    Imagine riding shotgun in a car with this dude?
    I am beginning to believe people make this stuff up for their 15 mins of fame.

  19. Why does the area not get surveilled on a daily basis if it is attracted to it. We always seem to get the hit and miss approach. Why not a persistent months long program to capture an image. I never understand why other researchers do not do this. It will return to the area so you just have to be organised and patient.

  20. Here's my question to the witness: if he's a BF investigator and armed, why didn't he shoot the damn thing and put an end to the debate? 10 yards is well within range of a handgun if you're a competent shooter, and a .357 Magnum will take down almost anything in North America with the right loads.

    1. Because when a person has an encounter, you have no idea how you will react---none!

      People with 30-06 have encounterd them close up / big ones, and said

      "no-way, not enough gun?"

      These things will make you feal like your holding a pea shooter!

      And if you see how quick they move, your thinking "even if i shoot and hit it, it may get to me before it goes down.

      And on top of all that, about the time people process the thought that they could shoot it, they also get the thought
      "What if it isn't alone????"

      If he gives you a good scream, your more apt to crap your pants than shoot at it or take a picture.

      The fact that he admitted to shooting a hole in the car.

      I believe he experienced everything hi said he did. I also think (knowing there real myself) that he ABSOLUTLY had an encounter.

      I knew a place on a lake in texas where the catfish would come by the thousands because all the striped bass fishing guides would discard the left-overs of large filleted stripers, dinner time.

      The BIGFOOT had him a honey hole of discarded hunting scrap and road kill, um um good!
      He was probably just very hungry and thought, hey DUDE, What did you bring me?

      Then, "Oh shit dude, its cool, don't shoot"

      Maybe the fog brought the bigfoot in???
      He needs to see too!

    2. Dear leon w; when you shit your pants in the woods after a bigfoot screams at you, does it seep through the drawers and onto the jeans? I want to research, but need to know how to pack.

      P.S You are insane.

    3. Cant shoot a shapeshifter - its impossible

    4. Leon,are you talking about Browders by the Lake Livingston Dam? If so,it's true about the Striped Bass feasting on the carcass of the Blue Cats.Been there and done it. So the theory of Bigfoot coming to a clean site is very possible.As a matter of fact we hunt by the Trinity River Basin by Lovelady,Tx.On one time we buried the guts and skins of 6 deer and 2 hogs with a back hoe 5 ft down about 30 yards from the lease cabin.The next morning it was dug up and all the guts were gone.No one heard a thing,no coyotes yelping,nothing.We looked for tracks but if anyone knows about this area it's nothing but sugar sand.Hard to distingush any sort of track,and the area was disturbed big time.But couldn't identify what did it.Rememeber,no one heard nothing and a couple of the guys stayed up late into the early hours since they had already bagged there deer for the weekend.It's still a mystery to us,we talk about it every year we hunt and still can't figure out what did it.

  21. I would have shat myself and then fall into fetal position with my thumb in my mouth yelling for mommy!

  22. very interesting we need more stories like this

  23. the only thing with this story is when he smelled it,
    there would have to be a good breeze if he took a couple steps back and could not smell it anymore.
    I was never in heavy fog on a lake while it was windy.
    if could hear the guys on the lake, i could not been
    a strong wind.

  24. I believe "Dave" was interviewed by Billy Willard on SasquatchWatch Blogtalk Radio show several years back around 2007/08. Should still be archived at SasquatchWatch Radio I'd think. It was a compelling show and he was one of the better guests.

  25. I think I was able to find the radio show. I haven't listened to it yet but from the description alone, it's sounds like this is the same guy recounting the same story while interviewed. It was from 2009.


  26. Check out some more cryptids on the new Destination America show MONSTERS UNDERGROUND. The show will premier on Friday August 22nd at 10/9c.
    Episodes will feature the Aswang, Mapinguari, Subterralien, Olitiau, and more.


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