Phone Call To University of Colorado in Denver Confirms The Burnt Bigfoot Found Is Not True (Update)

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at

Recently Shawn posted two articles on a Bigfoot being found alive and burnt in the Colorado forest fire. In the most recent update the anonymous person claimed the Bigfoot passed away and the University of Colorado in Denver sent two faculty members to pick up the body. He also stated that today at 3PM a news conference would bring to light the events that have unfolded since the find of the creature.

Shawn, Phil Poling and myself decided to investigate the story and were about to contact the university. Lucky for us some on else had already called them and representative for the University stated that they did not know what he was talking about and no such thing is happening about a supposed Bigfoot been found in the vicinity of the Colorado fire and has been pick up by the university after its life expired.

Bigfoot Evidence is dedicated to provide news on this subject matter of Bigfoot, but we always try to verify if possible, if the source of these stories are even factual at times. At times people can take articles very serious and we have seen that some people want to prove to the world Bigfoot does exist, but as always we try to do this cautiously and hope our readers do same.

I am including the phone number for the public affairs department of the University of Colorado in Denver which interestingly is a university of medicine, if anyone wants to confirm for themselves if this is true below.

Public Relations

Damian Bravo


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Damien, I actually thought it might be real for a second.

      Imagining Damien calling to inquire about this is actually making me laugh out loud. "there has been an anonymous post on a Bigfoot website that a Bigfoot has burned to death overnight and was then transferred to your university. Can you confirm any of this story?"



      Anon@2:08,Now that's some phunny sh1t right there. I can see him doing it now.HAHAHAHAHA

    3. Sooooo????does this mean no news conference at 1500????that means I took the day off work for nothing???might as well go get a beer.

    4. If it's the skeptics who put out the hoaxes then rip on the information . Who are they laughing at? Themselves? See see I knew it was fake! I told them! Ya ya ya!

    5. No defense for this mentality...."oh they found bigfoot evidence-this will prove bigfoot-oh finally"-anonymous report doesnt check out-everyone learns it was a bullshit hoax, for money or attention only-bigfoot finally discovered to be a steaming pile of crap, all evidence faked or questionable-bigfoot is a lie

    6. So what exactly are you trying to say Timmy? ;)

  2. I'm not trying to get all conspiracy theory on this, but if they did have a body, why would they release that information?

    I don't really see much truth in this story seeing as how it was an anonymous comment (shocker!) probably trying to see how much the rumor would propagate. Probably drew inspiration from that story of the injured bigfoot in some wildfire years ago. The one where the FBI agent released details.

    1. where does an FBI agent appear in these stories please?

    2. I was referring to this:
      And I was mistakes, apparently it was just "an anonymous government employee."

  3. Replies
    1. Last anon is an idiot, Haha...

    2. That's not what your momma was saying as she was hob nobbing last night.It was more like GRRUBL GOBBLE GRRUBL SLOPPYTY SLOPSLOP.

    3. grow up'
      from an annonymous poster. we cant look back at your adult,witty,intelligent post

  4. No Fuc*ing Sh*t, seriously? LMFAO!! all for the blog traffic I suppose.

  5. I must say, this comes as a huge surprise. Surprised that there isn't a manequin with a fur coat wrapped around it that's been brushed with a torch.

  6. I wonder how many people will actually call em?

    I agree though, they may have been told to lie and say they no nothing about it. When the entire time they have the body and won't say anything about it.

    So again we wait for REAL evidence. :(

  7. As if we didnt know it was a hoax alreadyFriday, June 29, 2012 at 12:50:00 PM PDT

    Thanks Team Tazer Bigfoot,you all are our heroes!!

  8. Did you write this article yourself or copy and paste it off the net like your last one Damian ? CLOWN !!

    1. Everyone knows is you Ricky boy aka freezer boy, man you must have a serious hard on for Damian from TTBF. You must be mad because Team Tazer and him exposed you and Fatsano for the Hoaxers you are.So stop trolling this site you stupid hoaxer.

    2. Its not rick there's a bunch of people that don't like damian

    3. ^^Dang it Damian,how does it feel to be a Sockpuppet talking in the third person?You know it's me.And just for the record Fasano and me didn't pull no hoax on you.You did that all ON YOUR OWN.Now stay behind the computer and let us Real RESEARCHERS do the real investigating.Bravo,fake name!!!!!

    4. How can you trust a guy who plagiarised his last article , that's why I think he's a clown. Stand behind your own work, not someone else's.


    5. Yeeee Haaaaaa, Hold on there Hillbilly. There is a space button. <-- See.. No go back to the swamp and chat with the other illiterate rebels. Damian was fooled by you so what. Your a Fool for hoaxing America. We don't forget. Damian may have a huge head but, It's not full of Poo...

    6. So what,wanna fight about it

  9. An exercise in psychological operations courtesy of the XXXXXXXX Institute. Quite fruitful I must say.

    1. That's my theory... and I suspect it is someone who has recenlty "had it with Bigfoot." That's all I'm saying...

    2. I am the puppet master.

    3. For Shawn it was quite fruitful, yeah, in the short term anyway, with soaring visitors to the site.
      In the long term? Can you, or even the earnest, continue to push crapola thru the site and see its demise? Or Bigfoots? Or Bigfooters?
      Don't think you can beat this groundswell back. Not as long as there is Finding Bigfoot raking them in and competing blogs without the momentum or flare for attention getting posts. Or humor.

    4. In the long term Shawn stands to make a bank full of money.

    5. Is there really any money to be made in a blog? I think all the ads nowadays require click-throughs to generate money. Doesn't he also have to pay for bandwidth?

      Shawn entertains and informs all of us, and gets sh!t for it daily.

      Give the guy a break already.


    6. @ 1:24-

      End of passion play, crumbling away
      I'm your source of self-destruction
      Veins that pump with fear, sucking dark is clear
      Leading on your deaths construction

      Taste me you will see
      More is all you need
      Dedicated to
      How I'm killing you

      Come crawling faster
      Obey your Master
      Your life burns faster
      Obey your Master

      You got me on a Metallica kick.

    7. Awesome American band, offering something fresh and exiting while the hair-metal bands were becoming cliche(although there is much fun stuff from that movement); They rank with the best of the "new-wave of British metal" from the early part of the decade.

  10. Shawn's dumb site responsible for wasting people's time once again.

    Nothing but an attention whore.

    1. So why are you here reading the article you moron. I guess you must have a wasted life and that's why your hear.

    2. Coming from the guy who can't even write a proper sentence.

    3. lol You are responsible for wasting your own time. Bigfootery is a Blackhole.

  11. Shawn, with all due respect: Why on earth would you ever think that any legitimate news related to the discovery of this species would first be related to people via the comment section of your blog? Gimme a break, people. The fact that anyone gave this story any attention at all is just embarrassing.

  12. Shawn did not post an article, he posted an anonymous comment and a poll with a "this story is el crapola" option. The only people who thought this might lead anywhere were the gov't conspiracy theorists, the painfully gullible, and the garden variety knuckleheads. The rest of the posters were perverted skeptics, trolls and nasty wise asses. I was he only one who made any sense.

    1. You are the smartest idiot in the room.

    2. Wow. There's some powerful minds at work here. Mine's not one of them.

    3. That's the smartest thing you've ever said Gareth.

    4. If thats his real name.

    5. Hello BFRO? I'd like to report a Class B siting of an ego quite possibly larger than Matt Moneymakers! What do you mean it has to be a hoax? Hello? Hello? Click.

    6. lol that was funny...start a list ...too big for matt

  13. Bravo,Bravo.Thanks for all your hard work.You get the gold star in TTBF class today.Now drink your milk and eat your cookies.

    1. We did, actually very dilicious but since damian is a diabetic he had none :(, sorry DB.

    2. Rick Dyer Spelling B ChampionFriday, June 29, 2012 at 1:41:00 PM PDT

      delicious*sorry DB

  14. Anybody check w/ UC-Boulder?

    The University of Colorado system includes public universities consisting of 3 universities in 4 campuses.

  15. Sally here - Melba and her goons intercepted the Bigfoot en route to Boulder, that's why the body never made it there. She now has the body in the back of her Kia Sportage and is on her way to a secret lab in Texas. I will meet her there and then we will dissect the creature and cut it up into one inch square cubes which will then be sold through the save the Bigfoots website. The bones will be sold separately and priced substantially higher than the meat cubes. The brain will be put on display at the Smithsonian.

    1. So old, please get more creative.

    2. Really. Never thought it was funny at all, just stupid.

  16. Replies
    1. Sally here - Yes you can use paypal or any major credit card. We will also be selling his manhood, it's a little singed. Kind of looks like a hot dog that's been left on the grill too long, but it comes complete with scrotum and would look great on someone's mantle. Just imagine the conversation piece that would be.

    2. Yawn, yawn, blah blah....

  17. I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

  18. just heard on the local radio here that a press conference will be happing in 30 minutes about a bigfoot is officially about ready to be presented to the public.hold on to hats folks. matt

  19. Just heard CBS is carrying it at 2pm PST.

    1. Sure you did. Keep the lie alive.

    2. Just heard it will be held at a location under the sea somewhere.

  20. I wonder how many delusional people were waiting in front of the tv for their dreams to come true? I'm sure the people at UC-D are laughing their ass off at the buffoonery.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'll bet they get the new guy to answer phones for the next week. They'll take bets on how long it takes the him guy to snap.

      Edited because my beer and keyboard have conflicts.

  21. Just heard that the sci-fi channel is going to be carrying it at approximately 3 hours.

    1. Yeah and surprisingly Danny Bonaduce has something to do with it.

    2. Don't forget about Greg Williams.He will be co-hosting.

  22. Just heard that the Department of Interior is scheduled to speak on the matter in 30 minutes.

  23. Can't wait to see Mucklegrunt! His poor family must miss him so much.

    1. Mucklegrunt is dead per the OP.


      This message was paid for by the BFRO Burn Unit.

    2. Long Live Mucklegrunt!

    3. BFRO Burn Unit.LMAO on that one.

  24. As a skeptic, I sure am eating some humble pie! Boy really thought this one was going to pan out.....

    1. Who said it was going to pan out? No nobody had a stitch of evidence and it was just a made up story. If as a skeptic this is what your going to pound the Bigfoot fans into the ground with- good luck nut job. It probably was a sceptic who started the rumor .

  25. its tough being a bigfoot skeptic, we always seem to be right :S

    1. True,y''all are legends in y'alls own minds.

    2. Gullible footers just can't handle the truth or are unwilling to engage their brains.

      Don't be such suckers time after time after time...

      new anony

    3. Skeptics who put the hoaxes out anyways then turn around and call all the hoaxes crap??? WTF

  26. Ketchum is sending Linda Sedlak to Boulder with a set of cutlery so she can hopefully get some more Bigfoot steak.

    1. I understand the Dr. Enjoys roughly twelve gallons of BBQ sauce with her steak.

    2. You mean she likes a Tube Steak with her sauce?

    3. I want the tenderloins and back straps.

  27. If you left even three minutes between posts others might think you are more than a single poster, bored beyond belief. Join the club, we just dont all dominate a room with our babblings, well soemtimes..witness this stupid post.

  28. Yeah like others have said, if this really was true there is no way they'd admit it. I still don't know if this report is true, but I certainly wouldn't take the university saying it isn't as proof.

  29. Dear Bigfoot Followers,
    I have just got a text from a credible friend that he found a dying Bigfoot and is now attempting to save the Bigfoot with a first aid kit and the help of his grandmother. He asked me to schedule a news conference for 11am Monday. Details to come.

  30. Hey everyone, I did everything I could to arrange my schedule to be near a tv right now but couldnt. Local radio/AP hasnt picked up the story yet apparently.

    Can someone tell me how the press conference is going?

    1. Mucklegrunt is dead.
      Melba has bought the backstrap for dinner.
      Damian called UofC and made an ass out of himself.
      The End

  31. Wow! Things are really heating up in the bigfoot world. All this news is truly wonderful!

  32. Sally here - I quit my job

    1. Melba here-You Can't quit,you signed a contract.Your not getting off that easy b1tch.Now get in the bathroom and draw my water for my weekly bath.Oh,no bath salts tonight,I had a rough go at it last week waking up next to a dead baby Bigfoot.

    2. Really? That's some funny stuff!

    3. actually that one was...

  33. No Gnews is good Gnews w/ Gary Gnu

    1. LMAO..the great space coaster!!

    2. Think there was a BF character on that show...regardless, the cast was high as fuck

  34. Mucklegrunt's funeral will be held at Red Rocks Amphitheatre. U2 will perform "With or Without you", Adele will sing "Set Fire to the Rain" and Bamster will bemoan the lack of sasquatch health coverage. The local Wiccan community will handle the service with a Ute Skinwalker remembrance ceremony. His body will be washed, dressed, wrapped and buried, and placed in a rock-covered grave in the mountains.

    new anony

  35. You have no credibility, nor does the otner keyboardc jockey Phil dogshitg

    1. What is credible?

      I check daily for far...zilch.

      new anony

    2. Credibility around here is more elusive than Bigfoot. Or Matt Moneymaker's dietitian.

    3. @ 3:24, there are nuggets sprinkled throughout this site, you just have to know how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

      Not everything is served up on a silver platter in bigfootery.

    4. I am patient, but B.S. is B.S. and is of no help to those who are really interested in the possibility of finding such a creature. It is sad that the P.G. film remains the best footage, as disputed as it is, still today. I have not seen many convincing nuggets here with all of the train riding, blobsquatch stories. Coming here for evidence is the real reason but pointing out the hoaxing is the daily experience.

      new anony

    5. Couple of things the last few pointed toward the possible: the discovery of an elusive primate with a very small, and so far viable population number, the Cross River apes; posts about the indians art and legends; some mid-western researchers have some new sound recordings(someone by the name of Andy P is allegedly working on a site).
      Also,the Sykes study is underway and the results will get published, so more evidence may be on the way.

  36. Mucklegrunt's family wishes to remain blurry in the distance but they may throw rocks and howl at the appropriate time. Any offerings of pizza, jerky and pancakes will be most appreciated.

    new anony

    1. Spit my Beer out all my Pc!! anony,you owe me a beer...

    2. Let us have one tonight in remembrance.

      Mucklegrunt, peace be upon you. Cheers!

      new anony

  37. Well, it sucks this one didnt turn out. Had a feeling about it.

    Anyone up for some Bigfoot-Old Testament discussion?

    1. I think they will show up at the final battle of Armageddon like Beorn at the Battle of the Five Armies and will save mankind from the hordes of evil.

      new anony

  38. What's with all the new anonys?

    Something had to bring em to this place.

    1. Yes, looking for "real" Bigfoot evidence. Crappola is not evidence and should be called out if you have any integrity as a Bigfoot believer. I remain very open minded.

      new anony

    2. I think the new anons amount to about one or two, who have enough time to create so many stupid posts. Unemployment is high.

    3. It is called multi-tasking.

  39. Damian is an expert at what? NOTHING


  41. It's a good example that demonstrates how desperate the bigfoot community to have something, that they'll take a couple of posts by anonymous posters and start blaring it around. It also shows the desperation of the people that do the hoaxes, as they don't have much to do and crave attention no matter how toxic and dishonest they have to be in order to get it.

    1. So it's the whole Bigfoot community posting this story? One guy and it means we all wrote it? WTF! I believe in Bigfoot, but I don't believe everything I see. What makes you believe we all thought it was real? Just another person who has no idea what he's talking about. U obviously came back to this blog to see what the outcome was- oh u just like readind about it. Ridiculous!

    2. Dave, you're right about the desperation of Bigfooters, but you couldn't be more wrong about my motivation.

  42. Can we get an update on the update please?

    1. I'd like to know what condition my condition is in

    2. What's your vector victor? Over

    3. I picked the wrong time to stop sniffing glue.....

  43. Gotta be a way to find the original poster's ip address so we can give him a little visit in person and let him know EXACTLY how humorous we find him while we kick the living shit out of him!!

    1. LOL, beware of the Bigfoot Mafia knockin at your door. Dont know if that's real helpful right now.

      What would help is a breakthrough vid over the weekend.

    2. Everyone knows it was Rick Dyer.

    3. No, it's not Dyer, it's just me, an anonymous asshole. I'd be happy to have you visit my humble abode. I don't think you'd be too happy with the outcome though.

    4. The guy wrote a fictitious comment and the blog owner posted it along with a humorous poll and an obvious disclaimer. A handful of uncritical people chose not to read or think about those. Their minds only registered the words "bigfoot", "garage", "found", "news conference" and added a few 'hmm..interesting' tidbits like "government conspiracy", "helicopters", "lying professors". Their fail can only be blamed on their own overzealousness.

    5. One out of a hand full of uncritical peopleSaturday, June 30, 2012 at 6:33:00 AM PDT

      ^^Why thank you Dr.Phil!^^

    6. Not Phil, just an anonymous bigfoot fan..

  44. Are mental retardation, illiteracy and abject idiocy bigfootery prerequisites?

    1. No sorry. You want to visit the dogman blog.

    2. I take offense, certainly not.

      It does attract a wide group - everything from the criminally insane to normal people w/ a genuine interest in the mystery.

    3. If I weren't illiterate, I would swear we were being insulted. Anyways, I believe you omitted self-aggrandizement, verbal pomposity and a marked inability to digest crow.

    4. Those are prereqisites for a skeptic anon 5:11! Just add troll to it

  45. If this ever actually happened a phone camera image would go viral within a heart beat. So the first test is to check for a picture in the e world. There are a lot of pyschos out there that enjoy starting rumours, aided and abetted by those that want to believe it is true before they bother to check.

    1. Dude it's over.Just let it go,let it go.......

  46. LMMFGDAO! Just think about this: people actually stayed up all night due to the excitement of the press conference. They were writhing with anticipation and I can't help but laugh at those ignoramuses who believed every single word of it. Its pathetic and frightening to think those clowns walk amongst us freely, you know, without being tucked into a straitjackets first. This topic has been excellent comedic relief. Good stuff and I just love to laugh at morons.

    1. Easy there - no need to gloat over your rival's misfortune.

      At least we had delicious pizza/dr. pepper on tap and watched Legend Meets Science (again).

    2. Nobody stayed up! There was a few people who peed their pants. I was excited, but slept all night. U on the other hand probably did stay up hoping it wasn't true . F,?'@ing nut case!

    3. You aught not talk like that. You's just a boy.

    4. Ya freak anon 5:23! So you peered in everybodies house to see if they didn't sleep? Where do u get your info creeper! Apparently you like bigfoot or u wouldn't waste your time! Don't u have a wife or family?

    5. Mommas boy with cable tv and a laptop of love!

    6. 5:23 is projecting onto others what his wife or boyfriend says to him. He's an obvious self loathing JREF closet bleever.

  47. Anyone hear if Lindsay's got any scoops? He hasn't posted about BF in a while.

    1. Here's a scoop: Get a life!

    2. Hey that's not very nice!

      I happen to have a life, its just currently dominated by nonstop bf action

    3. Yeah and that BF action is everywhere. LOOK OUT, there it is! You didn't miss it did you? Because that BF action just happened.

  48. I hope all the believers learned a valuable lesson today. Soon, another story filled with ridiculous promises of validation will surface, and I sincerely hope that you guys will temper your expectations.

    The hoax will be revealed, a throng of Anons will scorch your feelings, and the believers will be left sweeping their humility up like so many shards of broken glass.

    Please people, use logic and common sense when situations like this arise. That, and a little old school advice: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    Keep on squatchin'.

    1. I don't get the feeling many people actually believed this was true, although what you say is always good advice.

    2. Oh you are so wise in the ways of the squatch, please show us the way and teach us how to avoid such charlatans.

    3. Is this a 100% bonafide hoax? Maybe wait until Monday

    4. Now, need to bare your soul in the third person and share the embarrassing lesson you learned today. One piece of advice though, playing the skeptic role doesn't make you less of a moron for having a Bigfoot obsession.
      So come out of the closet and let your woo shine through because the only one you're fooling is yourself.

    5. ^^^^^^^ One of the all nighter bleevers.

      Yep, if not Monday, then Tuesday and if not Tuesday then Wednesday and...........well, you get the picture OR maybe not. Give it up man, good gracious, stop being so gullible.

    6. Yes, after everything that has not transpired today and the massive holes in the story I would wait until Monday.

      Sorry if this comes across as mocking but come on. I know hope springs eternal but not for this story.

      new anony

    7. @ 7:17

      Are you mommy's little skeptic settled in for a friday night of looking up Bigfoot stuff ?

    8. ^^^^^^^Another loser who stayed up all night with excitement.

  49. Wow, Bigfoot got burned. To be continued...indeedy.

  50. A couple things. First off, I bet 99% of all the believers knew this was complete crap. So, all you doubters STFU.

    However, I have to call out Damian and his crew on horrific research abilities. First off, the bullshit post said CU in Boulder, which is in Boulder, CO a completely different city than Denver. CU - Denver is in downtown Denver, which is also not what you looked up. CU - Medical Center (which you looked up) is way out east in Aurora, CO.

    If this is the degree of "research" the BF community does, we are all in trouble. Nice fact checking.

    1. The only reason you would have to call anyone out is that you are ashamed because you believed.

    2. @ 7:24

      Your family called you a dumbass for following this story and now you're lashing out in anger, aren't you ?

      You lying closet bleevin

  51. I would feel like such a dumb*uck calling a university asking about a bigfoot!

    1. I wonder who damien brovo spoke with. Student activities? LOL

    2. Imagine how the dumbfvck feels that did.

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