No Burnt Bigfoot News Conference, But 19% Of People Believed There Would Be

On Thursday, an anonymous commenter posted a message stating that a Bigfoot was rescued from the Colorado wildfires. This person claimed to be friends with a Bigfoot researcher who was purportedly kept a dying Bigfoot in their garage. We've heard this record played before and it was a slow day, so we decided to put up a poll asking our readers whether they believed there was going to be a news conference on the incident. The results were staggering.

Nearly just as many people who believed there was going to be a conference also said that Timmy (our faithful skeptic) should leave the blog. How do you like them apples? According to our unscientific poll, less than 1/5th of our readers believed that Friday was going to be the day skeptics would finally eat some crow. Almost 60 percent called B.S., and we're proud to say that most of our readers can detect B.S. when they smell it.

Click here to view the poll's website.


  1. I would nt post no more bullshit onless it's real actual bigfoot evidence .. I mean got dam I can get in touch wit y'all and tell yall dat I got a Bigfoot in da trunk of my car if u don't know it's true or not why post da shit .. It's bigfoot evidence right ? So post muthafuckin evidence

    1. This is what public schools will do to your kids, don't send them there.

    2. Yes but what do they learn on a website for pretend ape-men? I knew this would turn out to be total bullshit, as usual.

      And 14% of you can kiss my ass, thanks!

    3. Fight on Timothy...fight the good fight...long live bigfoot!!!!

    4. Fuck Timmy and all da fake ass Bigfoot researchers

    5. public schools, media manipulation, and psychotropic drugs

      red diaper doper babies

    6. Haha dipshit Timmy strikes out again. LOL

  2. I voted bigfoot doesn't exist which is the only correct option

    1. No amount of belief that it doesn't exist makes it a fact.

    2. Then why are you on here. I guess your hoping huh?

    3. It's the only logical option.

    4. Then 2nd option is false?

  3. Definitely a confidence drainer.

  4. If you got a body, call the news and tell them when they get there, not before.

    1. I agree but instead they will say we got a Bigfoot body we discovered in Colorado check it out on the new Bigfoot documentary coming out in 2015 on blu-ray lmao

  5. And so someone had a good laugh, and the next hoax has been encouraged.....

    1. That would be me. I absolutely love to laugh, even at myself, unlike most 'footers.

  6. Keep your chins up bigfooters - confidence high for the future

    1. Im confident that there will b another Bigfoot hoax

    2. lol...keep your double/triple chins up fellow bf'ers

    3. Oh yes, the next hoax is just a blurry pic or video away.

    4. Everytime there's a fire some unofficial conspiracy geek comes out and says there's a dead or wounded Sasquatch same old tactic from the powers that be, to first build up hope then always show nothing because it's a lie to begin with. Not saying it couldn't or hasn't happened ever, just that most times it's part of the government's plot.

  7. At least no money was taken like Ketchum's hoax/fraud. Wonder if she's laughing.

  8. I wish I could shoot hoaxers in the face but I won't. I do believe any bullshit that comes up and there is none to be found on natioanl news just makes me think it's hoakey. If you don't have a real body then it seem's your story is bullshit. The hard thing is is that I was leaning towards a no kill attitude but with all the hoaxers and skeptics getting fuel by false hopes and bullshit stories wants me to be a pro bigfoot killer and prove this thing's existance. The moon story is a great anology the skeptics didn't even get. Sad but true. Thanks to all my fellow bigfooter's and happy hunting!

    1. You want to shoot people in the face?...Dude, you need to be put on a list or some sh1t.

    2. Yes. Pro-kill. Blast one. Someone please take one out.

    3. so wait, you don't think we landed on the moon?


      dipshit, there is tons of evidence we landed on the moon, very little evidence for bigfoot...

      I would love to hear your theories on the moon landing though, so I can tear them limb from limb with ya know, facts

    4. If I c one and I got a camera in my hand fuck da camera I'm gettin my gun a shooting it no doubt about it and put a end to da mystery . In down wit u bro team Pro Kill

    5. Another moon landing brought to you by Kubrick...not this debate again. On a BF blog no less

    6. I want to shoot fake astronauts in the face

    7. Go back to Disclose TV,we have enough skeptics here to deal with.

    8. Don't know anything about this Disclose TV, what is that porn channel or something? "Connection so clear the naked ladies seem 'dis close'"
      ....zoom in on boobs, end scene.

    9. Of course the moon landings were faked, most shit the US governments get up to is a bleedin' lie.

  9. Bravo timmy made top three, way to go bro.

  10. They should pass a law to ensure that bigfoot hoaxers are given a speedy trial and, if found guilty, given the chair.

  11. Kill all hoaxers kill hoaxers kill all hoaxers

    1. If you killed all the hoaxers there wouldn't be any Bigfoot.

    2. Wait a minute - what? I'll have to think about that for a min.

      Deep thoughts...crickets

    3. Then the Bigfoot flash in the pan thing will disappear. Sounds like a good plan to me.

    4. Only Bigfoots would be left.

  12. All the hoaxes that have been done on the subject of Bigfoot is exactly the reason mainstream science won't touch it and is one of the hypothesis that is used to explain the bigfoot sightings. It surely isn't helping the cause any but I'm sure the hoaxers could give a crap about that.

    Would it not be worth laughing at a hoaxer, while performing his or her hoax, ecounters a real sasquatch and gets his ass beat on film. I don't care who you are, that would be funny.

    1. Yeah, a bigfoot goes ape on a hoaxer and beats them to a pulp. I'd pay to see that.

  13. Wait a minute! Are you trying to tell me the "Save the Birthing Stations Campaign" I just gave one hundred fifty bucks to could possibly not be legit? You guys are just a bunch of meanies!

  14. Bottom line - its the responsibility of the elder statesmen in the bf community to inform the newbies when a hoax occurs (or is occuring).

    More often than not, its pretty self-evident though.

  15. tater hole says laws are already in place. Thats why you dont get no evidence.Rick dyer could be part of the bigfoot mafia like you want to be.

  16. We're a sad and desperate lot aren't we? Maybe next time at least wait until the person that posts something provocative isn't anonymous. It was ridiculous to run with a rumor from someone that's hiding and won't even reveal their name. what have we become?

    1. You revealed tour name, it's Dave, I can see that when I look at your post, it tells me exactly who you are.

    2. Ohhh wait, I get it, you're looking for a name so you can use it to make attacks on that person to release the tension you feel for being taken for a bad.

    3. There is a million Daves out there! Who knows if that's even your name? Post your phone number and address otherwise your just anoymous as well! Dave! Bob or whatever your real name is!

  17. Stick around fools, you'll get used to it.

  18. Ha ha ha, nice one Shawn. Didnae vote myself, ahem, but you got an interesting demographic, and yet more fun comments from the nutjobs. Keep up the good work, mate. Tim, U.K.

    1. Nutjobs? I suppose that next you're going to tell us that the legendary Captain Jack Bindernagle isn't a real person. I hate you pesky skeptics making fools of us so.

    2. Anon 8:33 & 11:46 above. Thanks for keeping your replies civil and funny. FYI, I'm not actually a skeptic, just enjoying the drama that the frustrating nature of Bigfootery engenders. Cheers, Tim, U.K.

    3. So by nutjobs you meant people who don't beleive in bigfoot right?

  19. In today's technical world the potential for real evidence being captured is greater than it's ever been but it also opens the door for alot more false/hoaxed evidence to present itself. Unfortunately, researchers have to sift through it all for shreads of truth.

  20. Burnt Bigfoot = Inside Job

    1. I think there's a cover up going on.

    2. ^^^^^^LMFGDAO!

      And yet another douche who stayed up all not writhing with anticipation of a press conference. Psycho babble.

    3. Looks like you couldn't wait either . Nut job!

  21. tater hole hear bigfoot evidence is my favorite ummm.Almost good as dem french frie tater ummm.I hope yuins can find my long lost cousin.

  22. This story is burnt-out ! Next

  23. To quote the late P.T. Barnum: "Some of you are complete idiots." Or something to that effect.

    1. "There's a sucker born every minute"

    2. I know - just thought I'd make something up that was a little more literal : )

    3. There's a new MIB born every minute.

  24. One day someone's gonna get those lying bastards...

  25. A number of you footers have expressed anger at the hoaxer(s) so I am going to try to explain the situation to you in hopes that at least one of you will understand. To the rest of the world YOU are the hoaxers. You believers repeatedly make claims without evidence. You make clams contrary to credible evidence. You support hoaxers like Patterson and Gimlin. What you are doing is logically equivalent to lying. Human beings (general) don't like being lied to, so when someone lies to you footers the general public thinks that you deserve it. I think people might be more sympathetic towards you if you merely searched for Bigfoot, but that isn't what you guys do. You repeatedly tell people that Bigfoot does exits and that if they don't take your word for it they are “closed minded” or you insult them in some other way. A reasonable persons mind should be closed to bullshit. Your repeated insistence that you don't need extraordinary proof to make extraordinary claims is only going to piss people off.

    1. I would say 90 percent of the insulting is coming from the skeptics who are on this site dailey! The footers are talking about Bigfoot between each other and some dipshit skeptic always makes a rude comment. As far as being lied to? Wtf. You must stay up many nights plying the political sites, tea bagger sites, and Fox news. U must spend every waking moment trying to right all the wrongs ! Their lying to me ahhh waaaa waaaaa - friggin cry baby. Do yourself a favor and find something else to do. You must be the favorite relative who shows up at the holidays and argues with every one and is never wrong! What a stupid rational Anon 9:58. U nut job!

    2. Oh by the way I do spend time out in the field. What do you do ? Hang out at bars!

    3. Anon 10:13, do you think that you are a baby? Do you think that you're a small child? Because you appear to believe that “skeptics” are obligated to patronize you. That we should just let you get away with it. That we should let you get away with lying. That isn't the way it works in the real world. You made extraordinary claims that are contrary to the truth. Prove your claims or shut up. Your repeated lying is not something that any reasonable person should tolerate. The reason I am not trying to “troll” tallywackerprime is that he already appears to understand that when you make an outrageous claim you need to back it up. He has already acknowledged that only a Bigfoot will prove Bigfoot's existence. You ass clowns seem to think that you can “prove” Bigfoot with sheer force of bullshit. Grow the fuck up, stop lying, and show me a Bigfoot or fuck off. You dicks can cry all you want but if people like me didn't come forward to defend the truth when it's threatened the world would me a very screwed up place.

    4. There goes the "closet believer theory" up in a ball of flames, like yesterday's bigfoot.You are a good writer.

    5. The trolls all know the sasquatches are out there for real so they're payed to talk crap here all day to discourage people, but their plan ain't working very well of course because it's only giving more attention to the field and subject.

  26. I burnt some Bigfoot or we call it the green squatchy

  27. Get Burnt w/ BF (picture of the charred remains of bf smoking a doob).

    I'll be selling these trucker hats/t-shirts soon. You like? I give good price to blo-member. Me in China.

  28. At anonymous 9.58. Well put. All the clever troll responses and glib humor on this site doesn't counter the fact that the above comment (anon 9.58) basically (if somewhat cruelly) sums things up. I am dissapointed with about 30-40% of what I read on this site. Anonotrolls who think they are the webs answer to Bill Hicks who are trying to make up for the fact they live in a state of constant anxiety about their sexual performance only detract from the debates and discussions, some of which can be good natured and fun, or at least it would be without them. The most creative thing they do is come up with glib sockpuppet names. I guess a certain part of US culture is summed up in those posts.Anyway, where's Timmy - Hey big boy, you in later..? ;)

    1. Gareth,please refrain from calling me Big Boy in public. I told you last night that was our private name to each other.Oh,don't forget our secret date tonight at TGIFs.Love Timmy.

    2. I will wear your favorite outfit you like to see me in.You know,the assless chaps with the tiara in my long golden locks.Can't wait.

    3. Why don't u surf political sites. That should give u unlimited fodder for lies to comment on!

  29. The 19% are the Bigfoot wackos which include the likes of Ketchum, Cantrell, Williams, Johnson.

    1. 18% percent lied just to give the skeptics Something to talk about/ ha ha

  30. There should be a site for Bigfoot/Sasquatch purported evidence where you need to sign in to make comments. That way you have no "anons" posting anything. Problem solved!

    1. Pfffft, says the anonymous douchebag.

    2. The truth is, you bleevers need people to keep your outlandish stories in check. Newsflash, having people create an account where they can make up any name they would like to use isn't going to stop people from blasting bleever's outlandish and false stories.

    3. Not very hard to start a blog these days, go for it.

  31. I tried to rationalise the anonymous stuff but gave up. People like to hide, a bit like this supposed 8ft bipedal primate we all have an interest in. Anonymity can be a really useful weapon to protect the vulnerable. But like all weapons, in the wrong hands it does a lot of damage. Being honest is very much out of fashion in 2012. Look at the economic and political systems we deal with. I can't prove to you my name is Gareth, but I know it is. My god I sound like a bleever. Aahhh, kinda lost my thread there dudes. Time for an oat soda.

  32. A couple of points here. Yes, the skeptics are right when they say that when a believer hoaxes the injured Colorado Fire sasquatch, they make a mockery of this subject for the rest of us who know the truth. Then again, whose to say it wasn't a skeptic who posted the original story? I say, hurray for you skeptics - because the overwhelming majority of you will NEVER take the time to truely study this topic, or spend any real time in the woods looking for this animal (after all, it doesn;t exist, right?) For the rest of us, try and learn something from all of this. Only hard work in the field, research, and sharing knowledge of this subject will result in any crow being eaten...

  33. So how many votes did we actually need to get rid of Timmy? The important questions always go unanswered!

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