Listen to Extinct? Live Podcast #15 [Update: Archived]

Hello! Please join us on the EXTINCT? Podcast tonight at 3pm PST.

Hosts: Ro Sahebi, Michael Merchant, Damian Bravo, Shawn Evidence

[Update: Audio fixed] The show has been archived. Click here to listen.

Click here to join us live at 3pm PST.


  1. I'm sorry, but that one was a snoozer. You gotta rein in Damian. He goes wandering off into left field with no clue how to bring it back to topic -- then strays farther and farther away like he's buzzed outta his mind, pondering possibilities around the campfire. And it's always with his useless "You know, you know, there was, you know, reports, you know, of feral people, you know, somewhere." I appreciate that Ro and Michael give specific examples. Damian should throw in his two cents and shut up until it's his turn again.

  2. You said 6 PST. How did I manage to miss the show?
    Was your time off?

    1. My bad SN. It was at 3pm. Sorry about that! Ro should have the archive up soon.

  3. Download 10 min 49 secs, sound off by about 10 secs.

    c'mon guys sort ya sh*t out.

  4. Hey guys,

    The video is not playing properly as the above poster described. Looking forward to hearing the podcast.

    Many Thanks

    1. it should be fixed now, check the link... sorry about that :)

  5. The conversion seems to having problems from Blip, it's viewable at:

  6. The show was not as good as last weeks, and Damien’s becoming annoying!

    Please change him with something a bit more intellectual. Maybe a tin of prunes or a box of pop- tarts.

  7. They're all a bunch of idiots and using the F word is sophomoric at best. Get a brain and thesaurus, so that maybe you can put a few words together that exclude your idiotic vocabulary. Just a bunch of amateurs who expose themselves more and more as they flap their mouths.

    1. 596F75277265206120626974206F6620616E20617373686F6C652C2061726E277420796F753F :)

  8. Midnight Walker Here...I heard about the instruction manual comment. Funny. I also heard that your show was an absolute joke which also made me laugh. LOL I look forward to the day you guys can attempt to speak to the hairy folks. However, you'll have to come out of your spooning position in the tent and try to overcome your fear. LMAO. You guys make it too easy for me.

    Alex aka Midnight Walker

    1. 596F7572206120662A6B696E6720617373686F6C652061732077656C6C206173204D7220536F70686F6D6F7269632061626F76652E0D0A


  9. And a few seconds of nofx!!!! Keep it up!


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